Пример #1
 def compare(s, name):
     a = getattr(s.dt, prop)
     b = get_expected(s, prop)
     if not (is_list_like(a) and is_list_like(b)):
         self.assertEqual(a, b)
         tm.assert_series_equal(a, b)
Пример #2
def cartesian_product(X):
    Numpy version of itertools.product or pandas.compat.product.
    Sometimes faster (for large inputs)...

    X : list-like of list-likes

    product : list of ndarrays

    >>> cartesian_product([list('ABC'), [1, 2]])
    [array(['A', 'A', 'B', 'B', 'C', 'C'], dtype='|S1'),
    array([1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2])]

    See also
    itertools.product : Cartesian product of input iterables.  Equivalent to
        nested for-loops.
    pandas.compat.product : An alias for itertools.product.
    msg = "Input must be a list-like of list-likes"
    if not is_list_like(X):
        raise TypeError(msg)
    for x in X:
        if not is_list_like(x):
            raise TypeError(msg)

    if len(X) == 0:
        return []

    lenX = np.fromiter((len(x) for x in X), dtype=np.intp)
    cumprodX = np.cumproduct(lenX)

    a = np.roll(cumprodX, 1)
    a[0] = 1

    if cumprodX[-1] != 0:
        b = cumprodX[-1] / cumprodX
        # if any factor is empty, the cartesian product is empty
        b = np.zeros_like(cumprodX)

    return [np.tile(np.repeat(np.asarray(com.values_from_object(x)), b[i]),
            for i, x in enumerate(X)]
Пример #3
    def _delegate_property_get(self, name):
        from pandas import Series

        result = getattr(self.values, name)

        # maybe need to upcast (ints)
        if isinstance(result, np.ndarray):
            if is_integer_dtype(result):
                result = result.astype('int64')
        elif not is_list_like(result):
            return result

        result = np.asarray(result)

        # blow up if we operate on categories
        if self.orig is not None:
            result = take_1d(result, self.orig.cat.codes)

        # return the result as a Series, which is by definition a copy
        result = Series(result, index=self.index, name=self.name)

        # setting this object will show a SettingWithCopyWarning/Error
        result.is_copy = ("modifications to a property of a datetimelike "
                          "object are not supported and are discarded. "
                          "Change values on the original.")

        return result
Пример #4
 def conform(self, rhs):
     """ inplace conform rhs """
     if not is_list_like(rhs):
         rhs = [rhs]
     if isinstance(rhs, np.ndarray):
         rhs = rhs.ravel()
     return rhs
Пример #5
    def wrapper(self, other):
        msg = "cannot compare a TimedeltaIndex with type {0}"
        func = getattr(super(TimedeltaIndex, self), opname)
        if _is_convertible_to_td(other) or other is NaT:
                other = _to_m8(other)
            except ValueError:
                # failed to parse as timedelta
                raise TypeError(msg.format(type(other)))
            result = func(other)
            if isna(other):
            if not is_list_like(other):
                raise TypeError(msg.format(type(other)))

            other = TimedeltaIndex(other).values
            result = func(other)
            result = _values_from_object(result)

            if isinstance(other, Index):
                o_mask = other.values.view('i8') == iNaT
                o_mask = other.view('i8') == iNaT

            if o_mask.any():
                result[o_mask] = nat_result

        if self.hasnans:
            result[self._isnan] = nat_result

        # support of bool dtype indexers
        if is_bool_dtype(result):
            return result
        return Index(result)
Пример #6
    def wrapper(self, other):
        op = getattr(self.asi8, opname)

        if isinstance(other, (ABCDataFrame, ABCSeries, ABCIndexClass)):
            return NotImplemented

        if is_list_like(other) and len(other) != len(self):
            raise ValueError("Lengths must match")

        if isinstance(other, Period):

            result = op(other.ordinal)
        elif isinstance(other, cls):

            result = op(other.asi8)

            mask = self._isnan | other._isnan
            if mask.any():
                result[mask] = nat_result

            return result
        elif other is NaT:
            result = np.empty(len(self.asi8), dtype=bool)
            other = Period(other, freq=self.freq)
            result = op(other.ordinal)

        if self._hasnans:
            result[self._isnan] = nat_result

        return result
Пример #7
    def wrapper(self, other):
        if _is_convertible_to_td(other) or other is NaT:
                other = _to_m8(other)
            except ValueError:
                # failed to parse as timedelta
                return ops.invalid_comparison(self, other, op)

            result = meth(self, other)
            if isna(other):

        elif not is_list_like(other):
            return ops.invalid_comparison(self, other, op)

        elif len(other) != len(self):
            raise ValueError("Lengths must match")

                other = type(self)._from_sequence(other)._data
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                return ops.invalid_comparison(self, other, op)

            result = meth(self, other)
            result = com.values_from_object(result)

            o_mask = np.array(isna(other))
            if o_mask.any():
                result[o_mask] = nat_result

        if self._hasnans:
            result[self._isnan] = nat_result

        return result
Пример #8
    def _gotitem(self, key, ndim, subset=None):
        Sub-classes to define. Return a sliced object.

        key : string / list of selections
        ndim : 1,2
            requested ndim of result
        subset : object, default None
            subset to act on
        # create a new object to prevent aliasing
        if subset is None:
            subset = self.obj

        # we need to make a shallow copy of ourselves
        # with the same groupby
        kwargs = {attr: getattr(self, attr) for attr in self._attributes}

        # Try to select from a DataFrame, falling back to a Series
            groupby = self._groupby[key]
        except IndexError:
            groupby = self._groupby

        self = self.__class__(subset,
        if subset.ndim == 2:
            if is_scalar(key) and key in subset or is_list_like(key):
                self._selection = key
        return self
Пример #9
def prep_ndarray(values, copy=True):
    if not isinstance(values, (np.ndarray, ABCSeries, Index)):
        if len(values) == 0:
            return np.empty((0, 0), dtype=object)

        def convert(v):
            return maybe_convert_platform(v)

        # we could have a 1-dim or 2-dim list here
        # this is equiv of np.asarray, but does object conversion
        # and platform dtype preservation
            if is_list_like(values[0]) or hasattr(values[0], 'len'):
                values = np.array([convert(v) for v in values])
            elif isinstance(values[0], np.ndarray) and values[0].ndim == 0:
                # GH#21861
                values = np.array([convert(v) for v in values])
                values = convert(values)
        except (ValueError, TypeError):
            values = convert(values)


        # drop subclass info, do not copy data
        values = np.asarray(values)
        if copy:
            values = values.copy()

    if values.ndim == 1:
        values = values.reshape((values.shape[0], 1))
    elif values.ndim != 2:
        raise ValueError('Must pass 2-d input')

    return values
Пример #10
    def _is_dtype_compat(self, other):
        *this is an internal non-public method*

        provide a comparison between the dtype of self and other (coercing if

        TypeError if the dtypes are not compatible
        if is_categorical_dtype(other):
            if isinstance(other, CategoricalIndex):
                other = other._values
            if not other.is_dtype_equal(self):
                raise TypeError("categories must match existing categories "
                                "when appending")
            values = other
            if not is_list_like(values):
                values = [values]
            other = CategoricalIndex(self._create_categorical(
                self, other, categories=self.categories, ordered=self.ordered))
            if not other.isin(values).all():
                raise TypeError("cannot append a non-category item to a "

        return other
Пример #11
    def _gotitem(self, key, ndim, subset=None):
        sub-classes to define
        return a sliced object

        key : string / list of selections
        ndim : 1,2
            requested ndim of result
        subset : object, default None
            subset to act on

        # create a new object to prevent aliasing
        if subset is None:
            subset = self.obj

        # we need to make a shallow copy of ourselves
        # with the same groupby
        kwargs = dict([(attr, getattr(self, attr))
                       for attr in self._attributes])
        self = self.__class__(subset,
        if subset.ndim == 2:
            if is_scalar(key) and key in subset or is_list_like(key):
                self._selection = key
        return self
Пример #12
        def cmp_method(self, other):

            op_name = op.__name__
            mask = None

            if isinstance(other, (ABCSeries, ABCIndexClass)):
                # Rely on pandas to unbox and dispatch to us.
                return NotImplemented

            if isinstance(other, IntegerArray):
                other, mask = other._data, other._mask

            elif is_list_like(other):
                other = np.asarray(other)
                if other.ndim > 0 and len(self) != len(other):
                    raise ValueError('Lengths must match to compare')

            other = lib.item_from_zerodim(other)

            # numpy will show a DeprecationWarning on invalid elementwise
            # comparisons, this will raise in the future
            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "elementwise", FutureWarning)
                with np.errstate(all='ignore'):
                    result = op(self._data, other)

            # nans propagate
            if mask is None:
                mask = self._mask
                mask = self._mask | mask

            result[mask] = op_name == 'ne'
            return result
Пример #13
    def delete(self, loc):
        Make a new TimedeltaIndex with passed location(s) deleted.

        loc: int, slice or array of ints
            Indicate which sub-arrays to remove.

        new_index : TimedeltaIndex
        new_tds = np.delete(self.asi8, loc)

        freq = 'infer'
        if is_integer(loc):
            if loc in (0, -len(self), -1, len(self) - 1):
                freq = self.freq
            if is_list_like(loc):
                loc = lib.maybe_indices_to_slice(
                    ensure_int64(np.array(loc)), len(self))
            if isinstance(loc, slice) and loc.step in (1, None):
                if (loc.start in (0, None) or loc.stop in (len(self), None)):
                    freq = self.freq

        return TimedeltaIndex(new_tds, name=self.name, freq=freq)
Пример #14
def _get_skiprows(skiprows):
    """Get an iterator given an integer, slice or container.

    skiprows : int, slice, container
        The iterator to use to skip rows; can also be a slice.

        * If `skiprows` is not a slice, integer, or Container

    it : iterable
        A proper iterator to use to skip rows of a DataFrame.
    if isinstance(skiprows, slice):
        return lrange(skiprows.start or 0, skiprows.stop, skiprows.step or 1)
    elif isinstance(skiprows, numbers.Integral) or is_list_like(skiprows):
        return skiprows
    elif skiprows is None:
        return 0
    raise TypeError('%r is not a valid type for skipping rows' %
Пример #15
    def wrapper(self, other):
        msg = "cannot compare a {cls} with type {typ}"
        meth = getattr(dtl.DatetimeLikeArrayMixin, opname)
        if _is_convertible_to_td(other) or other is NaT:
                other = _to_m8(other)
            except ValueError:
                # failed to parse as timedelta
                raise TypeError(msg.format(cls=type(self).__name__,
            result = meth(self, other)
            if isna(other):

        elif not is_list_like(other):
            raise TypeError(msg.format(cls=type(self).__name__,
            other = type(self)(other)._data
            result = meth(self, other)
            result = com.values_from_object(result)

            o_mask = np.array(isna(other))
            if o_mask.any():
                result[o_mask] = nat_result

        if self.hasnans:
            result[self._isnan] = nat_result

        return result
Пример #16
def _pop_header_name(row, index_col):
    Pop the header name for MultiIndex parsing.

    row : list
        The data row to parse for the header name.
    index_col : int, list
        The index columns for our data. Assumed to be non-null.

    header_name : str
        The extracted header name.
    trimmed_row : list
        The original data row with the header name removed.
    # Pop out header name and fill w/blank.
    i = index_col if not is_list_like(index_col) else max(index_col)

    header_name = row[i]
    header_name = None if header_name == "" else header_name

    return header_name, row[:i] + [''] + row[i + 1:]
Пример #17
    def _evaluate_compare(self, other, op):
        We have been called because a comparison between
        8 aware arrays. numpy >= 1.11 will
        now warn about NaT comparisons
        # Called by comparison methods when comparing datetimelike
        # with datetimelike

        if not isinstance(other, type(self)):
            # coerce to a similar object
            if not is_list_like(other):
                # scalar
                other = [other]
            elif lib.is_scalar(lib.item_from_zerodim(other)):
                # ndarray scalar
                other = [other.item()]
            other = type(self)(other)

        # compare
        result = op(self.asi8, other.asi8)

        # technically we could support bool dtyped Index
        # for now just return the indexing array directly
        mask = (self._isnan) | (other._isnan)

        filler = iNaT
        if is_bool_dtype(result):
            filler = False

        result[mask] = filler
        return result
Пример #18
    def wrapper(self, other):
        msg = "cannot compare a {cls} with type {typ}"
        func = getattr(super(TimedeltaIndex, self), opname)
        if _is_convertible_to_td(other) or other is NaT:
                other = _to_m8(other)
            except ValueError:
                # failed to parse as timedelta
                raise TypeError(msg.format(cls=type(self).__name__,
            result = func(other)
            if isna(other):

        elif not is_list_like(other):
            raise TypeError(msg.format(cls=type(self).__name__,
            other = TimedeltaIndex(other).values
            result = func(other)
            result = com._values_from_object(result)

            o_mask = np.array(isna(other))
            if o_mask.any():
                result[o_mask] = nat_result

        if self.hasnans:
            result[self._isnan] = nat_result

        # support of bool dtype indexers
        if is_bool_dtype(result):
            return result
        return Index(result)
Пример #19
def _sanitize_values(arr):
    return an ndarray for our input,
    in a platform independent manner

    if hasattr(arr, 'values'):
        arr = arr.values

        # scalar
        if is_scalar(arr):
            arr = [arr]

        # ndarray
        if isinstance(arr, np.ndarray):

        elif is_list_like(arr) and len(arr) > 0:
            arr = maybe_convert_platform(arr)

            arr = np.asarray(arr)

    return arr
Пример #20
        def cmp_method(self, other):

            op_name = op.__name__
            mask = None
            if isinstance(other, IntegerArray):
                other, mask = other._data, other._mask
            elif is_list_like(other):
                other = np.asarray(other)
                if other.ndim > 0 and len(self) != len(other):
                    raise ValueError('Lengths must match to compare')

            # numpy will show a DeprecationWarning on invalid elementwise
            # comparisons, this will raise in the future
            with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True):
                with np.errstate(all='ignore'):
                    result = op(self._data, other)

            # nans propagate
            if mask is None:
                mask = self._mask
                mask = self._mask | mask

            result[mask] = True if op_name == 'ne' else False
            return result
Пример #21
 def __contains__(self, key):
         res = self.get_loc(key)
         return (is_scalar(res) or isinstance(res, slice) or
                 (is_list_like(res) and len(res)))
     except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
         return False
Пример #22
        def check_len(item, name):
            length_msg = ("Length of '{0}' ({1}) did not match the length of "
                          "the columns being encoded ({2}).")

            if is_list_like(item):
                if not len(item) == len(columns_to_encode):
                    raise ValueError(length_msg.format(name, len(item),
Пример #23
 def get_expected(s, name):
     result = getattr(Index(s._values), prop)
     if isinstance(result, np.ndarray):
         if is_integer_dtype(result):
             result = result.astype('int64')
     elif not is_list_like(result):
         return result
     return Series(result, index=s.index, name=s.name)
Пример #24
        def check_len(item, name):
            len_msg = ("Length of '{name}' ({len_item}) did not match the "
                       "length of the columns being encoded ({len_enc}).")

            if is_list_like(item):
                if not len(item) == data_to_encode.shape[1]:
                    len_msg = len_msg.format(name=name, len_item=len(item),
                    raise ValueError(len_msg)
Пример #25
        def integer_arithmetic_method(self, other):

            op_name = op.__name__
            mask = None

            if isinstance(other, (ABCSeries, ABCIndexClass)):
                # Rely on pandas to unbox and dispatch to us.
                return NotImplemented

            if getattr(other, 'ndim', 0) > 1:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "can only perform ops with 1-d structures")

            if isinstance(other, IntegerArray):
                other, mask = other._data, other._mask

            elif getattr(other, 'ndim', None) == 0:
                other = other.item()

            elif is_list_like(other):
                other = np.asarray(other)
                if not other.ndim:
                    other = other.item()
                elif other.ndim == 1:
                    if not (is_float_dtype(other) or is_integer_dtype(other)):
                        raise TypeError(
                            "can only perform ops with numeric values")
                if not (is_float(other) or is_integer(other)):
                    raise TypeError("can only perform ops with numeric values")

            # nans propagate
            if mask is None:
                mask = self._mask
                mask = self._mask | mask

            # 1 ** np.nan is 1. So we have to unmask those.
            if op_name == 'pow':
                mask = np.where(self == 1, False, mask)

            elif op_name == 'rpow':
                mask = np.where(other == 1, False, mask)

            with np.errstate(all='ignore'):
                result = op(self._data, other)

            # divmod returns a tuple
            if op_name == 'divmod':
                div, mod = result
                return (self._maybe_mask_result(div, mask, other, 'floordiv'),
                        self._maybe_mask_result(mod, mask, other, 'mod'))

            return self._maybe_mask_result(result, mask, other, op_name)
Пример #26
def _not_in(x, y):
    """Compute the vectorized membership of ``x not in y`` if possible,
    otherwise use Python.
        return ~x.isin(y)
    except AttributeError:
        if is_list_like(x):
                return ~y.isin(x)
            except AttributeError:
        return x not in y
Пример #27
    def _maybe_convert_i8(self, key):
        Maybe convert a given key to it's equivalent i8 value(s). Used as a
        preprocessing step prior to IntervalTree queries (self._engine), which
        expects numeric data.

        key : scalar or list-like
            The key that should maybe be converted to i8.

        key: scalar or list-like
            The original key if no conversion occured, int if converted scalar,
            Int64Index if converted list-like.
        original = key
        if is_list_like(key):
            key = ensure_index(key)

        if not self._needs_i8_conversion(key):
            return original

        scalar = is_scalar(key)
        if is_interval_dtype(key) or isinstance(key, Interval):
            # convert left/right and reconstruct
            left = self._maybe_convert_i8(key.left)
            right = self._maybe_convert_i8(key.right)
            constructor = Interval if scalar else IntervalIndex.from_arrays
            return constructor(left, right, closed=self.closed)

        if scalar:
            # Timestamp/Timedelta
            key_dtype, key_i8 = infer_dtype_from_scalar(key, pandas_dtype=True)
            # DatetimeIndex/TimedeltaIndex
            key_dtype, key_i8 = key.dtype, Index(key.asi8)
            if key.hasnans:
                # convert NaT from it's i8 value to np.nan so it's not viewed
                # as a valid value, maybe causing errors (e.g. is_overlapping)
                key_i8 = key_i8.where(~key._isnan)

        # ensure consistency with IntervalIndex subtype
        subtype = self.dtype.subtype
        msg = ('Cannot index an IntervalIndex of subtype {subtype} with '
               'values of dtype {other}')
        if not is_dtype_equal(subtype, key_dtype):
            raise ValueError(msg.format(subtype=subtype, other=key_dtype))

        return key_i8
Пример #28
    def _args_adjust(self):
        if is_integer(self.bins):
            # create common bin edge
            values = (self.data._convert(datetime=True)._get_numeric_data())
            values = np.ravel(values)
            values = values[~isna(values)]

            hist, self.bins = np.histogram(
                values, bins=self.bins,
                range=self.kwds.get('range', None),
                weights=self.kwds.get('weights', None))

        if is_list_like(self.bottom):
            self.bottom = np.array(self.bottom)
Пример #29
def extract_index(data):
    index = None
    if len(data) == 0:
        index = Index([])
    elif len(data) > 0:
        raw_lengths = []
        indexes = []

        have_raw_arrays = False
        have_series = False
        have_dicts = False

        for val in data:
            if isinstance(val, ABCSeries):
                have_series = True
            elif isinstance(val, dict):
                have_dicts = True
            elif is_list_like(val) and getattr(val, 'ndim', 1) == 1:
                have_raw_arrays = True

        if not indexes and not raw_lengths:
            raise ValueError('If using all scalar values, you must pass'
                             ' an index')

        if have_series or have_dicts:
            index = _union_indexes(indexes)

        if have_raw_arrays:
            lengths = list(set(raw_lengths))
            if len(lengths) > 1:
                raise ValueError('arrays must all be same length')

            if have_dicts:
                raise ValueError('Mixing dicts with non-Series may lead to '
                                 'ambiguous ordering.')

            if have_series:
                if lengths[0] != len(index):
                    msg = ('array length {length} does not match index '
                           'length {idx_len}'
                           .format(length=lengths[0], idx_len=len(index)))
                    raise ValueError(msg)
                index = ibase.default_index(lengths[0])

    return ensure_index(index)
Пример #30
    def _delegate_method(self, name, *args, **kwargs):
        from pandas import Series

        method = getattr(self.values, name)
        result = method(*args, **kwargs)

        if not is_list_like(result):
            return result

        result = Series(result, index=self.index, name=self.name)

        # setting this object will show a SettingWithCopyWarning/Error
        result.is_copy = ("modifications to a method of a datetimelike object "
                          "are not supported and are discarded. Change "
                          "values on the original.")

        return result
Пример #31
    def parse(self,


        ret_dict = False

        # Keep sheetname to maintain backwards compatibility.
        if isinstance(sheet_name, list):
            sheets = sheet_name
            ret_dict = True
        elif sheet_name is None:
            sheets = self.sheet_names
            ret_dict = True
            sheets = [sheet_name]

        # handle same-type duplicates.
        sheets = list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(sheets).keys())

        output = OrderedDict()

        for asheetname in sheets:
            if verbose:
                print("Reading sheet {sheet}".format(sheet=asheetname))

            if isinstance(asheetname, str):
                sheet = self.get_sheet_by_name(asheetname)
            else:  # assume an integer if not a string
                sheet = self.get_sheet_by_index(asheetname)

            data = self.get_sheet_data(sheet, convert_float)
            usecols = _maybe_convert_usecols(usecols)

            if not data:
                output[asheetname] = DataFrame()

            if is_list_like(header) and len(header) == 1:
                header = header[0]

            # forward fill and pull out names for MultiIndex column
            header_names = None
            if header is not None and is_list_like(header):
                header_names = []
                control_row = [True] * len(data[0])

                for row in header:
                    if is_integer(skiprows):
                        row += skiprows

                    data[row], control_row = _fill_mi_header(
                        data[row], control_row)

                    if index_col is not None:
                        header_name, _ = _pop_header_name(data[row], index_col)

            if is_list_like(index_col):
                # Forward fill values for MultiIndex index.
                if not is_list_like(header):
                    offset = 1 + header
                    offset = 1 + max(header)

                # Check if we have an empty dataset
                # before trying to collect data.
                if offset < len(data):
                    for col in index_col:
                        last = data[offset][col]

                        for row in range(offset + 1, len(data)):
                            if data[row][col] == "" or data[row][col] is None:
                                data[row][col] = last
                                last = data[row][col]

            has_index_names = is_list_like(header) and len(header) > 1

            # GH 12292 : error when read one empty column from excel file
                parser = TextParser(data,

                output[asheetname] = parser.read(nrows=nrows)

                if not squeeze or isinstance(output[asheetname], DataFrame):
                    if header_names:
                        output[asheetname].columns = output[

            except EmptyDataError:
                # No Data, return an empty DataFrame
                output[asheetname] = DataFrame()

        if ret_dict:
            return output
            return output[asheetname]
Пример #32
def pivot_table(
) -> "DataFrame":
    index = _convert_by(index)
    columns = _convert_by(columns)

    if isinstance(aggfunc, list):
        pieces: List[DataFrame] = []
        keys = []
        for func in aggfunc:
            table = pivot_table(
            keys.append(getattr(func, "__name__", func))

        return concat(pieces, keys=keys, axis=1)

    keys = index + columns

    values_passed = values is not None
    if values_passed:
        if is_list_like(values):
            values_multi = True
            values = list(values)
            values_multi = False
            values = [values]

        # GH14938 Make sure value labels are in data
        for i in values:
            if i not in data:
                raise KeyError(i)

        to_filter = []
        for x in keys + values:
            if isinstance(x, Grouper):
                x = x.key
                if x in data:
            except TypeError:
        if len(to_filter) < len(data.columns):
            data = data[to_filter]

        values = data.columns
        for key in keys:
                values = values.drop(key)
            except (TypeError, ValueError, KeyError):
        values = list(values)

    grouped = data.groupby(keys, observed=observed)
    agged = grouped.agg(aggfunc)
    if dropna and isinstance(agged, ABCDataFrame) and len(agged.columns):
        agged = agged.dropna(how="all")

        # gh-21133
        # we want to down cast if
        # the original values are ints
        # as we grouped with a NaN value
        # and then dropped, coercing to floats
        for v in values:
            if (v in data and is_integer_dtype(data[v]) and v in agged
                    and not is_integer_dtype(agged[v])):
                agged[v] = maybe_downcast_to_dtype(agged[v], data[v].dtype)

    table = agged

    # GH17038, this check should only happen if index is defined (not None)
    if table.index.nlevels > 1 and index:
        # Related GH #17123
        # If index_names are integers, determine whether the integers refer
        # to the level position or name.
        index_names = agged.index.names[:len(index)]
        to_unstack = []
        for i in range(len(index), len(keys)):
            name = agged.index.names[i]
            if name is None or name in index_names:
        table = agged.unstack(to_unstack)

    if not dropna:
        if isinstance(table.index, MultiIndex):
            m = MultiIndex.from_arrays(cartesian_product(table.index.levels),
            table = table.reindex(m, axis=0)

        if isinstance(table.columns, MultiIndex):
            m = MultiIndex.from_arrays(cartesian_product(table.columns.levels),
            table = table.reindex(m, axis=1)

    if isinstance(table, ABCDataFrame):
        table = table.sort_index(axis=1)

    if fill_value is not None:
        _table = table.fillna(fill_value, downcast="infer")
        assert _table is not None  # needed for mypy
        table = _table

    if margins:
        if dropna:
            data = data[data.notna().all(axis=1)]
        table = _add_margins(

    # discard the top level
    if (values_passed and not values_multi and not table.empty
            and (table.columns.nlevels > 1)):
        table = table[values[0]]

    if len(index) == 0 and len(columns) > 0:
        table = table.T

    # GH 15193 Make sure empty columns are removed if dropna=True
    if isinstance(table, ABCDataFrame) and dropna:
        table = table.dropna(how="all", axis=1)

    return table
Пример #33
def sanitize_array(
    index: Optional[Index],
    dtype: Optional[DtypeObj] = None,
    copy: bool = False,
    raise_cast_failure: bool = False,
) -> ArrayLike:
    Sanitize input data to an ndarray or ExtensionArray, copy if specified,
    coerce to the dtype if specified.

    if isinstance(data, ma.MaskedArray):
        data = sanitize_masked_array(data)

    # extract ndarray or ExtensionArray, ensure we have no PandasArray
    data = extract_array(data, extract_numpy=True)

    if isinstance(data, np.ndarray) and data.ndim == 0:
        if dtype is None:
            dtype = data.dtype
        data = lib.item_from_zerodim(data)

    # GH#846
    if isinstance(data, np.ndarray):

        if dtype is not None and is_float_dtype(data.dtype) and is_integer_dtype(dtype):
            # possibility of nan -> garbage
                subarr = _try_cast(data, dtype, copy, True)
            except ValueError:
                if copy:
                    subarr = data.copy()
                    subarr = np.array(data, copy=False)
            # we will try to copy by-definition here
            subarr = _try_cast(data, dtype, copy, raise_cast_failure)

    elif isinstance(data, ABCExtensionArray):
        # it is already ensured above this is not a PandasArray
        subarr = data

        if dtype is not None:
            subarr = subarr.astype(dtype, copy=copy)
        elif copy:
            subarr = subarr.copy()
        return subarr

    elif isinstance(data, (list, tuple, abc.Set, abc.ValuesView)) and len(data) > 0:
        # TODO: deque, array.array
        if isinstance(data, set):
            # Raise only for unordered sets, e.g., not for dict_keys
            raise TypeError("Set type is unordered")
        data = list(data)

        if dtype is not None:
            subarr = _try_cast(data, dtype, copy, raise_cast_failure)
            subarr = maybe_convert_platform(data)
            subarr = maybe_cast_to_datetime(subarr, dtype)

    elif isinstance(data, range):
        # GH#16804
        arr = np.arange(data.start, data.stop, data.step, dtype="int64")
        subarr = _try_cast(arr, dtype, copy, raise_cast_failure)

    elif not is_list_like(data):
        if index is None:
            raise ValueError("index must be specified when data is not list-like")
        subarr = construct_1d_arraylike_from_scalar(data, len(index), dtype)

        subarr = _try_cast(data, dtype, copy, raise_cast_failure)

    subarr = _sanitize_ndim(subarr, data, dtype, index)

    if not (is_extension_array_dtype(subarr.dtype) or is_extension_array_dtype(dtype)):
        subarr = _sanitize_str_dtypes(subarr, data, dtype, copy)

        is_object_or_str_dtype = is_object_dtype(dtype) or is_string_dtype(dtype)
        if is_object_dtype(subarr.dtype) and not is_object_or_str_dtype:
            inferred = lib.infer_dtype(subarr, skipna=False)
            if inferred in {"interval", "period"}:
                subarr = array(subarr)

    return subarr
Пример #34
def wide_to_long(df, stubnames, i, j, sep="", suffix=r'\d+'):
    Wide panel to long format. Less flexible but more user-friendly than melt.

    With stubnames ['A', 'B'], this function expects to find one or more
    group of columns with format Asuffix1, Asuffix2,..., Bsuffix1, Bsuffix2,...
    You specify what you want to call this suffix in the resulting long format
    with `j` (for example `j='year'`)

    Each row of these wide variables are assumed to be uniquely identified by
    `i` (can be a single column name or a list of column names)

    All remaining variables in the data frame are left intact.

    df : DataFrame
        The wide-format DataFrame
    stubnames : str or list-like
        The stub name(s). The wide format variables are assumed to
        start with the stub names.
    i : str or list-like
        Column(s) to use as id variable(s)
    j : str
        The name of the subobservation variable. What you wish to name your
        suffix in the long format.
    sep : str, default ""
        A character indicating the separation of the variable names
        in the wide format, to be stripped from the names in the long format.
        For example, if your column names are A-suffix1, A-suffix2, you
        can strip the hypen by specifying `sep='-'`

        .. versionadded:: 0.20.0

    suffix : str, default '\\d+'
        A regular expression capturing the wanted suffixes. '\\d+' captures
        numeric suffixes. Suffixes with no numbers could be specified with the
        negated character class '\\D+'. You can also further disambiguate
        suffixes, for example, if your wide variables are of the form
        Aone, Btwo,.., and you have an unrelated column Arating, you can
        ignore the last one by specifying `suffix='(!?one|two)'`

        .. versionadded:: 0.20.0

        A DataFrame that contains each stub name as a variable, with new index
        (i, j)

    >>> import pandas as pd
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> np.random.seed(123)
    >>> df = pd.DataFrame({"A1970" : {0 : "a", 1 : "b", 2 : "c"},
    ...                    "A1980" : {0 : "d", 1 : "e", 2 : "f"},
    ...                    "B1970" : {0 : 2.5, 1 : 1.2, 2 : .7},
    ...                    "B1980" : {0 : 3.2, 1 : 1.3, 2 : .1},
    ...                    "X"     : dict(zip(range(3), np.random.randn(3)))
    ...                   })
    >>> df["id"] = df.index
    >>> df
      A1970 A1980  B1970  B1980         X  id
    0     a     d    2.5    3.2 -1.085631   0
    1     b     e    1.2    1.3  0.997345   1
    2     c     f    0.7    0.1  0.282978   2
    >>> pd.wide_to_long(df, ["A", "B"], i="id", j="year")
    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
                    X  A    B
    id year
    0  1970 -1.085631  a  2.5
    1  1970  0.997345  b  1.2
    2  1970  0.282978  c  0.7
    0  1980 -1.085631  d  3.2
    1  1980  0.997345  e  1.3
    2  1980  0.282978  f  0.1

    With multuple id columns

    >>> df = pd.DataFrame({
    ...     'famid': [1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3],
    ...     'birth': [1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3],
    ...     'ht1': [2.8, 2.9, 2.2, 2, 1.8, 1.9, 2.2, 2.3, 2.1],
    ...     'ht2': [3.4, 3.8, 2.9, 3.2, 2.8, 2.4, 3.3, 3.4, 2.9]
    ... })
    >>> df
       birth  famid  ht1  ht2
    0      1      1  2.8  3.4
    1      2      1  2.9  3.8
    2      3      1  2.2  2.9
    3      1      2  2.0  3.2
    4      2      2  1.8  2.8
    5      3      2  1.9  2.4
    6      1      3  2.2  3.3
    7      2      3  2.3  3.4
    8      3      3  2.1  2.9
    >>> l = pd.wide_to_long(df, stubnames='ht', i=['famid', 'birth'], j='age')
    >>> l
    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
    famid birth age
    1     1     1    2.8
                2    3.4
          2     1    2.9
                2    3.8
          3     1    2.2
                2    2.9
    2     1     1    2.0
                2    3.2
          2     1    1.8
                2    2.8
          3     1    1.9
                2    2.4
    3     1     1    2.2
                2    3.3
          2     1    2.3
                2    3.4
          3     1    2.1
                2    2.9

    Going from long back to wide just takes some creative use of `unstack`

    >>> w = l.reset_index().set_index(['famid', 'birth', 'age']).unstack()
    >>> w.columns = pd.Index(w.columns).str.join('')
    >>> w.reset_index()
       famid  birth  ht1  ht2
    0      1      1  2.8  3.4
    1      1      2  2.9  3.8
    2      1      3  2.2  2.9
    3      2      1  2.0  3.2
    4      2      2  1.8  2.8
    5      2      3  1.9  2.4
    6      3      1  2.2  3.3
    7      3      2  2.3  3.4
    8      3      3  2.1  2.9

    Less wieldy column names are also handled

    >>> np.random.seed(0)
    >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'A(quarterly)-2010': np.random.rand(3),
    ...                    'A(quarterly)-2011': np.random.rand(3),
    ...                    'B(quarterly)-2010': np.random.rand(3),
    ...                    'B(quarterly)-2011': np.random.rand(3),
    ...                    'X' : np.random.randint(3, size=3)})
    >>> df['id'] = df.index
    >>> df # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE, +ELLIPSIS
       A(quarterly)-2010  A(quarterly)-2011  B(quarterly)-2010  ...
    0           0.548814           0.544883           0.437587  ...
    1           0.715189           0.423655           0.891773  ...
    2           0.602763           0.645894           0.963663  ...
       X  id
    0  0   0
    1  1   1
    2  1   2

    >>> pd.wide_to_long(df, ['A(quarterly)', 'B(quarterly)'], i='id',
    ...                 j='year', sep='-')
    ... # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
             X  A(quarterly)  B(quarterly)
    id year
    0  2010  0      0.548814     0.437587
    1  2010  1      0.715189     0.891773
    2  2010  1      0.602763     0.963663
    0  2011  0      0.544883     0.383442
    1  2011  1      0.423655     0.791725
    2  2011  1      0.645894     0.528895

    If we have many columns, we could also use a regex to find our
    stubnames and pass that list on to wide_to_long

    >>> stubnames = sorted(
    ...     set([match[0] for match in df.columns.str.findall(
    ...         r'[A-B]\(.*\)').values if match != [] ])
    ... )
    >>> list(stubnames)
    ['A(quarterly)', 'B(quarterly)']

    All extra variables are left untouched. This simply uses
    `pandas.melt` under the hood, but is hard-coded to "do the right thing"
    in a typicaly case.
    def get_var_names(df, stub, sep, suffix):
        regex = "^{stub}{sep}{suffix}".format(stub=re.escape(stub),
        return df.filter(regex=regex).columns.tolist()

    def melt_stub(df, stub, i, j, value_vars, sep):
        newdf = melt(df,
        newdf[j] = Categorical(newdf[j])
        newdf[j] = newdf[j].str.replace(re.escape(stub + sep), "")

        return newdf.set_index(i + [j])

    if any(map(lambda s: s in df.columns.tolist(), stubnames)):
        raise ValueError("stubname can't be identical to a column name")

    if not is_list_like(stubnames):
        stubnames = [stubnames]
        stubnames = list(stubnames)

    if not is_list_like(i):
        i = [i]
        i = list(i)

    if df[i].duplicated().any():
        raise ValueError("the id variables need to uniquely identify each row")

    value_vars = list(
        map(lambda stub: get_var_names(df, stub, sep, suffix), stubnames))

    value_vars_flattened = [e for sublist in value_vars for e in sublist]
    id_vars = list(set(df.columns.tolist()).difference(value_vars_flattened))

    melted = []
    for s, v in zip(stubnames, value_vars):
        melted.append(melt_stub(df, s, i, j, v, sep))
    melted = melted[0].join(melted[1:], how='outer')

    if len(i) == 1:
        new = df[id_vars].set_index(i).join(melted)
        return new

    new = df[id_vars].merge(melted.reset_index(), on=i).set_index(i + [j])

    return new
Пример #35
    def _aggregate(self, arg, *args, **kwargs):
        provide an implementation for the aggregators

        arg : string, dict, function
        *args : args to pass on to the function
        **kwargs : kwargs to pass on to the function

        tuple of result, how

        how can be a string describe the required post-processing, or
        None if not required
        is_aggregator = lambda x: isinstance(x, (list, tuple, dict))
        is_nested_renamer = False

        _axis = kwargs.pop("_axis", None)
        if _axis is None:
            _axis = getattr(self, "axis", 0)
        _level = kwargs.pop("_level", None)

        if isinstance(arg, str):
            return self._try_aggregate_string_function(arg, *args, **kwargs), None

        if isinstance(arg, dict):

            # aggregate based on the passed dict
            if _axis != 0:  # pragma: no cover
                raise ValueError("Can only pass dict with axis=0")

            obj = self._selected_obj

            def nested_renaming_depr(level=4):
                # deprecation of nested renaming
                # GH 15931
                msg = textwrap.dedent(
                using a dict with renaming is deprecated and will be removed
                in a future version.

                For column-specific groupby renaming, use named aggregation

                    >>> df.groupby(...).agg(name=('column', aggfunc))
                warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning, stacklevel=level)

            # if we have a dict of any non-scalars
            # eg. {'A' : ['mean']}, normalize all to
            # be list-likes
            if any(is_aggregator(x) for x in arg.values()):
                new_arg = OrderedDict()
                for k, v in arg.items():
                    if not isinstance(v, (tuple, list, dict)):
                        new_arg[k] = [v]
                        new_arg[k] = v

                    # the keys must be in the columns
                    # for ndim=2, or renamers for ndim=1

                    # ok for now, but deprecated
                    # {'A': { 'ra': 'mean' }}
                    # {'A': { 'ra': ['mean'] }}
                    # {'ra': ['mean']}

                    # not ok
                    # {'ra' : { 'A' : 'mean' }}
                    if isinstance(v, dict):
                        is_nested_renamer = True

                        if k not in obj.columns:
                            msg = (
                                "cannot perform renaming for {key} with a "
                                "nested dictionary"
                            raise SpecificationError(msg)
                        nested_renaming_depr(4 + (_level or 0))

                    elif isinstance(obj, ABCSeries):
                    elif isinstance(obj, ABCDataFrame) and k not in obj.columns:
                        raise KeyError("Column '{col}' does not exist!".format(col=k))

                arg = new_arg

                # deprecation of renaming keys
                # GH 15931
                keys = list(arg.keys())
                if isinstance(obj, ABCDataFrame) and len(
                ) != len(keys):

            from pandas.core.reshape.concat import concat

            def _agg_1dim(name, how, subset=None):
                aggregate a 1-dim with how
                colg = self._gotitem(name, ndim=1, subset=subset)
                if colg.ndim != 1:
                    raise SpecificationError(
                        "nested dictionary is ambiguous in aggregation"
                return colg.aggregate(how, _level=(_level or 0) + 1)

            def _agg_2dim(name, how):
                aggregate a 2-dim with how
                colg = self._gotitem(self._selection, ndim=2, subset=obj)
                return colg.aggregate(how, _level=None)

            def _agg(arg, func):
                run the aggregations over the arg with func
                return an OrderedDict
                result = OrderedDict()
                for fname, agg_how in arg.items():
                    result[fname] = func(fname, agg_how)
                return result

            # set the final keys
            keys = list(arg.keys())
            result = OrderedDict()

            # nested renamer
            if is_nested_renamer:
                result = list(_agg(arg, _agg_1dim).values())

                if all(isinstance(r, dict) for r in result):

                    result, results = OrderedDict(), result
                    for r in results:
                    keys = list(result.keys())


                    if self._selection is not None:
                        keys = None

            # some selection on the object
            elif self._selection is not None:

                sl = set(self._selection_list)

                # we are a Series like object,
                # but may have multiple aggregations
                if len(sl) == 1:

                    result = _agg(
                        arg, lambda fname, agg_how: _agg_1dim(self._selection, agg_how)

                # we are selecting the same set as we are aggregating
                elif not len(sl - set(keys)):

                    result = _agg(arg, _agg_1dim)

                # we are a DataFrame, with possibly multiple aggregations

                    result = _agg(arg, _agg_2dim)

            # no selection

                    result = _agg(arg, _agg_1dim)
                except SpecificationError:

                    # we are aggregating expecting all 1d-returns
                    # but we have 2d
                    result = _agg(arg, _agg_2dim)

            # combine results

            def is_any_series():
                # return a boolean if we have *any* nested series
                return any(isinstance(r, ABCSeries) for r in result.values())

            def is_any_frame():
                # return a boolean if we have *any* nested series
                return any(isinstance(r, ABCDataFrame) for r in result.values())

            if isinstance(result, list):
                return concat(result, keys=keys, axis=1, sort=True), True

            elif is_any_frame():
                # we have a dict of DataFrames
                # return a MI DataFrame

                return concat([result[k] for k in keys], keys=keys, axis=1), True

            elif isinstance(self, ABCSeries) and is_any_series():

                # we have a dict of Series
                # return a MI Series
                    result = concat(result)
                except TypeError:
                    # we want to give a nice error here if
                    # we have non-same sized objects, so
                    # we don't automatically broadcast

                    raise ValueError(
                        "cannot perform both aggregation "
                        "and transformation operations "

                return result, True

            # fall thru
            from pandas import DataFrame, Series

                result = DataFrame(result)
            except ValueError:

                # we have a dict of scalars
                result = Series(result, name=getattr(self, "name", None))

            return result, True
        elif is_list_like(arg):
            # we require a list, but not an 'str'
            return self._aggregate_multiple_funcs(arg, _level=_level, _axis=_axis), None
            result = None

        f = self._get_cython_func(arg)
        if f and not args and not kwargs:
            return getattr(self, f)(), None

        # caller can react
        return result, True
Пример #36
def flatten_axes(axes: Union["Axes", Sequence["Axes"]]) -> np.ndarray:
    if not is_list_like(axes):
        return np.array([axes])
    elif isinstance(axes, (np.ndarray, ABCIndex)):
        return np.asarray(axes).ravel()
    return np.array(axes)
Пример #37
def create_subplots(
    naxes: int,
    sharex: bool = False,
    sharey: bool = False,
    squeeze: bool = True,
    layout_type: str = "box",
    Create a figure with a set of subplots already made.

    This utility wrapper makes it convenient to create common layouts of
    subplots, including the enclosing figure object, in a single call.

    naxes : int
      Number of required axes. Exceeded axes are set invisible. Default is
      nrows * ncols.

    sharex : bool
      If True, the X axis will be shared amongst all subplots.

    sharey : bool
      If True, the Y axis will be shared amongst all subplots.

    squeeze : bool

      If True, extra dimensions are squeezed out from the returned axis object:
        - if only one subplot is constructed (nrows=ncols=1), the resulting
        single Axis object is returned as a scalar.
        - for Nx1 or 1xN subplots, the returned object is a 1-d numpy object
        array of Axis objects are returned as numpy 1-d arrays.
        - for NxM subplots with N>1 and M>1 are returned as a 2d array.

      If False, no squeezing is done: the returned axis object is always
      a 2-d array containing Axis instances, even if it ends up being 1x1.

    subplot_kw : dict
      Dict with keywords passed to the add_subplot() call used to create each

    ax : Matplotlib axis object, optional

    layout : tuple
      Number of rows and columns of the subplot grid.
      If not specified, calculated from naxes and layout_type

    layout_type : {'box', 'horizontal', 'vertical'}, default 'box'
      Specify how to layout the subplot grid.

    fig_kw : Other keyword arguments to be passed to the figure() call.
        Note that all keywords not recognized above will be
        automatically included here.

    fig, ax : tuple
      - fig is the Matplotlib Figure object
      - ax can be either a single axis object or an array of axis objects if
      more than one subplot was created.  The dimensions of the resulting array
      can be controlled with the squeeze keyword, see above.

    x = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 400)
    y = np.sin(x**2)

    # Just a figure and one subplot
    f, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.plot(x, y)
    ax.set_title('Simple plot')

    # Two subplots, unpack the output array immediately
    f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, sharey=True)
    ax1.plot(x, y)
    ax1.set_title('Sharing Y axis')
    ax2.scatter(x, y)

    # Four polar axes
    plt.subplots(2, 2, subplot_kw=dict(polar=True))
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    if subplot_kw is None:
        subplot_kw = {}

    if ax is None:
        fig = plt.figure(**fig_kw)
        if is_list_like(ax):
            if squeeze:
                ax = flatten_axes(ax)
            if layout is not None:
                    "When passing multiple axes, layout keyword is ignored",
            if sharex or sharey:
                    "When passing multiple axes, sharex and sharey "
                    "are ignored. These settings must be specified when creating axes",
            if ax.size == naxes:
                fig = ax.flat[0].get_figure()
                return fig, ax
                raise ValueError(
                    f"The number of passed axes must be {naxes}, the "
                    "same as the output plot")

        fig = ax.get_figure()
        # if ax is passed and a number of subplots is 1, return ax as it is
        if naxes == 1:
            if squeeze:
                return fig, ax
                return fig, flatten_axes(ax)
                "To output multiple subplots, the figure containing "
                "the passed axes is being cleared",

    nrows, ncols = _get_layout(naxes, layout=layout, layout_type=layout_type)
    nplots = nrows * ncols

    # Create empty object array to hold all axes.  It's easiest to make it 1-d
    # so we can just append subplots upon creation, and then
    axarr = np.empty(nplots, dtype=object)

    # Create first subplot separately, so we can share it if requested
    ax0 = fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, 1, **subplot_kw)

    if sharex:
        subplot_kw["sharex"] = ax0
    if sharey:
        subplot_kw["sharey"] = ax0
    axarr[0] = ax0

    # Note off-by-one counting because add_subplot uses the MATLAB 1-based
    # convention.
    for i in range(1, nplots):
        kwds = subplot_kw.copy()
        # Set sharex and sharey to None for blank/dummy axes, these can
        # interfere with proper axis limits on the visible axes if
        # they share axes e.g. issue #7528
        if i >= naxes:
            kwds["sharex"] = None
            kwds["sharey"] = None
        ax = fig.add_subplot(nrows, ncols, i + 1, **kwds)
        axarr[i] = ax

    if naxes != nplots:
        for ax in axarr[naxes:]:

    handle_shared_axes(axarr, nplots, naxes, nrows, ncols, sharex, sharey)

    if squeeze:
        # Reshape the array to have the final desired dimension (nrow,ncol),
        # though discarding unneeded dimensions that equal 1.  If we only have
        # one subplot, just return it instead of a 1-element array.
        if nplots == 1:
            axes = axarr[0]
            axes = axarr.reshape(nrows, ncols).squeeze()
        # returned axis array will be always 2-d, even if nrows=ncols=1
        axes = axarr.reshape(nrows, ncols)

    return fig, axes
Пример #38
def _get_standard_colors(num_colors=None,
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    if color is None and colormap is not None:
        if isinstance(colormap, str):
            import matplotlib.cm as cm
            cmap = colormap
            colormap = cm.get_cmap(colormap)
            if colormap is None:
                raise ValueError("Colormap {0} is not recognized".format(cmap))
        colors = lmap(colormap, np.linspace(0, 1, num=num_colors))
    elif color is not None:
        if colormap is not None:
            warnings.warn("'color' and 'colormap' cannot be used "
                          "simultaneously. Using 'color'")
        colors = list(color) if is_list_like(color) else color
        if color_type == 'default':
            # need to call list() on the result to copy so we don't
            # modify the global rcParams below
                colors = [
                    c['color'] for c in list(plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'])
            except KeyError:
                colors = list(
                    plt.rcParams.get('axes.color_cycle', list('bgrcmyk')))
            if isinstance(colors, str):
                colors = list(colors)

            colors = colors[0:num_colors]
        elif color_type == 'random':
            import pandas.core.common as com

            def random_color(column):
                """ Returns a random color represented as a list of length 3"""
                # GH17525 use common._random_state to avoid resetting the seed
                rs = com.random_state(column)
                return rs.rand(3).tolist()

            colors = lmap(random_color, lrange(num_colors))
            raise ValueError("color_type must be either 'default' or 'random'")

    if isinstance(colors, str):
        import matplotlib.colors
        conv = matplotlib.colors.ColorConverter()

        def _maybe_valid_colors(colors):
                [conv.to_rgba(c) for c in colors]
                return True
            except ValueError:
                return False

        # check whether the string can be convertible to single color
        maybe_single_color = _maybe_valid_colors([colors])
        # check whether each character can be convertible to colors
        maybe_color_cycle = _maybe_valid_colors(list(colors))
        if maybe_single_color and maybe_color_cycle and len(colors) > 1:
            hex_color = [
                c['color'] for c in list(plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'])
            colors = [hex_color[int(colors[1])]]
        elif maybe_single_color:
            colors = [colors]
            # ``colors`` is regarded as color cycle.
            # mpl will raise error any of them is invalid

    # Append more colors by cycling if there is not enough color.
    # Extra colors will be ignored by matplotlib if there are more colors
    # than needed and nothing needs to be done here.
    if len(colors) < num_colors:
            multiple = num_colors // len(colors) - 1
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            raise ValueError("Invalid color argument: ''")
        mod = num_colors % len(colors)

        colors += multiple * colors
        colors += colors[:mod]

    return colors
Пример #39
def to_datetime(arg,
    Convert argument to datetime.

    arg : integer, float, string, datetime, list, tuple, 1-d array, Series

        .. versionadded:: 0.18.1

           or DataFrame/dict-like

    errors : {'ignore', 'raise', 'coerce'}, default 'raise'

        - If 'raise', then invalid parsing will raise an exception
        - If 'coerce', then invalid parsing will be set as NaT
        - If 'ignore', then invalid parsing will return the input
    dayfirst : boolean, default False
        Specify a date parse order if `arg` is str or its list-likes.
        If True, parses dates with the day first, eg 10/11/12 is parsed as
        Warning: dayfirst=True is not strict, but will prefer to parse
        with day first (this is a known bug, based on dateutil behavior).
    yearfirst : boolean, default False
        Specify a date parse order if `arg` is str or its list-likes.

        - If True parses dates with the year first, eg 10/11/12 is parsed as
        - If both dayfirst and yearfirst are True, yearfirst is preceded (same
          as dateutil).

        Warning: yearfirst=True is not strict, but will prefer to parse
        with year first (this is a known bug, based on dateutil behavior).

        .. versionadded:: 0.16.1

    utc : boolean, default None
        Return UTC DatetimeIndex if True (converting any tz-aware
        datetime.datetime objects as well).
    box : boolean, default True

        - If True returns a DatetimeIndex or Index-like object
        - If False returns ndarray of values.
    format : string, default None
        strftime to parse time, eg "%d/%m/%Y", note that "%f" will parse
        all the way up to nanoseconds.
    exact : boolean, True by default

        - If True, require an exact format match.
        - If False, allow the format to match anywhere in the target string.

    unit : string, default 'ns'
        unit of the arg (D,s,ms,us,ns) denote the unit, which is an
        integer or float number. This will be based off the origin.
        Example, with unit='ms' and origin='unix' (the default), this
        would calculate the number of milliseconds to the unix epoch start.
    infer_datetime_format : boolean, default False
        If True and no `format` is given, attempt to infer the format of the
        datetime strings, and if it can be inferred, switch to a faster
        method of parsing them. In some cases this can increase the parsing
        speed by ~5-10x.
    origin : scalar, default is 'unix'
        Define the reference date. The numeric values would be parsed as number
        of units (defined by `unit`) since this reference date.

        - If 'unix' (or POSIX) time; origin is set to 1970-01-01.
        - If 'julian', unit must be 'D', and origin is set to beginning of
          Julian Calendar. Julian day number 0 is assigned to the day starting
          at noon on January 1, 4713 BC.
        - If Timestamp convertible, origin is set to Timestamp identified by

        .. versionadded:: 0.20.0
    cache : boolean, default False
        If True, use a cache of unique, converted dates to apply the datetime
        conversion. May produce significant speed-up when parsing duplicate
        date strings, especially ones with timezone offsets.

        .. versionadded:: 0.23.0

    ret : datetime if parsing succeeded.
        Return type depends on input:

        - list-like: DatetimeIndex
        - Series: Series of datetime64 dtype
        - scalar: Timestamp

        In case when it is not possible to return designated types (e.g. when
        any element of input is before Timestamp.min or after Timestamp.max)
        return will have datetime.datetime type (or corresponding

    Assembling a datetime from multiple columns of a DataFrame. The keys can be
    common abbreviations like ['year', 'month', 'day', 'minute', 'second',
    'ms', 'us', 'ns']) or plurals of the same

    >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'year': [2015, 2016],
                           'month': [2, 3],
                           'day': [4, 5]})
    >>> pd.to_datetime(df)
    0   2015-02-04
    1   2016-03-05
    dtype: datetime64[ns]

    If a date does not meet the `timestamp limitations
    #timeseries-timestamp-limits>`_, passing errors='ignore'
    will return the original input instead of raising any exception.

    Passing errors='coerce' will force an out-of-bounds date to NaT,
    in addition to forcing non-dates (or non-parseable dates) to NaT.

    >>> pd.to_datetime('13000101', format='%Y%m%d', errors='ignore')
    datetime.datetime(1300, 1, 1, 0, 0)
    >>> pd.to_datetime('13000101', format='%Y%m%d', errors='coerce')

    Passing infer_datetime_format=True can often-times speedup a parsing
    if its not an ISO8601 format exactly, but in a regular format.

    >>> s = pd.Series(['3/11/2000', '3/12/2000', '3/13/2000']*1000)

    >>> s.head()
    0    3/11/2000
    1    3/12/2000
    2    3/13/2000
    3    3/11/2000
    4    3/12/2000
    dtype: object

    >>> %timeit pd.to_datetime(s,infer_datetime_format=True)
    100 loops, best of 3: 10.4 ms per loop

    >>> %timeit pd.to_datetime(s,infer_datetime_format=False)
    1 loop, best of 3: 471 ms per loop

    Using a unix epoch time

    >>> pd.to_datetime(1490195805, unit='s')
    Timestamp('2017-03-22 15:16:45')
    >>> pd.to_datetime(1490195805433502912, unit='ns')
    Timestamp('2017-03-22 15:16:45.433502912')

    .. warning:: For float arg, precision rounding might happen. To prevent
        unexpected behavior use a fixed-width exact type.

    Using a non-unix epoch origin

    >>> pd.to_datetime([1, 2, 3], unit='D',
    0    1960-01-02
    1    1960-01-03
    2    1960-01-04

    See also
    pandas.DataFrame.astype : Cast argument to a specified dtype.
    pandas.to_timedelta : Convert argument to timedelta.
    if arg is None:
        return None

    if origin != 'unix':
        arg = _adjust_to_origin(arg, origin, unit)

    tz = 'utc' if utc else None
    convert_listlike = partial(_convert_listlike_datetimes,

    if isinstance(arg, Timestamp):
        result = arg
    elif isinstance(arg, ABCSeries):
        cache_array = _maybe_cache(arg, format, cache, convert_listlike)
        if not cache_array.empty:
            result = arg.map(cache_array)
            from pandas import Series
            values = convert_listlike(arg._values, True, format)
            result = Series(values, index=arg.index, name=arg.name)
    elif isinstance(arg, (ABCDataFrame, MutableMapping)):
        result = _assemble_from_unit_mappings(arg, errors=errors)
    elif isinstance(arg, ABCIndexClass):
        cache_array = _maybe_cache(arg, format, cache, convert_listlike)
        if not cache_array.empty:
            result = _convert_and_box_cache(arg,
            convert_listlike = partial(convert_listlike, name=arg.name)
            result = convert_listlike(arg, box, format)
    elif is_list_like(arg):
        cache_array = _maybe_cache(arg, format, cache, convert_listlike)
        if not cache_array.empty:
            result = _convert_and_box_cache(arg, cache_array, box, errors)
            result = convert_listlike(arg, box, format)
        result = convert_listlike(np.array([arg]), box, format)[0]

    return result
Пример #40
def get_grouper(
    obj: FrameOrSeries,
    axis: int = 0,
    sort: bool = True,
    observed: bool = False,
    mutated: bool = False,
    validate: bool = True,
    dropna: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[ops.BaseGrouper, Set[Hashable], FrameOrSeries]:
    Create and return a BaseGrouper, which is an internal
    mapping of how to create the grouper indexers.
    This may be composed of multiple Grouping objects, indicating
    multiple groupers

    Groupers are ultimately index mappings. They can originate as:
    index mappings, keys to columns, functions, or Groupers

    Groupers enable local references to axis,level,sort, while
    the passed in axis, level, and sort are 'global'.

    This routine tries to figure out what the passing in references
    are and then creates a Grouping for each one, combined into
    a BaseGrouper.

    If observed & we have a categorical grouper, only show the observed

    If validate, then check for key/level overlaps.

    group_axis = obj._get_axis(axis)

    # validate that the passed single level is compatible with the passed
    # axis of the object
    if level is not None:
        # TODO: These if-block and else-block are almost same.
        # MultiIndex instance check is removable, but it seems that there are
        # some processes only for non-MultiIndex in else-block,
        # eg. `obj.index.name != level`. We have to consider carefully whether
        # these are applicable for MultiIndex. Even if these are applicable,
        # we need to check if it makes no side effect to subsequent processes
        # on the outside of this condition.
        # (GH 17621)
        if isinstance(group_axis, MultiIndex):
            if is_list_like(level) and len(level) == 1:
                level = level[0]

            if key is None and is_scalar(level):
                # Get the level values from group_axis
                key = group_axis.get_level_values(level)
                level = None

            # allow level to be a length-one list-like object
            # (e.g., level=[0])
            # GH 13901
            if is_list_like(level):
                nlevels = len(level)
                if nlevels == 1:
                    level = level[0]
                elif nlevels == 0:
                    raise ValueError("No group keys passed!")
                    raise ValueError(
                        "multiple levels only valid with MultiIndex")

            if isinstance(level, str):
                if obj._get_axis(axis).name != level:
                    raise ValueError(f"level name {level} is not the name "
                                     f"of the {obj._get_axis_name(axis)}")
            elif level > 0 or level < -1:
                raise ValueError(
                    "level > 0 or level < -1 only valid with MultiIndex")

            # NOTE: `group_axis` and `group_axis.get_level_values(level)`
            # are same in this section.
            level = None
            key = group_axis

    # a passed-in Grouper, directly convert
    if isinstance(key, Grouper):
        binner, grouper, obj = key._get_grouper(obj, validate=False)
        if key.key is None:
            return grouper, set(), obj
            return grouper, {key.key}, obj

    # already have a BaseGrouper, just return it
    elif isinstance(key, ops.BaseGrouper):
        return key, set(), obj

    if not isinstance(key, list):
        keys = [key]
        match_axis_length = False
        keys = key
        match_axis_length = len(keys) == len(group_axis)

    # what are we after, exactly?
    any_callable = any(callable(g) or isinstance(g, dict) for g in keys)
    any_groupers = any(isinstance(g, Grouper) for g in keys)
    any_arraylike = any(
        isinstance(g, (list, tuple, Series, Index, np.ndarray)) for g in keys)

    # is this an index replacement?
    if (not any_callable and not any_arraylike and not any_groupers
            and match_axis_length and level is None):
        if isinstance(obj, DataFrame):
            all_in_columns_index = all(g in obj.columns or g in obj.index.names
                                       for g in keys)
            assert isinstance(obj, Series)
            all_in_columns_index = all(g in obj.index.names for g in keys)

        if not all_in_columns_index:
            keys = [com.asarray_tuplesafe(keys)]

    if isinstance(level, (tuple, list)):
        if key is None:
            keys = [None] * len(level)
        levels = level
        levels = [level] * len(keys)

    groupings: List[Grouping] = []
    exclusions: Set[Hashable] = set()

    # if the actual grouper should be obj[key]
    def is_in_axis(key) -> bool:
        if not _is_label_like(key):
            # items -> .columns for DataFrame, .index for Series
            items = obj.axes[-1]
            except (KeyError, TypeError, InvalidIndexError):
                # TypeError shows up here if we pass e.g. Int64Index
                return False

        return True

    # if the grouper is obj[name]
    def is_in_obj(gpr) -> bool:
        if not hasattr(gpr, "name"):
            return False
            return gpr is obj[gpr.name]
        except (KeyError, IndexError):
            # IndexError reached in e.g. test_skip_group_keys when we pass
            #  lambda here
            return False

    for i, (gpr, level) in enumerate(zip(keys, levels)):

        if is_in_obj(gpr):  # df.groupby(df['name'])
            in_axis, name = True, gpr.name

        elif is_in_axis(gpr):  # df.groupby('name')
            if gpr in obj:
                if validate:
                    obj._check_label_or_level_ambiguity(gpr, axis=axis)
                in_axis, name, gpr = True, gpr, obj[gpr]
            elif obj._is_level_reference(gpr, axis=axis):
                in_axis, name, level, gpr = False, None, gpr, None
                raise KeyError(gpr)
        elif isinstance(gpr, Grouper) and gpr.key is not None:
            # Add key to exclusions
            in_axis, name = False, None
            in_axis, name = False, None

        if is_categorical_dtype(gpr) and len(gpr) != obj.shape[axis]:
            raise ValueError(
                f"Length of grouper ({len(gpr)}) and axis ({obj.shape[axis]}) "
                "must be same length")

        # create the Grouping
        # allow us to passing the actual Grouping as the gpr
        ping = (Grouping(
        ) if not isinstance(gpr, Grouping) else gpr)


    if len(groupings) == 0 and len(obj):
        raise ValueError("No group keys passed!")
    elif len(groupings) == 0:
            Grouping(Index([], dtype="int"), np.array([], dtype=np.intp)))

    # create the internals grouper
    grouper = ops.BaseGrouper(group_axis,
    return grouper, exclusions, obj
Пример #41
    def groupby_agg(self, by, axis, agg, groupby_args, **kwargs):
        # Currently we only expect 'by' to be a projection of the same frame.
        # If 'by' holds a list of columns/series, then we create such projection
        # to re-use code.
        if not isinstance(by, DFAlgQueryCompiler):
            if is_list_like(by):
                by_cols = []
                by_frames = []
                for obj in by:
                    if isinstance(obj, str):
                    elif hasattr(obj, "_query_compiler"):
                        raise NotImplementedError("unsupported groupby args")
                by_cols = Index.__new__(Index,
                by_frame = self.mask(col_indices=by_cols)
                if by_frames:
                    by_frame = by_frame._concat(axis=1,
                raise NotImplementedError("unsupported groupby args")
            by_frame = by._modin_frame

        if axis != 0:
            raise NotImplementedError("groupby is supported for axis = 0 only")

        base = by_frame._find_common_projections_base(self)
        if base is None:
            raise NotImplementedError("unsupported groupby args")

        if groupby_args["level"] is not None:
            raise NotImplementedError("levels are not supported for groupby")

        groupby_cols = by_frame.columns.tolist()
        agg_cols = [col for col in self.columns if col not in by_frame.columns]

        # Create new base where all required columns are computed. We don't allow
        # complex expressions to be a group key or an aggeregate operand.
        assert isinstance(by_frame._op, TransformNode), "unexpected by_frame"
        exprs = OrderedDict(((col, by_frame.ref(col)) for col in groupby_cols))
        exprs.update(((col, self.ref(col)) for col in agg_cols))
        exprs = translate_exprs_to_base(exprs, base)
        base_cols = Index.__new__(Index,
        base = self.__constructor__(
            op=TransformNode(base, exprs, fold=True),

        new_columns = []
        index_cols = None

        if groupby_args["as_index"]:
            index_cols = groupby_cols.copy()
            new_columns = groupby_cols.copy()

        new_dtypes = by_frame._dtypes[groupby_cols].tolist()

        agg_exprs = OrderedDict()
        if isinstance(agg, str):
            for col in agg_cols:
                agg_exprs[col] = AggregateExpr(agg, base.ref(col))
            assert isinstance(agg, dict), "unsupported aggregate type"
            multiindex = any(isinstance(v, list) for v in agg.values())
            for k, v in agg.items():
                if isinstance(v, list):
                    for item in v:
                        agg_exprs[(k, item)] = AggregateExpr(item, base.ref(k))
                    col_name = (k, v) if multiindex else k
                    agg_exprs[col_name] = AggregateExpr(v, base.ref(k))
        new_dtypes.extend((x._dtype for x in agg_exprs.values()))
        new_columns = Index.__new__(Index,

        new_op = GroupbyAggNode(base, groupby_cols, agg_exprs, groupby_args)
        new_frame = self.__constructor__(

        return new_frame
Пример #42
def align_method_FRAME(left,
                       flex: Optional[bool] = False,
                       level: Level = None):
    Convert rhs to meet lhs dims if input is list, tuple or np.ndarray.

    left : DataFrame
    right : Any
    axis: int, str, or None
    flex: bool or None, default False
        Whether this is a flex op, in which case we reindex.
        None indicates not to check for alignment.
    level : int or level name, default None

    left : DataFrame
    right : Any
    def to_series(right):
        msg = "Unable to coerce to Series, length must be {req_len}: given {given_len}"
        if axis is not None and left._get_axis_name(axis) == "index":
            if len(left.index) != len(right):
                raise ValueError(
                    msg.format(req_len=len(left.index), given_len=len(right)))
            right = left._constructor_sliced(right, index=left.index)
            if len(left.columns) != len(right):
                raise ValueError(
            right = left._constructor_sliced(right, index=left.columns)
        return right

    if isinstance(right, np.ndarray):

        if right.ndim == 1:
            right = to_series(right)

        elif right.ndim == 2:
            if right.shape == left.shape:
                right = left._constructor(right,

            elif right.shape[0] == left.shape[0] and right.shape[1] == 1:
                # Broadcast across columns
                right = np.broadcast_to(right, left.shape)
                right = left._constructor(right,

            elif right.shape[1] == left.shape[1] and right.shape[0] == 1:
                # Broadcast along rows
                right = to_series(right[0, :])

                raise ValueError("Unable to coerce to DataFrame, shape "
                                 f"must be {left.shape}: given {right.shape}")

        elif right.ndim > 2:
            raise ValueError("Unable to coerce to Series/DataFrame, "
                             f"dimension must be <= 2: {right.shape}")

    elif is_list_like(right) and not isinstance(right,
                                                (ABCSeries, ABCDataFrame)):
        # GH 36702. Raise when attempting arithmetic with list of array-like.
        if any(is_array_like(el) for el in right):
            raise ValueError(
                f"Unable to coerce list of {type(right[0])} to Series/DataFrame"
        # GH17901
        right = to_series(right)

    if flex is not None and isinstance(right, ABCDataFrame):
        if not left._indexed_same(right):
            if flex:
                left, right = left.align(right,
                raise ValueError(
                    "Can only compare identically-labeled DataFrame objects")
    elif isinstance(right, ABCSeries):
        # axis=1 is default for DataFrame-with-Series op
        axis = left._get_axis_number(axis) if axis is not None else 1

        if not flex:
            if not left.axes[axis].equals(right.index):
                    "Automatic reindexing on DataFrame vs Series comparisons "
                    "is deprecated and will raise ValueError in a future version.  "
                    "Do `left, right = left.align(right, axis=1, copy=False)` "
                    "before e.g. `left == right`",

        left, right = left.align(right,
        right = _maybe_align_series_as_frame(left, right, axis)

    return left, right
Пример #43
def _extract_index(data) -> Index:
    Try to infer an Index from the passed data, raise ValueError on failure.
    index = None
    if len(data) == 0:
        index = Index([])
    elif len(data) > 0:
        raw_lengths = []
        indexes: list[list[Hashable] | Index] = []

        have_raw_arrays = False
        have_series = False
        have_dicts = False

        for val in data:
            if isinstance(val, ABCSeries):
                have_series = True
            elif isinstance(val, dict):
                have_dicts = True
            elif is_list_like(val) and getattr(val, "ndim", 1) == 1:
                have_raw_arrays = True
            elif isinstance(val, np.ndarray) and val.ndim > 1:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Per-column arrays must each be 1-dimensional")

        if not indexes and not raw_lengths:
            raise ValueError(
                "If using all scalar values, you must pass an index")

        if have_series:
            index = union_indexes(indexes)
        elif have_dicts:
            index = union_indexes(indexes, sort=False)

        if have_raw_arrays:
            lengths = list(set(raw_lengths))
            if len(lengths) > 1:
                raise ValueError("All arrays must be of the same length")

            if have_dicts:
                raise ValueError(
                    "Mixing dicts with non-Series may lead to ambiguous ordering."

            if have_series:
                assert index is not None  # for mypy
                if lengths[0] != len(index):
                    msg = (f"array length {lengths[0]} does not match index "
                           f"length {len(index)}")
                    raise ValueError(msg)
                index = ibase.default_index(lengths[0])

    # error: Argument 1 to "ensure_index" has incompatible type "Optional[Index]";
    # expected "Union[Union[Union[ExtensionArray, ndarray], Index, Series],
    # Sequence[Any]]"
    return ensure_index(index)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
Пример #44
def get_grouper(
    obj: FrameOrSeries,
    axis: int = 0,
    sort: bool = True,
    observed: bool = False,
    mutated: bool = False,
    validate: bool = True,
) -> Tuple[BaseGrouper, List[Hashable], FrameOrSeries]:
    Create and return a BaseGrouper, which is an internal
    mapping of how to create the grouper indexers.
    This may be composed of multiple Grouping objects, indicating
    multiple groupers

    Groupers are ultimately index mappings. They can originate as:
    index mappings, keys to columns, functions, or Groupers

    Groupers enable local references to axis,level,sort, while
    the passed in axis, level, and sort are 'global'.

    This routine tries to figure out what the passing in references
    are and then creates a Grouping for each one, combined into
    a BaseGrouper.

    If observed & we have a categorical grouper, only show the observed

    If validate, then check for key/level overlaps.

    group_axis = obj._get_axis(axis)

    # validate that the passed single level is compatible with the passed
    # axis of the object
    if level is not None:
        # TODO: These if-block and else-block are almost same.
        # MultiIndex instance check is removable, but it seems that there are
        # some processes only for non-MultiIndex in else-block,
        # eg. `obj.index.name != level`. We have to consider carefully whether
        # these are applicable for MultiIndex. Even if these are applicable,
        # we need to check if it makes no side effect to subsequent processes
        # on the outside of this condition.
        # (GH 17621)
        if isinstance(group_axis, MultiIndex):
            if is_list_like(level) and len(level) == 1:
                level = level[0]

            if key is None and is_scalar(level):
                # Get the level values from group_axis
                key = group_axis.get_level_values(level)
                level = None

            # allow level to be a length-one list-like object
            # (e.g., level=[0])
            # GH 13901
            if is_list_like(level):
                nlevels = len(level)
                if nlevels == 1:
                    level = level[0]
                elif nlevels == 0:
                    raise ValueError("No group keys passed!")
                    raise ValueError(
                        "multiple levels only valid with MultiIndex")

            if isinstance(level, str):
                if obj.index.name != level:
                    raise ValueError(
                        "level name {level} is not the name of the index".
            elif level > 0 or level < -1:
                raise ValueError(
                    "level > 0 or level < -1 only valid with MultiIndex")

            # NOTE: `group_axis` and `group_axis.get_level_values(level)`
            # are same in this section.
            level = None
            key = group_axis

    # a passed-in Grouper, directly convert
    if isinstance(key, Grouper):
        binner, grouper, obj = key._get_grouper(obj, validate=False)
        if key.key is None:
            return grouper, [], obj
            return grouper, [key.key], obj

    # already have a BaseGrouper, just return it
    elif isinstance(key, BaseGrouper):
        return key, [], obj

    # In the future, a tuple key will always mean an actual key,
    # not an iterable of keys. In the meantime, we attempt to provide
    # a warning. We can assume that the user wanted a list of keys when
    # the key is not in the index. We just have to be careful with
    # unhashable elements of `key`. Any unhashable elements implies that
    # they wanted a list of keys.
    # https://github.com/pandas-dev/pandas/issues/18314
    if isinstance(key, tuple):
        all_hashable = is_hashable(key)
        if (all_hashable and key not in obj
                and set(key).issubset(obj)) or not all_hashable:
            # column names ('a', 'b') -> ['a', 'b']
            # arrays like (a, b) -> [a, b]
            msg = ("Interpreting tuple 'by' as a list of keys, rather than "
                   "a single key. Use 'by=[...]' instead of 'by=(...)'. In "
                   "the future, a tuple will always mean a single key.")
            warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning, stacklevel=5)
            key = list(key)

    if not isinstance(key, list):
        keys = [key]
        match_axis_length = False
        keys = key
        match_axis_length = len(keys) == len(group_axis)

    # what are we after, exactly?
    any_callable = any(callable(g) or isinstance(g, dict) for g in keys)
    any_groupers = any(isinstance(g, Grouper) for g in keys)
    any_arraylike = any(
        isinstance(g, (list, tuple, Series, Index, np.ndarray)) for g in keys)

    # is this an index replacement?
    if (not any_callable and not any_arraylike and not any_groupers
            and match_axis_length and level is None):
        if isinstance(obj, DataFrame):
            all_in_columns_index = all(g in obj.columns or g in obj.index.names
                                       for g in keys)
            assert isinstance(obj, Series)
            all_in_columns_index = all(g in obj.index.names for g in keys)

        if not all_in_columns_index:
            keys = [com.asarray_tuplesafe(keys)]

    if isinstance(level, (tuple, list)):
        if key is None:
            keys = [None] * len(level)
        levels = level
        levels = [level] * len(keys)

    groupings = []  # type: List[Grouping]
    exclusions = []  # type: List[Hashable]

    # if the actual grouper should be obj[key]
    def is_in_axis(key) -> bool:
        if not _is_label_like(key):
            items = obj._data.items
            except (KeyError, TypeError):
                # TypeError shows up here if we pass e.g. Int64Index
                return False

        return True

    # if the grouper is obj[name]
    def is_in_obj(gpr) -> bool:
        if not hasattr(gpr, "name"):
            return False
            return gpr is obj[gpr.name]
        except (KeyError, IndexError):
            return False

    for i, (gpr, level) in enumerate(zip(keys, levels)):

        if is_in_obj(gpr):  # df.groupby(df['name'])
            in_axis, name = True, gpr.name

        elif is_in_axis(gpr):  # df.groupby('name')
            if gpr in obj:
                if validate:
                    obj._check_label_or_level_ambiguity(gpr, axis=axis)
                in_axis, name, gpr = True, gpr, obj[gpr]
            elif obj._is_level_reference(gpr, axis=axis):
                in_axis, name, level, gpr = False, None, gpr, None
                raise KeyError(gpr)
        elif isinstance(gpr, Grouper) and gpr.key is not None:
            # Add key to exclusions
            in_axis, name = False, None
            in_axis, name = False, None

        if is_categorical_dtype(gpr) and len(gpr) != obj.shape[axis]:
            raise ValueError(
                ("Length of grouper ({len_gpr}) and axis ({len_axis})"
                 " must be same length".format(len_gpr=len(gpr),

        # create the Grouping
        # allow us to passing the actual Grouping as the gpr
        ping = (Grouping(
        ) if not isinstance(gpr, Grouping) else gpr)


    if len(groupings) == 0 and len(obj):
        raise ValueError("No group keys passed!")
    elif len(groupings) == 0:
            Grouping(Index([], dtype="int"), np.array([], dtype=np.intp)))

    # create the internals grouper
    grouper = BaseGrouper(group_axis, groupings, sort=sort, mutated=mutated)
    return grouper, exclusions, obj
Пример #45
def to_datetime(
    arg: DatetimeScalarOrArrayConvertible,
    errors: str = "raise",
    dayfirst: bool = False,
    yearfirst: bool = False,
    utc: Optional[bool] = None,
    format: Optional[str] = None,
    exact: bool = True,
    unit: Optional[str] = None,
    infer_datetime_format: bool = False,
    cache: bool = True,
) -> Union[DatetimeIndex, Series, DatetimeScalar, NaTType]:
    Convert argument to datetime.

    arg : int, float, str, datetime, list, tuple, 1-d array, Series, DataFrame/dict-like
        The object to convert to a datetime.
    errors : {'ignore', 'raise', 'coerce'}, default 'raise'
        - If 'raise', then invalid parsing will raise an exception.
        - If 'coerce', then invalid parsing will be set as NaT.
        - If 'ignore', then invalid parsing will return the input.
    dayfirst : bool, default False
        Specify a date parse order if `arg` is str or its list-likes.
        If True, parses dates with the day first, eg 10/11/12 is parsed as
        Warning: dayfirst=True is not strict, but will prefer to parse
        with day first (this is a known bug, based on dateutil behavior).
    yearfirst : bool, default False
        Specify a date parse order if `arg` is str or its list-likes.

        - If True parses dates with the year first, eg 10/11/12 is parsed as
        - If both dayfirst and yearfirst are True, yearfirst is preceded (same
          as dateutil).

        Warning: yearfirst=True is not strict, but will prefer to parse
        with year first (this is a known bug, based on dateutil behavior).
    utc : bool, default None
        Return UTC DatetimeIndex if True (converting any tz-aware
        datetime.datetime objects as well).
    format : str, default None
        The strftime to parse time, eg "%d/%m/%Y", note that "%f" will parse
        all the way up to nanoseconds.
        See strftime documentation for more information on choices:
    exact : bool, True by default
        Behaves as:
        - If True, require an exact format match.
        - If False, allow the format to match anywhere in the target string.

    unit : str, default 'ns'
        The unit of the arg (D,s,ms,us,ns) denote the unit, which is an
        integer or float number. This will be based off the origin.
        Example, with unit='ms' and origin='unix' (the default), this
        would calculate the number of milliseconds to the unix epoch start.
    infer_datetime_format : bool, default False
        If True and no `format` is given, attempt to infer the format of the
        datetime strings based on the first non-NaN element,
        and if it can be inferred, switch to a faster method of parsing them.
        In some cases this can increase the parsing speed by ~5-10x.
    origin : scalar, default 'unix'
        Define the reference date. The numeric values would be parsed as number
        of units (defined by `unit`) since this reference date.

        - If 'unix' (or POSIX) time; origin is set to 1970-01-01.
        - If 'julian', unit must be 'D', and origin is set to beginning of
          Julian Calendar. Julian day number 0 is assigned to the day starting
          at noon on January 1, 4713 BC.
        - If Timestamp convertible, origin is set to Timestamp identified by
    cache : bool, default True
        If True, use a cache of unique, converted dates to apply the datetime
        conversion. May produce significant speed-up when parsing duplicate
        date strings, especially ones with timezone offsets. The cache is only
        used when there are at least 50 values. The presence of out-of-bounds
        values will render the cache unusable and may slow down parsing.

        .. versionchanged:: 0.25.0
            - changed default value from False to True.

        If parsing succeeded.
        Return type depends on input:

        - list-like: DatetimeIndex
        - Series: Series of datetime64 dtype
        - scalar: Timestamp

        In case when it is not possible to return designated types (e.g. when
        any element of input is before Timestamp.min or after Timestamp.max)
        return will have datetime.datetime type (or corresponding

    See Also
    DataFrame.astype : Cast argument to a specified dtype.
    to_timedelta : Convert argument to timedelta.
    convert_dtypes : Convert dtypes.

    Assembling a datetime from multiple columns of a DataFrame. The keys can be
    common abbreviations like ['year', 'month', 'day', 'minute', 'second',
    'ms', 'us', 'ns']) or plurals of the same

    >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'year': [2015, 2016],
    ...                    'month': [2, 3],
    ...                    'day': [4, 5]})
    >>> pd.to_datetime(df)
    0   2015-02-04
    1   2016-03-05
    dtype: datetime64[ns]

    If a date does not meet the `timestamp limitations
    #timeseries-timestamp-limits>`_, passing errors='ignore'
    will return the original input instead of raising any exception.

    Passing errors='coerce' will force an out-of-bounds date to NaT,
    in addition to forcing non-dates (or non-parseable dates) to NaT.

    >>> pd.to_datetime('13000101', format='%Y%m%d', errors='ignore')
    datetime.datetime(1300, 1, 1, 0, 0)
    >>> pd.to_datetime('13000101', format='%Y%m%d', errors='coerce')

    Passing infer_datetime_format=True can often-times speedup a parsing
    if its not an ISO8601 format exactly, but in a regular format.

    >>> s = pd.Series(['3/11/2000', '3/12/2000', '3/13/2000'] * 1000)
    >>> s.head()
    0    3/11/2000
    1    3/12/2000
    2    3/13/2000
    3    3/11/2000
    4    3/12/2000
    dtype: object

    >>> %timeit pd.to_datetime(s, infer_datetime_format=True)  # doctest: +SKIP
    100 loops, best of 3: 10.4 ms per loop

    >>> %timeit pd.to_datetime(s, infer_datetime_format=False)  # doctest: +SKIP
    1 loop, best of 3: 471 ms per loop

    Using a unix epoch time

    >>> pd.to_datetime(1490195805, unit='s')
    Timestamp('2017-03-22 15:16:45')
    >>> pd.to_datetime(1490195805433502912, unit='ns')
    Timestamp('2017-03-22 15:16:45.433502912')

    .. warning:: For float arg, precision rounding might happen. To prevent
        unexpected behavior use a fixed-width exact type.

    Using a non-unix epoch origin

    >>> pd.to_datetime([1, 2, 3], unit='D',
    ...                origin=pd.Timestamp('1960-01-01'))
    DatetimeIndex(['1960-01-02', '1960-01-03', '1960-01-04'], \
dtype='datetime64[ns]', freq=None)
    if arg is None:
        return None

    if origin != "unix":
        arg = _adjust_to_origin(arg, origin, unit)

    tz = "utc" if utc else None
    convert_listlike = partial(

    if isinstance(arg, Timestamp):
        result = arg
        if tz is not None:
            if arg.tz is not None:
                result = result.tz_convert(tz)
                result = result.tz_localize(tz)
    elif isinstance(arg, ABCSeries):
        cache_array = _maybe_cache(arg, format, cache, convert_listlike)
        if not cache_array.empty:
            result = arg.map(cache_array)
            values = convert_listlike(arg._values, format)
            result = arg._constructor(values, index=arg.index, name=arg.name)
    elif isinstance(arg, (ABCDataFrame, abc.MutableMapping)):
        result = _assemble_from_unit_mappings(arg, errors, tz)
    elif isinstance(arg, Index):
        cache_array = _maybe_cache(arg, format, cache, convert_listlike)
        if not cache_array.empty:
            result = _convert_and_box_cache(arg, cache_array, name=arg.name)
            result = convert_listlike(arg, format, name=arg.name)
    elif is_list_like(arg):
            cache_array = _maybe_cache(arg, format, cache, convert_listlike)
        except OutOfBoundsDatetime:
            # caching attempts to create a DatetimeIndex, which may raise
            # an OOB. If that's the desired behavior, then just reraise...
            if errors == "raise":
            # ... otherwise, continue without the cache.
            from pandas import Series

            cache_array = Series([], dtype=object)  # just an empty array
        if not cache_array.empty:
            result = _convert_and_box_cache(arg, cache_array)
            result = convert_listlike(arg, format)
        result = convert_listlike(np.array([arg]), format)[0]

    return result
Пример #46
def _adjust_to_origin(arg, origin, unit):
    Helper function for to_datetime.
    Adjust input argument to the specified origin

    arg : list, tuple, ndarray, Series, Index
        date to be adjusted
    origin : 'julian' or Timestamp
        origin offset for the arg
    unit : string
        passed unit from to_datetime, must be 'D'

    ndarray or scalar of adjusted date(s)
    if origin == 'julian':
        original = arg
        j0 = Timestamp(0).to_julian_date()
        if unit != 'D':
            raise ValueError("unit must be 'D' for origin='julian'")
            arg = arg - j0
        except TypeError:
            raise ValueError("incompatible 'arg' type for given "

        # premptively check this for a nice range
        j_max = Timestamp.max.to_julian_date() - j0
        j_min = Timestamp.min.to_julian_date() - j0
        if np.any(arg > j_max) or np.any(arg < j_min):
            raise tslibs.OutOfBoundsDatetime(
                "{original} is Out of Bounds for "
        # arg must be numeric
        if not ((is_scalar(arg) and (is_integer(arg) or is_float(arg)))
                or is_numeric_dtype(np.asarray(arg))):
            raise ValueError(
                "'{arg}' is not compatible with origin='{origin}'; "
                "it must be numeric with a unit specified ".format(
                    arg=arg, origin=origin))

        # we are going to offset back to unix / epoch time
            offset = Timestamp(origin)
        except tslibs.OutOfBoundsDatetime:
            raise tslibs.OutOfBoundsDatetime(
                "origin {origin} is Out of Bounds".format(origin=origin))
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("origin {origin} cannot be converted "
                             "to a Timestamp".format(origin=origin))

        if offset.tz is not None:
            raise ValueError(
                "origin offset {} must be tz-naive".format(offset))
        offset -= Timestamp(0)

        # convert the offset to the unit of the arg
        # this should be lossless in terms of precision
        offset = offset // tslibs.Timedelta(1, unit=unit)

        # scalars & ndarray-like can handle the addition
        if is_list_like(arg) and not isinstance(
                arg, (ABCSeries, ABCIndexClass, np.ndarray)):
            arg = np.asarray(arg)
        arg = arg + offset
    return arg
Пример #47
def _align_method_FRAME(left,
                        flex: Optional[bool] = False,
                        level: Level = None):
    Convert rhs to meet lhs dims if input is list, tuple or np.ndarray.

    left : DataFrame
    right : Any
    axis: int, str, or None
    flex: bool or None, default False
        Whether this is a flex op, in which case we reindex.
        None indicates not to check for alignment.
    level : int or level name, default None

    left : DataFrame
    right : Any
    def to_series(right):
        msg = "Unable to coerce to Series, length must be {req_len}: given {given_len}"
        if axis is not None and left._get_axis_name(axis) == "index":
            if len(left.index) != len(right):
                raise ValueError(
                    msg.format(req_len=len(left.index), given_len=len(right)))
            right = left._constructor_sliced(right, index=left.index)
            if len(left.columns) != len(right):
                raise ValueError(
            right = left._constructor_sliced(right, index=left.columns)
        return right

    if isinstance(right, np.ndarray):

        if right.ndim == 1:
            right = to_series(right)

        elif right.ndim == 2:
            if right.shape == left.shape:
                right = left._constructor(right,

            elif right.shape[0] == left.shape[0] and right.shape[1] == 1:
                # Broadcast across columns
                right = np.broadcast_to(right, left.shape)
                right = left._constructor(right,

            elif right.shape[1] == left.shape[1] and right.shape[0] == 1:
                # Broadcast along rows
                right = to_series(right[0, :])

                raise ValueError("Unable to coerce to DataFrame, shape "
                                 f"must be {left.shape}: given {right.shape}")

        elif right.ndim > 2:
            raise ValueError("Unable to coerce to Series/DataFrame, "
                             f"dimension must be <= 2: {right.shape}")

    elif is_list_like(right) and not isinstance(right,
                                                (ABCSeries, ABCDataFrame)):
        # GH17901
        right = to_series(right)

    if flex is not None and isinstance(right, ABCDataFrame):
        if not left._indexed_same(right):
            if flex:
                left, right = left.align(right,
                raise ValueError(
                    "Can only compare identically-labeled DataFrame objects")
    elif isinstance(right, ABCSeries):
        # axis=1 is default for DataFrame-with-Series op
        axis = left._get_axis_number(axis) if axis is not None else 1
        left, right = left.align(right,

    return left, right
Пример #48
def logical_op(left: Union[np.ndarray, ABCExtensionArray], right: Any,
               op) -> Union[np.ndarray, ABCExtensionArray]:
    Evaluate a logical operation `|`, `&`, or `^`.

    left : np.ndarray or ExtensionArray
    right : object
        Cannot be a DataFrame, Series, or Index.
    op : {operator.and_, operator.or_, operator.xor}
        Or one of the reversed variants from roperator.

    ndarrray or ExtensionArray
    from pandas.core.ops import should_extension_dispatch, dispatch_to_extension_op

    fill_int = lambda x: x

    def fill_bool(x, left=None):
        # if `left` is specifically not-boolean, we do not cast to bool
        if x.dtype.kind in ["c", "f", "O"]:
            # dtypes that can hold NA
            mask = isna(x)
            if mask.any():
                x = x.astype(object)
                x[mask] = False

        if left is None or is_bool_dtype(left.dtype):
            x = x.astype(bool)
        return x

    is_self_int_dtype = is_integer_dtype(left.dtype)

    right = lib.item_from_zerodim(right)
    if is_list_like(right) and not hasattr(right, "dtype"):
        # e.g. list, tuple
        right = construct_1d_object_array_from_listlike(right)

    # NB: We assume extract_array has already been called on left and right
    lvalues = left
    rvalues = right

    if should_extension_dispatch(lvalues, rvalues):
        res_values = dispatch_to_extension_op(op, lvalues, rvalues)

        if isinstance(rvalues, np.ndarray):
            is_other_int_dtype = is_integer_dtype(rvalues.dtype)
            rvalues = rvalues if is_other_int_dtype else fill_bool(
                rvalues, lvalues)

            # i.e. scalar
            is_other_int_dtype = lib.is_integer(rvalues)

        # For int vs int `^`, `|`, `&` are bitwise operators and return
        #   integer dtypes.  Otherwise these are boolean ops
        filler = fill_int if is_self_int_dtype and is_other_int_dtype else fill_bool

        res_values = na_logical_op(lvalues, rvalues, op)
        res_values = filler(res_values)  # type: ignore

    return res_values
Пример #49
def treat_as_nested(data) -> bool:
    Check if we should use nested_data_to_arrays.
    return len(data) > 0 and is_list_like(data[0]) and getattr(
        data[0], "ndim", 1) == 1
Пример #50
def to_time(arg, format=None, infer_time_format=False, errors='raise'):
    Parse time strings to time objects using fixed strptime formats ("%H:%M",
    "%H%M", "%I:%M%p", "%I%M%p", "%H:%M:%S", "%H%M%S", "%I:%M:%S%p",

    Use infer_time_format if all the strings are in the same format to speed
    up conversion.

    arg : string in time format, datetime.time, list, tuple, 1-d array,  Series
    format : str, default None
        Format used to convert arg into a time object.  If None, fixed formats
        are used.
    infer_time_format: bool, default False
        Infer the time format based on the first non-NaN element.  If all
        strings are in the same format, this will speed up conversion.
    errors : {'ignore', 'raise', 'coerce'}, default 'raise'
        - If 'raise', then invalid parsing will raise an exception
        - If 'coerce', then invalid parsing will be set as None
        - If 'ignore', then invalid parsing will return the input

    from pandas.core.series import Series

    def _convert_listlike(arg, format):

        if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):
            arg = np.array(arg, dtype='O')

        elif getattr(arg, 'ndim', 1) > 1:
            raise TypeError('arg must be a string, datetime, list, tuple, '
                            '1-d array, or Series')

        arg = _ensure_object(arg)

        if infer_time_format and format is None:
            format = _guess_time_format_for_array(arg)

        times = []
        if format is not None:
            for element in arg:
                    times.append(datetime.strptime(element, format).time())
                except (ValueError, TypeError):
                    if errors == 'raise':
                        raise ValueError("Cannot convert %s to a time with "
                                         "given format %s" % (element, format))
                    elif errors == 'ignore':
                        return arg
            formats = _time_formats[:]
            format_found = False
            for element in arg:
                time_object = None
                for time_format in formats:
                        time_object = datetime.strptime(element,
                        if not format_found:
                            # Put the found format in front
                            fmt = formats.pop(formats.index(time_format))
                            formats.insert(0, fmt)
                            format_found = True
                    except (ValueError, TypeError):

                if time_object is not None:
                elif errors == 'raise':
                    raise ValueError("Cannot convert arg {arg} to "
                                     "a time".format(arg=arg))
                elif errors == 'ignore':
                    return arg

        return times

    if arg is None:
        return arg
    elif isinstance(arg, time):
        return arg
    elif isinstance(arg, Series):
        values = _convert_listlike(arg._values, format)
        return Series(values, index=arg.index, name=arg.name)
    elif isinstance(arg, ABCIndexClass):
        return _convert_listlike(arg, format)
    elif is_list_like(arg):
        return _convert_listlike(arg, format)

    return _convert_listlike(np.array([arg]), format)[0]
Пример #51
    def quantile(self, q=0.5, **kwargs):
        if is_list_like(q):
            return self._default_to_pandas(
                lambda df: df.quantile(q=q, **kwargs))

        return self._apply_agg_function(lambda df: df.quantile(q, **kwargs))
Пример #52
    def _parse_errorbars(self, label, err):
        Look for error keyword arguments and return the actual errorbar data
        or return the error DataFrame/dict

        Error bars can be specified in several ways:
            Series: the user provides a pandas.Series object of the same
                    length as the data
            ndarray: provides a np.ndarray of the same length as the data
            DataFrame/dict: error values are paired with keys matching the
                    key in the plotted DataFrame
            str: the name of the column within the plotted DataFrame

        if err is None:
            return None

        def match_labels(data, e):
            e = e.reindex(data.index)
            return e

        # key-matched DataFrame
        if isinstance(err, ABCDataFrame):

            err = match_labels(self.data, err)
        # key-matched dict
        elif isinstance(err, dict):

        # Series of error values
        elif isinstance(err, ABCSeries):
            # broadcast error series across data
            err = match_labels(self.data, err)
            err = np.atleast_2d(err)
            err = np.tile(err, (self.nseries, 1))

        # errors are a column in the dataframe
        elif isinstance(err, str):
            evalues = self.data[err].values
            self.data = self.data[self.data.columns.drop(err)]
            err = np.atleast_2d(evalues)
            err = np.tile(err, (self.nseries, 1))

        elif is_list_like(err):
            if is_iterator(err):
                err = np.atleast_2d(list(err))
                # raw error values
                err = np.atleast_2d(err)

            err_shape = err.shape

            # asymmetrical error bars
            if err.ndim == 3:
                if (err_shape[0] != self.nseries) or \
                        (err_shape[1] != 2) or \
                        (err_shape[2] != len(self.data)):
                    msg = "Asymmetrical error bars should be provided " + \
                        "with the shape (%u, 2, %u)" % \
                        (self.nseries, len(self.data))
                    raise ValueError(msg)

            # broadcast errors to each data series
            if len(err) == 1:
                err = np.tile(err, (self.nseries, 1))

        elif is_number(err):
            err = np.tile([err], (self.nseries, len(self.data)))

            msg = "No valid {label} detected".format(label=label)
            raise ValueError(msg)

        return err
Пример #53
 def convert_values(param):
     if isinstance(param, ExtensionArray) or is_list_like(param):
         ovalues = param
     else:  # Assume its an object
         ovalues = [param] * len(self)
     return ovalues
Пример #54
 def _args_adjust(self):
     if is_list_like(self.bottom):
         self.bottom = np.array(self.bottom)
     if is_list_like(self.left):
         self.left = np.array(self.left)
Пример #55
def melt(frame,
    # TODO: what about the existing index?
    if id_vars is not None:
        if not is_list_like(id_vars):
            id_vars = [id_vars]
        elif (isinstance(frame.columns, MultiIndex)
              and not isinstance(id_vars, list)):
            raise ValueError('id_vars must be a list of tuples when columns'
                             ' are a MultiIndex')
            id_vars = list(id_vars)
        id_vars = []

    if value_vars is not None:
        if not is_list_like(value_vars):
            value_vars = [value_vars]
        elif (isinstance(frame.columns, MultiIndex)
              and not isinstance(value_vars, list)):
            raise ValueError('value_vars must be a list of tuples when'
                             ' columns are a MultiIndex')
            value_vars = list(value_vars)
        frame = frame.loc[:, id_vars + value_vars]
        frame = frame.copy()

    if col_level is not None:  # allow list or other?
        # frame is a copy
        frame.columns = frame.columns.get_level_values(col_level)

    if var_name is None:
        if isinstance(frame.columns, MultiIndex):
            if len(frame.columns.names) == len(set(frame.columns.names)):
                var_name = frame.columns.names
                var_name = [
                    for i in range(len(frame.columns.names))
            var_name = [
                if frame.columns.name is not None else 'variable'
    if isinstance(var_name, compat.string_types):
        var_name = [var_name]

    N, K = frame.shape
    K -= len(id_vars)

    mdata = {}
    for col in id_vars:
        mdata[col] = np.tile(frame.pop(col).values, K)

    mcolumns = id_vars + var_name + [value_name]

    mdata[value_name] = frame.values.ravel('F')
    for i, col in enumerate(var_name):
        # asanyarray will keep the columns as an Index
        mdata[col] = np.asanyarray(

    return DataFrame(mdata, columns=mcolumns)
Пример #56
def _try_cast(
    dtype: Optional[Union[np.dtype, "ExtensionDtype"]],
    copy: bool,
    raise_cast_failure: bool,
    Convert input to numpy ndarray and optionally cast to a given dtype.

    arr : ndarray, list, tuple, iterator (catchall)
        Excludes: ExtensionArray, Series, Index.
    dtype : np.dtype, ExtensionDtype or None
    copy : bool
        If False, don't copy the data if not needed.
    raise_cast_failure : bool
        If True, and if a dtype is specified, raise errors during casting.
        Otherwise an object array is returned.
    # perf shortcut as this is the most common case
    if isinstance(arr, np.ndarray):
        if maybe_castable(arr) and not copy and dtype is None:
            return arr

        # GH#15832: Check if we are requesting a numeric dype and
        # that we can convert the data to the requested dtype.
        if is_integer_dtype(dtype):
            subarr = maybe_cast_to_integer_array(arr, dtype)

        subarr = maybe_cast_to_datetime(arr, dtype)
        # Take care in creating object arrays (but iterators are not
        # supported):
        if is_object_dtype(dtype) and (
                is_list_like(subarr) and
                not (is_iterator(subarr) or isinstance(subarr, np.ndarray))):
            subarr = construct_1d_object_array_from_listlike(subarr)
        elif not is_extension_array_dtype(subarr):
            subarr = construct_1d_ndarray_preserving_na(subarr,
    except OutOfBoundsDatetime:
        # in case of out of bound datetime64 -> always raise
    except (ValueError, TypeError):
        if is_categorical_dtype(dtype):
            # We *do* allow casting to categorical, since we know
            # that Categorical is the only array type for 'category'.
            dtype = cast(CategoricalDtype, dtype)
            subarr = dtype.construct_array_type()(arr,
        elif is_extension_array_dtype(dtype):
            # create an extension array from its dtype
            dtype = cast(ExtensionDtype, dtype)
            array_type = dtype.construct_array_type()._from_sequence
            subarr = array_type(arr, dtype=dtype, copy=copy)
        elif dtype is not None and raise_cast_failure:
            subarr = np.array(arr, dtype=object, copy=copy)
    return subarr
Пример #57
def _flatten(axes):
    if not is_list_like(axes):
        return np.array([axes])
    elif isinstance(axes, (np.ndarray, Index)):
        return axes.ravel()
    return np.array(axes)
Пример #58
        def integer_arithmetic_method(self, other):

            omask = None

            if getattr(other, "ndim", 0) > 1:
                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "can only perform ops with 1-d structures")

            if isinstance(other, IntegerArray):
                other, omask = other._data, other._mask

            elif is_list_like(other):
                other = np.asarray(other)
                if other.ndim > 1:
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        "can only perform ops with 1-d structures")
                if len(self) != len(other):
                    raise ValueError("Lengths must match")
                if not (is_float_dtype(other) or is_integer_dtype(other)):
                    raise TypeError("can only perform ops with numeric values")

                if not (is_float(other) or is_integer(other)
                        or other is libmissing.NA):
                    raise TypeError("can only perform ops with numeric values")

            if omask is None:
                mask = self._mask.copy()
                if other is libmissing.NA:
                    mask |= True
                mask = self._mask | omask

            if op_name == "pow":
                # 1 ** x is 1.
                mask = np.where((self._data == 1) & ~self._mask, False, mask)
                # x ** 0 is 1.
                if omask is not None:
                    mask = np.where((other == 0) & ~omask, False, mask)
                elif other is not libmissing.NA:
                    mask = np.where(other == 0, False, mask)

            elif op_name == "rpow":
                # 1 ** x is 1.
                if omask is not None:
                    mask = np.where((other == 1) & ~omask, False, mask)
                elif other is not libmissing.NA:
                    mask = np.where(other == 1, False, mask)
                # x ** 0 is 1.
                mask = np.where((self._data == 0) & ~self._mask, False, mask)

            if other is libmissing.NA:
                result = np.ones_like(self._data)
                with np.errstate(all="ignore"):
                    result = op(self._data, other)

            # divmod returns a tuple
            if op_name == "divmod":
                div, mod = result
                return (
                    self._maybe_mask_result(div, mask, other, "floordiv"),
                    self._maybe_mask_result(mod, mask, other, "mod"),

            return self._maybe_mask_result(result, mask, other, op_name)
Пример #59
def check_array_indexer(array: AnyArrayLike, indexer: Any) -> Any:
    Check if `indexer` is a valid array indexer for `array`.

    For a boolean mask, `array` and `indexer` are checked to have the same
    length. The dtype is validated, and if it is an integer or boolean
    ExtensionArray, it is checked if there are missing values present, and
    it is converted to the appropriate numpy array. Other dtypes will raise
    an error.

    Non-array indexers (integer, slice, Ellipsis, tuples, ..) are passed
    through as is.

    .. versionadded:: 1.0.0

    array : array-like
        The array that is being indexed (only used for the length).
    indexer : array-like or list-like
        The array-like that's used to index. List-like input that is not yet
        a numpy array or an ExtensionArray is converted to one. Other input
        types are passed through as is.

        The validated indexer as a numpy array that can be used to index.

        When the lengths don't match.
        When `indexer` cannot be converted to a numpy ndarray to index
        (e.g. presence of missing values).

    See Also
    api.types.is_bool_dtype : Check if `key` is of boolean dtype.

    When checking a boolean mask, a boolean ndarray is returned when the
    arguments are all valid.

    >>> mask = pd.array([True, False])
    >>> arr = pd.array([1, 2])
    >>> pd.api.indexers.check_array_indexer(arr, mask)
    array([ True, False])

    An IndexError is raised when the lengths don't match.

    >>> mask = pd.array([True, False, True])
    >>> pd.api.indexers.check_array_indexer(arr, mask)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    IndexError: Boolean index has wrong length: 3 instead of 2.

    NA values in a boolean array are treated as False.

    >>> mask = pd.array([True, pd.NA])
    >>> pd.api.indexers.check_array_indexer(arr, mask)
    array([ True, False])

    A numpy boolean mask will get passed through (if the length is correct):

    >>> mask = np.array([True, False])
    >>> pd.api.indexers.check_array_indexer(arr, mask)
    array([ True, False])

    Similarly for integer indexers, an integer ndarray is returned when it is
    a valid indexer, otherwise an error is  (for integer indexers, a matching
    length is not required):

    >>> indexer = pd.array([0, 2], dtype="Int64")
    >>> arr = pd.array([1, 2, 3])
    >>> pd.api.indexers.check_array_indexer(arr, indexer)
    array([0, 2])

    >>> indexer = pd.array([0, pd.NA], dtype="Int64")
    >>> pd.api.indexers.check_array_indexer(arr, indexer)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    ValueError: Cannot index with an integer indexer containing NA values

    For non-integer/boolean dtypes, an appropriate error is raised:

    >>> indexer = np.array([0., 2.], dtype="float64")
    >>> pd.api.indexers.check_array_indexer(arr, indexer)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    IndexError: arrays used as indices must be of integer or boolean type
    from pandas.core.construction import array as pd_array

    # whathever is not an array-like is returned as-is (possible valid array
    # indexers that are not array-like: integer, slice, Ellipsis, None)
    # In this context, tuples are not considered as array-like, as they have
    # a specific meaning in indexing (multi-dimensional indexing)
    if is_list_like(indexer):
        if isinstance(indexer, tuple):
            return indexer
        return indexer

    # convert list-likes to array
    if not is_array_like(indexer):
        indexer = pd_array(indexer)
        if len(indexer) == 0:
            # empty list is converted to float array by pd.array
            indexer = np.array([], dtype=np.intp)

    dtype = indexer.dtype
    if is_bool_dtype(dtype):
        if is_extension_array_dtype(dtype):
            indexer = indexer.to_numpy(dtype=bool, na_value=False)
            indexer = np.asarray(indexer, dtype=bool)

        # GH26658
        if len(indexer) != len(array):
            raise IndexError(f"Boolean index has wrong length: "
                             f"{len(indexer)} instead of {len(array)}")
    elif is_integer_dtype(dtype):
            indexer = np.asarray(indexer, dtype=np.intp)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(
                "Cannot index with an integer indexer containing NA values")
        raise IndexError(
            "arrays used as indices must be of integer or boolean type")

    return indexer
Пример #60
def to_datetime(arg,
    Convert argument to datetime.

    arg : integer, float, string, datetime, list, tuple, 1-d array, Series

        .. versionadded: 0.18.1

           or DataFrame/dict-like

    errors : {'ignore', 'raise', 'coerce'}, default 'raise'

        - If 'raise', then invalid parsing will raise an exception
        - If 'coerce', then invalid parsing will be set as NaT
        - If 'ignore', then invalid parsing will return the input
    dayfirst : boolean, default False
        Specify a date parse order if `arg` is str or its list-likes.
        If True, parses dates with the day first, eg 10/11/12 is parsed as
        Warning: dayfirst=True is not strict, but will prefer to parse
        with day first (this is a known bug, based on dateutil behavior).
    yearfirst : boolean, default False
        Specify a date parse order if `arg` is str or its list-likes.

        - If True parses dates with the year first, eg 10/11/12 is parsed as
        - If both dayfirst and yearfirst are True, yearfirst is preceded (same
          as dateutil).

        Warning: yearfirst=True is not strict, but will prefer to parse
        with year first (this is a known bug, based on dateutil beahavior).

        .. versionadded: 0.16.1

    utc : boolean, default None
        Return UTC DatetimeIndex if True (converting any tz-aware
        datetime.datetime objects as well).
    box : boolean, default True

        - If True returns a DatetimeIndex
        - If False returns ndarray of values.
    format : string, default None
        strftime to parse time, eg "%d/%m/%Y", note that "%f" will parse
        all the way up to nanoseconds.
    exact : boolean, True by default

        - If True, require an exact format match.
        - If False, allow the format to match anywhere in the target string.

    unit : string, default 'ns'
        unit of the arg (D,s,ms,us,ns) denote the unit, which is an
        integer or float number. This will be based off the origin.
        Example, with unit='ms' and origin='unix' (the default), this
        would calculate the number of milliseconds to the unix epoch start.
    infer_datetime_format : boolean, default False
        If True and no `format` is given, attempt to infer the format of the
        datetime strings, and if it can be inferred, switch to a faster
        method of parsing them. In some cases this can increase the parsing
        speed by ~5-10x.
    origin : scalar, default is 'unix'
        Define the reference date. The numeric values would be parsed as number
        of units (defined by `unit`) since this reference date.

        - If 'unix' (or POSIX) time; origin is set to 1970-01-01.
        - If 'julian', unit must be 'D', and origin is set to beginning of
          Julian Calendar. Julian day number 0 is assigned to the day starting
          at noon on January 1, 4713 BC.
        - If Timestamp convertible, origin is set to Timestamp identified by

        .. versionadded: 0.20.0

    ret : datetime if parsing succeeded.
        Return type depends on input:

        - list-like: DatetimeIndex
        - Series: Series of datetime64 dtype
        - scalar: Timestamp

        In case when it is not possible to return designated types (e.g. when
        any element of input is before Timestamp.min or after Timestamp.max)
        return will have datetime.datetime type (or correspoding array/Series).


    Assembling a datetime from multiple columns of a DataFrame. The keys can be
    common abbreviations like ['year', 'month', 'day', 'minute', 'second',
    'ms', 'us', 'ns']) or plurals of the same

    >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'year': [2015, 2016],
                           'month': [2, 3],
                           'day': [4, 5]})
    >>> pd.to_datetime(df)
    0   2015-02-04
    1   2016-03-05
    dtype: datetime64[ns]

    If a date does not meet the `timestamp limitations
    #timeseries-timestamp-limits>`_, passing errors='ignore'
    will return the original input instead of raising any exception.

    Passing errors='coerce' will force an out-of-bounds date to NaT,
    in addition to forcing non-dates (or non-parseable dates) to NaT.

    >>> pd.to_datetime('13000101', format='%Y%m%d', errors='ignore')
    datetime.datetime(1300, 1, 1, 0, 0)
    >>> pd.to_datetime('13000101', format='%Y%m%d', errors='coerce')

    Passing infer_datetime_format=True can often-times speedup a parsing
    if its not an ISO8601 format exactly, but in a regular format.

    >>> s = pd.Series(['3/11/2000', '3/12/2000', '3/13/2000']*1000)

    >>> s.head()
    0    3/11/2000
    1    3/12/2000
    2    3/13/2000
    3    3/11/2000
    4    3/12/2000
    dtype: object

    >>> %timeit pd.to_datetime(s,infer_datetime_format=True)
    100 loops, best of 3: 10.4 ms per loop

    >>> %timeit pd.to_datetime(s,infer_datetime_format=False)
    1 loop, best of 3: 471 ms per loop

    Using a unix epoch time

    >>> pd.to_datetime(1490195805, unit='s')
    Timestamp('2017-03-22 15:16:45')
    >>> pd.to_datetime(1490195805433502912, unit='ns')
    Timestamp('2017-03-22 15:16:45.433502912')

    .. warning:: For float arg, precision rounding might happen. To prevent
        unexpected behavior use a fixed-width exact type.

    Using a non-unix epoch origin

    >>> pd.to_datetime([1, 2, 3], unit='D',
    0    1960-01-02
    1    1960-01-03
    2    1960-01-04

    from pandas.core.indexes.datetimes import DatetimeIndex

    tz = 'utc' if utc else None

    def _convert_listlike(arg, box, format, name=None, tz=tz):

        if isinstance(arg, (list, tuple)):
            arg = np.array(arg, dtype='O')

        # these are shortcutable
        if is_datetime64tz_dtype(arg):
            if not isinstance(arg, DatetimeIndex):
                return DatetimeIndex(arg, tz=tz, name=name)
            if utc:
                arg = arg.tz_convert(None).tz_localize('UTC')
            return arg

        elif is_datetime64_ns_dtype(arg):
            if box and not isinstance(arg, DatetimeIndex):
                    return DatetimeIndex(arg, tz=tz, name=name)
                except ValueError:

            return arg

        elif unit is not None:
            if format is not None:
                raise ValueError("cannot specify both format and unit")
            arg = getattr(arg, 'values', arg)
            result = tslib.array_with_unit_to_datetime(arg,
            if box:
                if errors == 'ignore':
                    from pandas import Index
                    return Index(result)

                return DatetimeIndex(result, tz=tz, name=name)
            return result
        elif getattr(arg, 'ndim', 1) > 1:
            raise TypeError('arg must be a string, datetime, list, tuple, '
                            '1-d array, or Series')

        arg = _ensure_object(arg)
        require_iso8601 = False

        if infer_datetime_format and format is None:
            format = _guess_datetime_format_for_array(arg, dayfirst=dayfirst)

        if format is not None:
            # There is a special fast-path for iso8601 formatted
            # datetime strings, so in those cases don't use the inferred
            # format because this path makes process slower in this
            # special case
            format_is_iso8601 = _format_is_iso(format)
            if format_is_iso8601:
                require_iso8601 = not infer_datetime_format
                format = None

            result = None

            if format is not None:
                # shortcut formatting here
                if format == '%Y%m%d':
                        result = _attempt_YYYYMMDD(arg, errors=errors)
                        raise ValueError("cannot convert the input to "
                                         "'%Y%m%d' date format")

                # fallback
                if result is None:
                        result = tslib.array_strptime(arg,
                    except tslib.OutOfBoundsDatetime:
                        if errors == 'raise':
                        result = arg
                    except ValueError:
                        # if format was inferred, try falling back
                        # to array_to_datetime - terminate here
                        # for specified formats
                        if not infer_datetime_format:
                            if errors == 'raise':
                            result = arg

            if result is None and (format is None or infer_datetime_format):
                result = tslib.array_to_datetime(

            if is_datetime64_dtype(result) and box:
                result = DatetimeIndex(result, tz=tz, name=name)
            return result

        except ValueError as e:
                values, tz = tslib.datetime_to_datetime64(arg)
                return DatetimeIndex._simple_new(values, name=name, tz=tz)
            except (ValueError, TypeError):
                raise e

    if arg is None:
        return None

    # handle origin
    if origin == 'julian':

        original = arg
        j0 = tslib.Timestamp(0).to_julian_date()
        if unit != 'D':
            raise ValueError("unit must be 'D' for origin='julian'")
            arg = arg - j0
            raise ValueError("incompatible 'arg' type for given "

        # premptively check this for a nice range
        j_max = tslib.Timestamp.max.to_julian_date() - j0
        j_min = tslib.Timestamp.min.to_julian_date() - j0
        if np.any(arg > j_max) or np.any(arg < j_min):
            raise tslib.OutOfBoundsDatetime(
                "{original} is Out of Bounds for "

    elif origin not in ['unix', 'julian']:

        # arg must be a numeric
        original = arg
        if not ((is_scalar(arg) and (is_integer(arg) or is_float(arg)))
                or is_numeric_dtype(np.asarray(arg))):
            raise ValueError(
                "'{arg}' is not compatible with origin='{origin}'; "
                "it must be numeric with a unit specified ".format(
                    arg=arg, origin=origin))

        # we are going to offset back to unix / epoch time
            offset = tslib.Timestamp(origin) - tslib.Timestamp(0)
        except tslib.OutOfBoundsDatetime:
            raise tslib.OutOfBoundsDatetime(
                "origin {} is Out of Bounds".format(origin))
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("origin {} cannot be converted "
                             "to a Timestamp".format(origin))

        # convert the offset to the unit of the arg
        # this should be lossless in terms of precision
        offset = offset // tslib.Timedelta(1, unit=unit)

        # scalars & ndarray-like can handle the addition
        if is_list_like(arg) and not isinstance(
                arg, (ABCSeries, ABCIndexClass, np.ndarray)):
            arg = np.asarray(arg)
        arg = arg + offset

    if isinstance(arg, tslib.Timestamp):
        result = arg
    elif isinstance(arg, ABCSeries):
        from pandas import Series
        values = _convert_listlike(arg._values, False, format)
        result = Series(values, index=arg.index, name=arg.name)
    elif isinstance(arg, (ABCDataFrame, MutableMapping)):
        result = _assemble_from_unit_mappings(arg, errors=errors)
    elif isinstance(arg, ABCIndexClass):
        result = _convert_listlike(arg, box, format, name=arg.name)
    elif is_list_like(arg):
        result = _convert_listlike(arg, box, format)
        result = _convert_listlike(np.array([arg]), box, format)[0]

    return result