Пример #1
    def _aggregate(self, arg, *args, **kwargs):
        provide an implementation for the aggregators

        arg : string, dict, function
        *args : args to pass on to the function
        **kwargs : kwargs to pass on to the function

        tuple of result, how

        how can be a string describe the required post-processing, or
        None if not required
        is_aggregator = lambda x: isinstance(x, (list, tuple, dict))
        is_nested_renamer = False

        _axis = kwargs.pop('_axis', None)
        if _axis is None:
            _axis = getattr(self, 'axis', 0)
        _level = kwargs.pop('_level', None)

        if isinstance(arg, compat.string_types):
            return self._try_aggregate_string_function(arg, *args,
                                                       **kwargs), None

        if isinstance(arg, dict):

            # aggregate based on the passed dict
            if _axis != 0:  # pragma: no cover
                raise ValueError('Can only pass dict with axis=0')

            obj = self._selected_obj

            def nested_renaming_depr(level=4):
                # deprecation of nested renaming
                # GH 15931
                warnings.warn(("using a dict with renaming "
                               "is deprecated and will be removed in a future "

            # if we have a dict of any non-scalars
            # eg. {'A' : ['mean']}, normalize all to
            # be list-likes
            if any(is_aggregator(x) for x in compat.itervalues(arg)):
                new_arg = compat.OrderedDict()
                for k, v in compat.iteritems(arg):
                    if not isinstance(v, (tuple, list, dict)):
                        new_arg[k] = [v]
                        new_arg[k] = v

                    # the keys must be in the columns
                    # for ndim=2, or renamers for ndim=1

                    # ok for now, but deprecated
                    # {'A': { 'ra': 'mean' }}
                    # {'A': { 'ra': ['mean'] }}
                    # {'ra': ['mean']}

                    # not ok
                    # {'ra' : { 'A' : 'mean' }}
                    if isinstance(v, dict):
                        is_nested_renamer = True

                        if k not in obj.columns:
                            msg = ('cannot perform renaming for {key} with a '
                                   'nested dictionary').format(key=k)
                            raise SpecificationError(msg)
                        nested_renaming_depr(4 + (_level or 0))

                    elif isinstance(obj, ABCSeries):
                    elif isinstance(obj, ABCDataFrame) and \
                            k not in obj.columns:
                        raise KeyError(
                            "Column '{col}' does not exist!".format(col=k))

                arg = new_arg

                # deprecation of renaming keys
                # GH 15931
                keys = list(compat.iterkeys(arg))
                if (isinstance(obj, ABCDataFrame)
                        and len(obj.columns.intersection(keys)) != len(keys)):

            from pandas.core.reshape.concat import concat

            def _agg_1dim(name, how, subset=None):
                aggregate a 1-dim with how
                colg = self._gotitem(name, ndim=1, subset=subset)
                if colg.ndim != 1:
                    raise SpecificationError("nested dictionary is ambiguous "
                                             "in aggregation")
                return colg.aggregate(how, _level=(_level or 0) + 1)

            def _agg_2dim(name, how):
                aggregate a 2-dim with how
                colg = self._gotitem(self._selection, ndim=2, subset=obj)
                return colg.aggregate(how, _level=None)

            def _agg(arg, func):
                run the aggregations over the arg with func
                return an OrderedDict
                result = compat.OrderedDict()
                for fname, agg_how in compat.iteritems(arg):
                    result[fname] = func(fname, agg_how)
                return result

            # set the final keys
            keys = list(compat.iterkeys(arg))
            result = compat.OrderedDict()

            # nested renamer
            if is_nested_renamer:
                result = list(_agg(arg, _agg_1dim).values())

                if all(isinstance(r, dict) for r in result):

                    result, results = compat.OrderedDict(), result
                    for r in results:
                    keys = list(compat.iterkeys(result))


                    if self._selection is not None:
                        keys = None

            # some selection on the object
            elif self._selection is not None:

                sl = set(self._selection_list)

                # we are a Series like object,
                # but may have multiple aggregations
                if len(sl) == 1:

                    result = _agg(
                        arg, lambda fname, agg_how: _agg_1dim(
                            self._selection, agg_how))

                # we are selecting the same set as we are aggregating
                elif not len(sl - set(keys)):

                    result = _agg(arg, _agg_1dim)

                # we are a DataFrame, with possibly multiple aggregations

                    result = _agg(arg, _agg_2dim)

            # no selection

                    result = _agg(arg, _agg_1dim)
                except SpecificationError:

                    # we are aggregating expecting all 1d-returns
                    # but we have 2d
                    result = _agg(arg, _agg_2dim)

            # combine results

            def is_any_series():
                # return a boolean if we have *any* nested series
                return any(
                    isinstance(r, ABCSeries)
                    for r in compat.itervalues(result))

            def is_any_frame():
                # return a boolean if we have *any* nested series
                return any(
                    isinstance(r, ABCDataFrame)
                    for r in compat.itervalues(result))

            if isinstance(result, list):
                return concat(result, keys=keys, axis=1, sort=True), True

            elif is_any_frame():
                # we have a dict of DataFrames
                # return a MI DataFrame

                return concat([result[k] for k in keys], keys=keys,
                              axis=1), True

            elif isinstance(self, ABCSeries) and is_any_series():

                # we have a dict of Series
                # return a MI Series
                    result = concat(result)
                except TypeError:
                    # we want to give a nice error here if
                    # we have non-same sized objects, so
                    # we don't automatically broadcast

                    raise ValueError("cannot perform both aggregation "
                                     "and transformation operations "

                return result, True

            # fall thru
            from pandas import DataFrame, Series
                result = DataFrame(result)
            except ValueError:

                # we have a dict of scalars
                result = Series(result, name=getattr(self, 'name', None))

            return result, True
        elif is_list_like(arg) and arg not in compat.string_types:
            # we require a list, but not an 'str'
            return self._aggregate_multiple_funcs(arg,
                                                  _axis=_axis), None
            result = None

        f = self._is_cython_func(arg)
        if f and not args and not kwargs:
            return getattr(self, f)(), None

        # caller can react
        return result, True
Пример #2
    def _aggregate(self, arg, *args, **kwargs):
        provide an implementation for the aggregators

        arg : string, dict, function
        *args : args to pass on to the function
        **kwargs : kwargs to pass on to the function

        tuple of result, how

        how can be a string describe the required post-processing, or
        None if not required

        is_aggregator = lambda x: isinstance(x, (list, tuple, dict))
        is_nested_renamer = False

        _level = kwargs.pop('_level', None)
        if isinstance(arg, compat.string_types):
            return getattr(self, arg)(*args, **kwargs), None

        if isinstance(arg, dict):

            # aggregate based on the passed dict
            if self.axis != 0:  # pragma: no cover
                raise ValueError('Can only pass dict with axis=0')

            obj = self._selected_obj

            # if we have a dict of any non-scalars
            # eg. {'A' : ['mean']}, normalize all to
            # be list-likes
            if any(is_aggregator(x) for x in compat.itervalues(arg)):
                new_arg = compat.OrderedDict()
                for k, v in compat.iteritems(arg):
                    if not isinstance(v, (tuple, list, dict)):
                        new_arg[k] = [v]
                        new_arg[k] = v

                    # the keys must be in the columns
                    # for ndim=2, or renamers for ndim=1

                    # ok
                    # {'A': { 'ra': 'mean' }}
                    # {'A': { 'ra': ['mean'] }}
                    # {'ra': ['mean']}

                    # not ok
                    # {'ra' : { 'A' : 'mean' }}
                    if isinstance(v, dict):
                        is_nested_renamer = True

                        if k not in obj.columns:
                            raise SpecificationError('cannot perform renaming '
                                                     'for {0} with a nested '

                arg = new_arg

            from pandas.tools.concat import concat

            def _agg_1dim(name, how, subset=None):
                aggregate a 1-dim with how
                colg = self._gotitem(name, ndim=1, subset=subset)
                if colg.ndim != 1:
                    raise SpecificationError("nested dictionary is ambiguous "
                                             "in aggregation")
                return colg.aggregate(how, _level=(_level or 0) + 1)

            def _agg_2dim(name, how):
                aggregate a 2-dim with how
                colg = self._gotitem(self._selection, ndim=2, subset=obj)
                return colg.aggregate(how, _level=None)

            def _agg(arg, func):
                run the aggregations over the arg with func
                return an OrderedDict
                result = compat.OrderedDict()
                for fname, agg_how in compat.iteritems(arg):
                    result[fname] = func(fname, agg_how)
                return result

            # set the final keys
            keys = list(compat.iterkeys(arg))
            result = compat.OrderedDict()

            # nested renamer
            if is_nested_renamer:
                result = list(_agg(arg, _agg_1dim).values())

                if all(isinstance(r, dict) for r in result):

                    result, results = compat.OrderedDict(), result
                    for r in results:
                    keys = list(compat.iterkeys(result))


                    if self._selection is not None:
                        keys = None

            # some selection on the object
            elif self._selection is not None:

                sl = set(self._selection_list)

                # we are a Series like object,
                # but may have multiple aggregations
                if len(sl) == 1:

                    result = _agg(
                        arg, lambda fname, agg_how: _agg_1dim(
                            self._selection, agg_how))

                # we are selecting the same set as we are aggregating
                elif not len(sl - set(compat.iterkeys(arg))):

                    result = _agg(arg, _agg_1dim)

                # we are a DataFrame, with possibly multiple aggregations

                    result = _agg(arg, _agg_2dim)

            # no selection

                    result = _agg(arg, _agg_1dim)
                except SpecificationError:

                    # we are aggregating expecting all 1d-returns
                    # but we have 2d
                    result = _agg(arg, _agg_2dim)

            # combine results
            if isinstance(result, list):
                result = concat(result, keys=keys, axis=1)
            elif isinstance(list(compat.itervalues(result))[0], ABCDataFrame):
                result = concat([result[k] for k in keys], keys=keys, axis=1)
                from pandas import DataFrame
                result = DataFrame(result)

            return result, True
        elif hasattr(arg, '__iter__'):
            return self._aggregate_multiple_funcs(arg, _level=_level), None
            result = None

        cy_func = self._is_cython_func(arg)
        if cy_func and not args and not kwargs:
            return getattr(self, cy_func)(), None

        # caller can react
        return result, True
Пример #3
    def _aggregate(self, arg, *args, **kwargs):
        provide an implementation for the aggregators

        arg : string, dict, function
        *args : args to pass on to the function
        **kwargs : kwargs to pass on to the function

        tuple of result, how

        how can be a string describe the required post-processing, or
        None if not required

        _level = kwargs.pop('_level', None)
        if isinstance(arg, compat.string_types):
            return getattr(self, arg)(*args, **kwargs), None

        result = compat.OrderedDict()
        if isinstance(arg, dict):
            if self.axis != 0:  # pragma: no cover
                raise ValueError('Can only pass dict with axis=0')

            obj = self._selected_obj

            if any(isinstance(x, (list, tuple, dict)) for x in arg.values()):
                new_arg = compat.OrderedDict()
                for k, v in compat.iteritems(arg):
                    if not isinstance(v, (tuple, list, dict)):
                        new_arg[k] = [v]
                        new_arg[k] = v
                arg = new_arg

            keys = []
            if self._selection is not None:
                subset = obj

                for fname, agg_how in compat.iteritems(arg):
                    colg = self._gotitem(self._selection,
                    result[fname] = colg.aggregate(agg_how, _level=None)
                for col, agg_how in compat.iteritems(arg):
                    colg = self._gotitem(col, ndim=1)
                    result[col] = colg.aggregate(agg_how, _level=None)

            if isinstance(list(result.values())[0], com.ABCDataFrame):
                from pandas.tools.merge import concat
                result = concat([result[k] for k in keys], keys=keys, axis=1)
                from pandas import DataFrame
                result = DataFrame(result)

            return result, True
        elif hasattr(arg, '__iter__'):
            return self._aggregate_multiple_funcs(arg, _level=_level), None
            result = None

        cy_func = self._is_cython_func(arg)
        if cy_func and not args and not kwargs:
            return getattr(self, cy_func)(), None

        # caller can react
        return result, True