MVN_COEF = NDIM * np.log(1. / np.sqrt(2. * np.pi)) + np.log(

# the logarithm of objective function: log(MVN)

def getLogFunc(point):
    Return the logarithm of the MVN PDF.
    normedPoint = MEAN - point
    return MVN_COEF - 0.5 * (, np.matmul(
        INVCOV, normedPoint)))

import paramonte as pm

pmpd = pm.ParaDRAM()  # define a ParaMonte sampler instance

pmpd.mpiEnabled = True  # This is essential as it enables the invocation of the MPI-parallelized ParaDRAM routines.

pmpd.spec.overwriteRequested = True  # overwrite existing output files if needed
pmpd.spec.randomSeed = 3751  # initialize the random seed to generate reproducible results.
pmpd.spec.outputFileName = "./out/mvn_parallel_singleChain"
pmpd.spec.progressReportPeriod = 20000
pmpd.spec.chainSize = 30000  # the default 100,000 unique points is too large for this simple example.

# call the ParaDRAM sampler

pmpd.runSampler(ndim=4, getLogFunc=getLogFunc)
Пример #2
import paramonte as pm
import os
import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal
import StarFormationRate
import paramonte as pm

pmpd = pm.ParaDRAM()
pmpd.spec.mpiFinalizeRequested = False
pmpd.spec.sampleSize = 10000
pmpd.spec.domainLowerLimitVec = [0.1]
pmpd.spec.domainUpperLimitVec = [100]

model_names=['H06'                  # model names being use
fileNamesPrefixList =   [ "LogRate"+model in model_names] # makes list of LogRateModelName to name directory for multiple models


sfr_functions = [ getattr(StarFormationRate,'get'+PrefixNames) for PrefixNames in fileNamesPrefixList] #calls functions within StarFormationRate given model names

sfr_functions_len = len(sfr_functions) # length of functions used to determine when mpiFinalizeRequested will close