Пример #1
def test_widget_link_target_param_not_found():
    t1 = TextInput()
    t2 = TextInput()

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        t1.jslink(t2, value='value1')
    assert "Could not jslink \'value1\' parameter" in str(excinfo)
Пример #2
def test_widget_link_no_target_transform_error():
    t1 = DatetimeInput()
    t2 = TextInput()

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as excinfo:
        t2.jslink(t1, value='value')
    assert ("Cannot jslink \'value\' parameter on TextInput object "
            "to \'value\' parameter on DatetimeInput object") in str(excinfo)
Пример #3
def test_widget_link_bidirectional(document, comm):
    t1 = TextInput()
    t2 = TextInput()

    t1.jslink(t2, value='value', bidirectional=True)

    row = Row(t1, t2)

    model = row.get_root(document, comm)

    tm1, tm2 = model.children

    link1_customjs = tm1.js_property_callbacks['change:value'][-1]
    link2_customjs = tm2.js_property_callbacks['change:value'][-1]

    assert link1_customjs.args['source'] is tm1
    assert link2_customjs.args['source'] is tm2
    assert link1_customjs.args['target'] is tm2
    assert link2_customjs.args['target'] is tm1