def test_store_timezone(setup_path):
    # GH2852
    # issue storing with a timezone as it resets when read
    # back in a new timezone

    # original method
    with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store:

        today =, 9, 10)
        df = DataFrame([1, 2, 3], index=[today, today, today])
        store["obj1"] = df
        result = store["obj1"]
        tm.assert_frame_equal(result, df)

    # with tz setting
    with ensure_clean_store(setup_path) as store:

        with tm.set_timezone("EST5EDT"):
            today =, 9, 10)
            df = DataFrame([1, 2, 3], index=[today, today, today])
            store["obj1"] = df

        with tm.set_timezone("CST6CDT"):
            result = store["obj1"]

        tm.assert_frame_equal(result, df)
Пример #2
    def test_normalize_tz_local(self, timezone):
        # GH#13459
        with tm.set_timezone(timezone):
            rng = date_range("1/1/2000 9:30", periods=10, freq="D", tz=tzlocal())

            result = rng.normalize()
            expected = date_range("1/1/2000", periods=10, freq="D", tz=tzlocal())
            tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

            assert result.is_normalized
            assert not rng.is_normalized
Пример #3
    def test_replace_tzinfo(self):
        # GH#15683
        dt = datetime(2016, 3, 27, 1)
        tzinfo = pytz.timezone("CET").localize(dt, is_dst=False).tzinfo

        result_dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=tzinfo)
        result_pd = Timestamp(dt).replace(tzinfo=tzinfo)

        # datetime.timestamp() converts in the local timezone
        with tm.set_timezone("UTC"):
            assert result_dt.timestamp() == result_pd.timestamp()

        assert result_dt == result_pd
        assert result_dt == result_pd.to_pydatetime()

        result_dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=tzinfo).replace(tzinfo=None)
        result_pd = Timestamp(dt).replace(tzinfo=tzinfo).replace(tzinfo=None)

        # datetime.timestamp() converts in the local timezone
        with tm.set_timezone("UTC"):
            assert result_dt.timestamp() == result_pd.timestamp()

        assert result_dt == result_pd
        assert result_dt == result_pd.to_pydatetime()
Пример #4
    def test_timestamp(self):
        # GH#17329
        # tz-naive --> treat it as if it were UTC for purposes of timestamp()
        ts =
        uts = ts.replace(tzinfo=utc)
        assert ts.timestamp() == uts.timestamp()

        tsc = Timestamp("2014-10-11 11:00:01.12345678", tz="US/Central")
        utsc = tsc.tz_convert("UTC")

        # utsc is a different representation of the same time
        assert tsc.timestamp() == utsc.timestamp()

        # datetime.timestamp() converts in the local timezone
        with tm.set_timezone("UTC"):
            # should agree with datetime.timestamp method
            dt = ts.to_pydatetime()
            assert dt.timestamp() == ts.timestamp()