def draw_astar(mission,crew,proxemics): path = astar(mission,crew,proxemics) cp = p.select_crew(crew) waypoints = p.select_mission(mission) drawablePath = viz.path_to_trajectory(path) viz.draw_path(drawablePath,waypoints,cp)
def astar(mission,crew,proxemics): cp = p.select_crew(crew) waypoints = p.select_mission(mission) #endpoint = waypoints[-1] #endpoint is last waypoint goal_i = 0 goal0 = waypoints[0] x0 = p.robot_x0 y0 = p.robot_y0 startVel = 0 startpoint = np.array((x0,y0)) visitedNodes = [(x0,y0)] #list of tuples cost0 = 0 paths = q.PriorityQueue() # each path gets added to the queue as (priority,[nodes]), where nodes are (cost,visitedNodes,x,y,v) paths.put((0,[(cost0,visitedNodes,x0,y0,startVel)])) #paths.get() should return list of tuples useProxemics = proxemics fullPath = [] for goal in waypoints: bestPath = astarPath(startpoint,goal,paths,cp,useProxemics) startpoint = waypoints[goal_i] goal_i += 1 fullPath.append(bestPath) return fullPath[-1] #warning this isn't the right format for viz
def astar(mission,crew,proxemics): cp = p.select_crew(crew) waypoints = p.select_mission(mission) x0 = p.robot_x0 y0 = p.robot_y0 v0 = 0 visitedNodes = [(x0,y0)] #list of tuples cost0 = 0 node0 = (cost0,visitedNodes,x0,y0,v0) goal_i = 0 max_time = 0 fullPath = [] start_time = time.time() for goal in waypoints: paths = q.PriorityQueue() if goal_i > 0: #print ("goal index =", goal_i) #start again at the last node from the last segment lastNode = bestPath[-1] #print ("lastNode =", (lastNode[X_I],lastNode[Y_I])) lastX = lastNode[X_I] lastY = lastNode[Y_I] newVisitedNodes = [(lastX,lastY)] lastVel = lastNode[V_I] node0 = (0,newVisitedNodes,lastX,lastY,lastVel) path0 = [node0] #should now be a list of nodes # each path gets added to the queue as (priority,[nodes]), where nodes are (cost,visitedNodes,x,y,v) # if not paths.empty(): # print("Path not empty!") paths.put((0,path0)) #paths.get() should return list of tuples useProxemics = proxemics #astarPath(goal,paths,crew,useProxemics) bestPath, poss_max_time, timed_out = astarPath(goal,paths,cp,useProxemics, start_time, max_time) if poss_max_time > max_time: max_time = poss_max_time #bestPath should be a single_path = [nodes] goal_i += 1 fullPath.extend(bestPath) if timed_out: break #fullpath should be an array of single_paths return fullPath, max_time
def draw_astar(mission,crew,proxemics): tic = time.time() path = astar(mission,crew,proxemics) cp = p.select_crew(crew) waypoints = p.select_mission(mission) drawablePath = viz.path_to_trajectory(path) #print(drawablePath) viz.draw_path(drawablePath,waypoints,cp) toc = time.time() tElapsed = toc - tic tmins = np.floor(tElapsed/60) tsecs = np.mod(tElapsed,60) print ("Took", toc - tic, "seconds") print ("or", tmins, "mins and", tsecs, "seconds")
def color_quiver_plt(): for mission_idx, crew_idx, wp_idx in [ (1, 1, 0) ]: # (2,2,1),(2,2,2),(2,3,1),(3,4,3)]: mission = parameters.select_mission(mission_idx) crew = parameters.select_crew(crew_idx) for func_name in funcs: out = apf.linear_goal_force_function(grid, mission[wp_idx], use_k) out += apf.gaussian_boundary_force_function( grid, parameters.module_size) out += funcs[func_name](grid, crew) norm = (out[:, 0]**2 + out[:, 1]**2)**0.5 norm = norm / norm.max().max() plt.figure() plt.quiver(xx, yy, out[:, 0], out[:, 1], norm, # plt.colorbar() plt.colorbar(fraction=0.046, pad=0.04) # norm = Normalize() # norm.autoscale() plt.axis('scaled') # viz.draw_crew(crew) viz.draw_waypoints(mission[[wp_idx]]) plt.xlim((0, parameters.module_size[0])) plt.ylim((0, parameters.module_size[1])) plt.xlabel('x, m') plt.ylabel('y, m') plt.title( 'Potential Field for Goal %d Mission %d with Crew %d - %s' % ((wp_idx + 1), mission_idx, crew_idx, 'Non-Proxemic' if func_name == 'nonproxemic' else 'Proxemic')) # plt.gcf().set_size_inches(3.5,3) plt.tight_layout()
def astar_generate(args): mission_idx, crew_idx, use_proxemic = args idx = 100 * mission_idx + 10 * crew_idx + int(use_proxemic) mission = parameters.select_mission(mission_idx) crew = parameters.select_crew(crew_idx) func_name = 'proxemic' if use_proxemic else 'nonproxemic' tic = time.time() nodelist, max_node_time = astar.astar(mission_idx, crew_idx, func_name == 'proxemic') toc = time.time() path = viz.path_to_trajectory(nodelist) viz.draw_path(path, mission, crew) plt.xlabel('x, m') plt.ylabel('y, m') plt.title('Robot Path on Mission %d with Crew %d, A* - %s' % (mission_idx, crew_idx, 'Non-Proxemic' if func_name == 'nonproxemic' else 'Proxemic')) plt.savefig('data/astar_path__mission%d_crew%d_%s.png' % (mission_idx, crew_idx, func_name)) plt.close() path_df = pd.DataFrame(data=path[:, :-1], columns=astar_path_columns, index=path[:, -1]) path_df['vn'] = (path_df['vx']**2 + path_df['vy']**2)**0.5 path_df['an'] = path_df['vn'].diff( ) #(path_df['vx'].diff()**2 + path_df['vy'].diff()**2)**0.5 path_df[['vn', 'an']].plot() plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('data/astar_velocity_accel__mission%d_crew%d_%s.png' % (mission_idx, crew_idx, func_name)) plt.close() count_crew_collisions = 0 for crewnum, crewmember in enumerate(crew): path_df['distance from crew %d' % (crewnum + 1)] = ((path_df['x'] - crewmember[0])**2 + (path_df['y'] - crewmember[1])**2)**0.5 count_crew_collisions += ( (path_df['distance from crew %d' % (crewnum + 1)] <= parameters.collision_distance).astype(int).diff() > 0).sum() count_complete_wp = 0 for wp in mission: if (((path_df['x'] - wp[0])**2 + (path_df['y'] - wp[1])**2)**0.5 ).min().min() <= parameters.goal_cutoff * parameters.robot_length: count_complete_wp += 1 percent_complete_wp = count_complete_wp / mission.shape[0] path_df[path_df.columns[path_df.columns.str.startswith( 'distance from crew ')]].plot() for line_y in dists_to_bin[1:-1]: plt.plot(path_df.index[[0, -1]], [line_y] * 2, '--') plt.xlabel('t, sec') plt.ylabel('distance, m') plt.title( 'Distance Between Robot and Crew\n for Mission %d, Crew Configuration %d, A* - %s' % (crew_idx, mission_idx, 'Non-Proxemic' if func_name == 'nonproxemic' else 'Proxemic')) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('data/astar_crew_dist__mission%d_crew%d_%s.png' % (mission_idx, crew_idx, func_name)) plt.close() count_boundary_collisions = (( (path_df['x'] <= parameters.robot_length / 2) | (path_df['x'] >= parameters.module_width - parameters.robot_length / 2) | (path_df['y'] <= parameters.robot_length / 2) | (path_df['y'] >= parameters.module_height - parameters.robot_length / 2)).astype(int).diff() > 0).sum() # time to complete # avg vel # distance travelled # collisions # entered waypoint zone % # max thrust, max velocity df = [ func_name, # proxemic or not mission_idx, crew_idx, path_df.index[-1], # time path_df['vn'].max(), # max vel path_df['vn'].mean(), # average velocity (path_df['vn'] * path_df.index).sum(), # path length path_df['an'].max(), # maximum accel? count_boundary_collisions, # boundary collisions count_crew_collisions, # crew colissions path_df[path_df.columns[path_df.columns.str.startswith( 'distance from crew ')]].min().min(), # min crew distance percent_complete_wp, toc - tic, # time to compute max_node_time, ] for crewnum, crewmember in enumerate(crew): check_time = 0 for dist_idx, dist in enumerate(dists_to_bin[1:]): in_bin_selector = ( (path_df['distance from crew %d' % (crewnum+1)] >= dists_to_bin[dist_idx]) & \ (path_df['distance from crew %d' % (crewnum+1)] < dist) ).astype(int).diff().abs().astype(bool) for end_pt in [0, -1]: in_bin_selector.iloc[end_pt] = ( (path_df['distance from crew %d' % (crewnum + 1)].iloc[end_pt] >= dists_to_bin[dist_idx]) and (path_df['distance from crew %d' % (crewnum + 1)].iloc[end_pt] < dist)) df += [np.diff(path_df.index[in_bin_selector])[::2].sum()] check_time += df[-1] print( "check", path_df.index[-1], check_time, "good" if path_df.index[-1] == check_time else "ERROR! ERROR! ERROR!") df += [0] * (4 - crew.shape[0]) * (len(dists_to_bin) - 1) path_df.to_csv('data/%d.csv' % idx) # out = apf.linear_goal_force_function(grid,mission[0]) # out += apf.gaussian_boundary_force_function(grid, parameters.module_size) # out += funcs[func_name](grid, crew) # plt.figure() # plt.quiver(xx,yy,out[:,0],out[:,1]) # plt.axis('scaled') # # viz.draw_crew(crew) # viz.draw_waypoints(mission[[0]]) # plt.xlim((0,parameters.module_size[0])) # plt.ylim((0,parameters.module_size[1])) # plt.tight_layout() # plt.savefig('data/quiver_mission%d_crew%d_%s.png' % (mission_idx,crew_idx,func_name)) # plt.close() return (df, path_df)
def do_generate(do_path=True, do_distance=True, do_speed=False, do_paired_velocity=False): df_columns = ['type','mission','crew','time','max vel', 'average vel', 'distance', 'max accel', 'boundary collisions', 'crew collisions', 'min crew distance', '%% complete'] + \ ['time in distance bin %d from crew %d' % (dist_idx, crewnum+1) for crewnum in range(4) for dist_idx in range(len(dists_to_bin[1:]))] idx = 0 df = pd.DataFrame(columns=df_columns, ) for mission_idx in range(1, n_mission + 1): #4 # mission_idx = 2 mission = parameters.select_mission(mission_idx) for crew_idx in range(1, n_crew + 1): #5 # crew_idx = 2 if (crew_idx == 5): if (mission_idx == 1): crew = parameters.select_crew(1) crew[:, parameters.Y_POS] = 2.0 else: continue else: crew = parameters.select_crew(crew_idx) paths_df_list = [] for func_name in func_names_list: path = apf.apf_path_planner(parameters.robot_initial_condition, mission, crew, funcs[func_name], goal_k=use_k, damping_b=use_b) if do_path: viz.draw_path(path, mission, crew, True) plt.xlabel('x, m') plt.ylabel('y, m') plt.title( 'Robot Path on Mission %d with Crew %d, APF - %s' % (mission_idx, crew_idx, 'Non-Proxemic' if func_name == 'nonproxemic' else 'Proxemic')) # plt.gcf().set_size_inches(3.5,3) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('data/path_mission%d_crew%d_%s.png' % (mission_idx, crew_idx, func_name)) plt.close() path_df = pd.DataFrame(data=path, columns=path_columns) path_df.index = path_df.index * apf.dt path_df['vn'] = (path_df['vx']**2 + path_df['vy']**2)**0.5 path_df['an'] = (path_df['fx']**2 + path_df['fy']**2)**0.5 / parameters.robot_mass if do_speed: path_df[['vn', 'an']].plot() plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig( 'data/velocity_force__mission%d_crew%d_%s.png' % (mission_idx, crew_idx, func_name)) plt.close() count_crew_collisions = 0 for crewnum, crewmember in enumerate(crew): path_df['distance from crew %d' % (crewnum + 1)] = ( (path_df['x'] - crewmember[0])**2 + (path_df['y'] - crewmember[1])**2)**0.5 for dist_idx, dist in enumerate(dists_to_bin[1:]): path_df['time in distance bin %d from crew %d' % (dist_idx, crewnum+1)] = np.diff(path_df.index[((path_df['distance from crew %d' % (crewnum+1)] >= dists_to_bin[dist_idx]) & \ (path_df['distance from crew %d' % (crewnum+1)] < dist)).astype(int).diff().abs().astype(bool)])[1::2].sum() count_crew_collisions += ( (path_df['distance from crew %d' % (crewnum + 1)] <= parameters.collision_distance).astype(int).diff() > 0).sum() count_complete_wp = 0 for wp in mission: if (((path_df['x'] - wp[0])**2 + (path_df['y'] - wp[1])**2)**0.5).min().min( ) <= parameters.goal_cutoff * parameters.robot_length: count_complete_wp += 1 percent_complete_wp = count_complete_wp / mission.shape[0] if do_distance: path_df[path_df.columns[path_df.columns.str.startswith( 'distance from crew ')]].plot() # plt.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0, -0.02, 1, -0.002),legends=['crew 1']) for line_y in dists_to_bin[1:-1]: plt.plot(path_df.index[[0, -1]], [line_y] * 2, '--') plt.xlabel('t, sec') plt.ylabel('distance, m') plt.title( 'Distance Between Robot and Crew\n for Mission %d, Crew Configuration %d, APF - %s' % (crew_idx, mission_idx, 'Non-Proxemic' if func_name == 'nonproxemic' else 'Proxemic')) # plt.gcf().set_size_inches(3.5,3) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig( 'data/apf_crew_distance__mission%d_crew%d_%s.png' % (mission_idx, crew_idx, func_name)) plt.close() count_boundary_collisions = ( ((path_df['x'] <= parameters.robot_length / 2) | (path_df['x'] >= parameters.module_width - parameters.robot_length / 2) | (path_df['y'] <= parameters.robot_length / 2) | (path_df['y'] >= parameters.module_height - parameters.robot_length / 2)).astype(int).diff() > 0).sum() # time to complete # avg vel # distance travelled # collisions # entered waypoint zone % # max thrust, max velocity row_data = [ func_name, # proxemic or not mission_idx, crew_idx, path_df.index[-1], # time path_df['vn'].max(), # max vel path_df['vn'].mean(), # average velocity path_df['vn'].sum() * apf.dt, # path length path_df['an'].max(), # maximum accel? count_boundary_collisions, # boundary collisions count_crew_collisions, # crew colissions path_df[path_df.columns[path_df.columns.str.startswith( 'distance from crew ')]].min().min( ), # min crew distance percent_complete_wp ] for crewnum, crewmember in enumerate(crew): check_time = 0 for dist_idx, dist in enumerate(dists_to_bin[1:]): in_bin_selector = ( (path_df['distance from crew %d' % (crewnum+1)] >= dists_to_bin[dist_idx]) & \ (path_df['distance from crew %d' % (crewnum+1)] < dist) ).astype(int).diff().abs().astype(bool) for end_pt in [0, -1]: in_bin_selector.iloc[end_pt] = ( (path_df['distance from crew %d' % (crewnum + 1)].iloc[end_pt] >= dists_to_bin[dist_idx]) and (path_df['distance from crew %d' % (crewnum + 1)].iloc[end_pt] < dist)) row_data += [ np.diff(path_df.index[in_bin_selector])[::2].sum() ] check_time += row_data[-1] print( "check", path_df.index[-1], check_time, "good" if path_df.index[-1] == check_time else "ERROR! ERROR! ERROR!") row_data += [0] * (4 - crew.shape[0]) * (len(dists_to_bin) - 1) df.loc[idx] = row_data paths_df_list.append(path_df) idx += 1 # out = apf.linear_goal_force_function(grid,mission[0]) # out += apf.gaussian_boundary_force_function(grid, parameters.module_size) # out += funcs[func_name](grid, crew) # norm = (out[:,0]**2 + out[:,1]**2)**0.5 # norm = norm/norm.max().max() # plt.figure() # plt.quiver(xx,yy,out[:,0],out[:,1],norm) # plt.axis('scaled') # # viz.draw_crew(crew) # viz.draw_waypoints(mission[[0]]) # plt.xlim((0,parameters.module_size[0])) # plt.ylim((0,parameters.module_size[1])) # plt.xlabel('x, m') # plt.ylabel('y, m') # plt.title('Potential Field for Goal %d Mission %d with Crew %d APF - %s' % (mission_idx, crew_idx, 'Non-Proxemic' if func_name=='nonproxemic' else 'Proxemic')) # plt.tight_layout() # plt.savefig('data/quiver_mission%d_crew%d_%s.png' % (mission_idx,crew_idx,func_name)) # plt.close() colors = 'bg' if do_paired_velocity: new_df = pd.DataFrame() new_df['proxemic'] = paths_df_list[0]['vn'] new_df['non-proxemic'] = paths_df_list[1]['vn'] # plt.plot(new_df['proxemic'], 'b') # plt.plot(new_df['non-proxemic'], 'g') # new_df['proxemic goals'] = 0 # new_df['nonproxemic goals'] = 0 plt.figure() # for wp_idx,wp in enumerate(mission): # for func_idx,func_name in enumerate(func_names_list): # path_df = paths_df_list[func_idx] # selector = (((((path_df['x']-wp[0])**2 + (path_df['y']-wp[1])**2)**0.5) <= parameters.goal_cutoff*parameters.robot_length).astype(int)).diff().astype(bool) # if ((((path_df['x'].iloc[0]-wp[0])**2 + (path_df['y'].iloc[0]-wp[1])**2)**0.5) <= parameters.goal_cutoff*parameters.robot_length): # selector[0] = True # else: # selector[0] = False # for time_idxidx,time_idx in enumerate(path_df.index[selector]): # plt.plot([time_idx]*2,[0, 4.5], colors[func_idx]+'-', linewidth=0.5) # # if len(path_df.index[selector]) == 2: # print(path_df.index[selector]) # # text_xpos = np.mean(path_df.index[selector]) # # else: # # text_xpos = path_df.index[selector] # if len(path_df.index[selector]) > 0: # plt.text(path_df.index[selector].min()+5, 4.25, '%d' % wp_idx, color=colors[func_idx]) # plt.plot(paths_df_list[0]['distance from crew 1'],'b') # plt.plot(paths_df_list[0]['distance from crew 2'],'b--') # plt.plot(paths_df_list[1]['distance from crew 1'],'g') # plt.plot(paths_df_list[1]['distance from crew 2'],'g--') # zone_label = {0.15: 'Intimate', 0.45: 'Close Intimate', 1.2: 'Social', 3.6: 'Public'} # max_t = np.max([paths_df_list[0].index[-1],paths_df_list[1].index[-1]]) # for line_y in dists_to_bin[1:-1]: # plt.plot([0, max_t],[line_y]*2,'k--') # plt.text(max_t-2, line_y, zone_label[line_y], horizontalalignment='right') # plt.xlabel('t, sec') # plt.ylabel('distance, m') # plt.xlim(0, max_t) # # plt.title('Robot Distance from Crew Member 2\nOn Mission %d with Crew Configuration %d' % (mission_idx, crew_idx)) # plt.title('Robot Distance from Crew\nOn Mission %d with Crew Configuration %d' % (mission_idx, crew_idx)) # plt.savefig('data/apfpaired_distance__mission%d_crew%d.png' % (mission_idx,crew_idx),bbox_inches='tight') # plt.tight_layout() # plt.close() new_df.plot() plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('data/apfpaired_v_plot__mission%d_crew%d.png' % (mission_idx, crew_idx), bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() viz.draw_path( [paths_df_list[0].values, paths_df_list[1].values], mission, crew) plt.xlabel('x, m') plt.ylabel('y, m') plt.title('APF Paths on Mission %d with Crew %d' % (mission_idx, crew_idx)) plt.savefig('data/apfpaired_path__mission%d_crew%d.png' % (mission_idx, crew_idx), bbox_inches='tight') plt.tight_layout() plt.close() # if mission_idx == 2 and crew_idx == 3: # plt.figure() # plt.plot(paths_df_list[0]['distance from crew 2'],) # plt.plot( paths_df_list[1]['distance from crew 2']) # # plt.legend(['proxemic', 'non-proxemic']) # plt.xlabel('t, sec') # plt.ylabel('distance, m') # plt.title('Robot Distance from Crew Member 2\nOn Mission %d with Crew Configuration %d' % (mission_idx, crew_idx)) # plt.savefig('data/apfpaired_distance__mission%d_crew%d.png' % (mission_idx,crew_idx),bbox_inches='tight') # plt.tight_layout() # plt.close() return df
def compare_damp_amp(): df_columns = [ 'type', 'k_exp', 'b_val', 'time', 'max vel', 'average vel', 'distance', 'max accel', 'boundary collisions', 'crew collisions', 'min crew distance', '%% complete' ] idx = 0 df = pd.DataFrame(columns=df_columns, ) mission = parameters.select_mission(1) crew = parameters.select_crew(1) func_name = 'nonproxemic' for k_exp in range(-4, 1): for b_val in [10, 5, 1, 0]: path = apf.apf_path_planner(parameters.robot_initial_condition, mission, crew, funcs[func_name], goal_k=2**k_exp, damping_b=b_val) viz.draw_path(path, mission, crew, True) path_df = pd.DataFrame(data=path, columns=path_columns) path_df.index = path_df.index * apf.dt plt.savefig('data/apf_path__amp%d_damp%d.png' % (k_exp, b_val)) plt.close() path_df['vn'] = (path_df['vx']**2 + path_df['vy']**2)**0.5 path_df['fn'] = (path_df['fx']**2 + path_df['fy']**2)**0.5 / parameters.robot_mass path_df[['vn', 'fn']].plot() plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('data/velocity_force__amp%d_damp%d.png' % (k_exp, b_val)) plt.close() count_crew_collisions = 0 for crewnum, crewmember in enumerate(crew): path_df['distance from crew %d' % crewnum] = ((path_df['x'] - crewmember[0])**2 + (path_df['y'] - crewmember[1])**2)**0.5 count_crew_collisions += ( (path_df['distance from crew %d' % crewnum] <= parameters.collision_distance).astype(int).diff() > 0).sum() count_complete_wp = 0 for wp in mission: if (((path_df['x'] - wp[0])**2 + (path_df['y'] - wp[1])**2)**0.5).min().min( ) <= parameters.goal_cutoff * parameters.robot_length: count_complete_wp += 1 percent_complete_wp = count_complete_wp / mission.shape[0] path_df[path_df.columns[path_df.columns.str.startswith( 'distance from crew ')]].plot() plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('data/crew_distance__amp%d_damp%d.png' % (k_exp, b_val)) plt.close() count_boundary_collisions = ( ((path_df['x'] <= parameters.robot_length / 2) | (path_df['x'] >= parameters.module_width - parameters.robot_length / 2) | (path_df['y'] <= parameters.robot_length / 2) | (path_df['y'] >= parameters.module_height - parameters.robot_length / 2)).astype(int).diff() > 0).sum() # time to complete # avg vel # distance travelled # collisions # entered waypoint zone % # max thrust, max velocity df.loc[idx] = [ func_name, # proxemic or not k_exp, b_val, path_df.index[-1], # time path_df['vn'].max(), # max vel path_df['vn'].mean(), # average velocity path_df['vn'].sum() * apf.dt, # path length path_df['fn'].max() * apf.dt / parameters.robot_mass, # maximum accel? count_boundary_collisions, # boundary collisions count_crew_collisions, # crew colissions path_df[path_df.columns[path_df.columns.str.startswith( 'distance from crew ')]].min().min(), # min crew distance percent_complete_wp ] idx += 1 # out = apf.linear_goal_force_function(grid,mission[0]) # out += apf.gaussian_boundary_force_function(grid, parameters.module_size) # out += funcs[func_name](grid, crew) # plt.figure() # plt.quiver(xx,yy,out[:,0],out[:,1]) # plt.axis('scaled') # # viz.draw_crew(crew) # viz.draw_waypoints(mission[[0]]) # plt.xlim((0,parameters.module_size[0])) # plt.ylim((0,parameters.module_size[1])) # plt.tight_layout() # plt.savefig('data/quiver__amp%d_damp%d.png' % (k_exp,b_val)) # plt.close() return df
if False: #do_legends: plt.legend(key) plt.axis('scaled') draw_crew(crew) draw_waypoints(mission) plt.xlim((0,parameters.module_size[0])) plt.ylim((0,parameters.module_size[1])) plt.tight_layout() # if __name__ == '__main__': for crew_idx in range(1,5): crew = parameters.select_crew(crew_idx) plt.figure() plt.axis('scaled') plt.gca().add_patch(plt.Rectangle( parameters.robot_initial_condition[0,parameters.XY_POS] - parameters.robot_length/2, width=parameters.robot_length, height=parameters.robot_length, angle=0, ec='b', fill=False)) draw_crew(crew, True) plt.xlim((0,parameters.module_size[0])) plt.ylim((0,parameters.module_size[1])) # plt.xlabel('x, m') # plt.ylabel('y, m')
def astar_analyze(do_path=True, do_distance=True, do_speed=False, do_contours=False, save_summary=True): df = pd.DataFrame(columns=df_columns, ) for mission_idx in range(1, n_mission + 1): #4 # mission_idx = 3 mission = parameters.select_mission(mission_idx) for crew_idx in range(1, n_crew + 1): #5 # crew_idx = 3 if (crew_idx == 5): if (mission_idx == 1): crew = parameters.select_crew(1) crew[:, parameters.Y_POS] = 2.0 else: continue else: crew = parameters.select_crew(crew_idx) paths_df_list = [] for func_name in funcs: idx = 100 * mission_idx + 10 * crew_idx + int( func_name == 'proxemic') use_proxemic = func_name == 'proxemic' path_df = pd.DataFrame.from_csv( os.path.join(path_df_dir, str(idx) + '.csv')) path = path_df[astar_path_columns].values # func_name = 'proxemic' if use_proxemic else 'nonproxemic' tic = time.time() # nodelist, max_node_time = astar.astar(mission_idx,crew_idx,func_name=='proxemic') toc = time.time() # path = viz.path_to_trajectory(nodelist) max_node_time = 0 if do_path: viz.draw_path(path, mission, crew, True) plt.xlabel('x, m') plt.ylabel('y, m') plt.title( 'Robot Path on Mission %d with Crew %d, A* - %s' % (mission_idx, crew_idx, 'Non-Proxemic' if func_name == 'nonproxemic' else 'Proxemic')) plt.savefig('data/astar_path__mission%d_crew%d_%s.png' % (mission_idx, crew_idx, func_name)) plt.close() # path_df = pd.DataFrame(data=path[:,:-1], columns=astar_path_columns, index=path[:,-1]) path_df['vn'] = (path_df['vx']**2 + path_df['vy']**2)**0.5 path_df['an'] = path_df['vn'].diff( ) #(path_df['vx'].diff()**2 + path_df['vy'].diff()**2)**0.5 if do_speed: path_df[['vn', 'an']].plot() plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig( 'data/astar_velocity_accel__mission%d_crew%d_%s.png' % (mission_idx, crew_idx, func_name)) plt.close() count_crew_collisions = 0 for crewnum, crewmember in enumerate(crew): path_df['distance from crew %d' % (crewnum + 1)] = ( (path_df['x'] - crewmember[0])**2 + (path_df['y'] - crewmember[1])**2)**0.5 count_crew_collisions += ( (path_df['distance from crew %d' % (crewnum + 1)] <= parameters.collision_distance).astype(int).diff() > 0).sum() count_complete_wp = 0 for wp in mission: if (((path_df['x'] - wp[0])**2 + (path_df['y'] - wp[1])**2)**0.5).min().min( ) <= parameters.goal_cutoff * parameters.robot_length: count_complete_wp += 1 percent_complete_wp = count_complete_wp / mission.shape[0] if do_distance: path_df[path_df.columns[path_df.columns.str.startswith( 'distance from crew ')]].plot() for line_y in dists_to_bin[1:-1]: plt.plot(path_df.index[[0, -1]], [line_y] * 2, '--') plt.xlabel('t, sec') plt.ylabel('distance, m') plt.title( 'Distance Between Robot and Crew\n for Mission %d, Crew Configuration %d, A* - %s' % (crew_idx, mission_idx, 'Non-Proxemic' if func_name == 'nonproxemic' else 'Proxemic')) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig( 'data/astar_crew_dist__mission%d_crew%d_%s.png' % (mission_idx, crew_idx, func_name)) plt.close() count_boundary_collisions = ( ((path_df['x'] <= parameters.robot_length / 2) | (path_df['x'] >= parameters.module_width - parameters.robot_length / 2) | (path_df['y'] <= parameters.robot_length / 2) | (path_df['y'] >= parameters.module_height - parameters.robot_length / 2)).astype(int).diff() > 0).sum() # time to complete # avg vel # distance travelled # collisions # entered waypoint zone % # max thrust, max velocity row_data = [ func_name, # proxemic or not mission_idx, crew_idx, path_df.index[-1], # time path_df['vn'].max(), # max vel path_df['vn'].mean(), # average velocity (path_df['vn'] * path_df.index).sum(), # path length path_df['an'].max(), # maximum accel? count_boundary_collisions, # boundary collisions count_crew_collisions, # crew colissions path_df[path_df.columns[path_df.columns.str.startswith( 'distance from crew ')]].min().min( ), # min crew distance percent_complete_wp, 0, #toc-tic, # time to compute max_node_time, ] for crewnum, crewmember in enumerate(crew): check_time = 0 for dist_idx, dist in enumerate(dists_to_bin[1:]): in_bin_selector = ( (path_df['distance from crew %d' % (crewnum+1)] >= dists_to_bin[dist_idx]) & \ (path_df['distance from crew %d' % (crewnum+1)] < dist) ).astype(int).diff().abs().astype(bool) for end_pt in [0, -1]: in_bin_selector.iloc[end_pt] = ( (path_df['distance from crew %d' % (crewnum + 1)].iloc[end_pt] >= dists_to_bin[dist_idx]) and (path_df['distance from crew %d' % (crewnum + 1)].iloc[end_pt] < dist)) if (mission_idx, crew_idx, crewnum + 1, use_proxemic) in [(1, 2, 2, True), (2, 2, 1, True), (2, 3, 2, True), (3, 3, 3, False), (3, 4, 1, True)]: print("\n\n CHECKING ERRORS BIN:",dist,"\n",( (path_df['distance from crew %d' % (crewnum+1)] >= dists_to_bin[dist_idx]) & \ (path_df['distance from crew %d' % (crewnum+1)] < dist) ),) row_data += [ np.diff(path_df.index[in_bin_selector])[::2].sum() ] check_time += row_data[-1] print( "mission", mission_idx, "crew cfg", crew_idx, "model", func_name, "crew #", crewnum + 1, "time check", path_df.index[-1], check_time, "good" if path_df.index[-1] == check_time else "ERROR! ERROR! ERROR!") # if check_time != path_df.index[-1]: # return row_data += [0] * (4 - crew.shape[0]) * (len(dists_to_bin) - 1) df.loc[idx] = row_data paths_df_list.append(path_df) if do_contours: if use_proxemic: r = parameters.determine_constants(grid, crew) cost = parameters.proxemic_astar_function( grid, crew, r) else: cost = parameters.nonproxemic_astar_function( grid, crew) # plot contours plt.figure() plt.contour(xx, yy, cost, 20) plt.axis('scaled') viz.draw_crew(crew) plt.xlim((0, parameters.module_size[0])) plt.ylim((0, parameters.module_size[1])) plt.tick_params( axis='both', # changes apply to the x-axis which='both', # both major and minor ticks are affected bottom='off', # ticks along the bottom edge are off top='off', # ticks along the top edge are off left='off', right='off', labelleft='off', labelbottom='off' ) # labels along the bottom edge are off plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('data/con%d%s.png' % (crew_idx, 'p' if use_proxemic else 'np'), bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() colors = 'bg' viz.draw_path([paths_df_list[0].values, paths_df_list[1].values], mission, crew) plt.xlabel('x, m') plt.ylabel('y, m') plt.title('A* Paths on Mission %d with Crew %d' % (mission_idx, crew_idx)) plt.savefig('data/astarpaired_path__mission%d_crew%d.png' % (mission_idx, crew_idx), bbox_inches='tight') plt.tight_layout() plt.close() if save_summary: df.to_csv( 'data/astar_summary_%Y_%m_%d__%H_%M_%S.csv'))