Пример #1
    def test_ewma_span_com_args(self):
        A = moments.ewma(self.arr, com=9.5)
        B = moments.ewma(self.arr, span=20)
        assert_almost_equal(A, B)

        self.assertRaises(Exception, moments.ewma, self.arr, com=9.5, span=20)
        self.assertRaises(Exception, moments.ewma, self.arr)
Пример #2
    def test_ewma_span_com_args(self):
        A = mom.ewma(self.arr, com=9.5)
        B = mom.ewma(self.arr, span=20)
        assert_almost_equal(A, B)

        self.assertRaises(Exception, mom.ewma, self.arr, com=9.5, span=20)
        self.assertRaises(Exception, mom.ewma, self.arr)
Пример #3
    def test_ewma_halflife_arg(self):
        A = mom.ewma(self.arr, com=13.932726172912965)
        B = mom.ewma(self.arr, halflife=10.0)
        assert_almost_equal(A, B)

        self.assertRaises(Exception, mom.ewma, self.arr, span=20, halflife=50)
        self.assertRaises(Exception, mom.ewma, self.arr, com=9.5, halflife=50)
        self.assertRaises(Exception, mom.ewma, self.arr, com=9.5, span=20, halflife=50)
        self.assertRaises(Exception, mom.ewma, self.arr)
Пример #4
    def test_ewma_halflife_arg(self):
        A = mom.ewma(self.arr, com=13.932726172912965)
        B = mom.ewma(self.arr, halflife=10.0)
        assert_almost_equal(A, B)

        self.assertRaises(Exception, mom.ewma, self.arr, span=20, halflife=50)
        self.assertRaises(Exception, mom.ewma, self.arr, com=9.5, halflife=50)
        self.assertRaises(Exception, mom.ewma, self.arr, com=9.5, span=20, halflife=50)
        self.assertRaises(Exception, mom.ewma, self.arr)
Пример #5
def compute_macd(data):
    data[’ewma5’] = ewma(data.close, span=5)
    data[’ewma35’] = ewma(data.close, span=35)

    data[’macd’] = data.ewma5 - data.ewma35

    data[’macd_signal’] = ewma(data.macd, span=5)

    data[’histogram’] = data.macd - data.macd_signal
Пример #6
def moving_average_convergence(x, nslow=50, nfast=10):
    compute the crossover (Moving Average Convergence/Divergence) using a fast and slow exponential moving avg'
    return value is emaslow, emafast, crossover which are len(x) arrays
    emaslow = mom.ewma(x, span=nslow)
    emafast = mom.ewma(x, span=nfast)
#    emaslow = moving_average(x, nslow, type='exponential')
#    emafast = moving_average(x, nfast, type='exponential')
#    print x
#    time.sleep(10)
    return emaslow, emafast, emafast - emaslow
Пример #7
def moving_average_convergence(x, nslow=50, nfast=10):
    compute the crossover (Moving Average Convergence/Divergence) using a fast and slow exponential moving avg'
    return value is emaslow, emafast, crossover which are len(x) arrays
    emaslow = mom.ewma(x, span=nslow)
    emafast = mom.ewma(x, span=nfast)
    #    emaslow = moving_average(x, nslow, type='exponential')
    #    emafast = moving_average(x, nfast, type='exponential')
    #    print x
    #    time.sleep(10)
    return emaslow, emafast, emafast - emaslow
Пример #8
def calc_rtg_daily(daily_df, horizon):
    print "Caculating daily rtg..."
    result_df = filter_expandable(daily_df)

    print "Calculating rtg0..."    
    halflife = horizon / 2
#    result_df['dk'] = np.exp( -1.0 * halflife *  (result_df['gdate'] - result_df['last']).astype('timedelta64[D]').astype(int) )

    result_df['cum_ret'] = pd.rolling_sum(result_df['log_ret'], horizon)

    result_df['sum'] = result_df['mean'] * result_df['count']
    result_df['det_diff'] = result_df['sum'].diff()    
    result_df['det_diff_dk'] = ewma(result_df['det_diff'], halflife=horizon )   
    result_df['rtg0'] = result_df['det_diff_dk'] * result_df['det_diff_dk']

    # result_df['median'] = -1.0 * (result_df['median'] - 3)
    # result_df['med_diff'] = result_df['median'].unstack().diff().stack()
    # result_df['med_diff_dk'] = pd.rolling_sum( result_df['dk'] * result_df['med_diff'], window=horizon )
    # result_df['rtg0'] = (np.sign(result_df['med_diff_dk']) * np.sign(result_df['cum_ret'])).clip(lower=0) * result_df['med_diff_dk']

    demean = lambda x: (x - x.mean())
    indgroups = result_df[['rtg0', 'gdate', 'ind1']].groupby(['gdate', 'ind1'], sort=True).transform(demean)
    result_df['rtg0_ma'] = indgroups['rtg0']

#    result_df['rtg0_ma'] = result_df['rtg0_ma'] * (np.sign(result_df['rtg0_ma']) * np.sign(result_df['cum_ret']))

#    result_df['rtg0_ma'] = result_df['rtg0']

    shift_df = result_df.unstack().shift(1).stack()
    result_df['rtg1_ma'] = shift_df['rtg0_ma']

    return result_df
def exp_smoothing(df):
    Function to calculate exponential smoothing
    Pandas functions are used to calculate moving average and standard deviation
    Upper and lower thresholds are calculated by
    Upper threshold = moving average + standard deviation
    Lower threshold = moving average - standard deviation
    #Calculate exp weighted moving average
    ExpWeightedMovingAvg = ewma(df,span=N)
    ExpWeightedMovingAvg.columns=['Exp Weighted Moving Avg']

    #Calculate exp weighted moving std
    ExpWeightedMovingStd = ewmstd(df,span=N)
    ExpWeightedMovingStd.columns=['Std Deviation']

    s1=df['Original data']
    s2=ExpWeightedMovingAvg['Exp Weighted Moving Avg']
    s3=ExpWeightedMovingStd['Std Deviation']
    s4=s2.add(s3, fill_value=0)
    s5=s2.sub(s3, fill_value=0)

    df2=DataFrame(s1,columns=['Original data'])
    df2['Exp Weighted Moving Avg']=s2
    df2['Std Deviation']=s3
    df2['Upper Threshold']=s4
    df2['Lower Threshold']=s5

    return df2
Пример #10
def exp_smoothing(df):
    Function to calculate exponential smoothing
    Pandas functions are used to calculate moving average and standard deviation
    Upper and lower thresholds are calculated by
    Upper threshold = moving average + standard deviation
    Lower threshold = moving average - standard deviation
    #Calculate exp weighted moving average
    ExpWeightedMovingAvg = ewma(df, span=N)
    ExpWeightedMovingAvg.columns = ['Exp Weighted Moving Avg']

    #Calculate exp weighted moving std
    ExpWeightedMovingStd = ewmstd(df, span=N)
    ExpWeightedMovingStd.columns = ['Std Deviation']

    s1 = df['Original data']
    s2 = ExpWeightedMovingAvg['Exp Weighted Moving Avg']
    s3 = ExpWeightedMovingStd['Std Deviation']
    s4 = s2.add(s3, fill_value=0)
    s5 = s2.sub(s3, fill_value=0)

    df2 = DataFrame(s1, columns=['Original data'])
    df2['Exp Weighted Moving Avg'] = s2
    df2['Std Deviation'] = s3
    df2['Upper Threshold'] = s4
    df2['Lower Threshold'] = s5

    return df2
Пример #11
def pd_ema(arg, ratio=0.1):
    ''' EMA, implemented with `pandas.stats.moments.ewma` '''
    span = 2.0 / (1-ratio) - 1
    arg = utils.safe_series(arg)
    rval = ewma(arg, span=span)
    utils.safe_name(rval, name='pdEMA')
    return rval
Пример #12
    def test_ewma(self):

        arr = np.zeros(1000)
        arr[5] = 1
        result = mom.ewma(arr, span=100, adjust=False).sum()
        self.assert_(np.abs(result - 1) < 1e-2)
Пример #13
    def test_ewma(self):

        arr = np.zeros(1000)
        arr[5] = 1
        result = mom.ewma(arr, span=100, adjust=False).sum()
        self.assert_(np.abs(result - 1) < 1e-2)
Пример #14
def ewma(params, df):
    ''' Ewmas specified columns of the df '''
    print('Ewma data')
    #unknownFeatures = features['unknowns']
    #knownFeatures   = features['knowns']
    dfX, dfy = df2xy(df, params.data_cols.features, params.data_cols.target_col)
    resultDf = pd.DataFrame()
    for col in dfX.columns:
        series = dfX[col]
        # take EWMA in both directions with a smaller span term
        fwd = moments.ewma(series, span=params.hypers.days_to_average)          # take EWMA in fwd direction
        #bwd = ewma( series[::-1], span=self.daysToAverage )    # take EWMA in bwd direction
        #c = np.vstack(( fwd, bwd[::-1] )) # lump fwd and bwd together
        #c = np.mean( c, axis=0 )          # average
        c = fwd
        cDf = pd.DataFrame(c,columns=[col])
        newDf = pd.concat([resultDf, cDf], axis=1, ignore_index=True)
        columns = list(resultDf.columns)+[col]
        newDf.columns = columns
        resultDf = newDf

    # Attach ewma'd Xs with y and send back df
    dfX = resultDf.round(1)

    df = xy2df(dfX, dfy)

    return df
Пример #15
def mpl_plot_ewma_embedded(figname, xs, ys, span):
    # create the figure and axes for the plot
    fig = Figure(figsize=(8, 6), dpi=75, facecolor=(1, 1, 1), edgecolor=(0, 0, 0))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

    # calculate the moving average
    ewma_ys = ewma(ys, span=span)

    # plot the data
    ax.plot(xs, ys, alpha=0.4, label="Raw")
    ax.plot(xs, ewma_ys, label="EWMA")

    # write the figure to a temporary image file
    filename = os.path.join(os.environ["TEMP"], "xlplot_%s.png" % figname)
    canvas = FigureCanvas(fig)

    # Show the figure in Excel as a Picture object on the same sheet
    # the function is being called from.
    xl = xl_app()
    caller = xlfCaller()
    sheet = xl.Range(caller.address).Worksheet

    # if a picture with the same figname already exists then get the position
    # and size from the old picture and delete it.
    for old_picture in sheet.Pictures():
        if old_picture.Name == figname:
            height = old_picture.Height
            width = old_picture.Width
            top = old_picture.Top
            left = old_picture.Left
        # otherwise place the picture below the calling cell.
        top_left = sheet.Cells(caller.rect.last_row+2, caller.rect.last_col+1)
        top = top_left.Top
        left = top_left.Left
        width, height = fig.bbox.bounds[2:]

    # insert the picture
    # Ref: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/ff198302%28v=office.15%29.aspx
    picture = sheet.Shapes.AddPicture(Filename=filename,
                                      LinkToFile=0,  # msoFalse
                                      SaveWithDocument=-1,  # msoTrue

    # set the name of the new picture so we can find it next time
    picture.Name = figname

    # delete the temporary file

    return "[Plotted '%s']" % figname
def simpleMApredict(x,span,periods = pred_period):
    x_predict = np.zeros((span+periods,))
    x_predict[:span] = x[-span:]
    pred =  ewma(x_predict,span)[span:]

    pred = pred.round()
    pred[pred < 0] = 0
    return pred
Пример #17
def predict(x, span, periods=pred_period):
    x_predict = np.zeros((span + periods, ))
    x_predict[:span] = x[-span:]
    pred = ewma(x_predict, span)[span:]

    pred = pred.round()
    pred[pred < 0] = 0
    return pred
Пример #18
def predict_EWMA(x,span=3,periods = pred_period):
    x_predict = np.zeros((span+periods,))
    x_predict[:span] = x[-span:]
    pred =  ewma(x_predict,span)[span:]

    pred = pred.round()
    pred[pred < 0] = 0
    return pred
Пример #19
 def McClellanOscillator():
     McClellan Oscillator
     def RANA():
         Ratio Adjusted Net Advances (RANA)
         Returns RANA for whole dataset
         return ((data['Advances'] - data['Declines']) / (data['Advances'] + data['Declines']) * 1000)
     ####### Calculate RANA
     rana = RANA()
     ####### Calculate EMAS
     ema19 = ewma(rana, span=19)
     ema39 = ewma(rana, span=39)
     return ema19 - ema39
Пример #20
def mpl_plot_ewma(figname, xs, ys, span):
    Show a matplotlib line plot of xs vs ys and ewma(ys, span) in an interactive window.

    :param figname: name to use for this plot's window
    :param xs: list of x values as a column
    :param ys: list of y values as a column
    :param span: ewma span
    # Get the Qt app.
    # Note: no need to 'exec' this as it will be polled in the main windows loop.
    app = get_qt_app()

    # create the figure and axes for the plot
    fig = Figure(figsize=(600, 600),
                 facecolor=(1, 1, 1),
                 edgecolor=(0, 0, 0))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

    # calculate the moving average
    ewma_ys = ewma(ys, span=span)

    # plot the data
    ax.plot(xs, ys, alpha=0.4, label="Raw")
    ax.plot(xs, ewma_ys, label="EWMA")

    # generate the canvas to display the plot
    canvas = FigureCanvas(fig)

    # Get or create the Qt windows to show the chart in.
    if figname in _plot_windows:
        # get from the global dict and clear any previous widgets
        window = _plot_windows[figname]
        layout = window.layout()
        if layout:
            for i in reversed(range(layout.count())):
        # create a new window for this plot and store it for next time
        window = QtGui.QWidget()
        window.resize(800, 600)
        _plot_windows[figname] = window

    # create the navigation toolbar
    toolbar = NavigationToolbar(canvas, window)

    # add the canvas and toolbar to the window
    layout = window.layout() or QtGui.QVBoxLayout()


    return "[Plotted '%s']" % figname
Пример #21
    def test_ewma(self):

        arr = np.zeros(1000)
        arr[5] = 1
        result = mom.ewma(arr, span=100, adjust=False).sum()
        self.assertTrue(np.abs(result - 1) < 1e-2)

        s = Series([1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0])

        expected = Series([1.0, 1.6, 2.736842, 4.923077])
        for f in [
                lambda s: mom.ewma(s, com=2.0, adjust=True),
                lambda s: mom.ewma(s, com=2.0, adjust=True, ignore_na=False),
                lambda s: mom.ewma(s, com=2.0, adjust=True, ignore_na=True),
            result = f(s)
            assert_series_equal(result, expected)

        expected = Series([1.0, 1.333333, 2.222222, 4.148148])
        for f in [
                lambda s: mom.ewma(s, com=2.0, adjust=False),
                lambda s: mom.ewma(s, com=2.0, adjust=False, ignore_na=False),
                lambda s: mom.ewma(s, com=2.0, adjust=False, ignore_na=True),
            result = f(s)
            assert_series_equal(result, expected)
Пример #22
    def test_ewma(self):

        arr = np.zeros(1000)
        arr[5] = 1
        result = mom.ewma(arr, span=100, adjust=False).sum()
        self.assertTrue(np.abs(result - 1) < 1e-2)

        s = Series([1.0, 2.0, 4.0, 8.0])
        expected = Series([1.0, 1.6, 2.736842, 4.923077])
        for f in [lambda s: mom.ewma(s, com=2.0, adjust=True),
                  lambda s: mom.ewma(s, com=2.0, adjust=True, ignore_na=False),
                  lambda s: mom.ewma(s, com=2.0, adjust=True, ignore_na=True),
            result = f(s)
            assert_series_equal(result, expected)

        expected = Series([1.0, 1.333333, 2.222222, 4.148148])
        for f in [lambda s: mom.ewma(s, com=2.0, adjust=False),
                  lambda s: mom.ewma(s, com=2.0, adjust=False, ignore_na=False),
                  lambda s: mom.ewma(s, com=2.0, adjust=False, ignore_na=True),
            result = f(s)
            assert_series_equal(result, expected)
Пример #23
    def test_ewma_nan_handling(self):
        s = Series([1.] + [np.nan] * 5 + [1.])
        result = mom.ewma(s, com=5)
        assert_almost_equal(result, [1.] * len(s))

        s = Series([np.nan] * 2 + [1.] + [np.nan] * 2 + [1.])
        result = mom.ewma(s, com=5)
        assert_almost_equal(result, [np.nan] * 2 + [1.] * 4)

        # GH 7603
        s0 = Series([np.nan, 1., 101.])
        s1 = Series([1., np.nan, 101.])
        s2 = Series([np.nan, 1., np.nan, np.nan, 101., np.nan])
        com = 2.
        alpha = 1. / (1. + com)

        def simple_wma(s, w):
            return (s.multiply(w).cumsum() / w.cumsum()).fillna(method='ffill')

        for (s, adjust, ignore_na, w) in [
            (s0, True, False, [np.nan, (1.0 - alpha), 1.]),
            (s0, True, True, [np.nan, (1.0 - alpha), 1.]),
            (s0, False, False, [np.nan, (1.0 - alpha), alpha]),
            (s0, False, True, [np.nan, (1.0 - alpha), alpha]),
            (s1, True, False, [(1.0 - alpha)**2, np.nan, 1.]),
            (s1, True, True, [(1.0 - alpha), np.nan, 1.]),
            (s1, False, False, [(1.0 - alpha)**2, np.nan, alpha]),
            (s1, False, True, [(1.0 - alpha), np.nan, alpha]),
            (s2, True, False,
             [np.nan, (1.0 - alpha)**3, np.nan, np.nan, 1., np.nan]),
            (s2, True, True,
             [np.nan, (1.0 - alpha), np.nan, np.nan, 1., np.nan]),
            (s2, False, False,
             [np.nan, (1.0 - alpha)**3, np.nan, np.nan, alpha, np.nan]),
            (s2, False, True,
             [np.nan, (1.0 - alpha), np.nan, np.nan, alpha, np.nan]),
            expected = simple_wma(s, Series(w))
            result = mom.ewma(s, com=com, adjust=adjust, ignore_na=ignore_na)
            assert_series_equal(result, expected)
            if ignore_na is False:
                # check that ignore_na defaults to False
                result = mom.ewma(s, com=com, adjust=adjust)
                assert_series_equal(result, expected)
Пример #24
def mpl_plot_ewma(figname, xs, ys, span):
    Show a matplotlib line plot of xs vs ys and ewma(ys, span) in an interactive window.

    :param figname: name to use for this plot's window
    :param xs: list of x values as a column
    :param ys: list of y values as a column
    :param span: ewma span
    # Get the Qt app.
    # Note: no need to 'exec' this as it will be polled in the main windows loop.
    app = get_qt_app()

    # create the figure and axes for the plot
    fig = Figure(figsize=(600, 600), dpi=72, facecolor=(1, 1, 1), edgecolor=(0, 0, 0))
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)

    # calculate the moving average
    ewma_ys = ewma(ys, span=span)

    # plot the data
    ax.plot(xs, ys, alpha=0.4, label="Raw")
    ax.plot(xs, ewma_ys, label="EWMA")

    # generate the canvas to display the plot
    canvas = FigureCanvas(fig)
    # Get or create the Qt windows to show the chart in.
    if figname in _plot_windows:
        # get from the global dict and clear any previous widgets
        window = _plot_windows[figname]
        layout = window.layout()
        if layout:
            for i in reversed(range(layout.count())):
        # create a new window for this plot and store it for next time
        window = QtGui.QWidget()
        window.resize(800, 600)
        _plot_windows[figname] = window

    # create the navigation toolbar
    toolbar = NavigationToolbar(canvas, window)

    # add the canvas and toolbar to the window
    layout = window.layout() or QtGui.QVBoxLayout()


    return "[Plotted '%s']" % figname
Пример #25
 def testEMAhandlesMissingValues(self):
     window = 4
     self.prices["ASX"][2] = NaN
     self.prices["BHP"][0] = NaN
     self.prices["CBA"][3:5] = NaN
     ema = ewma(self.prices, span=window)
 def testEMAhandlesMissingValues(self):
     window = 4
     self.prices["ASX"][2] = NaN
     self.prices["BHP"][0] = NaN
     self.prices["CBA"][3:5] = NaN
     ema = ewma(self.prices, span = window)
Пример #27
    def test_legacy_time_rule_arg(self):
        # suppress deprecation warnings
        sys.stderr = StringIO()

        rng = bdate_range('1/1/2000', periods=20)
        ts = Series(np.random.randn(20), index=rng)
        ts = ts.take(np.random.permutation(len(ts))[:12]).sort_index()

            result = mom.rolling_mean(ts, 1, min_periods=1, freq='B')
            expected = mom.rolling_mean(ts, 1, min_periods=1,
            tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)

            result = mom.ewma(ts, span=5, freq='B')
            expected = mom.ewma(ts, span=5, time_rule='WEEKDAY')
            tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)

            sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__
Пример #28
    def test_legacy_time_rule_arg(self):
        # suppress deprecation warnings
        sys.stderr = StringIO()

        rng = bdate_range('1/1/2000', periods=20)
        ts = Series(np.random.randn(20), index=rng)
        ts = ts.take(np.random.permutation(len(ts))[:12]).sort_index()

            result = mom.rolling_mean(ts, 1, min_periods=1, freq='B')
            expected = mom.rolling_mean(ts, 1, min_periods=1,
            tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)

            result = mom.ewma(ts, span=5, freq='B')
            expected = mom.ewma(ts, span=5, time_rule='WEEKDAY')
            tm.assert_series_equal(result, expected)

            sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__
Пример #29
    def test_ewma_nan_handling(self):
        s = Series([1.] + [np.nan] * 5 + [1.])
        result = mom.ewma(s, com=5)
        assert_almost_equal(result, [1.] * len(s))

        s = Series([np.nan] * 2 + [1.] + [np.nan] * 2 + [1.])
        result = mom.ewma(s, com=5)
        assert_almost_equal(result, [np.nan] * 2 + [1.] * 4)

        # GH 7603
        s0 = Series([np.nan, 1., 101.])
        s1 = Series([1., np.nan, 101.])
        s2 = Series([np.nan, 1., np.nan, np.nan, 101., np.nan])
        com = 2.
        alpha = 1. / (1. + com)

        def simple_wma(s, w):
            return (s.multiply(w).cumsum() / w.cumsum()).fillna(method='ffill')

        for (s, adjust, ignore_na, w) in [
                (s0, True, False, [np.nan, (1.0 - alpha), 1.]),
                (s0, True, True, [np.nan, (1.0 - alpha), 1.]),
                (s0, False, False, [np.nan, (1.0 - alpha), alpha]),
                (s0, False, True, [np.nan, (1.0 - alpha), alpha]),
                (s1, True, False, [(1.0 - alpha)**2, np.nan, 1.]),
                (s1, True, True, [(1.0 - alpha), np.nan, 1.]),
                (s1, False, False, [(1.0 - alpha)**2, np.nan, alpha]),
                (s1, False, True, [(1.0 - alpha), np.nan, alpha]),
                (s2, True, False, [np.nan, (1.0 - alpha)**3, np.nan, np.nan, 1., np.nan]),
                (s2, True, True, [np.nan, (1.0 - alpha), np.nan, np.nan, 1., np.nan]),
                (s2, False, False, [np.nan, (1.0 - alpha)**3, np.nan, np.nan, alpha, np.nan]),
                (s2, False, True, [np.nan, (1.0 - alpha), np.nan, np.nan, alpha, np.nan]),
            expected = simple_wma(s, Series(w))
            result = mom.ewma(s, com=com, adjust=adjust, ignore_na=ignore_na)
            assert_series_equal(result, expected)
            if ignore_na is False:
                # check that ignore_na defaults to False
                result = mom.ewma(s, com=com, adjust=adjust)
                assert_series_equal(result, expected)
Пример #30
def stddev_from_moving_average(timeseries):
    A timeseries is anomalous if the absolute value of the average of the latest
    three datapoint minus the moving average is greater than three standard
    deviations of the moving average. This is better for finding anomalies with
    respect to the short term trends.
    # print('算法计算: stddev_from_moving_average')

    series = pandas.Series([x[1] for x in timeseries])
    expAverage = moments.ewma(series, com=50)
    stdDev = moments.ewmstd(series, com=50)

    return abs(series.iget(-1) - expAverage.iget(-1)) > 3 * stdDev.iget(-1)
Пример #31
def mean_subtraction_cumulation(timeseries):
    A timeseries is anomalous if the value of the next datapoint in the
    series is farther than three standard deviations out in cumulative terms
    after subtracting the mean from each data point.

    # print('算法计算: mean_subtraction_cumulation')

    series = pandas.Series([x[1] if x[1] else 0 for x in timeseries])
    series = series - series[0:len(series) - 1].mean()
    stdDev = series[0:len(series) - 1].std()
    expAverage = moments.ewma(series, com=15)

    return abs(series.iget(-1)) > 3 * stdDev
Пример #32
def histogram(request, interval="year"):
    es = pyes.ES("localhost:9200")
    roll = int(request.GET.get("roll", "0"))
    terms = request.GET.getlist("term")
    data = dict(
        (term, _get_histogram_data(es, term, interval)) for term in terms
    frame = pandas.DataFrame(data).fillna(0)
    if roll:
        frame = moments.ewma(frame, roll)[roll:]

    context = {
        "histogram": frame,
        "terms": ", ".join(terms)
    return render_to_response("hanalytics/%s-histogram.html" % interval, context)
def process_lock(args):
    cursor = db.junctions.find({"_id":args})
    rain = getseriesweather('dailyrainMM',"mean","IDUBLINC2")
    wind = getseriesweather('WindSpeedGustKMH',"mean","IDUBLINC2")
    temperature = getseriesweather('TemperatureC',"mean","IDUBLINC2")
    #json_str =json_util.dumps(cursor)
    #junctions =json_util.loads(json_str)
    #neighbours1 = list(db.junctions.find({"junction2.point":junctions[0]["junction1"]["point"]}))
    #neighbours2 = list(db.junctions.find({"junction1.point":junctions[0]["junction2"]["point"]}))
    series = []
    neighbours = []

    arg = args.split("/")
    series1 = {"route":arg[0],"link":arg[1],"direction":arg[2]}
    selected_series = getseries(series1)
    #for n in neighbours:
        #if not n["direction"] == series1["direction"]:
            #if not (n["route"] + "/" + n["link"]) == (series1["route"] + "/" + series1["link"]):
                #series.append(getseries({"route": n["route"],"link": n["link"],"direction": n["direction"]}))

    shift = 10*6*24

    ds = {"STT":selected_series,
                 "STT1":ewma(selected_series.shift(shift), span=1+shift),
                 "STT2":ewma(selected_series.shift(shift), span=2+shift),
                 "STT3":ewma(selected_series.shift(shift), span=3+shift),
                 "Wind1":ewma(wind.shift(shift), span=3+shift),
                 "Temperature1":ewma(temperature.shift(shift), span=3+shift),
                 "Rain1":ewma(rain.shift(shift), span=3+shift)
    dframe = df(ds)
    t_list = list(['STT1','STT2','STT3','Rain','Wind','Temperature','Rain1','Wind1','Temperature1'])
    for i,s in enumerate(dframe.columns.values):
        dframe[s].fillna(method="pad", inplace=True) 
    train_df = dframe["2013-01-01":"2014-04-17"].resample('H', how="max",convention='end',fill_method='pad').copy()
    test_df = train_df.copy()["2013-09-01":"2014-02-15"]
    train_df = train_df.copy()["2013-02-16":"2014-04-17"]
    train_df.to_csv("pickle/" + args.replace("/","_") +  "/" + "training_data.csv")
    test_df.to_csv("pickle/" + args.replace("/","_") +  "/" + "testing_data.csv")
Пример #34
def stochasticOscillator(hlc, span):
	#print hlc [0:10]
	result = []
	for i in range(0, len(hlc)):
		hlc_from = i-span if i>span else 0
		hlc_to = i+1 if i<len(hlc) else len(hlc)
			close = hlc[i][2]
			lo = getLo(hlc[hlc_from:hlc_to,1])
			hi = getHi(hlc[hlc_from:hlc_to][0])
			#numerator = float(hi/lo) if lo!=0 else 0
			k = (float((close - lo) / (hi - lo))) if (hi - lo)!=0 else 0
			print hlc_from, hlc_to, i
	d = moments.ewma(np.array(result).ravel(), span=3)
	return d
Пример #35
def stochasticOscillator(hlc, span):
    #print hlc [0:10]
    result = []
    for i in range(0, len(hlc)):
        hlc_from = i - span if i > span else 0
        hlc_to = i + 1 if i < len(hlc) else len(hlc)
            close = hlc[i][2]
            lo = getLo(hlc[hlc_from:hlc_to, 1])
            hi = getHi(hlc[hlc_from:hlc_to][0])
            #numerator = float(hi/lo) if lo!=0 else 0
            k = (float((close - lo) / (hi - lo))) if (hi - lo) != 0 else 0
            print hlc_from, hlc_to, i
    d = moments.ewma(np.array(result).ravel(), span=3)
    return d
Пример #36
def MinVarianceAllocation(history):
    num_assets = len(history)

    # compute covariance matrix
    sigma = np.cov(history)

    projected_cost = [moments.ewma(h, halflife=10)[-1] for h in history]

    bounds = tuple((0.001,1) for _ in range(num_assets))

    opt_results = optimize.minimize(cost_func,
                                    x0=np.array([1.0] * num_assets),
                                    constraints=({'type': 'eq', 'fun': lambda w: np.sum(w) - 1.0}),
                                    args=(projected_cost, sigma),

    return opt_results['x'], opt_results['success']
Пример #37
def outlier_removal_smoothing_ewma(tsData):
    >>> data = pd.read_csv('input.csv')
    >>> outlier_removal_smoothing_ewma(data)
    {'buy': 43904257, 'sale': 55054485, 'method': 'outlier_removal_smoothing_ewma'}
    tsData['ingestdatetime'] = tsData.apply(lambda row: datetime.strptime(str(row['ingestdate']), "%Y%m%d"), axis=1)
    tsData = tsData.sort(['ingestdate'], ascending=[1])
    tsData['qtyavail_ewma'] = ewma(tsData['qtyavail'], span=50)

    diffs = np.diff(tsData['qtyavail_ewma'])
    result_sale = abs(sum(filter(lambda x: x < 0, diffs)))
    result_buy = abs(sum(filter(lambda x: x > 0, diffs)))

    result = {}
    result['sale'] = int(result_sale)
    result['buy'] = int(result_buy)
    result['method'] = inspect.stack()[0][3]
    return result
Пример #38
def viewcompare():
    df = session['df'].copy()
    this_year = df.iloc[-1]['ts'].year
    last_year = this_year - 1
    this_year_df = df[df.apply(lambda x: x['ts'].year==this_year, axis=1)][
    last_year_df = df[df.apply(lambda x: x['ts'].year==last_year, axis=1)][
    last_year_df = last_year_df.rename(columns={'COST':'COST2',
    # Give last year this year's date (for comparison's sake)
    last_year_df['ts'] = last_year_df['ts'].apply(
                            lambda x: x.replace(year=this_year))
    #this_year_df = this_year_df.set_index('ts',drop=False)
    #last_year_df = last_year_df.set_index('ts',drop=False)
    df = this_year_df.merge(last_year_df, how='left')
    df = df.set_index('ts', drop=False)
    # Aggregate to daily
    df = df.resample('D', how='sum')
    df['ts'] = df.index

    # Smoth the data
    from pandas.stats.moments import ewma
    cols = ['COST','COST2','USAGE','USAGE2']
    df[cols] = ewma(df[cols], span=3)
    cols = """
    [{id: 'date', label: 'Date', type: 'datetime'},
     {id: 'USAGE', label: 'Usage (%s) (kWh)', type: 'number'},
     {id: 'COST', label: 'Cost (%s) ($)', type: 'number'},
     {id: 'USAGE2', label: 'Usage (%s) (kWh)', type: 'number'},
     {id: 'COST2', label: 'Cost (%s) ($)', type: 'number'}     ]
    """ % (this_year, this_year, last_year, last_year)
    template = ("        {c:[{v: 'Date(%(ts)s)'}, "
                "{v: %(USAGE)s}, {v: %(COST)s}, "
                "{v: %(USAGE2)s}, {v: %(COST2)s}]},\n")
    return google_linechart(df, cols, template)
Пример #39
 def forecast(self, forecast_start_str, forecast_period_in_days, periods_of_data_to_use):
     '''Perform the forecast and return forecast as pandas Series object'''
     #create forecast index
     forecast_index = date_range(forecast_start_str, periods=forecast_period_in_days)
     #Extract only that data which is necessary to make the first moving average calculation
     data_series = self.training_ts.tail(periods_of_data_to_use)
     forecast = Series()
     for time in forecast_index:
         #forecasted value is last value in rolling_mean list - all others are NaN because of forecast window length
         if self.forecast_method == 'ma':
             #Forecast using the simple moving average
             forecast_value = rolling_mean(data_series, periods_of_data_to_use).loc[-1]
         elif self.forecast_method == 'ewma':
             #forecast using the exponentially weighted moving average
             forecast_value = ewma(data_series, span=periods_of_data_to_use).loc[-1]
         #print forecast_value
         #remove 1-st value from data because its not needed for next forecasted value
         data_series = data_series[1:]
         #Append forecasted value to data because forecast is data for next iteration MA
         data_series = concat([data_series, Series(forecast_value, index=[time])])
         forecast = concat([forecast, Series(forecast_value, index=[time])])
     return forecast
Пример #40
def outlier_removal_smoothing_ewma(tsData):
    >>> data = pd.read_csv('input.csv')
    >>> outlier_removal_smoothing_ewma(data)
    {'buy': 43904257, 'sale': 55054485, 'method': 'outlier_removal_smoothing_ewma'}

    tsData['ingestdatetime'] = tsData.apply(
        lambda row: datetime.strptime(str(row['ingestdate']), "%Y%m%d"),
    tsData = tsData.sort(['ingestdate'], ascending=[1])
    tsData['qtyavail_ewma'] = ewma(tsData['qtyavail'], span=50)

    diffs = np.diff(tsData['qtyavail_ewma'])
    result_sale = abs(sum(filter(lambda x: x < 0, diffs)))
    result_buy = abs(sum(filter(lambda x: x > 0, diffs)))

    result = {}
    result['sale'] = int(result_sale)
    result['buy'] = int(result_buy)
    result['method'] = inspect.stack()[0][3]
    return result
                           suffixes=('', i))

#zz1 = combined_df.groupby(['flight_number', 'flight_boarding_pt', 'flight_boarding_time','itemcategory',
#           'dishsubcategory','menu_cycle','destination']).size().reset_index()
#45	DXB	2018-05-21 08:25:00	Lunch	Poultry
#zz2 = combined_df[(combined_df.flight_number == 45) & (combined_df.flight_boarding_pt == 'DXB') &
#            (combined_df.flight_boarding_time == '2018-05-21 08:25:00') ]

from pandas.stats.moments import ewma

combined_df['exp_smooth'] = combined_df.groupby(
    ['flight_number', 'flight_boarding_pt',
     'dishsubcategory'])['Meal'].apply(lambda x: ewma(x, span=15))

combined_df['exp_smooth'] = combined_df.groupby(
    ['flight_number', 'flight_boarding_pt', 'itemcategory',

def holt_winters_second_order_ewma(x, span, beta):
    N = x.size
    alpha = 2.0 / (1 + span)
    s = np.zeros((N, ))
    b = np.zeros((N, ))
    s[0] = x[0]
    for i in range(1, N):
        s[i] = alpha * x[i] + (1 - alpha) * (s[i - 1] + b[i - 1])
        b[i] = beta * (s[i] - s[i - 1]) + (1 - beta) * b[i - 1]
 def execute(self, strategy):
     prices = strategy.get_indicator_prices()
     fast_ema = ewma(prices, span = self.fast)
     slow_ema = ewma(prices, span = self.slow)
     levels = fast_ema > slow_ema
     return Indicator(levels.astype('str'))
Пример #43
def getMACDAndSignalLine(pricesData, n1, n2, n3):
    ema_n1 = getEMA(pricesData, n1)
    ema_n2 = getEMA(pricesData, n2)
    macd = ema_n1 - ema_n2
    signalLine = pd.Series(mt.ewma(macd, span=n3), index=pricesData.index)
    return macd, signalLine
Пример #44
def ema(s, n, wilder=False):
    span = n if not wilder else 2 * n - 1
    return moments.ewma(s, span=span)
Пример #45
def ema(s, n, wilder=False):
    span = n if not wilder else 2*n - 1
    return moments.ewma(s, span=span)
Пример #46
def _ema(s, n, wilder=False):
    span = n if not wilder else 2*n - 1
    return moments.ewma(s, span=span)
Пример #47
 def calc_ewma(self, span=5):
     column = 'ewma' + str(span)
     self.stock[column] = ewma(self.close, span=span)
     return self.stock
Пример #48
 def execute(self, strategy):
     prices = strategy.get_indicator_prices()
     fast_ema = ewma(prices, span=self.fast)
     slow_ema = ewma(prices, span=self.slow)
     levels = fast_ema > slow_ema
     return Indicator(levels.astype('str'))
Пример #49
    def test_ewma_nan_handling(self):
        s = Series([1.] + [np.nan] * 5 + [1.])

        result = mom.ewma(s, com=5)
        assert_almost_equal(result, [1] * len(s))
Пример #50
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas.util.testing as t
import pandas.stats.moments as m

t.N = 200
s = t.makeTimeSeries().cumsum()

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 5))
plt.plot(s.index, s.values)
plt.plot(s.index, m.ewma(s, 20, min_periods=1).values)
f = plt.gcf()

Пример #51
def getEMA(pricesData, n=12):
    ema = pd.Series(mt.ewma(pricesData, span=n), index=pricesData.index)
    return ema
Пример #52
    def test_ewma_nan_handling(self):
        s = Series([1.] + [np.nan] * 5 + [1.])

        result = mom.ewma(s, com=5)
        assert_almost_equal(result, [1] * len(s))
Пример #53
def plot_scatter(data, ax, text, color, span=10, method='emwa'):
    from pandas.stats.moments import ewma
    data = ewma(data,span=span)

    ax.plot(data, color=color, linewidth=1, label=text)
Пример #54
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas.stats.moments as moments

import parsetmy
import getwunderground

typical = parsetmy.load()
current = getwunderground.load()

fig = plt.figure()
ax1 = fig.add_subplot(111)

#ax1.plot(r1.date_mmddyyyy, r1.dewpoint_c, 'o-')
ax1.plot(typical.date_mmddyyyy, moments.ewma(typical.dewpoint_c,span=24*14), 'o-')
ax1.plot(current['datetime'], moments.ewma(current['dewptm'],span=24), 'o-')

#ax2 = fig.add_subplot(212)
#ax2.plot(r2.date_mmddyyyy, r2.dewpoint_c, 'o-')

Пример #55
            print EWMA10


        #arr_concat = np.array([[x_mat[i,c_ind]], [x_mat[i+1,c_ind]]])

    #cycle, trend = stats_filters.hpfilter(HP_FILTER, lamb=1600)
    #X_SHARPE = getSharpe(np.array(X_SHARPE).ravel(), 3)
    #X_SHARPE2 = getSharpe(np.array(X_SHARPE2).ravel(), 10)
    SO = stochasticOscillator(np.array(SO), 3)
    #SO2 = stochasticOscillator(np.array(SO2),10)
    CHANGE_U = moments.ewma(np.array(CHANGE_U).ravel(), span=3)
    CHANGE_D = moments.ewma(np.array(CHANGE_D).ravel(), span=3)
    #TP_SMA = moments.rolling_mean(np.array(TP),window=20,min_periods=0)
    #KALMAN = np.array(KALMAN)
    #KALMAN.reshape(len(KALMAN[:,0:1]), len(KALMAN[1:,:]))
    #CHANGE_U = moments.rolling_mean(np.array(CHANGE_U).ravel(), window=5, min_periods=0)
    #CHANGE_D = moments.rolling_mean(np.array(CHANGE_D).ravel(), window=5, min_periods=0)
    #ACC_DIST1 = moments.ewma(np.array(ACC_DIST).ravel(), span=3)
    #ACC_DIST2 = moments.ewma(np.array(ACC_DIST).ravel(), span=5)

    #print SO[0:10]
    #print X_SHARPE[20:30]
    #print X_SHARPE2[20:30]

    #print len(X_MA)
    #print len(X_MA2)
Пример #56
			print EWMA10
		#arr_concat = np.array([[x_mat[i,c_ind]], [x_mat[i+1,c_ind]]])
	#cycle, trend = stats_filters.hpfilter(HP_FILTER, lamb=1600)
	#X_SHARPE = getSharpe(np.array(X_SHARPE).ravel(), 3)
	#X_SHARPE2 = getSharpe(np.array(X_SHARPE2).ravel(), 10)
	SO = stochasticOscillator(np.array(SO),3)
	#SO2 = stochasticOscillator(np.array(SO2),10)
	CHANGE_U = moments.ewma(np.array(CHANGE_U).ravel(), span=3)
	CHANGE_D = moments.ewma(np.array(CHANGE_D).ravel(), span=3)
	#TP_SMA = moments.rolling_mean(np.array(TP),window=20,min_periods=0)
	#KALMAN = np.array(KALMAN)
	#KALMAN.reshape(len(KALMAN[:,0:1]), len(KALMAN[1:,:]))
	#CHANGE_U = moments.rolling_mean(np.array(CHANGE_U).ravel(), window=5, min_periods=0)
	#CHANGE_D = moments.rolling_mean(np.array(CHANGE_D).ravel(), window=5, min_periods=0)
	#ACC_DIST1 = moments.ewma(np.array(ACC_DIST).ravel(), span=3) 
	#ACC_DIST2 = moments.ewma(np.array(ACC_DIST).ravel(), span=5) 

	#print SO[0:10]
	#print X_SHARPE[20:30]
	#print X_SHARPE2[20:30]

	#print len(X_MA)
Пример #57
def getMACDAndSignalLine(pricesData, n1, n2, n3):
    ema_n1 = getEMA(pricesData, n1)
    ema_n2 = getEMA(pricesData, n2)
    macd = ema_n1 - ema_n2
    signalLine = pd.Series(mt.ewma(macd, span=n3), index=pricesData.index)
    return macd, signalLine
Пример #58
 def calc_ewma(self, span=5):
     column = 'ewma' + str(span)
     self.stock[column] = ewma(self.close, span=span)
     return self.stock