Пример #1
class EHooke:
    """Encapsulates all the code for processing a fluorescence frame"""

    def __init__(self,params_obj=None,param_file=None):
        """Creates FluorFrame object, sets up parameters and loads images

           It makes no sense to create a EHooke object without data or parameters.
           So one must either supply params, a Parameters object, or param_file, in
           which case EHooke loads the parameters file.

        self.params = None
        """Parameters: this can be a reference to an external object to be
           changed for recomputing any step.

        if params_obj is None:
            self.params = Parameters()
            self.params = params_obj
        self.fluor_frame = FluorFrame()
        """FluorFrame: manager for the fluor and phase images, plus masks"""

    def load_images(self):
        """checks which images to load and loads them into the fluor_frame

        ffparams = self.params.fluor_frame_params
        if ffparams.phase_file is not None:

    def create_masks(self):
        """creates masks using the current parameters"""
        mparams = self.params.mask_params

    def align_fluor_to_phase(self):
        """aligns the fluorescence image to the phase mask, if a phase file exists"""
        if ffparams.phase_file is not None:

    def save_mask_overlay(self, fname, back=(0,0,1), fore=(1,1,0), mask='phase',image='phase'):
        """saves the mask overlay image to a file"""    

        img = self.fluor_frame.mask_overlay(back, fore, mask,image)

    def save_mask_contour(self, fname, mask='phase',image='phase', color=(1,1,0)):
        """saves the mask contour image to a file"""    

        img = self.fluor_frame.contour_overlay(mask,image,color)
Пример #2
class Session:
    """eHooke session

       This class manages the folder with data and report files (in the server path)
       and a EHooke instance for running the computations
    def __init__(self):        
        """str: Unique identifier for this session"""
        self.folder = SESSION_FOLDER+'/'+self.id
        """str: main session folder with all generated files"""
        self.data_folder = self.folder+'/Data'
        """str: subfolder for session data (phase, fluor and params file)"""
        self.params = Parameters()
        """Parameters: parameters object to share with ehooke instance"""
        self.params_file = None
        """str: parameters file name"""
        self.fluor_file = None
        """str: fluor file name, to override parameters so that params can be imported from other sessions"""
        self.phase_file = None
        """str: phase file name, to override parameters so that params can be imported from other sessions"""
        self.name = 'Session'
        """str: session name, user defined"""
        self.description = ''
        """str: session description, user defined"""

        self.mask_image = None
        """str: filename for the current mask image, none if no mask is computed"""

        self.ehooke = None
        """EHooke: to be initialized upon starting the session (only with images and parameters"""
        #TODO change this to work with multiprocessing
        #<LK 2015-06-30>


    def setup(self):
        """creates session folder (add other setup stuff here)"""
        if not os.path.exists(self.folder):
        if not os.path.exists(self.data_folder):

    def set_phase(self,file_name):
        """sets the phase file without computing anything
           Overrides the file name in the parameters file. This is necessary
           in order to allow importing parameter files to the session
        self.phase_file = file_name
        self.params.fluor_frame_params.phase_file = file_name

    def set_fluor(self,file_name):
        """sets the fluorescence file without computing anything

           Overrides the file name in the parameters file. This is necessary
           in order to allow importing parameter files to the session
        self.fluor_file = file_name
        self.params.fluor_frame_params.fluor_file = file_name

    def set_parameters_file(self, file_name):
        """sets and reloads parameters
           (but overrides fluor_file and phase_file in order to allow parameter
           updates after uploading the image files
        self.params_file = file_name
        if self.fluor_file != self.params.fluor_frame_params.fluor_file or \
           self.phase_file != self.params.fluor_frame_params.phase_file:
            self.params.fluor_frame_params.fluor_file = self.fluor_file
            self.params.fluor_frame_params.phase_file = self.phase_file
    def start_ehooke(self):
        """Initiates the ehooke process and loads images

           if there is no fluorescence image specified, returns false and error message
           otherwise returns true,''

           if ehooke is not none does nothing and returns ok
        if self.ehooke is not None:
            return (True,'')

        if self.fluor_file is None:
            return (False,'Cannot start eHooke without a fluorescence image')
        self.ehooke = EHooke(self.params)
        return (True,'')

    def save_overlay(self, back=(1,1,1), fore=(0,1,1), mask='phase',image='phase'):
        """saves the overlay image to overlay.png"""
        self.ehooke.save_mask_overlay(self.folder+'/overlay.png',back, fore, mask,image)    
        self.mask_image = self.folder+'/overlay.png'
    def recompute_mask(self):
        res,msg = self.start_ehooke()
        if res:
        return (res,msg)
Пример #3
class Session:
    """eHooke session

       This class manages the folder with data and report files (in the server path)
       and a EHooke instance for running the computations
    def __init__(self):
        self.id = str(uuid.uuid4())
        """str: Unique identifier for this session"""
        self.folder = SESSION_FOLDER + '/' + self.id
        """str: main session folder with all generated files"""
        self.data_folder = self.folder + '/Data'
        """str: subfolder for session data (phase, fluor and params file)"""
        self.params = Parameters()
        """Parameters: parameters object to share with ehooke instance"""
        self.params_file = None
        """str: parameters file name"""
        self.fluor_file = None
        """str: fluor file name, to override parameters so that params can be imported from other sessions"""
        self.phase_file = None
        """str: phase file name, to override parameters so that params can be imported from other sessions"""
        self.name = 'Session'
        """str: session name, user defined"""
        self.description = ''
        """str: session description, user defined"""

        self.mask_image = None
        """str: filename for the current mask image, none if no mask is computed"""

        self.ehooke = None
        """EHooke: to be initialized upon starting the session (only with images and parameters"""
        #TODO change this to work with multiprocessing
        #<LK 2015-06-30>

    def setup(self):
        """creates session folder (add other setup stuff here)"""
        if not os.path.exists(self.folder):
        if not os.path.exists(self.data_folder):

    def set_phase(self, file_name):
        """sets the phase file without computing anything
           Overrides the file name in the parameters file. This is necessary
           in order to allow importing parameter files to the session

        self.phase_file = file_name
        self.params.fluor_frame_params.phase_file = file_name

    def set_fluor(self, file_name):
        """sets the fluorescence file without computing anything

           Overrides the file name in the parameters file. This is necessary
           in order to allow importing parameter files to the session

        self.fluor_file = file_name
        self.params.fluor_frame_params.fluor_file = file_name

    def set_parameters_file(self, file_name):
        """sets and reloads parameters
           (but overrides fluor_file and phase_file in order to allow parameter
           updates after uploading the image files

        self.params_file = file_name
        if self.fluor_file != self.params.fluor_frame_params.fluor_file or \
           self.phase_file != self.params.fluor_frame_params.phase_file:
            self.params.fluor_frame_params.fluor_file = self.fluor_file
            self.params.fluor_frame_params.phase_file = self.phase_file

    def start_ehooke(self):
        """Initiates the ehooke process and loads images

           if there is no fluorescence image specified, returns false and error message
           otherwise returns true,''

           if ehooke is not none does nothing and returns ok
        if self.ehooke is not None:
            return (True, '')

        if self.fluor_file is None:
            return (False, 'Cannot start eHooke without a fluorescence image')
        self.ehooke = EHooke(self.params)
        return (True, '')

    def save_overlay(self,
                     back=(1, 1, 1),
                     fore=(0, 1, 1),
        """saves the overlay image to overlay.png"""

        self.ehooke.save_mask_overlay(self.folder + '/overlay.png', back, fore,
                                      mask, image)
        self.mask_image = self.folder + '/overlay.png'

    def recompute_mask(self):
        res, msg = self.start_ehooke()
        if res:
        return (res, msg)
Пример #4
class EHooke:
    """Encapsulates all the code for processing a fluorescence frame"""
    def __init__(self, params_obj=None, param_file=None):
        """Creates FluorFrame object, sets up parameters and loads images

           It makes no sense to create a EHooke object without data or parameters.
           So one must either supply params, a Parameters object, or param_file, in
           which case EHooke loads the parameters file.

        self.params = None
        """Parameters: this can be a reference to an external object to be
           changed for recomputing any step.

        if params_obj is None:
            self.params = Parameters()
            self.params = params_obj

        self.fluor_frame = FluorFrame()
        """FluorFrame: manager for the fluor and phase images, plus masks"""

    def load_images(self):
        """checks which images to load and loads them into the fluor_frame

        ffparams = self.params.fluor_frame_params
        if ffparams.phase_file is not None:

    def create_masks(self):
        """creates masks using the current parameters"""

        mparams = self.params.mask_params

    def align_fluor_to_phase(self):
        """aligns the fluorescence image to the phase mask, if a phase file exists"""

        if ffparams.phase_file is not None:

    def save_mask_overlay(self,
                          back=(0, 0, 1),
                          fore=(1, 1, 0),
        """saves the mask overlay image to a file"""

        img = self.fluor_frame.mask_overlay(back, fore, mask, image)
        imsave(fname, img)

    def save_mask_contour(self,
                          color=(1, 1, 0)):
        """saves the mask contour image to a file"""

        img = self.fluor_frame.contour_overlay(mask, image, color)
        imsave(fname, img)