Пример #1
def preprocess(key, value, format, meta):
    prefix = normalize(meta["file"]["c"])

    # Header - set anchor name explicitly
    if key == "Header":
        [level, [anchor, t1, t2], header] = value
        anchor = prefix + "-" + anchor

        # Append attribute list with prefixed anchor
        header.append(RawInline("html", " {{ #{} }}".format(anchor)))
        return Header(level, [anchor, t1, t2], header)

    # Link - correct links
    if key == "Link":
        [t1, text, [link, t4]] = value

        # This document
        if link[0] == "#":
            ref = prefix + "-" + link[1:]
            return Link(t1, text, [ref, t4])

        # That document
        elif "#" in link:
            anchor = "#" + normalize(link)
            return Link(t1, text, [anchor, t4])
Пример #2
 def process_link(
         value: Tuple[str, List[Dict[str, str]], List[str]],
         output_format: str,
         meta: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]) -> Any:
     # pylint: disable=unused-argument
     """Process a link element."""
     link_info, link_texts, link_values = value
     changed = False
     new_texts = []
     for text_obj in link_texts:
         if text_obj.get('t') == 'Str':
             val = self.replace_metavar(
                 text_obj['c'], meta, self._metavar_pattern_text)
             if val is not None:
                 new_texts.append({'t': 'Str', 'c': val})
                 changed = True
     new_values = []
     for link_string in link_values:
         val = self.replace_metavar(
             link_string, meta, self._metavar_pattern_link)
         if val is not None:
             changed = True
     if changed:
         return Link(link_info, new_texts, new_values)
     return None
Пример #3
def rewrite_target(key, val, fmt, meta):
    # get potentially different url extension
    ext = os.getenv('FILTER_URL_EXTENSION', '.html')

    # when we are at a link node
    if key == 'Link':
        # get details of link
        attr, inline, target = val

        if target[0].startswith('http://') or target[0].startswith(
                'https://') or target[0].startswith('mailto:'):
            url = target[0]
            parts = target[0].split('#', 1)

            if len(parts) > 1:
                url = meta['root']['c'] + parts[0] + ext + '#' + parts[1]
                url = meta['root']['c'] + parts[0] + ext

        return Link(attr, inline, [url, target[1]])
    # when we are at a image node
    elif key == 'Image':
        # get details of link
        attr, inline, target = val

        if target[0].startswith('http://') or target[0].startswith(
                'https://') or target[0].startswith('mailto:'):
            url = target[0]
            path = target[0]
            url = meta['root']['c'] + path

        return Image(attr, inline, [url, target[1]])
Пример #4
def wrap_urls_in_anchors(key, val, fmt, meta):
    if key == 'Para':
        children = []
        for child in val:
            new_objs = [child]
            if child['t'] == 'Str':
                s = child['c']
                match = URL_REGEX.search(s)
                if match:
                    link_text = match.group(1)
                    url = link_text
                    if not url.startswith('http'):
                        url = 'http://' + url

                    link = Link(['', [], []], [Str(link_text)], [url, ''])

                    new_objs = []
                    before, _, after = URL_REGEX.split(s, 1)
                    if before:


                    if after:

            children += new_objs

        return Para(children)
Пример #5
def add_http_to_links(key, val, fmt, meta):
    if key != 'Link':
    url = val[2][0]
    if not url.startswith('http://') and not url.startswith('https://'):
        val[2][0] = "http://" + url
    return Link(*val)
Пример #6
def parse_site(k, v, fmt, meta):
    base_url = config["GENERAL"]["baseurl"]

    if "MENU" not in meta_tags_written:
        active_site = get_meta_string(meta, "active-site", None)
        menu = get_meta_list(meta, "menu")
        parse_menu(menu, base_url, active_site)
    if "TAGS" not in meta_tags_written:
        tags = get_meta_list(meta, "tags", None)
        parse_tags(tags, base_url, config)

    if k == "Link":
        title = v[0]
        text = v[1]
        link = v[2]
        if link[0].endswith(".md"):
            link[0] = base_url + link[0][:-3] + ".html"
        return Link(title, text, link)
    elif k == "Image":
        title = v[0]
        text = v[1]
        link = v[2]
        link[0] = base_url + link[0]
        return Image(title, text, link)
Пример #7
def linkify_tests(key, value, format, meta):
    if key == 'Image':
        attr, content, (urlStr, title) = value
        url = urllib.parse.urlparse(urlStr)
        if url.scheme != "test":

        name = None
        if url.path.startswith("~"):
            pattern = url.path[1:]
            matches = list(sorted({n for n in TEST_NAMES if re.search(pattern, n)}))
            if len(matches) == 1:
                [name] = matches
                logging.error(f"pattern {pattern!r} does not uniquely identify a test; matches = {matches}")
            name = TestName(url.path)
            if name not in TEST_NAMES:
                name = None
                logging.error(f"test name {name!r} does not seem to exist!")

        if name is None:
            return Strong([Str("[???]")])

        img = Image(attr, content, (f"testinfo/{name}.png", title))
        return Link(attr, [img], (f"testinfo/{name}.html", title))
Пример #8
def internallinks(key, value, format, meta):
    if key == 'Link':
        [attrs, contents, [url, title]] = value
        o = urlparse(url)
        if not o.scheme and not o.netloc and o.fragment:
            url = '#' + o.fragment
            return Link(attrs, contents, (url, title))
Пример #9
def filter(key, value, format, meta):
    if key == 'Link':
        link = value[2][0]
        if link[0] == '#' and link[1:] in links:
            # internal link,
            # replace by mangled version
            value[2][0] = '#' + links[link[1:]]
            return Link(value[0], value[1], value[2])
def relink(key, value, format, meta):
    if key == "Link":
        link_url = value[2][0]
        for ending in ['.md', '.rst']:
            if link_url.endswith(ending):
                link_url = link_url.replace(ending, '.pdf')
        value[2][0] = link_url
        return Link(value[0], value[1], value[2])
Пример #11
def crossrefs(key, value, fmt, meta):
    if key == 'Link':
        attr, fmt, target = value

        ref, title = target
        if is_cross(ref):
            ref = sanitize(ref)
            target = [ref, title]

        return Link(attr, fmt, target)
Пример #12
def transformLink(key, value, _, meta):
    if key == 'Link':
        [ident, classes, keyvals], alttext, [dest, typef] = value
        link, sep, rest = dest.partition("#")  # for anchors
        # TODO better checks? use urllib?
        if not (link.startswith("http://") or link.startswith("https://")
                or link.startswith("ftp://")) and link.endswith(".html"):
            link = link.replace(".html", ".ipynb")
            dest = link + sep + rest
        return Link([ident, classes, keyvals], alttext, [dest, typef])
Пример #13
def interpretManLinks(key, value, fmt, meta):
    if key == 'Link':
        text, link = value
        url, title = link
        match = _man_link_re.match(url)
        if match is not None:
            html_url = "%s.%s.html" % (match.group(1), match.group(2))
            return Link(text, (html_url, title))
            return None
Пример #14
def duck(key, value, format_, meta):
    If a link is of the form "!STRING", use the !-expression to search
    DuckDuckGo.  So for instance [Fishmans](!w) would search Wikipedia
    for "Fishmans".
    if key == 'Link':
        [txt, [url, attr]] = value
        if url.startswith("!"):
            url = "http://duckduckgo.com/?q=" + url + " " + stringify(txt)
            return Link(txt, [url, attr])
Пример #15
def my_filter(key, value, format, _):
    if key == 'Link':
        #[u'', [], []] | [{u'c': u'link', u't': u'Str'}] | [u'index.html#some-header', u'Alt-Title']
        [attr, inline, [target, title]] = value

        if not re.search("://", target):
            m = re.search("(#.*$)", target)
            if m:
                target = m.group(0)

        return Link(attr, inline, [target, title])
Пример #16
def replace_cite_references(key, val, fmt, meta):
    if key == 'Cite':
        label = val[0][0]['citationId']
        if label and label in label_map:
            ref_string, ref_id, prev_strings = label_map[label]
            return [
                Link(['', ['engrafo-cite'], []], [Str(ref_string)],
                     ['#%s' % ref_id, ''])
        # TODO: below doesn't work yet
            return Span(['', ['engrafo-cite', 'engrafo-missing-cite'], []],
Пример #17
    def _cite_replacement(key, value, fmt, meta):
        """Returns context-dependent content to replace a Cite element."""

        assert key == 'Cite'

        attrs, label = value[0], _get_label(key, value)
        attrs = PandocAttributes(attrs, 'pandoc')

        assert label in references

        # Get the replacement value
        text = str(references[label])

        # Choose between \Cref, \cref and \ref
        use_cleveref = attrs['modifier'] in ['*', '+'] \
          if 'modifier' in attrs.kvs else use_cleveref_default
        plus = attrs['modifier'] == '+' if 'modifier' in attrs.kvs \
          else use_cleveref_default
        name = plusname[0] if plus else starname[0]  # Name used by cref

        # The replacement depends on the output format
        if fmt == 'latex':
            if use_cleveref:
                # Renew commands needed for cleveref fakery
                if not 'xnos-cleveref-fake' in meta or \
                  get_meta(meta, 'xnos-cleveref-fake'):
                    faketex = (r'\xrefname' if plus else r'\Xrefname') + \
                      '{%s}' % name
                    faketex = ''
                macro = r'\cref' if plus else r'\Cref'
                ret = RawInline('tex', r'%s%s{%s}'%(faketex, macro, label))
            elif use_eqref:
                ret = RawInline('tex', r'\eqref{%s}'%label)
                ret = RawInline('tex', r'\ref{%s}'%label)
            if use_eqref:
                text = '(' + text + ')'

            linktext = [Math({"t":"InlineMath", "c":[]}, text[1:-1]) \
               if text.startswith('$') and text.endswith('$') \
               else Str(text)]

            link = elt('Link', 2)(linktext, ['#%s' % label, '']) \
              if _PANDOCVERSION < '1.16' else \
              Link(['', [], []], linktext, ['#%s' % label, ''])
            ret = ([Str(name), Space()] if use_cleveref else []) + [link]

        return ret
Пример #18
def m2html_filter(key, value, form, meta):
    if key == 'Link':

        org_path = value[2][0]

        scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment = urlparse(org_path)
        root, ext = os.path.splitext(path)

        replaced_path = ''
        if not root == "":
            replaced_path = root + ".html"

        value[2][0] = replaced_path + "#" + fragment

        return Link(*value)
Пример #19
 def transform_url(key, value, format, meta):
     if key != 'Link':
         return None
     # Then value has the following form:
     # [[{'t': 'Str', 'c': 'Contributing'}], ['docs/contributing.md', '']]
     # Extract the URL.
     url = value[1][0]
     new_url = convert_url(url)
     if new_url is None:
         return None
     log.info("converting URL:\n"
              "   %s\n"
              "-->%s" % (url, new_url))
     value[1][0] = new_url
     return Link(*value)
Пример #20
def change_markdown_links_to_html_links(key, value, format, meta):
    if key == 'Link':
        # links are made up of three parts (https://pandoc.org/lua-filters.html#type-link):
        #   0. attr
        #   1. content
        #   2. target
        # we want the target, and there might be more than one target (somehow)
        # so make sure to select target 0 (the first one) using `[2][0]`
        target = value[2][0]

        # for internal targets, make sure that they now point to HTML files
        # instead of markdown files
        if not target.startswith('http'):
            value[2][0] = target.replace('.md', '.html')

            return Link(value[0], value[1], value[2])
Пример #21
def caps(key, value, format, meta):
#    print >> sys.stderr, key
#    if key == "Cite":
#        print >>  sys.stderr, "CITE", value
## example of value:
##  [[u'', [], []], [{u'c': u'here', u't': u'Str'}], [u'http://docs.mathjax.org/en/latest/tex.html#defining-tex-macros', u'']]
    if key == 'Link':
        dest = value[2][0]
        if '#' in dest and not  dest.startswith('http://') and not dest.startswith('https://') and not dest.startswith('/') and not dest.startswith('#'):
            value[2][0] = "#{}".format(dest.rpartition('#')[2])
            print >> sys.stderr, "[INFO] {} -> {}".format(dest, value[2][0])
            dest = value[2][0]
        if not  dest.startswith('http://') and not dest.startswith('https://') and not dest.startswith('#'):
            print >> sys.stderr, "[WARNING!] '{}' might not work".format(value[2][0])

        #print >> sys.stderr, "LINK", value
        return Link(*value)
Пример #22
def add_gitlab_ref(k, v, fmt, meta):
    if k in ['Link'] and CI_PROJECT_URL is not None:
        if fmt in ['latex', 'beamer']:
            link_contents = v[-1]
            link_ref = link_contents[0]
            link_match = LINK_REF_TO_REPLACE_RE.search(link_ref)
            if link_match:
                rel_link = link_match.group('rel_link')
                if rel_link.startswith('http'):
                link_spec = [CI_PROJECT_URL]
                if link_match.group('absolute') is None:
                    link_spec.extend(['tree', CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME])
                link_ref = os.path.join(*link_spec)
                link_contents[0] = link_ref
                return Link(v[0], v[1], link_contents)
def remove_caption_filter(key, value, format_, meta):
    if key == 'Image':
            ![alt](path "title")

            [[u'', [], []], [{u'c': u'alt', u't': u'Str'}], [u'path', u'fig:title']]
            alt = value[1][0].get("c")
        except IndexError:
            alt = None

        value[1] = []

        if alt:
            value[2][1] = u"fig:{}".format(alt)
        return Image(*value)
    elif key == "Link":

            [[u'', [], []], [{u'c': u'node', u't': u'Str'}], [u'node_api.md', u'']]
        link_path = value[2][0]
        if not bool(urlparse.urlparse(link_path).netloc):
            name, ext = os.path.splitext(link_path)
            if ext and ext.lower() == ".md":
                link_name = value[1][0]["c"]
                if link_name:
                    return RawInline(u'rst',
                                     u':doc:`{} <{}>`'.format(link_name, name))
                return RawInline(u'rst', u':doc:`{}`'.format(name))

        return Link(*value)
Пример #24
def listof(key, value, format, meta):
    global headers2

    # Is it a header?
    if key == 'Header':
        [level, [id, classes, attributes], content] = value
        if 'unnumbered' not in classes:
            headers2[level - 1] = headers2[level - 1] + 1
            for index in range(level, 6):
                headers2[index] = 0

    # Is it a paragraph with only one string?
    if key == 'Para' and len(value) == 1 and value[0]['t'] == 'Str':

        # Is it {tag}?
        result = re.match('^{(?P<name>(?P<prefix>[a-zA-Z][\w.-]*)(?P<section>\:((?P<sharp>#(\.#)*)|(\d+(\.\d+)*)))?)}$', value[0]['c'])
        if result:

            prefix = result.group('prefix')

            # Get the collection name
            if result.group('sharp') == None:
                name = result.group('name')
                level = (len(result.group('sharp')) - 1) // 2 + 1
                name = prefix + ':' + '.'.join(map(str, headers2[:level]))

            # Is it an existing collection
            if name in collections:

                if format == 'latex':
                    # Special case for LaTeX output
                    if 'toccolor' in meta:
                        linkcolor = '\\hypersetup{linkcolor=' + stringify(meta['toccolor']['c'], format) + '}'
                        linkcolor = '\\hypersetup{linkcolor=black}'
                    if result.group('sharp') == None:
                        suffix = ''
                        suffix = '_'
                    return Para([RawInline('tex', linkcolor + '\\makeatletter\\@starttoc{' + name + suffix + '}\\makeatother')])

                    # Prepare the list
                    elements = []

                    # Loop on the collection
                    for value in collections[name]:

                        # Add an item to the list
                        if pandocVersion() < '1.16':
                            # pandoc 1.15
                            link = Link([Str(value['text'])], ['#' + prefix + ':' + value['identifier'], ''])
                            # pandoc 1.16
                            link = Link(['', [], []], [Str(value['text'])], ['#' + prefix + ':' + value['identifier'], ''])


                    # Return a bullet list
                    return BulletList(elements)

        # Special case where the paragraph start with '{{...'
        elif re.match('^{{[a-zA-Z][\w.-]*}$', value[0]['c']):
            value[0]['c'] = value[0]['c'][1:]
Пример #25
def link(href, label):
    return Link(["", [], [("reference-type", "ref"), ("reference", href)]],
                [Str(label)], [href, ""])
Пример #26
def replace_references(key, val, fmt, meta):

    [Str("Foo"), Space(), RawInLine("latex", "figref")]
    [Str("Foo"), Space(), Link([Str("Figure"), Space(), Str("7")])]


    [Str("Figure"), Space(), RawInLine("latex", "figref")]
    [Link([Str("Figure"), Space(), Str("7")])]

    also works with abbreviations.

    if isinstance(val, list):
        altered = []
        for i, obj in enumerate(val):
            new_objs = [obj]
            if (isinstance(obj, dict) and obj['t'] == 'RawInline'
                    and obj['c'][0] == 'latex'):

                label = match_ref(obj['c'][1])
                if not label:
                if label in label_map:
                    ref_string, ref_id, prev_strings = label_map[label]
                    prev = val[i - 1] if i > 0 else None
                    prevprev = val[i - 2] if i > 1 else None

                    new_objs = []

                    # handle "Table ", "(Table" etc.
                    if (prev_strings and prevprev and prev['t'] == 'Space'
                            and 'c' in prevprev and prevprev['t'] == 'Str'):
                        prevprev_lower = prevprev['c'].lower()
                        for needle in prev_strings:
                            if prevprev_lower.endswith(needle):
                                altered = altered[:-2]
                                prefix = prevprev_lower[:-len(needle)]
                                if prefix:

                    # hack around bug in pandoc where non-breaking space
                    # doesn't tokenize properly
                    if (prev_strings
                            and prev['t'] == 'Str' and prev['c'].replace(
                                u'\xa0', ' ').strip().lower() in prev_strings):
                        altered = altered[:-1]

                    link_content = []

                    new_objs += [
                        Link(['', [], []], link_content, ['#%s' % ref_id, ''])
                    new_objs += [
                        Span(['', ['engrafo-missing-ref'], []], [Str('?')])
            altered += new_objs

        return {'t': key, 'c': altered}
def img_to_zoomable_link(key, value, format, meta):
    # I'm not really sure what 'format' and 'meta' are.
    # 'key' is a string telling you what kind of element you're processing, and
    # 'value' is some JSON list/object/something, depending on what 'key' is.

    # print("Hello world from pandoc filter!") # NO: stdout kills pandoc, since it's stream-based. Use stderr instead.

    # sys.stderr.write("key: {}\n".format(key))
    # sys.stderr.write("value: {}\n".format(value))

    if key != 'Image':
        return None  # no processing required

    sys.stderr.write("Running img-to-zoomable-link.py\n")

    # sys.stderr.write("key: {}\n".format(key))
    # sys.stderr.write("value: {}\n".format(value))

    (identifier, classes, img_attributes), alt_text_shit, (img_path,
                                                           img_caption) = value

    # sys.stderr.write("identifier: {}\n".format(identifier))
    # sys.stderr.write("alt_text_shit: {}\n".format(alt_text_shit))
    # sys.stderr.write("img_path: {}\n".format(img_path))
    # sys.stderr.write("img_caption: {}\n".format(img_caption))

    # replacement = Code(['', [], []], 'ls -l') # works
    # replacement = Image( ("",[],[("width","200px")]), [],[img_path,"fig:blah"] ) # works
    # replacement = Link(  ("",[],[]), ["click","here!"], ["http://google.com",""] ) # no
    # replacement = Link(  ["",[],[]], ["click","here!"], ["http://google.com",""] ) # no
    # replacement = Link(  ["",[],[]], [Str('Click here!')], ["http://google.com",""] )  # yes
    # replacement = Link(  ["",[],[]], [Image( ("",[],[("width","200px")]), [],[img_path,"fig:blah"] )], [img_path,""] )  # yes
    # replacement = Para([Code(['', [], []], 'ls -lt')]) # no
    # replacement = Code(['', [], []], 'ls -lt') # yes
    # replacement = Para([Str('wtf!!')]) # no
    # replacement = Para([Image(['', [], []], [], [img_path, ""])]) # no: can't wrap an img in a para, recursion error.

    replacement = Link(
        ["", [], [("onclick", "return hs.expand(this)")]],
        [Image(("", [], [("width", "400px")]), [], [img_path, "fig:blah"])],
        [img_path, ""])

    # sys.stderr.write("replacement: {}\n".format(replacement))

    # target = strip_universal_leading_whitespace(target)

    # Create the Pandoc block element that will replace the code block.
    # (Note: Pandoc distinguishes between "inline" elements and "block" elements,
    # and gives some sort of "no such element" error if you return an inline when it expects a block.)

    # I'm going to make a bulleted list. (Each bullet is itself a list of Pandoc block elements.)

    # bullet_points = [
    #   [Para([Code(['', [], []], 'ls -l')]),
    #    CodeBlock(['', [], []], '...\noutput\n...')],
    #   [Para([Code(['', [], []], 'ls -lt')]),
    #    CodeBlock(['', [], []], '...\nmore output\n...')]]

    # replacement = BulletList(bullet_points)

    return replacement
Пример #28
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import io
import json
import sys

from pandocfilters import walk, Header, Link, Para, Str

# record how many headers deep we are
depth = 0
# create node that is a block paragraph with a link that says 'Jump to Top' and hrefs '#top'
jump = Para([Link(['', [], []], [Str('Jump to Top')], ('#top', 'top'))])

# add jumps before headers of the document
def add_to_headers(key, val, fmt, meta):
    global depth

    # when we are at a header node
    if key == 'Header':
        # get details of header
        lvl, attr, inline = val

        # if we are at the first header of a larger section
        if lvl > depth:
            # record the depth and do not place a jump
            depth += 1
        elif lvl < depth:
            # bring depth down to level
            depth = lvl
Пример #29
    def _cite_replacement(key, value, fmt, meta):
        """Returns context-dependent content to replace a Cite element."""

        assert key == 'Cite'

        # Extract the attributes
        attrs = PandocAttributes(value[0], 'pandoc')

        # Check if the nolink attribute is set
        nolink = attrs['nolink'].capitalize() == 'True' if 'nolink' in attrs \
          else False

        # Extract the label
        label = value[-2][0]['citationId']
        if allow_implicit_refs and not label in references and ':' in label:
            testlabel = label.split(':')[-1]
            if testlabel in references:
                label = testlabel

        # Get the target metadata; typecast it as a Target for easier access
        target = references[label] if label in references else None
        if target and not isinstance(target, Target):
            target = Target(*target)

        # Issue a warning for duplicate targets
        if _WARNINGLEVEL and target and target.has_duplicate:
            msg = textwrap.dedent("""
                %s: Referenced label has duplicate: %s
            """ % (_FILTERNAME, label))

        # Get the replacement value
        text = str(target.num) if target else '??'

        # Choose between \Cref, \cref and \ref
        use_cleveref = attrs['modifier'] in ['*', '+'] \
          if 'modifier' in attrs else use_cleveref_default
        is_plus_ref = attrs['modifier'] == '+' if 'modifier' in attrs \
          else use_cleveref_default
        refname = plusname[0] if is_plus_ref else starname[0]  # Reference name

        # The replacement content depends on the output format
        if fmt == 'latex':
            if use_cleveref:
                macro = r'\cref' if is_plus_ref else r'\Cref'
                ret = RawInline('tex', r'%s{%s}' % (macro, label))
            elif use_eqref:
                ret = RawInline('tex', r'\eqref{%s}' % label)
                ret = RawInline('tex', r'\ref{%s}' % label)
            if nolink:  # https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/323919
                ret['c'][1] = \
                  r'{\protect\NoHyper' + ret['c'][1] + r'\protect\endNoHyper}'
            if use_eqref:
                text = '(' + text + ')'

            elem = Math({"t":"InlineMath", "c":[]}, text[1:-1]) \
              if text.startswith('$') and text.endswith('$') \
              else Str(text)

            if not nolink and target:
                prefix = 'ch%03d.xhtml' % target.secno \
                  if fmt in ['epub', 'epub2', 'epub3'] and \
                  target.secno else ''

                elem = elt('Link', 2)([elem],
                                      ['%s#%s' % (prefix, label), '']) \
                  if version(_PANDOCVERSION) < version('1.16') else \
                  Link(['', [], []], [elem], ['%s#%s' % (prefix, label), ''])

            ret = ([Str(refname + NBSP)] if use_cleveref else []) + [elem]

        # If the Cite was square-bracketed then wrap everything in a span
        s = stringify(value[-1])

        # pandoc strips off intervening space between the prefix and the Cite;
        # we may have to add it back in
        prefix = value[-2][0]['citationPrefix']
        spacer = [Space()] \
          if prefix and not stringify(prefix).endswith(('{', '+', '*', '!')) \
          else []
        if s.startswith('[') and s.endswith(']'):
            els = value[-2][0]['citationPrefix'] + \
              spacer + ([ret] if fmt == 'latex' else ret) + \
            # We don't yet know if there will be attributes, so leave them
            # as None.  This is fixed later when attributes are processed.
            ret = Span(None, els)

        return ret