Пример #1
    def __init__(self, options, log, task, pinger=None, resolver=None):
        """Create a cache factory from settings.

    :param options: Task's scoped options.
    :param log: Task's context log.
    :param task: Task to cache results for.
    :param pinger: Pinger to choose the best remote artifact cache URL.
    :param resolver: Resolver to look up remote artifact cache URLs.
    :return: cache factory.
        self._options = options
        self._log = log
        self._task = task

        # Created on-demand.
        self._read_cache = None
        self._write_cache = None

        # Protects local filesystem setup, and assignment to the references above.
        self._cache_setup_lock = threading.Lock()

        # Caches are supposed to be close, and we don't want to waste time pinging on no-op builds.
        # So we ping twice with a short timeout.
        # TODO: Make lazy.
        self._pinger = pinger or Pinger(timeout=self._options.pinger_timeout,

        # resolver is also close but failing to resolve might have broader impact than
        # single ping failure, therefore use a higher timeout with more retries.
        if resolver:
            self._resolver = resolver
        elif self._options.resolver == 'rest':
            self._resolver = RESTfulResolver(timeout=1.0, tries=3)
            self._resolver = NoopResolver()
Пример #2
  def __init__(self, options, log, stable_name, pinger=None, resolver=None):
    """Create a cache factory from settings.

    :param options: Task's scoped options.
    :param log: Task's context log.
    :param stable_name: Task's stable name.
    :param pinger: Pinger to choose the best remote artifact cache URL.
    :param resolver: Resolver to look up remote artifact cache URLs.
    :return: cache factory.
    self._options = options
    self._log = log
    self._stable_name = stable_name

    # Created on-demand.
    self._read_cache = None
    self._write_cache = None

    # Protects local filesystem setup, and assignment to the references above.
    self._cache_setup_lock = threading.Lock()

    # Caches are supposed to be close, and we don't want to waste time pinging on no-op builds.
    # So we ping twice with a short timeout.
    # TODO: Make lazy.
    self._pinger = pinger or Pinger(timeout=self._options.pinger_timeout,

    # resolver is also close but failing to resolve might have broader impact than
    # single ping failure, therefore use a higher timeout with more retries.
    if resolver:
      self._resolver = resolver
    elif self._options.resolver == 'rest':
      self._resolver = RESTfulResolver(timeout=1.0, tries=3)
      self._resolver = NoopResolver()
Пример #3
class CacheFactory(object):
    def __init__(self, options, log, task, pinger=None, resolver=None):
        """Create a cache factory from settings.

    :param options: Task's scoped options.
    :param log: Task's context log.
    :param task: Task to cache results for.
    :param pinger: Pinger to choose the best remote artifact cache URL.
    :param resolver: Resolver to look up remote artifact cache URLs.
    :return: cache factory.
        self._options = options
        self._log = log
        self._task = task

        # Created on-demand.
        self._read_cache = None
        self._write_cache = None

        # Protects local filesystem setup, and assignment to the references above.
        self._cache_setup_lock = threading.Lock()

        # Caches are supposed to be close, and we don't want to waste time pinging on no-op builds.
        # So we ping twice with a short timeout.
        # TODO: Make lazy.
        self._pinger = pinger or Pinger(timeout=self._options.pinger_timeout,

        # resolver is also close but failing to resolve might have broader impact than
        # single ping failure, therefore use a higher timeout with more retries.
        if resolver:
            self._resolver = resolver
        elif self._options.resolver == 'rest':
            self._resolver = RESTfulResolver(timeout=1.0, tries=3)
            self._resolver = NoopResolver()

    def make_task_cache_dirname(task):
        """Use the task fingerprint as the name of the cache subdirectory to store
    results from the task."""
        return task.fingerprint

    def _cache_dirname(self):
        return self.make_task_cache_dirname(self._task)

    def ignore(self):
        return self._options.ignore

    def read_cache_available(self):
        return not self.ignore and self._options.read and self.get_read_cache()

    def write_cache_available(self):
        return not self.ignore and self._options.write and self.get_write_cache(

    def overwrite(self):
        return self._options.overwrite

    def get_read_cache(self):
        """Returns the read cache for this setup, creating it if necessary.

    Returns None if no read cache is configured.
        if self._options.read_from and not self._read_cache:
            cache_spec = self._resolve(
            if cache_spec:
                with self._cache_setup_lock:
                    self._read_cache = self._do_create_artifact_cache(
                        cache_spec, 'will read from')
        return self._read_cache

    def get_write_cache(self):
        """Returns the write cache for this setup, creating it if necessary.

    Returns None if no write cache is configured.
        if self._options.write_to and not self._write_cache:
            cache_spec = self._resolve(
            if cache_spec:
                with self._cache_setup_lock:
                    self._write_cache = self._do_create_artifact_cache(
                        cache_spec, 'will write to')
        return self._write_cache

    # VisibleForTesting
    def _sanitize_cache_spec(self, spec):
        if not isinstance(spec, (list, tuple)):
            raise InvalidCacheSpecError(
                'Invalid artifact cache spec type: {0} ({1})'.format(
                    type(spec), spec))

        if not spec:
            raise EmptyCacheSpecError()

        if len(spec) > 2:
            raise TooManyCacheSpecsError(
                'Too many artifact cache specs: ({0})'.format(spec))

        local_specs = [s for s in spec if self.is_local(s)]
        remote_specs = [s for s in spec if self.is_remote(s)]

        if not local_specs and not remote_specs:
            raise CacheSpecFormatError(
                'Invalid cache spec: {0}, must be either local or remote'.

        if len(spec) == 2:
            if not local_specs:
                raise LocalCacheSpecRequiredError(
                    'One of two cache specs must be a local cache path.')
            if not remote_specs:
                raise RemoteCacheSpecRequiredError(
                    'One of two cache specs must be a remote spec.')

        local_spec = local_specs[0] if len(local_specs) > 0 else None
        remote_spec = remote_specs[0] if len(remote_specs) > 0 else None

        return CacheSpec(local=local_spec, remote=remote_spec)

    # VisibleForTesting
    def _resolve(self, spec):
        """Attempt resolving cache URIs when a remote spec is provided. """
        if not spec.remote:
            return spec

            resolved_urls = self._resolver.resolve(spec.remote)
            if resolved_urls:
                # keep the bar separated list of URLs convention
                return CacheSpec(local=spec.local,
            # no-op
            return spec
        except Resolver.ResolverError as e:
            self._log.warn('Error while resolving from {0}: {1}'.format(
                spec.remote, str(e)))
            # If for some reason resolver fails we continue to use local cache
            if spec.local:
                return CacheSpec(local=spec.local, remote=None)
            # resolver fails but there is no local cache
            return None

    def is_local(string_spec):
        return string_spec.startswith('/') or string_spec.startswith('~')

    def is_remote(string_spec):
        # both artifact cache and resolver use REST, add new protocols here once they are supported
        return string_spec.startswith('http://') or string_spec.startswith(

    def _baseurl(self, url):
        parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(url)
        return '{scheme}://{netloc}'.format(scheme=parsed_url.scheme,

    def get_available_urls(self, urls):
        """Return reachable urls sorted by their ping times."""
        baseurl_to_urls = {self._baseurl(url): url for url in urls}
        pingtimes = self._pinger.pings(
            baseurl_to_urls.keys())  # List of pairs (host, time in ms).
        self._log.debug('Artifact cache server ping times: {}'.format(
            ', '.join(['{}: {:.6f} secs'.format(*p) for p in pingtimes])))

        sorted_pingtimes = sorted(pingtimes, key=lambda x: x[1])
        available_urls = [
            baseurl_to_urls[baseurl] for baseurl, pingtime in sorted_pingtimes
            if pingtime < Pinger.UNREACHABLE
        self._log.debug('Available cache servers: {0}'.format(available_urls))

        return available_urls

    def _do_create_artifact_cache(self, spec, action):
        """Returns an artifact cache for the specified spec.

    spec can be:
      - a path to a file-based cache root.
      - a URL of a RESTful cache root.
      - a bar-separated list of URLs, where we'll pick the one with the best ping times.
      - A list or tuple of two specs, local, then remote, each as described above
        compression = self._options.compression_level
        if compression not in range(1, 10):
            raise ValueError(
                'compression_level must be an integer 1-9: {}'.format(

        artifact_root = self._options.pants_workdir

        def create_local_cache(parent_path):
            path = os.path.join(parent_path, self._cache_dirname)
            self._log.debug('{0} {1} local artifact cache at {2}'.format(
                self._task.stable_name(), action, path))
            return LocalArtifactCache(

        def create_remote_cache(remote_spec, local_cache):
            urls = self.get_available_urls(remote_spec.split('|'))

            if len(urls) > 0:
                best_url_selector = BestUrlSelector([
                    '{}/{}'.format(url.rstrip('/'), self._cache_dirname)
                    for url in urls
                local_cache = local_cache or TempLocalArtifactCache(
                    artifact_root, compression)
                return RESTfulArtifactCache(

        local_cache = create_local_cache(spec.local) if spec.local else None
        remote_cache = create_remote_cache(
            spec.remote, local_cache) if spec.remote else None
        if remote_cache:
            return remote_cache
        return local_cache
Пример #4
class CacheFactory(object):

  def __init__(self, options, log, stable_name, pinger=None, resolver=None):
    """Create a cache factory from settings.

    :param options: Task's scoped options.
    :param log: Task's context log.
    :param stable_name: Task's stable name.
    :param pinger: Pinger to choose the best remote artifact cache URL.
    :param resolver: Resolver to look up remote artifact cache URLs.
    :return: cache factory.
    self._options = options
    self._log = log
    self._stable_name = stable_name

    # Created on-demand.
    self._read_cache = None
    self._write_cache = None

    # Protects local filesystem setup, and assignment to the references above.
    self._cache_setup_lock = threading.Lock()

    # Caches are supposed to be close, and we don't want to waste time pinging on no-op builds.
    # So we ping twice with a short timeout.
    # TODO: Make lazy.
    self._pinger = pinger or Pinger(timeout=self._options.pinger_timeout,

    # resolver is also close but failing to resolve might have broader impact than
    # single ping failure, therefore use a higher timeout with more retries.
    if resolver:
      self._resolver = resolver
    elif self._options.resolver == 'rest':
      self._resolver = RESTfulResolver(timeout=1.0, tries=3)
      self._resolver = NoopResolver()

  def read_cache_available(self):
    return self._options.read and bool(self._options.read_from) and self.get_read_cache()

  def write_cache_available(self):
    return self._options.write and bool(self._options.write_to) and self.get_write_cache()

  def overwrite(self):
    return self._options.overwrite

  def get_read_cache(self):
    """Returns the read cache for this setup, creating it if necessary.

    Returns None if no read cache is configured.
    if self._options.read_from and not self._read_cache:
      cache_spec = self._resolve(self._sanitize_cache_spec(self._options.read_from))
      if cache_spec:
        with self._cache_setup_lock:
          self._read_cache = self._do_create_artifact_cache(cache_spec, 'will read from')
    return self._read_cache

  def get_write_cache(self):
    """Returns the write cache for this setup, creating it if necessary.

    Returns None if no write cache is configured.
    if self._options.write_to and not self._write_cache:
      cache_spec = self._resolve(self._sanitize_cache_spec(self._options.write_to))
      if cache_spec:
        with self._cache_setup_lock:
          self._write_cache = self._do_create_artifact_cache(cache_spec, 'will write to')
    return self._write_cache

  # VisibleForTesting
  def _sanitize_cache_spec(self, spec):
    if not isinstance(spec, (list, tuple)):
      raise InvalidCacheSpecError('Invalid artifact cache spec type: {0} ({1})'.format(
        type(spec), spec))

    if not spec:
      raise EmptyCacheSpecError()

    if len(spec) > 2:
      raise TooManyCacheSpecsError('Too many artifact cache specs: ({0})'.format(spec))

    local_specs = [s for s in spec if self.is_local(s)]
    remote_specs = [s for s in spec if self.is_remote(s)]

    if not local_specs and not remote_specs:
      raise CacheSpecFormatError('Invalid cache spec: {0}, must be either local or remote'

    if len(spec) == 2:
      if not local_specs:
        raise LocalCacheSpecRequiredError('One of two cache specs must be a local cache path.')
      if not remote_specs:
        raise RemoteCacheSpecRequiredError('One of two cache specs must be a remote spec.')

    local_spec = local_specs[0] if len(local_specs) > 0 else None
    remote_spec = remote_specs[0] if len(remote_specs) > 0 else None

    return CacheSpec(local=local_spec, remote=remote_spec)

  # VisibleForTesting
  def _resolve(self, spec):
    """Attempt resolving cache URIs when a remote spec is provided. """
    if not spec.remote:
      return spec

      resolved_urls = self._resolver.resolve(spec.remote)
      if resolved_urls:
        # keep the bar separated list of URLs convention
        return CacheSpec(local=spec.local, remote='|'.join(resolved_urls))
      # no-op
      return spec
    except Resolver.ResolverError as e:
      self._log.warn('Error while resolving from {0}: {1}'.format(spec.remote, str(e)))
      # If for some reason resolver fails we continue to use local cache
      if spec.local:
        return CacheSpec(local=spec.local, remote=None)
      # resolver fails but there is no local cache
      return None

  def is_local(string_spec):
    return string_spec.startswith('/') or string_spec.startswith('~')

  def is_remote(string_spec):
    # both artifact cache and resolver use REST, add new protocols here once they are supported
    return string_spec.startswith('http://') or string_spec.startswith('https://')

  def _baseurl(self, url):
    parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(url)
    return '{scheme}://{netloc}'.format(scheme=parsed_url.scheme, netloc=parsed_url.netloc)

  def get_available_urls(self, urls):
    """Return reachable urls sorted by their ping times."""
    baseurl_to_urls = {self._baseurl(url): url for url in urls}
    pingtimes = self._pinger.pings(baseurl_to_urls.keys())  # List of pairs (host, time in ms).
    self._log.debug('Artifact cache server ping times: {}'
                    .format(', '.join(['{}: {:.6f} secs'.format(*p) for p in pingtimes])))

    sorted_pingtimes = sorted(pingtimes, key=lambda x: x[1])
    available_urls = [baseurl_to_urls[baseurl] for baseurl, pingtime in sorted_pingtimes
                      if pingtime < Pinger.UNREACHABLE]
    self._log.debug('Available cache servers: {0}'.format(available_urls))

    return available_urls

  def _do_create_artifact_cache(self, spec, action):
    """Returns an artifact cache for the specified spec.

    spec can be:
      - a path to a file-based cache root.
      - a URL of a RESTful cache root.
      - a bar-separated list of URLs, where we'll pick the one with the best ping times.
      - A list or tuple of two specs, local, then remote, each as described above
    compression = self._options.compression_level
    if compression not in range(10):
      raise ValueError('compression_level must be an integer 0-9: {}'.format(compression))

        lambda: compression == 0,
        'The artifact cache depends on gzip compression for checksumming: a compression level '
        '==0 disables compression, and can prevent detection of corrupted artifacts.'

    artifact_root = self._options.pants_workdir

    def create_local_cache(parent_path):
      path = os.path.join(parent_path, self._stable_name)
      self._log.debug('{0} {1} local artifact cache at {2}'
                      .format(self._stable_name, action, path))
      return LocalArtifactCache(artifact_root, path, compression,

    def create_remote_cache(remote_spec, local_cache):
      urls = self.get_available_urls(remote_spec.split('|'))

      if len(urls) > 0:
        best_url_selector = BestUrlSelector(['{}/{}'.format(url.rstrip('/'), self._stable_name)
                                             for url in urls])
        local_cache = local_cache or TempLocalArtifactCache(artifact_root, compression)
        return RESTfulArtifactCache(artifact_root, best_url_selector, local_cache)

    local_cache = create_local_cache(spec.local) if spec.local else None
    remote_cache = create_remote_cache(spec.remote, local_cache) if spec.remote else None
    if remote_cache:
      return remote_cache
    return local_cache