def _as_range_index(self) -> RangeIndex: # Convert our i8 representations to RangeIndex # Caller is responsible for checking isinstance(self.freq, Tick) freq = cast(Tick, self.freq) tick = rng = range(self[0].value, self[-1].value + tick, tick) return RangeIndex(rng)
def test_default_causal_cto_w_np_array(rand_data, pre_int_period, post_int_period): data = rand_data.values ci = CausalImpact(data, pre_int_period, post_int_period) assert_array_equal(, data) assert ci.pre_period == pre_int_period assert ci.post_period == post_int_period pre_data = pd.DataFrame(data[pre_int_period[0]:pre_int_period[1] + 1, :]) assert_frame_equal(ci.pre_data, pre_data) post_data = pd.DataFrame(data[post_int_period[0]:post_int_period[1] + 1, :]) post_data.index = RangeIndex(start=len(pre_data), stop=len(rand_data)) assert_frame_equal(ci.post_data, post_data) assert ci.alpha == 0.05 normed_pre_data, (mu, sig) = standardize(pre_data) assert_frame_equal(ci.normed_pre_data, normed_pre_data) normed_post_data = (post_data - mu) / sig assert_frame_equal(ci.normed_post_data, normed_post_data) assert ci.mu_sig == (mu[0], sig[0]) assert ci.model_args == {'standardize': True, 'nseasons': []} assert isinstance(ci.model, UnobservedComponents) assert_array_equal(ci.model.endog, normed_pre_data.iloc[:, 0].values.reshape(-1, 1)) assert_array_equal( ci.model.exog, normed_pre_data.iloc[:, 1:].values.reshape(-1, data.shape[1] - 1)) assert ci.model.endog_names == 'y' assert ci.model.exog_names == [1, 2] assert ci.model.k_endog == 1 assert ci.model.level assert ci.model.trend_specification == 'local level' assert isinstance(ci.trained_model, UnobservedComponentsResultsWrapper) assert ci.trained_model.nobs == len(pre_data) assert ci.inferences is not None assert ci.inferences.index.dtype == rand_data.index.dtype assert ci.p_value > 0 and ci.p_value < 1 assert ci.n_sims == 1000
def load_and_merge_ticks(file_path, freq='3s'): ''' transfer the tick data to bar data ''' # load csv file data = pd.read_csv(file_path, dtype={ 'code': 'str', 'date': 'str', 'time': 'str' }) # reindex the data with date time mtime = data['time'].apply( lambda x: x[:2] + ':' + x[2:4] + ':' + x[4:6] + '.' + x[6:]) data.index = data['date'], sep=' ') data.index = pd.DatetimeIndex(data.index) # resample the data data = data.resample(freq, closed='left', label='left').last() data = data[(data.index.time <= datetime.time(11, 30)) | (data.index.time > datetime.time(13, 0))] # deal with the data before open data_before_open = data[data.index.time <= datetime.time(9, 30)] data_before_open = data_before_open.dropna() data = data[data.index.time > datetime.time(9, 30)].fillna(method='pad') data = pd.concat([data_before_open, data]) # reset the time columns according the latest index # data['time'] = data.index.to_series().apply(lambda x: int("%02d%02d%02d000" % (x.hour, x.minute, x.second))) data['time'] = data.index.to_series().apply( lambda x: int("%02d%02d%02d00" % (x.hour, x.minute, x.second))) try: data['date'] = data['date'].apply(lambda x: int(x)) except ValueError: print(filepath) exit(0) data.index = RangeIndex(start=0, stop=len(data)) return data
def default_index(n: int) -> RangeIndex: rng = range(0, n) return RangeIndex._simple_new(rng, name=None)
import pandas as pd from pandas.core.indexes.range import RangeIndex print('*' * 10, 'Series to DataFrame', '*' * 10) oranges = [45, 63, 85, 96, 45] apples = [63, 52, 41, 78, 99] org_start = max(oranges) step = 2 org_stop = max(oranges) + len(oranges) * step # index starts from the maximum value of the sequence, endsn = after addtion of number of elements in the sequence product of step ind_org = range(org_start, org_stop, step) oranges_sr = pd.Series(apples) print(oranges_sr) aple_start = max(apples) apl_stop = max(apples) + len(apples) * step ind_apl = RangeIndex(aple_start, apl_stop, step=2) apples_sr = pd.Series(apples) print("\u001b[30;1m Printing Apple Series") print('\u001b[32;1m', apples_sr) # ********** Merging Series ********* mergSr = pd.DataFrame(apples_sr, oranges).reset_index() print('\u001b[30;1m Merged Series to Dataframe', mergSr) print('\u001b[33;1m', "Now Merging Series with Dif Index to by using dic") merg_dic = {'Apples': apples, 'Oranges': oranges} merg_dic_sr = {'Apple': apples_sr, 'Oranges': oranges_sr} pdf_seriesMerge = pd.DataFrame(merg_dic) print('\u001b[32;1m', pdf_seriesMerge) print('\u001b[32;1m', pdf_seriesMerge.columns) print('\u001b[32;1m', pdf_seriesMerge.index)