def _get_host_ip( host: str, ssh_config_path: str = "~/.ssh/config" ) -> Union[IPv4Address, IPv6Address]: """ 1. If is a short alias, we assume there is a corresponding record in `~/.ssh/config`: 1.1 If the corresponding `HOSTNAME` value is an IP address, return it as the result. 1.2 If the corresponding `HOSTNAME` is a domain, return the IP of the domain, assuming the domain is accessible from the local machine. 2. If is a domain, return its IP, assuming the domain is accessible from the local machine. 3. Else raise an ValueError. """ posix_path: PosixPath = PosixPath(ssh_config_path) path_with_user_expanded: PosixPath = posix_path.expanduser() config: SSHConfig = SSHConfig.from_path(str(path_with_user_expanded)) # If `` does not exist in `~/.ssh/config`, # `config.lookup(['hostname']` returns `` itself. hostname: str = config.lookup(host)["hostname"] ip: Union[IPv4Address, IPv6Address] try: ip = ip_address(hostname) except ValueError: return ip_address(socket.gethostbyname(hostname)) else: return ip
def __power_off_linux(): cfg = SSHConfig.from_path(Path.home() / ".ssh" / "config")\ .lookup(SSH_INSTANCE) ssh = SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(AutoAddPolicy()) ssh.connect( **{ "hostname": cfg.get("hostname"), "port": cfg.get("port") or 22, "username": cfg.get("user"), "password": cfg.get("password"), "key_filename": cfg.get("identityfile"), }) ssh.exec_command("sudo poweroff")