def get_asdf_paths(env: Environment, *, asdf_local: bool = False) -> list[str]: """Returns a list of paths to Python interpreters managed by ASDF. :param env: The environment to use to look up ASDF. :param bool asdf_local: If True, only use the interpreter specified by '.tool-versions' file under `build_root`. """ asdf_dir = get_asdf_data_dir(env) if not asdf_dir: return [] asdf_dir = Path(asdf_dir) # Ignore ASDF if the python plugin isn't installed. asdf_python_plugin = asdf_dir / "plugins" / "python" if not asdf_python_plugin.exists(): return [] # Ignore ASDF if no python versions have ever been installed (the installs folder is # missing). asdf_installs_dir = asdf_dir / "installs" / "python" if not asdf_installs_dir.exists(): return [] # Find all installed versions. asdf_installed_paths: list[str] = [] for child in asdf_installs_dir.iterdir(): # Aliases, and non-cpython installs may have odd names. # Make sure that the entry is a subdirectory of the installs directory. if child.is_dir(): # Make sure that the subdirectory has a bin directory. bin_dir = child / "bin" if bin_dir.exists(): asdf_installed_paths.append(str(bin_dir)) # Ignore ASDF if there are no installed versions. if not asdf_installed_paths: return [] asdf_paths: list[str] = [] asdf_versions: OrderedDict[str, str] = OrderedDict() tool_versions_file = None # Support "shell" based ASDF configuration ASDF_PYTHON_VERSION = env.get("ASDF_PYTHON_VERSION") if ASDF_PYTHON_VERSION: asdf_versions.update([ (v, "ASDF_PYTHON_VERSION") for v in re.split(r"\s+", ASDF_PYTHON_VERSION) ]) # Target the local tool-versions file. if asdf_local: tool_versions_file = Path(get_buildroot(), ".tool-versions") if not tool_versions_file.exists(): logger.warning( "No `.tool-versions` file found in the build root, but <ASDF_LOCAL> was set in" " `[python-bootstrap].search_paths`.") tool_versions_file = None # Target the home directory tool-versions file. else: home = env.get("HOME") if home: tool_versions_file = Path(home) / ".tool-versions" if not tool_versions_file.exists(): tool_versions_file = None if tool_versions_file: # Parse the tool-versions file. # A tool-versions file contains multiple lines, one or more per tool. # Standardize that the last line for each tool wins. # # The definition of a tool-versions file can be found here: # tool_versions_lines = tool_versions_file.read_text().splitlines() last_line = None for line in tool_versions_lines: # Find the last python line. if line.lower().startswith("python"): last_line = line if last_line: _, _, versions = last_line.partition("python") for v in re.split(r"\s+", versions.strip()): if ":" in v: key, _, value = v.partition(":") if key.lower() == "path": asdf_paths.append(value) elif key.lower() == "ref": asdf_versions[value] = str(tool_versions_file) else: logger.warning( f"Unknown version format `{v}` from ASDF configured by " "`[python-bootstrap].search_path`, ignoring. This " "version will not be considered when determining which Python " f"interpreters to use. Please check that `{tool_versions_file}` " "is accurate.") elif v == "system": logger.warning( "System python set by ASDF configured by " "`[python-bootstrap].search_path` is unsupported, ignoring. " "This version will not be considered when determining which Python " "interpreters to use. Please remove 'system' from " f"`{tool_versions_file}` to disable this warning.") else: asdf_versions[v] = str(tool_versions_file) for version, source in asdf_versions.items(): install_dir = asdf_installs_dir / version / "bin" if install_dir.exists(): asdf_paths.append(str(install_dir)) else: logger.warning( f"Trying to use ASDF version `{version}` configured by " f"`[python-bootstrap].search_path` but `{install_dir}` does not " "exist. This version will not be considered when determining which Python " f"interpreters to use. Please check that `{source}` is accurate." ) # For non-local, if no paths have been defined, fallback to every version installed if not asdf_local and len(asdf_paths) == 0: # This could be appended to asdf_paths, but there isn't any reason to return asdf_installed_paths else: return asdf_paths
def get_environment_paths(env: Environment): """Returns a list of paths specified by the PATH env var.""" pathstr = env.get("PATH") if pathstr: return pathstr.split(os.pathsep) return []
async def package_python_dist( field_set: PythonDistributionFieldSet, python_setup: PythonSetup, union_membership: UnionMembership, ) -> BuiltPackage: transitive_targets = await Get(TransitiveTargets, TransitiveTargetsRequest([field_set.address])) exported_target = ExportedTarget(transitive_targets.roots[0]) dist_tgt = wheel = dist_tgt.get(WheelField).value sdist = dist_tgt.get(SDistField).value if not wheel and not sdist: raise NoDistTypeSelected( softwrap( f""" In order to package {dist_tgt.address.spec} at least one of {WheelField.alias!r} or {SDistField.alias!r} must be `True`. """ ) ) wheel_config_settings = dist_tgt.get(WheelConfigSettingsField).value or FrozenDict() sdist_config_settings = dist_tgt.get(SDistConfigSettingsField).value or FrozenDict() backend_env_vars = dist_tgt.get(BuildBackendEnvVarsField).value if backend_env_vars: extra_build_time_env = await Get(Environment, EnvironmentRequest(sorted(backend_env_vars))) else: extra_build_time_env = Environment() interpreter_constraints = InterpreterConstraints.create_from_targets( transitive_targets.closure, python_setup ) or InterpreterConstraints(python_setup.interpreter_constraints) chroot = await Get( DistBuildChroot, DistBuildChrootRequest( exported_target, interpreter_constraints=interpreter_constraints, ), ) # Find the source roots for the build-time 1stparty deps (e.g., deps of source_roots_result = await Get( SourceRootsResult, SourceRootsRequest( files=[], dirs={PurePath(tgt.address.spec_path) for tgt in transitive_targets.closure} ), ) source_roots = tuple(sorted({sr.path for sr in source_roots_result.path_to_root.values()})) # Get any extra build-time environment (e.g., native extension requirements). build_env_requests = [] build_env_request_types = union_membership.get(DistBuildEnvironmentRequest) for build_env_request_type in build_env_request_types: if build_env_request_type.is_applicable(dist_tgt): build_env_requests.append( build_env_request_type( tuple(tt.address for tt in transitive_targets.closure), interpreter_constraints ) ) build_envs = await MultiGet( [ Get(DistBuildEnvironment, DistBuildEnvironmentRequest, build_env_request) for build_env_request in build_env_requests ] ) extra_build_time_requirements = tuple( itertools.chain.from_iterable( build_env.extra_build_time_requirements for build_env in build_envs ) ) input_digest = await Get( Digest, MergeDigests( [chroot.digest, *(build_env.extra_build_time_inputs for build_env in build_envs)] ), ) # We prefix the entire chroot, and run with this prefix as the cwd, so that we can capture # any changes setup made within it without also capturing other artifacts of the pex # process invocation. chroot_prefix = "chroot" working_directory = os.path.join(chroot_prefix, chroot.working_directory) prefixed_input = await Get(Digest, AddPrefix(input_digest, chroot_prefix)) build_system = await Get(BuildSystem, BuildSystemRequest(prefixed_input, working_directory)) setup_py_result = await Get( DistBuildResult, DistBuildRequest( build_system=build_system, interpreter_constraints=interpreter_constraints, build_wheel=wheel, build_sdist=sdist, input=prefixed_input, working_directory=working_directory, build_time_source_roots=source_roots,, wheel_config_settings=wheel_config_settings, sdist_config_settings=sdist_config_settings, extra_build_time_requirements=extra_build_time_requirements, extra_build_time_env=extra_build_time_env, ), ) dist_snapshot = await Get(Snapshot, Digest, setup_py_result.output) return BuiltPackage( setup_py_result.output, tuple(BuiltPackageArtifact(path) for path in dist_snapshot.files), )
def test_expand_interpreter_search_paths(rule_runner: RuleRunner) -> None: local_pyenv_version = "3.5.5" all_python_versions = [ "2.7.14", local_pyenv_version, "3.7.10", "3.9.4", "3.9.5" ] asdf_home_versions = [0, 1, 2] asdf_local_versions = [2, 1, 4] asdf_local_versions_str = " ".join( materialize_indices(all_python_versions, asdf_local_versions)) rule_runner.write_files({ ".python-version": f"{local_pyenv_version}\n", ".tool-versions": ("nodejs 16.0.1\n" "java current\n" f"python {asdf_local_versions_str}\n" "rust 1.52.0\n"), }) with setup_pexrc_with_pex_python_path(["/pexrc/path1:/pexrc/path2"]): with fake_asdf_root(all_python_versions, asdf_home_versions, asdf_local_versions) as ( home_dir, asdf_dir, expected_asdf_paths, expected_asdf_home_paths, expected_asdf_local_paths, ), fake_pyenv_root(all_python_versions, local_pyenv_version) as ( pyenv_root, expected_pyenv_paths, expected_pyenv_local_paths, ): paths = [ "/foo", "<PATH>", "/bar", "<PEXRC>", "/baz", "<ASDF>", "<ASDF_LOCAL>", "<PYENV>", "<PYENV_LOCAL>", "/qux", ] env = Environment({ "HOME": home_dir, "PATH": "/env/path1:/env/path2", "PYENV_ROOT": pyenv_root, "ASDF_DATA_DIR": asdf_dir, }) expanded_paths = PythonBootstrap.expand_interpreter_search_paths( paths, env, ) expected = [ "/foo", "/env/path1", "/env/path2", "/bar", "/pexrc/path1", "/pexrc/path2", "/baz", *expected_asdf_home_paths, *expected_asdf_local_paths, *expected_pyenv_paths, *expected_pyenv_local_paths, "/qux", ] assert expected == expanded_paths
def test_get_environment_paths() -> None: paths = PythonBootstrap.get_environment_paths( Environment({"PATH": "foo/bar:baz:/qux/quux"})) assert ["foo/bar", "baz", "/qux/quux"] == paths
def create( cls, env: Mapping[str, str], ) -> DockerBuildEnvironment: return cls(Environment(env))