Пример #1
def test_explicit_midpoint_method_with_constraints():
    midpoint = ExplicitMidpointMethod()

    y_shape = 5, 5, 1
    y_0 = np.full(y_shape, 2.)
    t_0 = 0.
    d_t = .5

    def d_y_over_d_t(t, y): return 2. * y - 4. * t

    value = np.full(y_shape[:-1] + (1,), np.nan)
    value[0, :] = value[-1, :] = 1.
    value[:, 0] = value[:, -1] = 2.
    mask = ~np.isnan(value)
    value = value[mask]
    y_constraint = Constraint(value, mask)

    expected_y_next = np.full(y_shape, 4.5)
    y_constraint.apply(expected_y_next[..., :1])

    actual_y_next = midpoint.integral(
        lambda _: [y_constraint])

    assert np.allclose(actual_y_next, expected_y_next)
Пример #2
def create_4_by_1_test_constraint() -> Constraint:
    array = np.full((4, 1), np.nan)
    array[0, 0] = 1.
    array[2, 0] = 3.
    mask = ~np.isnan(array)
    value = array[mask]
    return Constraint(value, mask)
Пример #3
def create_3_by_3_test_constraint() -> Constraint:
    array = np.full((3, 3), np.nan)
    array[0, 0] = 1.
    array[1, 1] = 2.
    array[2, 2] = 3.
    mask = ~np.isnan(array)
    value = array[mask]
    return Constraint(value, mask)
Пример #4
def test_crank_nicolson_method_with_constraints():
    crank_nicolson = CrankNicolsonMethod()

    y_0 = np.full((5, 1), -20.)
    t_0 = 1.
    d_t = .5

    def d_y_over_d_t(t, y): return 5. * y

    value = np.full(y_0.shape[:-1] + (1,), np.nan)
    value[0] = value[-1] = 13.
    mask = ~np.isnan(value)
    value = value[mask]
    y_constraint = Constraint(value, mask)

    expected_y_next = (y_0 + .5 * 5. * d_t * y_0) / (1. - .5 * 5. * d_t)
    y_constraint.apply(expected_y_next[..., :1])
    actual_y_next = crank_nicolson.integral(
        y_0, t_0, d_t, d_y_over_d_t, lambda _: [y_constraint])

    assert np.allclose(actual_y_next, expected_y_next)
Пример #5
def test_backward_euler_method_with_constraints():
    euler = BackwardEulerMethod()

    y_0 = np.ones((5, 1))
    t_0 = 1.
    d_t = .5

    def d_y_over_d_t(t, y): return 5. * y + t ** 2

    value = np.full(y_0.shape[:-1] + (1,), np.nan)
    value[0] = value[-1] = 999.
    mask = ~np.isnan(value)
    value = value[mask]
    y_constraint = Constraint(value, mask)

    expected_y_next = (y_0 + d_t * (t_0 + d_t) ** 2) / (1. - 5 * d_t)
    y_constraint.apply(expected_y_next[..., :1])
    actual_y_next = euler.integral(
        y_0, t_0, d_t, d_y_over_d_t, lambda _: [y_constraint])

    assert np.allclose(actual_y_next, expected_y_next)
Пример #6
def test_rk4_with_constraints():
    rk4 = RK4()

    y_shape = 8, 1
    y_0 = np.zeros(y_shape)
    t_0 = 1.
    d_t = 1.

    def d_y_over_d_t(_, y): return 2 * y + 1

    value = np.full(y_shape[:-1] + (1,), np.nan)
    value[0] = value[-1] = 0.
    mask = ~np.isnan(value)
    value = value[mask]
    y_constraint = Constraint(value, mask)

    expected_y_next = np.full(y_shape, 3.)
    y_constraint.apply(expected_y_next[..., :1])

    actual_y_next = rk4.integral(
        y_0, t_0, d_t, d_y_over_d_t, lambda _: [y_constraint])

    assert np.allclose(actual_y_next, expected_y_next)
Пример #7
def test_forward_euler_method_with_constraints():
    euler = ForwardEulerMethod()

    y_0 = np.ones((10, 2))
    t_0 = 1.
    d_t = .5

    def d_y_over_d_t(t, y): return 5. * y + t ** 2

    y_constraint_0 = Constraint(np.zeros(10), np.ones((10, 1), dtype=bool))
    y_constraints = [y_constraint_0, None]

    expected_y_next = np.concatenate(
        (np.full((10, 1), 0.), np.full((10, 1), 4.)), axis=-1)
    actual_y_next = euler.integral(
        y_0, t_0, d_t, d_y_over_d_t, lambda _: y_constraints)

    assert np.allclose(actual_y_next, expected_y_next)
Пример #8
    def _create_boundary_constraints_for_all_y(
            self, has_condition: bool,
            condition_function: VectorizedBoundaryConditionFunction,
            boundary_index_coordinates: np.ndarray,
            t: Optional[float]) -> Sequence[Optional[Constraint]]:
        Creates a sequence of boundary constraints representing the boundary
        condition, defined by the condition function, evaluated on a single
        boundary for each element of y.

        :param has_condition: whether there is a boundary condition specified
        :param condition_function: the boundary condition function
        :param boundary_index_coordinates: the coordinates of all the boundary
        :param t: the time value
        :return: a sequence of boundary constraints
        x_dimension = self._diff_eq.x_dimension
        y_dimension = self._diff_eq.y_dimension
        if not has_condition:
            return [None] * y_dimension

        x = boundary_index_coordinates.reshape((-1, x_dimension))
        boundary_values = condition_function(x, t)
        if boundary_values.shape != (len(x), y_dimension):
            raise ValueError(
                'expected boundary condition function output shape to be '
                f'{(len(x), y_dimension)} but got {boundary_values.shape}')

        boundary = boundary_values.reshape(
            boundary_index_coordinates.shape[:-1] + (y_dimension, ))

        boundary_constraints = []
        for i in range(y_dimension):
            boundary_i = boundary[..., i:i + 1]
            mask = ~np.isnan(boundary_i)
            value = boundary_i[mask]
            boundary_constraints.append(Constraint(value, mask))

        return boundary_constraints
Пример #9
    def create_y_vertex_constraints(
        self, y_boundary_vertex_constraints: Optional[np.ndarray]
    ) -> Optional[np.ndarray]:
        Creates a 1D array of solution value constraints evaluated on all
        vertices of the mesh.

        :param y_boundary_vertex_constraints: a 2D array (x dimension,
            y dimension) of boundary value constraint pairs
        :return: a 1D array (y dimension) of solution constraints
        diff_eq = self._diff_eq
        if not diff_eq.x_dimension or y_boundary_vertex_constraints is None:
            return None

        slicer: List[Union[int, slice]] = \
            [slice(None)] * len(self._y_vertices_shape)

        y_constraints = np.empty(diff_eq.y_dimension, dtype=object)
        y_element = np.empty(self._y_vertices_shape[:-1] + (1, ))
        for y_ind in range(diff_eq.y_dimension):

            for axis in range(diff_eq.x_dimension):
                for bc_ind, bc in \
                        enumerate(y_boundary_vertex_constraints[axis, y_ind]):
                    if bc is None:
                    slicer[axis] = slice(-1, None) if bc_ind else slice(0, 1)

                slicer[axis] = slice(None)

            mask = ~np.isnan(y_element)
            value = y_element[mask]
            y_constraints[y_ind] = Constraint(value, mask)

        return y_constraints