Пример #1
 def test_equals_numeric_other_index_type(self, other):
     i = Float64Index([1.0, 2.0])
     assert i.equals(other)
     assert other.equals(i)
Пример #2
 def create_index(self):
     return Float64Index(np.arange(5, dtype='float64'))
Пример #3
 def test_get_indexer_nan(self):
     # GH#7820
     result = Float64Index([1, 2, np.nan]).get_indexer([np.nan])
     expected = np.array([2], dtype=np.intp)
     tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(result, expected)
Пример #4
 def test_astype_from_object(self):
     index = Index([1.0, np.nan, 0.2], dtype='object')
     result = index.astype(float)
     expected = Float64Index([1.0, np.nan, 0.2])
     self.assertEqual(result.dtype, expected.dtype)
     tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
Пример #5
 def test_ufunc_compat(self):
     idx = self._holder(np.arange(5, dtype='int64'))
     result = np.sin(idx)
     expected = Float64Index(np.sin(np.arange(5, dtype='int64')))
     tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
Пример #6
    def to_julian_date(self) -> Float64Index:
        from pandas.core.indexes.api import Float64Index

        arr = self._data.to_julian_date()
        return Float64Index._simple_new(arr, name=self.name)
Пример #7
    def test_numeric_compat(self):

        idx = self.create_index()
        didx = idx * idx

        result = idx * 1
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, idx)

        result = 1 * idx
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, idx)

        # in general not true for RangeIndex
        if not isinstance(idx, RangeIndex):
            result = idx * idx
            tm.assert_index_equal(result, idx**2)

        # truediv under PY3
        result = idx / 1
        expected = idx
        if PY3:
            expected = expected.astype('float64')
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

        result = idx / 2
        if PY3:
            expected = expected.astype('float64')
        expected = Index(idx.values / 2)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

        result = idx // 1
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, idx)

        result = idx * np.array(5, dtype='int64')
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, idx * 5)

        arr_dtype = 'uint64' if isinstance(idx, UInt64Index) else 'int64'
        result = idx * np.arange(5, dtype=arr_dtype)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, didx)

        result = idx * Series(np.arange(5, dtype=arr_dtype))
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, didx)

        result = idx * Series(np.arange(5, dtype='float64') + 0.1)
        expected = Float64Index(
            np.arange(5, dtype='float64') *
            (np.arange(5, dtype='float64') + 0.1))
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

        # invalid
                          lambda: idx * date_range('20130101', periods=5))
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: idx * idx[0:3])
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, lambda: idx * np.array([1, 2]))

        result = divmod(idx, 2)
        with np.errstate(all='ignore'):
            div, mod = divmod(idx.values, 2)
            expected = Index(div), Index(mod)
        for r, e in zip(result, expected):
            tm.assert_index_equal(r, e)

        result = divmod(idx, full_like(idx.values, 2))
        with np.errstate(all='ignore'):
            div, mod = divmod(idx.values, full_like(idx.values, 2))
            expected = Index(div), Index(mod)
        for r, e in zip(result, expected):
            tm.assert_index_equal(r, e)

        result = divmod(idx, Series(full_like(idx.values, 2)))
        with np.errstate(all='ignore'):
            div, mod = divmod(
                full_like(idx.values, 2),
            expected = Index(div), Index(mod)
        for r, e in zip(result, expected):
            tm.assert_index_equal(r, e)

        # test power calculations both ways, GH 14973
        expected = pd.Float64Index(2.0**idx.values)
        result = 2.0**idx
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

        expected = pd.Float64Index(idx.values**2.0)
        result = idx**2.0
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
Пример #8
    def setup_method(self, method):

        self.series_ints = Series(np.random.rand(4), index=np.arange(0, 8, 2))
        self.frame_ints = DataFrame(np.random.randn(4, 4),
                                    index=np.arange(0, 8, 2),
                                    columns=np.arange(0, 12, 3))

        self.series_uints = Series(np.random.rand(4),
                                   index=UInt64Index(np.arange(0, 8, 2)))
        self.frame_uints = DataFrame(
            np.random.randn(4, 4),
            index=UInt64Index(range(0, 8, 2)),
            columns=UInt64Index(range(0, 12, 3)),

        self.series_floats = Series(np.random.rand(4),
                                    index=Float64Index(range(0, 8, 2)))
        self.frame_floats = DataFrame(
            np.random.randn(4, 4),
            index=Float64Index(range(0, 8, 2)),
            columns=Float64Index(range(0, 12, 3)),

        m_idces = [
            MultiIndex.from_product([[1, 2], [3, 4]]),
            MultiIndex.from_product([[5, 6], [7, 8]]),
            MultiIndex.from_product([[9, 10], [11, 12]]),

        self.series_multi = Series(np.random.rand(4), index=m_idces[0])
        self.frame_multi = DataFrame(np.random.randn(4, 4),

        self.series_labels = Series(np.random.randn(4), index=list("abcd"))
        self.frame_labels = DataFrame(np.random.randn(4, 4),

        self.series_mixed = Series(np.random.randn(4), index=[2, 4, "null", 8])
        self.frame_mixed = DataFrame(np.random.randn(4, 4),
                                     index=[2, 4, "null", 8])

        self.series_ts = Series(np.random.randn(4),
                                index=date_range("20130101", periods=4))
        self.frame_ts = DataFrame(np.random.randn(4, 4),
                                  index=date_range("20130101", periods=4))

        dates_rev = date_range("20130101",
        self.series_ts_rev = Series(np.random.randn(4), index=dates_rev)
        self.frame_ts_rev = DataFrame(np.random.randn(4, 4), index=dates_rev)

        self.frame_empty = DataFrame()
        self.series_empty = Series(dtype=object)

        # form agglomerates
        for kind in self._kinds:
            d = dict()
            for typ in self._typs:
                d[typ] = getattr(self, "{kind}_{typ}".format(kind=kind,

            setattr(self, kind, d)
Пример #9
 def setup_method(self, method):
     self.indices = dict(mixed=Float64Index([1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5]),
                         float=Float64Index(np.arange(5) * 2.5),
                         mixed_dec=Float64Index([5, 4, 3, 2, 1.5]),
                         float_dec=Float64Index(np.arange(4, -1, -1) * 2.5))
Пример #10
    def setup_method(self, method):

        self.series_ints = Series(np.random.rand(4), index=lrange(0, 8, 2))
        self.frame_ints = DataFrame(np.random.randn(4, 4),
                                    index=lrange(0, 8, 2),
                                    columns=lrange(0, 12, 3))
        with catch_warnings(record=True):
            self.panel_ints = Panel(np.random.rand(4, 4, 4),
                                    items=lrange(0, 8, 2),
                                    major_axis=lrange(0, 12, 3),
                                    minor_axis=lrange(0, 16, 4))

        self.series_uints = Series(np.random.rand(4),
                                   index=UInt64Index(lrange(0, 8, 2)))
        self.frame_uints = DataFrame(np.random.randn(4, 4),
                                     index=UInt64Index(lrange(0, 8, 2)),
                                     columns=UInt64Index(lrange(0, 12, 3)))
        with catch_warnings(record=True):
            self.panel_uints = Panel(np.random.rand(4, 4, 4),
                                     items=UInt64Index(lrange(0, 8, 2)),
                                     major_axis=UInt64Index(lrange(0, 12, 3)),
                                     minor_axis=UInt64Index(lrange(0, 16, 4)))

        self.series_floats = Series(np.random.rand(4),
                                    index=Float64Index(range(0, 8, 2)))
        self.frame_floats = DataFrame(np.random.randn(4, 4),
                                      index=Float64Index(range(0, 8, 2)),
                                      columns=Float64Index(range(0, 12, 3)))
        with catch_warnings(record=True):
            self.panel_floats = Panel(np.random.rand(4, 4, 4),
                                      items=Float64Index(range(0, 8, 2)),
                                      major_axis=Float64Index(range(0, 12, 3)),
                                      minor_axis=Float64Index(range(0, 16, 4)))

        m_idces = [
            MultiIndex.from_product([[1, 2], [3, 4]]),
            MultiIndex.from_product([[5, 6], [7, 8]]),
            MultiIndex.from_product([[9, 10], [11, 12]])

        self.series_multi = Series(np.random.rand(4), index=m_idces[0])
        self.frame_multi = DataFrame(np.random.randn(4, 4),
        with catch_warnings(record=True):
            self.panel_multi = Panel(np.random.rand(4, 4, 4),

        self.series_labels = Series(np.random.randn(4), index=list('abcd'))
        self.frame_labels = DataFrame(np.random.randn(4, 4),
        with catch_warnings(record=True):
            self.panel_labels = Panel(np.random.randn(4, 4, 4),

        self.series_mixed = Series(np.random.randn(4), index=[2, 4, 'null', 8])
        self.frame_mixed = DataFrame(np.random.randn(4, 4),
                                     index=[2, 4, 'null', 8])
        with catch_warnings(record=True):
            self.panel_mixed = Panel(np.random.randn(4, 4, 4),
                                     items=[2, 4, 'null', 8])

        self.series_ts = Series(np.random.randn(4),
                                index=date_range('20130101', periods=4))
        self.frame_ts = DataFrame(np.random.randn(4, 4),
                                  index=date_range('20130101', periods=4))
        with catch_warnings(record=True):
            self.panel_ts = Panel(np.random.randn(4, 4, 4),
                                  items=date_range('20130101', periods=4))

        dates_rev = (date_range('20130101',
        self.series_ts_rev = Series(np.random.randn(4), index=dates_rev)
        self.frame_ts_rev = DataFrame(np.random.randn(4, 4), index=dates_rev)
        with catch_warnings(record=True):
            self.panel_ts_rev = Panel(np.random.randn(4, 4, 4),

        self.frame_empty = DataFrame({})
        self.series_empty = Series({})
        with catch_warnings(record=True):
            self.panel_empty = Panel({})

        # form agglomerates
        for o in self._objs:

            d = dict()
            for t in self._typs:
                d[t] = getattr(self, '%s_%s' % (o, t), None)

            setattr(self, o, d)
Пример #11
 def test_insert(self, nulls_fixture):
     # GH 18295 (test missing)
     index = self.create_index()
     expected = Float64Index([index[0], np.nan] + list(index[1:]))
     result = index.insert(1, nulls_fixture)
     tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
 def test_tdi_div_tdlike_scalar_with_nat(self, delta):
     rng = TimedeltaIndex(['1 days', pd.NaT, '2 days'], name='foo')
     expected = Float64Index([12, np.nan, 24], name='foo')
     result = rng / delta
     tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
Пример #13
 def setup(self):
     N = 100000
     a = np.arange(N)
     self.ind = Float64Index(a * 4.8000000418824129e-08)
Пример #14
 def test_contains_float64_nans(self):
     index = Float64Index([1.0, 2.0, np.nan])
     assert np.nan in index
Пример #15
 def test_doesnt_contain_all_the_things(self):
     i = Float64Index([np.nan])
     assert not i.isin([0]).item()
     assert not i.isin([1]).item()
     assert i.isin([np.nan]).item()
Пример #16
 def test_contains_not_nans(self):
     i = Float64Index([1.0, 2.0, np.nan])
     assert 1.0 in i
Пример #17
def test_array_equivalent(dtype_equal):
    assert array_equivalent(np.array([np.nan, np.nan]),
                            np.array([np.nan, np.nan]),
    assert array_equivalent(
        np.array([np.nan, 1, np.nan]),
        np.array([np.nan, 1, np.nan]),
    assert array_equivalent(
        np.array([np.nan, None], dtype="object"),
        np.array([np.nan, None], dtype="object"),
    # Check the handling of nested arrays in array_equivalent_object
    assert array_equivalent(
        np.array([np.array([np.nan, None], dtype="object"), None],
        np.array([np.array([np.nan, None], dtype="object"), None],
    assert array_equivalent(
        np.array([np.nan, 1 + 1j], dtype="complex"),
        np.array([np.nan, 1 + 1j], dtype="complex"),
    assert not array_equivalent(
        np.array([np.nan, 1 + 1j], dtype="complex"),
        np.array([np.nan, 1 + 2j], dtype="complex"),
    assert not array_equivalent(
        np.array([np.nan, 1, np.nan]),
        np.array([np.nan, 2, np.nan]),
    assert not array_equivalent(np.array(["a", "b", "c", "d"]),
                                np.array(["e", "e"]),
    assert array_equivalent(Float64Index([0, np.nan]),
                            Float64Index([0, np.nan]),
    assert not array_equivalent(Float64Index([0, np.nan]),
                                Float64Index([1, np.nan]),
    assert array_equivalent(DatetimeIndex([0, np.nan]),
                            DatetimeIndex([0, np.nan]),
    assert not array_equivalent(DatetimeIndex([0, np.nan]),
                                DatetimeIndex([1, np.nan]),
    assert array_equivalent(
        TimedeltaIndex([0, np.nan]),
        TimedeltaIndex([0, np.nan]),
    assert not array_equivalent(
        TimedeltaIndex([0, np.nan]),
        TimedeltaIndex([1, np.nan]),
    assert array_equivalent(
        DatetimeIndex([0, np.nan], tz="US/Eastern"),
        DatetimeIndex([0, np.nan], tz="US/Eastern"),
    assert not array_equivalent(
        DatetimeIndex([0, np.nan], tz="US/Eastern"),
        DatetimeIndex([1, np.nan], tz="US/Eastern"),
    # The rest are not dtype_equal
    assert not array_equivalent(DatetimeIndex([0, np.nan]),
                                DatetimeIndex([0, np.nan], tz="US/Eastern"))
    assert not array_equivalent(
        DatetimeIndex([0, np.nan], tz="CET"),
        DatetimeIndex([0, np.nan], tz="US/Eastern"),

    assert not array_equivalent(DatetimeIndex([0, np.nan]),
                                TimedeltaIndex([0, np.nan]))
Пример #18
 def test_insert(self):
     # GH 18295 (test missing)
     expected = Float64Index([0, np.nan, 1, 2, 3, 4])
     for na in (np.nan, pd.NaT, None):
         result = self.create_index().insert(1, na)
         tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)
Пример #19
    def test_floating_misc(self):

        # related 236
        # scalar/slicing of a float index
        s = Series(np.arange(5), index=np.arange(5) * 2.5, dtype=np.int64)

        # label based slicing
        result1 = s[1.0:3.0]
        result2 = s.loc[1.0:3.0]
        result3 = s.loc[1.0:3.0]
        assert_series_equal(result1, result2)
        assert_series_equal(result1, result3)

        # exact indexing when found
        result1 = s[5.0]
        result2 = s.loc[5.0]
        result3 = s.loc[5.0]
        assert result1 == result2
        assert result1 == result3

        result1 = s[5]
        result2 = s.loc[5]
        result3 = s.loc[5]
        assert result1 == result2
        assert result1 == result3

        assert s[5.0] == s[5]

        # value not found (and no fallbacking at all)

        # scalar integers
        pytest.raises(KeyError, lambda: s.loc[4])
        pytest.raises(KeyError, lambda: s.loc[4])
        pytest.raises(KeyError, lambda: s[4])

        # fancy floats/integers create the correct entry (as nan)
        # fancy tests
        expected = Series([2, 0], index=Float64Index([5.0, 0.0]))
        for fancy_idx in [[5.0, 0.0], np.array([5.0, 0.0])]:  # float
            assert_series_equal(s[fancy_idx], expected)
            assert_series_equal(s.loc[fancy_idx], expected)
            assert_series_equal(s.loc[fancy_idx], expected)

        expected = Series([2, 0], index=Index([5, 0], dtype='int64'))
        for fancy_idx in [[5, 0], np.array([5, 0])]:  # int
            assert_series_equal(s[fancy_idx], expected)
            assert_series_equal(s.loc[fancy_idx], expected)
            assert_series_equal(s.loc[fancy_idx], expected)

        # all should return the same as we are slicing 'the same'
        result1 = s.loc[2:5]
        result2 = s.loc[2.0:5.0]
        result3 = s.loc[2.0:5]
        result4 = s.loc[2.1:5]
        assert_series_equal(result1, result2)
        assert_series_equal(result1, result3)
        assert_series_equal(result1, result4)

        # previously this did fallback indexing
        result1 = s[2:5]
        result2 = s[2.0:5.0]
        result3 = s[2.0:5]
        result4 = s[2.1:5]
        assert_series_equal(result1, result2)
        assert_series_equal(result1, result3)
        assert_series_equal(result1, result4)

        result1 = s.loc[2:5]
        result2 = s.loc[2.0:5.0]
        result3 = s.loc[2.0:5]
        result4 = s.loc[2.1:5]
        assert_series_equal(result1, result2)
        assert_series_equal(result1, result3)
        assert_series_equal(result1, result4)

        # combined test
        result1 = s.loc[2:5]
        result2 = s.loc[2:5]
        result3 = s[2:5]

        assert_series_equal(result1, result2)
        assert_series_equal(result1, result3)

        # list selection
        result1 = s[[0.0, 5, 10]]
        result2 = s.loc[[0.0, 5, 10]]
        result3 = s.loc[[0.0, 5, 10]]
        result4 = s.iloc[[0, 2, 4]]
        assert_series_equal(result1, result2)
        assert_series_equal(result1, result3)
        assert_series_equal(result1, result4)

        result1 = s[[1.6, 5, 10]]
        result2 = s.loc[[1.6, 5, 10]]
        result3 = s.loc[[1.6, 5, 10]]
        assert_series_equal(result1, result2)
        assert_series_equal(result1, result3)
        assert_series_equal(result1, Series([np.nan, 2, 4], index=[1.6, 5,

        result1 = s[[0, 1, 2]]
        result2 = s.loc[[0, 1, 2]]
        result3 = s.loc[[0, 1, 2]]
        assert_series_equal(result1, result2)
        assert_series_equal(result1, result3)
                            Series([0.0, np.nan, np.nan], index=[0, 1, 2]))

        result1 = s.loc[[2.5, 5]]
        result2 = s.loc[[2.5, 5]]
        assert_series_equal(result1, result2)
        assert_series_equal(result1, Series([1, 2], index=[2.5, 5.0]))

        result1 = s[[2.5]]
        result2 = s.loc[[2.5]]
        result3 = s.loc[[2.5]]
        assert_series_equal(result1, result2)
        assert_series_equal(result1, result3)
        assert_series_equal(result1, Series([1], index=[2.5]))
Пример #20
 def index(self, request):
     return Float64Index(request.param)
Пример #21
 def test_doesnt_contain_all_the_things(self):
     i = Float64Index([np.nan])
Пример #22
 def mixed_index(self):
     return Float64Index([1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5])
Пример #23
class Base:
    Common tests for all variations of IntervalIndex construction. Input data
    to be supplied in breaks format, then converted by the subclass method
    get_kwargs_from_breaks to the expected format.
            [3, 14, 15, 92, 653],
            np.arange(10, dtype="int64"),
            Int64Index(range(-10, 11)),
            Float64Index(np.arange(20, 30, 0.5)),
            date_range("20180101", periods=10),
            date_range("20180101", periods=10, tz="US/Eastern"),
            timedelta_range("1 day", periods=10),
    def test_constructor(self, constructor, breaks, closed, name):
        result_kwargs = self.get_kwargs_from_breaks(breaks, closed)
        result = constructor(closed=closed, name=name, **result_kwargs)

        assert result.closed == closed
        assert result.name == name
        assert result.dtype.subtype == getattr(breaks, "dtype", "int64")
        tm.assert_index_equal(result.left, Index(breaks[:-1]))
        tm.assert_index_equal(result.right, Index(breaks[1:]))

        "breaks, subtype",
            (Int64Index([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]), "float64"),
            (Int64Index([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]), "datetime64[ns]"),
            (Int64Index([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]), "timedelta64[ns]"),
            (Float64Index([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]), "int64"),
            (date_range("2017-01-01", periods=5), "int64"),
            (timedelta_range("1 day", periods=5), "int64"),
    def test_constructor_dtype(self, constructor, breaks, subtype):
        # GH 19262: conversion via dtype parameter
        expected_kwargs = self.get_kwargs_from_breaks(breaks.astype(subtype))
        expected = constructor(**expected_kwargs)

        result_kwargs = self.get_kwargs_from_breaks(breaks)
        iv_dtype = IntervalDtype(subtype)
        for dtype in (iv_dtype, str(iv_dtype)):
            result = constructor(dtype=dtype, **result_kwargs)
            tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

                             [[np.nan] * 2, [np.nan] * 4, [np.nan] * 50])
    def test_constructor_nan(self, constructor, breaks, closed):
        # GH 18421
        result_kwargs = self.get_kwargs_from_breaks(breaks)
        result = constructor(closed=closed, **result_kwargs)

        expected_subtype = np.float64
        expected_values = np.array(breaks[:-1], dtype=object)

        assert result.closed == closed
        assert result.dtype.subtype == expected_subtype
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(np.array(result), expected_values)

            np.array([], dtype="int64"),
            np.array([], dtype="float64"),
            np.array([], dtype="datetime64[ns]"),
            np.array([], dtype="timedelta64[ns]"),
    def test_constructor_empty(self, constructor, breaks, closed):
        # GH 18421
        result_kwargs = self.get_kwargs_from_breaks(breaks)
        result = constructor(closed=closed, **result_kwargs)

        expected_values = np.array([], dtype=object)
        expected_subtype = getattr(breaks, "dtype", np.int64)

        assert result.empty
        assert result.closed == closed
        assert result.dtype.subtype == expected_subtype
        tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(np.array(result), expected_values)

            np.array(list("abcdefghij"), dtype=object),
            np.array(list("abcdefghij"), dtype="<U1"),
    def test_constructor_string(self, constructor, breaks):
        # GH 19016
        msg = ("category, object, and string subtypes are not supported "
               "for IntervalIndex")
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):

                             [Categorical, CategoricalIndex])
    def test_constructor_categorical_valid(self, constructor, cat_constructor):
        # GH 21243/21253
        if isinstance(constructor, partial) and constructor.func is Index:
            # Index is defined to create CategoricalIndex from categorical data

        breaks = np.arange(10, dtype="int64")
        expected = IntervalIndex.from_breaks(breaks)

        cat_breaks = cat_constructor(breaks)
        result_kwargs = self.get_kwargs_from_breaks(cat_breaks)
        result = constructor(**result_kwargs)
        tm.assert_index_equal(result, expected)

    def test_generic_errors(self, constructor):
        # filler input data to be used when supplying invalid kwargs
        filler = self.get_kwargs_from_breaks(range(10))

        # invalid closed
        msg = "invalid option for 'closed': invalid"
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
            constructor(closed="invalid", **filler)

        # unsupported dtype
        msg = "dtype must be an IntervalDtype, got int64"
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
            constructor(dtype="int64", **filler)

        # invalid dtype
        msg = "data type [\"']invalid[\"'] not understood"
        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=msg):
            constructor(dtype="invalid", **filler)

        # no point in nesting periods in an IntervalIndex
        periods = period_range("2000-01-01", periods=10)
        periods_kwargs = self.get_kwargs_from_breaks(periods)
        msg = "Period dtypes are not supported, use a PeriodIndex instead"
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):

        # decreasing values
        decreasing_kwargs = self.get_kwargs_from_breaks(range(10, -1, -1))
        msg = "left side of interval must be <= right side"
        with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=msg):
Пример #24
 def float_index(self):
     return Float64Index([0.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10.0])
Пример #25
 def setUp(self):
     self.indices = dict(mixed=Float64Index([1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5]),
                         float=Float64Index(np.arange(5) * 2.5))
Пример #26
 def create_index(self) -> Float64Index:
     return Float64Index(np.arange(5, dtype="float64"))
Пример #27
 def test_contains_nans(self):
     i = Float64Index([1.0, 2.0, np.nan])
     self.assertTrue(np.nan in i)
Пример #28
    >>> arr = RangeIndex(5)
    >>> arr / zeros
    Float64Index([nan, inf, inf, inf, inf], dtype='float64')
    return request.param

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Vector Fixtures

        Float64Index(np.arange(5, dtype="float64")),
        Int64Index(np.arange(5, dtype="int64")),
        UInt64Index(np.arange(5, dtype="uint64")),
    ids=lambda x: type(x).__name__,
def numeric_idx(request):
    Several types of numeric-dtypes Index objects
    return request.param

# ------------------------------------------------------------------
# Scalar Fixtures