Пример #1
input2 = np.concatenate((np.concatenate((np.zeros(scale / 2), Atom_test.waveform)), np.zeros(scale / 2)))
input1 = 0.01 * np.random.randn(2 * scale) + np.concatenate(
    (np.concatenate((np.zeros(scale / 2 - ts), Atom_test.waveform)), np.zeros(scale / 2 + ts))

input3 = np.array(input2)
input4 = np.array(input1)
score = np.array([0.0])

import time

nbIt = 10000
t = time.clock()
for j in range(nbIt):
    timeShift = parallelProjections.project_atom(input1, input2, score, scale)
print "C code Took", time.clock() - t

t = time.clock()
for j in range(nbIt):
    Xcor = np.correlate(input4, input3, "full")
#    maxI = abs(Xcor).argmax();
#    max = abs(Xcor).max();
print "Numpy took ", time.clock() - t

# print "See if numpy correlate is efficient"
# print score , abs(Xcor).max();
# print timeShift , abs(Xcor).argmax() - 255;

# scoreOld = np.array([0.0]);
Пример #2
    def getMaxAtom(self , debug = 0):    
        self.maxFrameIdx = floor(self.maxIdx / (0.5*self.scale))
        self.maxBinIdx = self.maxIdx - self.maxFrameIdx * (0.5*self.scale)         

        # hack here : let us project the atom waveform on the neighbouring signal in the FFt domain,
        # so that we can find the maximum correlation and best adapt the time-shift             
        Atom = atom.Atom(self.scale , 1 , max((self.maxFrameIdx  * self.scale/2) - self.scale/4 , 0)  , self.maxBinIdx , self.residualSignal.samplingFrequency)
        Atom.frame = self.maxFrameIdx
        # re-compute the atom amplitude for IMDCT      
#        if self.maxValue.real < 0:
#            self.maxValue = -abs(self.maxValue)
#        else:
#            self.maxValue = abs(self.maxValue)
        Atom.mdct_value = self.maxValue        
        # new version : compute also its waveform through inverse MDCT
        Atom.waveform = self.synthesizeAtom(value=1)
        Atom.timeShift = 0
        Atom.projectionScore = 0.0
        input1 = self.enframedDataMatrix[(self.maxFrameIdx-1.5)  * self.scale/2 : (self.maxFrameIdx+2.5)  * self.scale/2]
        input2 = concatenate( (concatenate((zeros(self.scale/2) , Atom.waveform) ) , zeros(self.scale/2) ) )
        # debug cases: sometimes when lot of energy on the borders , pre-echo artifacts tends
        # to appears on the border and can lead to seg fault if not monitored
        # therefore we need to prevent any time shift leading to positions outside of original signals
        # ie in the first and last frames.
#        if debug>0:
#            print self.maxFrameIdx , self.maxIdx , self.frameNumber
#            if self.maxFrameIdx ==1:
#                plt.figure()
#                plt.plot(Atom.waveform)
#                plt.plot(self.enframedDataMatrix[0 : Atom.timePosition + Atom.length],'r')
#                plt.show()
#            print (self.maxFrameIdx-1.5)  * self.scale/2 , (self.maxFrameIdx+2.5)  * self.scale/2
#            print len(input1) , len(input2)
        if len(input1) != len(input2):
            print self.maxFrameIdx , self.maxIdx , self.frameNumber
            print len(input1) , len(input2)
            #if debug>0:
            print "atom in the borders , no timeShift calculated"
            return Atom

        # retrieve additional timeShift
        if self.useC:
            scoreVec = array([0.0])
            Atom.timeShift = parallelProjections.project_atom(input1,input2 , scoreVec , self.scale)

            if abs(Atom.timeShift) > Atom.length/2:
                print "out of limits: found time shift of" , Atom.timeShift
                Atom.timeShift = 0
                return Atom
            self.maxTimeShift = Atom.timeShift
            Atom.timePosition += Atom.timeShift
            # retrieve newly projected waveform
            Atom.projectionScore = scoreVec[0]
            Atom.waveform *= Atom.projectionScore
#            Atom.waveform = input2[self.scale/2:-self.scale/2]
            sigFft = fft(self.enframedDataMatrix[(self.maxFrameIdx-1.5)  * self.scale/2 : (self.maxFrameIdx+2.5)  * self.scale/2] , 2*self.scale)
            atomFft = fft(concatenate( (concatenate((zeros(self.scale/2) , Atom.waveform) ) , zeros(self.scale/2) ) ) , 2*self.scale)
            Atom.timeShift , score = Xcorr.GetMaxXCorr(atomFft , sigFft , maxlag =self.scale/2)        
            self.maxTimeShift = Atom.timeShift
            Atom.projectionScore = score
    #        print "found correlation max of " , float(score)/sqrt(2/float(self.scale))
            # CAses That might happen: time shift result in choosing another atom instead
            if abs(Atom.timeShift) > Atom.length/2:
                print "out of limits: found time shift of" , Atom.timeShift
                Atom.timeShift = 0
                return Atom
            Atom.timePosition += Atom.timeShift
            # now let us re-project the atom on the signal to adjust it's energy: Only if no pathological case        
            # TODO optimization : pre-compute energy (better: find closed form)
            if score <0:
                Atom.amplitude = -sqrt(-score)
                Atom.waveform = (-sqrt(-score/sum(Atom.waveform**2)) )*Atom.waveform
                Atom.amplitude = sqrt(score)
                Atom.waveform = (sqrt(score/sum(Atom.waveform**2)) )*Atom.waveform
#        projOrtho = sum(Atom.waveform * self.residualSignal.dataVec[Atom.timePosition : Atom.timePosition + Atom.length])
#        if score <0:
#            Atom.amplitude = -1
#            Atom.waveform = -Atom.waveform
        return Atom