Пример #1
def to_while(trace, jd, path=None):
    path = path or []

    while True:
        if trace == []:
        line = trace[0]
        trace = trace[1:]

        if m := match(line, ("if", ":cond", ":if_true", ":if_false")):
            cond, if_true, if_false = m.cond, m.if_true, m.if_false
            if is_revert(if_true):
                path.append(("require", is_zero(cond)))
                trace = if_false

            if is_revert(if_false):
                path.append(("require", cond))
                trace = if_true

            jds_true = find_f_list(if_true, get_jds)
            jds_false = find_f_list(if_false, get_jds)

            assert (jd in jds_true) != (jd in jds_false), (jds_true, jds_false)

            def add_path(line):
                if m := match(line, ("goto", Any, ":svs")):
                    path2 = path
                    for _, v_idx, v_val in m.svs:
                        path2 = replace(path2, ("var", v_idx), v_val)

                    return path2 + [line]
                    return [line]
Пример #2
    def make_asts(self):
            we need to do ast creation from the contract, not function level,
            because some simplifications (type/field removal) require insight to all the functions,
            not just a single one

        for func in self.functions:
            func.ast = self.make_ast(func.trace)

        def find_stor_masks(exp):
            if opcode(exp) == "type":
                return [exp]
                return []

        stor_masks = frozenset(
            find_f_list([f.ast for f in self.functions], find_stor_masks))

        stor_loc_to_masks = collections.defaultdict(set)
        stor_name_to_masks = collections.defaultdict(set)
        for mask in stor_masks:

        def cleanup(exp):

            if m := match(exp, ("field", 0, ("stor", ("length", ":idx")))):
                return ("stor", ("length", m.idx))

            if m := match(exp, ("type", 256, ("field", 0,
                                              ("stor", ("length", ":idx"))))):
                return ("stor", ("length", m.idx))
Пример #3
            def find_default(exp):

                if (m := match(
                    ("if", ":cond", ":if_true", ":if_false"))) and str(
                        ("cd", 0)) in str(m.cond):
                    if find_f_list(m.if_false, func_calls) == []:
                        fi = m.if_false[0]
                        if m2 := match(fi, ("jd", ":jd")):
                            return int(m2.jd)
Пример #4
    def make_params(self):
            figures out parameter types from the decompiled function code.

            does so by looking at all 'cd'/calldata occurences and figuring out
            how they are accessed - are they masked? are they used as pointers?


        params = get_func_params(self.hash)
        if len(params) > 0:
            res = {}
            idx = 4
            for p in params:
                res[idx] = (p["type"], p["name"])
                idx += 32
            # good testing: solidstamp, auditContract
            # try to find all the references to parameters and guess their types

            def f(exp):
                if match(exp, ("mask_shl", Any, Any, Any,
                               ("cd", Any))) or match(exp, ("cd", Any)):
                    return [exp]
                return []

            occurences = find_f_list(self.trace, f)

            sizes = {}
            for o in occurences:
                if m := match(o,
                              ("mask_shl", ":size", Any, Any, ("cd", ":idx"))):
                    size, idx = m.size, m.idx

                if m := match(o, ("cd", ":idx")):
                    idx = m.idx
                    size = 256

                if idx == 0:

                if m := match(idx, ("add", 4, ("cd", ":in_idx"))):
                    # this is a mark of 'cd' being used as a pointer
                    sizes[m.in_idx] = -1
Пример #5
            # decompiles the code, starting from location 0
            # and running VM in a special mode that returns 'funccall'
            # in places where it looks like there is a func call

            trace = vm.run(0, timeout=LOADER_TIMEOUT)

            def func_calls(exp):
                if m := match(exp,
                              ("funccall", ":fx_hash", ":target", ":stack")):
                    return [(m.fx_hash, m.target, m.stack)]
                    return []

            func_list = find_f_list(trace, func_calls)

            for fx_hash, target, stack in func_list:
                self.add_func(target=target, hash=fx_hash, stack=stack)

            # find default

            def find_default(exp):

                if (m := match(
                    ("if", ":cond", ":if_true", ":if_false"))) and str(
                        ("cd", 0)) in str(m.cond):
                    if find_f_list(m.if_false, func_calls) == []:
                        fi = m.if_false[0]
                        if m2 := match(fi, ("jd", ":jd")):
Пример #6
    def analyse(self):
        assert len(self.trace) > 0

        def find_returns(exp):
            if opcode(exp) == "return":
                return [exp]
                return []

        exp_text = []

        self.returns = find_f_list(self.trace, find_returns)

        exp_text.append(("possible return values", prettify(self.returns)))

        first = self.trace[0]

        if (opcode(first) == "if" and simplify_bool(first[1]) == "callvalue"
                and (first[2][0] == ("revert", 0)
                     or opcode(first[2][0]) == "invalid")):
            self.trace = self.trace[0][3]
            self.payable = False
        elif (opcode(first) == "if"
              and simplify_bool(first[1]) == ("iszero", "callvalue")
              and (first[3][0] == ("revert", 0)
                   or opcode(first[3][0]) == "invalid")):
            self.trace = self.trace[0][2]
            self.payable = False
            self.payable = True

        exp_text.append(("payable", self.payable))

        self.read_only = True
        for op in [
            if f"'{op}'" in str(self.trace):
                self.read_only = False

        exp_text.append(("read_only", self.read_only))
            const func detection

        self.const = self.read_only
        for exp in ["storage", "calldata", "calldataload", "store", "cd"]:
            if exp in str(self.trace) or len(self.returns) != 1:
                self.const = False

        if self.const:
            self.const = self.returns[0]
            if len(self.const) == 3 and opcode(self.const[2]) == "data":
                self.const = self.const[2]
            if len(self.const) == 3 and opcode(self.const[2]) == "mask_shl":
                self.const = self.const[2]
            if len(self.const) == 3 and type(self.const[2]) == int:
                self.const = self.const[2]
            self.const = None

        if self.const:
            exp_text.append(("const", self.const))
            getter detection

        self.getter = None
        if self.const is None and self.read_only and len(self.returns) == 1:
            ret = self.returns[0][1]
            if match(ret, ("bool", ("storage", Any, Any, ":loc"))):
                self.getter = (
                    ret  # we have to be careful when using this for naming purposes,
                # because sometimes the storage can refer to array length

            elif opcode(ret) == "mask_shl" and opcode(ret[4]) == "storage":
                self.getter = ret[4]
            elif opcode(ret) == "storage":
                self.getter = ret
            elif opcode(ret) == "data":
                terms = ret[1:]
                # for structs, we check if all the parts of the struct are storage from the same
                # location. if so, we return the location number

                t0 = terms[
                    0]  # 0xFAFfea71A6da719D6CAfCF7F52eA04Eb643F6De2 - documents
                if m := match(t0, ("storage", 256, 0, ":loc")):
                    loc = m.loc
                    for e in terms[1:]:
                        if not match(e,
                                     ("storage", 256, 0, ("add", Any, loc))):
                        self.getter = t0

                # kitties getKitten - with more cases this and the above could be uniformed
                if self.getter is None:
                    prev_loc = -1
                    for e in terms:

                        def l2(x):
                            if m := match(x, ("sha3", ("data", Any, ":l"))):
                                if type(m.l) == int and m.l < 1000:
                                    return m.l
                            if (opcode(x) == "sha3" and type(x[1]) == int
                                    and x[1] < 1000):
                                return x[1]
                            return None

                        loc = find_f(e, l2)
                        if not loc or (prev_loc != -1 and prev_loc != loc):
                        prev_loc = loc

                        self.getter = ("struct", ("loc", loc))