Пример #1
    def test_host_config_test_proxycommand(self):
        config = SSHConfig.from_text("""
Host proxy-with-equal-divisor-and-space
ProxyCommand = foo=bar

Host proxy-with-equal-divisor-and-no-space

Host proxy-without-equal-divisor
ProxyCommand foo=bar:%h-%p
        for host, values in {
                "proxy-with-equal-divisor-and-space": {
                    "hostname": "proxy-with-equal-divisor-and-space",
                    "proxycommand": "foo=bar",
                "proxy-with-equal-divisor-and-no-space": {
                    "hostname": "proxy-with-equal-divisor-and-no-space",
                    "proxycommand": "foo=bar",
                "proxy-without-equal-divisor": {
                    "hostname": "proxy-without-equal-divisor",
                    "proxycommand": "foo=bar:proxy-without-equal-divisor-22",

            assert lookup_ssh_host_config(host, config) == values
Пример #2
 def test_host_config(self):
     for host, values in {
             "irc.danger.com": {
                 "crazy": "something dumb",
                 "hostname": "irc.danger.com",
                 "user": "******",
             "irc.example.com": {
                 "crazy": "something dumb",
                 "hostname": "irc.example.com",
                 "user": "******",
                 "port": "3333",
             "spoo.example.com": {
                 "crazy": "something dumb",
                 "hostname": "spoo.example.com",
                 "user": "******",
                 "port": "3333",
         values = dict(
         assert lookup_ssh_host_config(host, self.config) == values
Пример #3
    def test_host_config_test_identityfile(self):
        config = SSHConfig.from_text("""

IdentityFile id_dsa0

Host *
IdentityFile id_dsa1

Host dsa2
IdentityFile id_dsa2

Host dsa2*
IdentityFile id_dsa22
        for host, values in {
                "foo": {
                    "hostname": "foo",
                    "identityfile": ["id_dsa0", "id_dsa1"]
                "dsa2": {
                    "hostname": "dsa2",
                    ["id_dsa0", "id_dsa1", "id_dsa2", "id_dsa22"],
                "dsa22": {
                    "hostname": "dsa22",
                    "identityfile": ["id_dsa0", "id_dsa1", "id_dsa22"],

            assert lookup_ssh_host_config(host, config) == values
Пример #4
    def test_proxycommand_tilde_expansion(self):
        Tilde (~) should be expanded inside ProxyCommand
        config = SSHConfig.from_text("""
Host test
    ProxyCommand    ssh -F ~/.ssh/test_config bastion nc %h %p
        expected = "ssh -F {}/.ssh/test_config bastion nc test 22".format(
        got = lookup_ssh_host_config("test", config)["proxycommand"]
        assert got == expected
Пример #5
    def test_proxycommand_config_equals_parsing(self):
        ProxyCommand should not split on equals signs within the value.
        config = SSHConfig.from_text("""
Host space-delimited
    ProxyCommand foo bar=biz baz

Host equals-delimited
    ProxyCommand=foo bar=biz baz
        for host in ("space-delimited", "equals-delimited"):
            value = lookup_ssh_host_config(host, config)["proxycommand"]
            assert value == "foo bar=biz baz"
Пример #6
    def test_host_config_expose_fabric_issue_33(self):
        config = SSHConfig.from_text("""
Host www13.*
    Port 22

Host *.example.com
    Port 2222

Host *
    Port 3333
        host = "www13.example.com"
        expected = {"hostname": host, "port": "22"}
        assert lookup_ssh_host_config(host, config) == expected
Пример #7
    def test_host_config_test_negation(self):
        config = SSHConfig.from_text("""
Host www13.* !*.example.com
    Port 22

Host *.example.com !www13.*
    Port 2222

Host www13.*
    Port 8080

Host *
    Port 3333
        host = "www13.example.com"
        expected = {"hostname": host, "port": "8080"}
        assert lookup_ssh_host_config(host, config) == expected
Пример #8
    def test_proxycommand_none_issue_418(self):
        config = SSHConfig.from_text("""
Host proxycommand-standard-none
    ProxyCommand None

Host proxycommand-with-equals-none
        for host, values in {
                "proxycommand-standard-none": {
                    "hostname": "proxycommand-standard-none"
                "proxycommand-with-equals-none": {
                    "hostname": "proxycommand-with-equals-none"

            assert lookup_ssh_host_config(host, config) == values
Пример #9
    def test_quoted_params_in_config(self):
        config = SSHConfig.from_text("""
Host "param pam" param "pam"
    IdentityFile id_rsa

Host "param2"
    IdentityFile "test rsa key"

Host param3 parara
    IdentityFile id_rsa
    IdentityFile "test rsa key"
        res = {
            "param pam": {
                "hostname": "param pam",
                "identityfile": ["id_rsa"]
            "param": {
                "hostname": "param",
                "identityfile": ["id_rsa"]
            "pam": {
                "hostname": "pam",
                "identityfile": ["id_rsa"]
            "param2": {
                "hostname": "param2",
                "identityfile": ["test rsa key"]
            "param3": {
                "hostname": "param3",
                "identityfile": ["id_rsa", "test rsa key"],
            "parara": {
                "hostname": "parara",
                "identityfile": ["id_rsa", "test rsa key"],
        for host, values in res.items():
            assert lookup_ssh_host_config(host, config) == values
Пример #10
    def test_proxycommand_interpolation(self):
        ProxyCommand should perform interpolation on the value
        config = SSHConfig.from_text("""
Host specific
    Port 37
    ProxyCommand host %h port %p lol

Host portonly
    Port 155

Host *
    Port 25
    ProxyCommand host %h port %p
        for host, val in (
            ("foo.com", "host foo.com port 25"),
            ("specific", "host specific port 37 lol"),
            ("portonly", "host portonly port 155"),
            assert lookup_ssh_host_config(host, config)["proxycommand"] == val
Пример #11
    def test_quoted_host_names(self):
        config = SSHConfig.from_text("""
Host "param pam" param "pam"
    Port 1111

Host "param2"
    Port 2222

Host param3 parara
    Port 3333

Host param4 "p a r" "p" "par" para
    Port 4444
        res = {
            "param pam": {
                "hostname": "param pam",
                "port": "1111"
            "param": {
                "hostname": "param",
                "port": "1111"
            "pam": {
                "hostname": "pam",
                "port": "1111"
            "param2": {
                "hostname": "param2",
                "port": "2222"
            "param3": {
                "hostname": "param3",
                "port": "3333"
            "parara": {
                "hostname": "parara",
                "port": "3333"
            "param4": {
                "hostname": "param4",
                "port": "4444"
            "p a r": {
                "hostname": "p a r",
                "port": "4444"
            "p": {
                "hostname": "p",
                "port": "4444"
            "par": {
                "hostname": "par",
                "port": "4444"
            "para": {
                "hostname": "para",
                "port": "4444"
        for host, values in res.items():
            assert lookup_ssh_host_config(host, config) == values