Пример #1
      # Now pull out just the labels and limits we need:
      limits = numpy.zeros([npars,2])
      ii = 0
      for i in index:
        limits[ii,:] = alllimits[i,:]
        ii = ii + 1
      labels = alllabels[:]

    # Set up dynamic axis limits, and smoothing scales:
    dylimits = numpy.zeros([npars,2])
    smooth = numpy.zeros(npars)
    for i in range(npars):
      col = index[i]
      # Get data subarray, and measure its mean and stdev:
      d = data[:,col].copy()
      mean,stdev,Neff,N95 = pappy.meansd(d,wht=wht)
      if vb: print "col = ",col," mean,stdev,nd = ",mean,stdev,Neff,N95
      # Set smoothing scale for this parameter, in physical units.
      smooth[i] = smoothscale*0.5*4.0*stdev/(N95**0.33)
      # Cf Jullo et al 2007, who use a bin size given by
      #  w = 2*IQR/N^(1/3)  for N samples, interquartile range IQR
      # For a Gaussian, IQR is not too different from 2sigma. 4sigma/N^1/3?
      # Also need N to be the effective number of parameters - return
      # form meansd as sum of weights!
      # Set 10 sigma limits:
      dylimits[i,0] = mean - 10*stdev
      dylimits[i,1] = mean + 10*stdev
Пример #2
def pdf2d(ax,ay,imp,xbins,ybins,smooth,color,style,conditional=False):

  from scipy import ndimage


  # npts = int((ax.size/4)**0.5)
  H,x,y = pylab.histogram2d(ax,ay,weights=imp,bins=[xbins,ybins])
  totalmass = sum(H.flatten())

  # Smooth the histogram into a PDF:
  if conditional:
    ncolumns = len(H[0,:])
    totalstdev = numpy.sqrt(numpy.var(ay))
    for i in range(ncolumns):
      p = H[i,:]
      # Need to choose smoothing scale carefully here! Columns with fewer points need
      # bigger smoothing scales:
      norm = numpy.sum(p)
      if (norm > 0.0):
        yy = ybins[1:]
        mean,stdev,Neff,N95 = pappy.meansd(yy,wht=p)
        blur = (smooth + smooth*(stdev/totalstdev)**2)
        # print "i,norm,totalmass, smooth,blur = ",i,norm,totalmass,smooth,blur
        H[i,:] = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(p.flatten(),blur)
    H = ndimage.gaussian_filter(H,smooth)

  # For a conditional PDF Pr(y|x), normalise PDF in columns (constant x):
  if conditional:
    for i in range(len(H[0,:])):
      p = H[i,:]
      norm = numpy.sum(p.flatten())
      # Can only estimate conditional where there are enough points! Rough
      # estimate - focus on 99.9% of the mass:
      norm = norm * (norm > 0.001*totalmass)
      H[i,:] = p * (norm > 0.0) / (norm + (norm == 0.0))
    norm = numpy.sum(H.flatten())
    H = H * (norm > 0.0) / (norm + (norm == 0.0))
  sortH = numpy.sort(H.flatten())
  cumH = sortH.cumsum()
  # 1, 2, 3-sigma, for the old school:
  lvl00 = 2*sortH.max()
  lvl68 = sortH[cumH>cumH.max()*0.32].min()
  lvl95 = sortH[cumH>cumH.max()*0.05].min()
  lvl997 = sortH[cumH>cumH.max()*0.003].min()

#   print "2D histogram: min,max = ",H.min(),H.max()
#   print "Contour levels: ",[lvl00,lvl68,lvl95,lvl997]

  if style == 'shaded':

    # Plot shaded areas first:
  # endif

  # Always plot outlines:
#   pylab.contour(H.T,[lvl68,lvl95],colors=color,\
#                   extent=(xbins[0],xbins[-1],ybins[0],ybins[-1]))

Пример #3
      # Now pull out just the labels and limits we need:
      limits = numpy.zeros([npars,2])
      ii = 0
      for i in index:
        limits[ii,:] = alllimits[i,:]
        ii = ii + 1
      labels = alllabels[:]

    # Set up dynamic axis limits, and smoothing scales:
    dylimits = numpy.zeros([npars,2])
    smooth = numpy.zeros(npars)
    for i in range(npars):
      col = index[i]
      # Get data subarray, and measure its mean and stdev:
      d = data[:,col].copy()
      mean,stdev,Neff,N95 = pappy.meansd(d,wht=wht)
      if vb: print "col = ",col," mean,stdev,nd = ",mean,stdev,Neff,N95
      # Set smoothing scale for this parameter, in physical units.
      smooth[i] = smoothscale*0.5*4.0*stdev/(N95**0.33)
      # Cf Jullo et al 2007, who use a bin size given by
      #  w = 2*IQR/N^(1/3)  for N samples, interquartile range IQR
      # For a Gaussian, IQR is not too different from 2sigma. 4sigma/N^1/3?
      # Also need N to be the effective number of parameters - return
      # form meansd as sum of weights!
      # Set 10 sigma limits:
      dylimits[i,0] = mean - 10*stdev
      dylimits[i,1] = mean + 10*stdev
Пример #4
def pdf2d(ax, ay, imp, xbins, ybins, smooth, color, style, conditional=False):

    from scipy import ndimage

    pylab.xlim([xbins[0], xbins[-1]])
    pylab.ylim([ybins[0], ybins[-1]])

    # npts = int((ax.size/4)**0.5)
    H, x, y = pylab.histogram2d(ax, ay, weights=imp, bins=[xbins, ybins])

    totalmass = sum(H.flatten())

    # Smooth the histogram into a PDF:
    if conditional:

        ncolumns = len(H[0, :])
        totalstdev = numpy.sqrt(numpy.var(ay))
        for i in range(ncolumns):
            p = H[i, :]
            # Need to choose smoothing scale carefully here! Columns with fewer points need
            # bigger smoothing scales:
            norm = numpy.sum(p)
            if (norm > 0.0):
                yy = ybins[1:]
                mean, stdev, Neff, N95 = pappy.meansd(yy, wht=p)
                blur = (smooth + smooth * (stdev / totalstdev)**2)
                # print "i,norm,totalmass, smooth,blur = ",i,norm,totalmass,smooth,blur
                H[i, :] = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(p.flatten(), blur)

        H = ndimage.gaussian_filter(H, smooth)

    # For a conditional PDF Pr(y|x), normalise PDF in columns (constant x):
    if conditional:
        for i in range(len(H[0, :])):
            p = H[i, :]
            norm = numpy.sum(p.flatten())
            # Can only estimate conditional where there are enough points! Rough
            # estimate - focus on 99.9% of the mass:
            norm = norm * (norm > 0.001 * totalmass)
            H[i, :] = p * (norm > 0.0) / (norm + (norm == 0.0))
        norm = numpy.sum(H.flatten())
        H = H * (norm > 0.0) / (norm + (norm == 0.0))

    sortH = numpy.sort(H.flatten())
    cumH = sortH.cumsum()
    # 1, 2, 3-sigma, for the old school:
    lvl00 = 2 * sortH.max()
    lvl68 = sortH[cumH > cumH.max() * 0.32].min()
    lvl95 = sortH[cumH > cumH.max() * 0.05].min()
    lvl997 = sortH[cumH > cumH.max() * 0.003].min()

    #   print "2D histogram: min,max = ",H.min(),H.max()
    #   print "Contour levels: ",[lvl00,lvl68,lvl95,lvl997]

    if style == 'shaded':

        # Plot shaded areas first:
    # endif

    # Always plot outlines:
    #   pylab.contour(H.T,[lvl68,lvl95],colors=color,\
    #                   extent=(xbins[0],xbins[-1],ybins[0],ybins[-1]))
