Пример #1
def optimize_z(x,y,z,image,n=None):
	"""Optimize z for poly fit"""
	if type(image) == str:
		img = tf.imread(image)
	elif type(image) == np.ndarray:
		img = image

	data_z = img[:,y,x]

	if n is None:
		n = getn(data_z)

	x_opt_vals, y_opt_vals, z_opt_vals = [], [], []

	x_opt,y_opt,z_opt = x,y,z
	for i in range(5):
			print x_opt,y_opt,z_opt
			x_opt,y_opt,z_opt = int(round(x_opt)),int(round(y_opt)),int(round(z_opt))
			x_opt, y_opt = optimize_xy(x_opt,y_opt,z_opt,img,nx=None,ny=None)
			data_z = img[:,round(y_opt),round(x_opt)]
		except Exception as e:
			if clrmsg and debug is True: print clrmsg.ERROR
			print IndexError("Optimization failed, possibly due to low signal or low SNR. "+str(e))
			return [x],[y],['failed']
		n = getn(data_z)
		z_opt, data_z_yp_poly = parabolic.parabolic_polyfit(data_z, np.argmax(data_z), n)

	return x_opt_vals, y_opt_vals, z_opt_vals
Пример #2
def getzPoly(x, y, img, n=None, optimize=False):
    """x and y are coordinates
	img is the path to the z-stack tiff file or a numpy.ndarray from tifffile.py imread function
	n is the number of points around the max value that are used in the polyfit
	leave n to use the maximum amount of points
	If optimize is set to True, the algorithm will try to optimize the x,y,z position
	!! if optimize is True, 3 values are returned: x,y,z"""

    if not isinstance(img, str) and not isinstance(img, np.ndarray):
        if clrmsg and debug is True: print clrmsg.ERROR
        raise TypeError(
            'I can only handle an image path as string or an image volume as numpy.ndarray imported from tifffile.py'
    elif isinstance(img, str):
        img = tf.imread(img)

    data_z = img[:, y, x]

    if n is None:
        n = getn(data_z)

    data_z_xp_poly, data_z_yp_poly = parabolic.parabolic_polyfit(
        data_z, np.argmax(data_z), n)

    if math.isnan(data_z_xp_poly):
        if clrmsg and debug is True: print clrmsg.ERROR
        print TypeError('Failed: Probably due to low SNR')
        if optimize is True:
            return x, y, 'failed'
            return 'failed'

    if debug is True:
        f, ax = plt.subplots()
        ax.plot(range(0, len(data_z)), data_z, color='blue')
        ax.plot(data_z_xp_poly, data_z_yp_poly, 'o', color='black')
        ax.set_title("mid: " + str(data_z_xp_poly))


    if optimize is True:
        x_opt_vals, y_opt_vals, z_opt_vals = optimize_z(x,
        return x_opt_vals[-1], y_opt_vals[-1], z_opt_vals[-1]
        return data_z_xp_poly
Пример #3
def getzPoly(x,y,img,n=None,optimize=False):
	"""x and y are coordinates
	img is the path to the z-stack tiff file or a numpy.ndarray from tifffile.py imread function
	n is the number of points around the max value that are used in the polyfit
	leave n to use the maximum amount of points
	If optimize is set to True, the algorithm will try to optimize the x,y,z position
	!! if optimize is True, 3 values are returned: x,y,z"""

	if not isinstance(img, str) and not isinstance(img, np.ndarray):
		if clrmsg and debug is True: print clrmsg.ERROR
		raise TypeError('I can only handle an image path as string or an image volume as numpy.ndarray imported from tifffile.py')
	elif isinstance(img, str):
		img = tf.imread(img)

	data_z = img[:,y,x]

	if n is None:
		n = getn(data_z)

	data_z_xp_poly, data_z_yp_poly = parabolic.parabolic_polyfit(data_z, np.argmax(data_z), n)

	if math.isnan(data_z_xp_poly):
		if clrmsg and debug is True: print clrmsg.ERROR
		print TypeError('Failed: Probably due to low SNR')
		if optimize is True:
			return x,y,'failed'
			return 'failed'

	if debug is True:
		f, ax = plt.subplots()
		ax.plot(range(0,len(data_z)), data_z, color='blue')
		ax.plot(data_z_xp_poly, data_z_yp_poly, 'o', color='black')
		ax.set_title("mid: "+str(data_z_xp_poly))


	if optimize is True:
		x_opt_vals, y_opt_vals, z_opt_vals = optimize_z(x,y,data_z_xp_poly,img,n=None)
		return x_opt_vals[-1], y_opt_vals[-1], z_opt_vals[-1]
		return data_z_xp_poly
Пример #4
def optimize_xy(x, y, z, image, nx=None, ny=None):
    """x and y are coordinates, z is the layer in the z-stack tiff file
	image can be either the path to the z-stack tiff file or the np.array data of itself
	n is the number of points around the max value that are used in the polyfit
	leave n to use the maximum amount of points"""
    get_nx, get_ny = False, False
    if type(image) == str:
        img = tf.imread(image)
    elif type(image) == np.ndarray:
        img = image
    ## amount of data points around coordinate
    samplewidth = 10
    data_x = img[z, y, x - samplewidth:x + samplewidth]
    data_y = img[z, y - samplewidth:y + samplewidth, x]

    if debug is True: f, axarr = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True)

    if nx is None:
        get_nx = True
    if ny is None:
        get_ny = True

    ## optimize x
    xmaxvals = np.array([], dtype=np.int32)
    for offset in range(10):
        data_x = img[z, y - offset, x - samplewidth:x + samplewidth]
        if data_x.max() < data_x.mean() * 1.1:
            # print "breaking at ",offset
            # print data_x.max(), data_x.mean(), data_x.mean()*1.1
        if get_nx is True:
            nx = getn(data_x)
        data_x_xp_poly, data_x_yp_poly = parabolic.parabolic_polyfit(
            data_x, np.argmax(data_x), nx)
        xmaxvals = np.append(xmaxvals, [data_x_xp_poly])
        c = np.random.rand(3, 1)
        if debug is True:
            axarr[0].plot(range(0, len(data_x)), data_x, color=c)
            axarr[0].plot(data_x_xp_poly, data_x_yp_poly, 'o', color=c)
    for offset in range(10):
        data_x = img[z, y + offset, x - samplewidth:x + samplewidth]
        if data_x.max() < data_x.mean() * 1.1:
            # print "breaking at ",offset
            # print data_x.max(), data_x.mean(), data_x.mean()*1.1
        if get_nx is True:
            nx = getn(data_x)
        data_x_xp_poly, data_x_yp_poly = parabolic.parabolic_polyfit(
            data_x, np.argmax(data_x), nx)
        xmaxvals = np.append(xmaxvals, [data_x_xp_poly])
        c = np.random.rand(3, 1)
        if debug is True:
            axarr[0].plot(range(0, len(data_x)), data_x, color=c)
            axarr[0].plot(data_x_xp_poly, data_x_yp_poly, 'o', color=c)

    if debug is True: axarr[0].set_title("mid-mean: " + str(xmaxvals.mean()))

    ## optimize y
    ymaxvals = np.array([], dtype=np.int32)
    for offset in range(10):
        data_y = img[z, y - samplewidth:y + samplewidth, x - offset]
        if data_y.max() < data_y.mean() * 1.1:
            # print "breaking at ",offset
            # print data_y.max(), data_y.mean(), data_y.mean()*1.1
        if get_ny is True:
            ny = getn(data_y)
        data_y_xp_poly, data_y_yp_poly = parabolic.parabolic_polyfit(
            data_y, np.argmax(data_y), ny)
        ymaxvals = np.append(ymaxvals, [data_y_xp_poly])
        c = np.random.rand(3, 1)
        if debug is True:
            axarr[1].plot(range(0, len(data_y)), data_y, color=c)
            axarr[1].plot(data_y_xp_poly, data_y_yp_poly, 'o', color=c)

    for offset in range(10):
        data_y = img[z, y - samplewidth:y + samplewidth, x + offset]
        if data_y.max() < data_y.mean() * 1.1:
            # print "breaking at ",offset
            # print data_y.max(), data_y.mean(), data_y.mean()*1.1
        if get_ny is True:
            ny = getn(data_y)
        data_y_xp_poly, data_y_yp_poly = parabolic.parabolic_polyfit(
            data_y, np.argmax(data_y), ny)
        ymaxvals = np.append(ymaxvals, [data_y_xp_poly])
        c = np.random.rand(3, 1)
        if debug is True:
            axarr[1].plot(range(0, len(data_y)), data_y, color=c)
            axarr[1].plot(data_y_xp_poly, data_y_yp_poly, 'o', color=c)

    if debug is True: axarr[1].set_title("mid-mean: " + str(ymaxvals.mean()))

    if debug is True:
    ## calculate offset into coordinates
    x_opt = x + xmaxvals.mean() - samplewidth
    y_opt = y + ymaxvals.mean() - samplewidth

    return x_opt, y_opt
Пример #5
def optimize_xy(x,y,z,image,nx=None,ny=None):
	"""x and y are coordinates, z is the layer in the z-stack tiff file
	image can be either the path to the z-stack tiff file or the np.array data of itself
	n is the number of points around the max value that are used in the polyfit
	leave n to use the maximum amount of points"""
	get_nx, get_ny = False, False
	if type(image) == str:
		img = tf.imread(image)
	elif type(image) == np.ndarray:
		img = image
	## amount of data points around coordinate
	samplewidth = 10
	data_x = img[z,y,x-samplewidth:x+samplewidth]
	data_y = img[z,y-samplewidth:y+samplewidth,x]

	if debug is True: f, axarr = plt.subplots(2, sharex=True)

	if nx is None:
		get_nx = True
	if ny is None:
		get_ny = True

	## optimize x
	xmaxvals = np.array([], dtype=np.int32)
	for offset in range(10):
		data_x = img[z,y-offset,x-samplewidth:x+samplewidth]
		if data_x.max() < data_x.mean()*1.1:
			# print "breaking at ",offset
			# print data_x.max(), data_x.mean(), data_x.mean()*1.1
		if get_nx is True:
			nx = getn(data_x)
		data_x_xp_poly, data_x_yp_poly = parabolic.parabolic_polyfit(data_x, np.argmax(data_x), nx)
		xmaxvals = np.append(xmaxvals,[data_x_xp_poly])
		c = np.random.rand(3,1)
		if debug is True:
			axarr[0].plot(range(0,len(data_x)), data_x, color=c)
			axarr[0].plot(data_x_xp_poly, data_x_yp_poly, 'o', color=c)
	for offset in range(10):
		data_x = img[z,y+offset,x-samplewidth:x+samplewidth]
		if data_x.max() < data_x.mean()*1.1:
			# print "breaking at ",offset
			# print data_x.max(), data_x.mean(), data_x.mean()*1.1
		if get_nx is True:
			nx = getn(data_x)
		data_x_xp_poly, data_x_yp_poly = parabolic.parabolic_polyfit(data_x, np.argmax(data_x), nx)
		xmaxvals = np.append(xmaxvals,[data_x_xp_poly])
		c = np.random.rand(3,1)
		if debug is True:
			axarr[0].plot(range(0,len(data_x)), data_x, color=c)
			axarr[0].plot(data_x_xp_poly, data_x_yp_poly, 'o', color=c)

	if debug is True: axarr[0].set_title("mid-mean: "+str(xmaxvals.mean()))

	## optimize y
	ymaxvals = np.array([], dtype=np.int32)
	for offset in range(10):
		data_y = img[z,y-samplewidth:y+samplewidth,x-offset]
		if data_y.max() < data_y.mean()*1.1:
			# print "breaking at ",offset
			# print data_y.max(), data_y.mean(), data_y.mean()*1.1
		if get_ny is True:
			ny = getn(data_y)
		data_y_xp_poly, data_y_yp_poly = parabolic.parabolic_polyfit(data_y, np.argmax(data_y), ny)
		ymaxvals = np.append(ymaxvals,[data_y_xp_poly])
		c = np.random.rand(3,1)
		if debug is True:
			axarr[1].plot(range(0,len(data_y)), data_y, color=c)
			axarr[1].plot(data_y_xp_poly, data_y_yp_poly, 'o', color=c)

	for offset in range(10):
		data_y = img[z,y-samplewidth:y+samplewidth,x+offset]
		if data_y.max() < data_y.mean()*1.1:
			# print "breaking at ",offset
			# print data_y.max(), data_y.mean(), data_y.mean()*1.1
		if get_ny is True:
			ny = getn(data_y)
		data_y_xp_poly, data_y_yp_poly = parabolic.parabolic_polyfit(data_y, np.argmax(data_y), ny)
		ymaxvals = np.append(ymaxvals,[data_y_xp_poly])
		c = np.random.rand(3,1)
		if debug is True:
			axarr[1].plot(range(0,len(data_y)), data_y, color=c)
			axarr[1].plot(data_y_xp_poly, data_y_yp_poly, 'o', color=c)

	if debug is True: axarr[1].set_title("mid-mean: "+str(ymaxvals.mean()))

	if debug is True:
	## calculate offset into coordinates
	x_opt = x+xmaxvals.mean()-samplewidth
	y_opt = y+ymaxvals.mean()-samplewidth

	return x_opt, y_opt