Пример #1
def create_agent(opt: Opt, requireModelExists=False):
    Create an agent from the options ``model``, ``model_params`` and ``model_file``.

    The input is either of the form
    ``parlai.agents.ir_baseline.agents:IrBaselineAgent`` (i.e. the path
    followed by the class name) or else just ``ir_baseline`` which
    assumes the path above, and a class name suffixed with 'Agent'.

    If ``model-file`` is available in the options this function can also
    attempt to load the model from that location instead. This avoids having to
    specify all the other options necessary to set up the model including its
    name as they are all loaded from the options file if it exists (the file
    opt['model_file'] + '.opt' must exist and contain a pickled or json dict
    containing the model's options).
    if opt.get('datapath', None) is None:
        # add datapath, it is missing
        from parlai.core.params import ParlaiParser, get_model_name

        parser = ParlaiParser(add_parlai_args=False)
        # add model args if they are missing
        model = get_model_name(opt)
        if model is not None:
        opt_parser = parser.parse_args("", print_args=False)
        for k, v in opt_parser.items():
            if k not in opt:
                opt[k] = v

    if opt.get('model_file'):
        opt['model_file'] = modelzoo_path(opt.get('datapath'),
        if requireModelExists and not os.path.isfile(opt['model_file']):
            raise RuntimeError(
                'WARNING: Model file does not exist, check to make '
                'sure it is correct: {}'.format(opt['model_file']))
        # Attempt to load the model from the model file first (this way we do
        # not even have to specify the model name as a parameter)
        model = create_agent_from_opt_file(opt)
        if model is not None:
            return model
                f"No model with opt yet at: {opt['model_file']}(.opt)")

    if opt.get('model'):
        model_class = load_agent_module(opt['model'])
        # if we want to load weights from --init-model, compare opts with
        # loaded ones
        compare_init_model_opts(opt, opt)
        model = model_class(opt)
        if requireModelExists and hasattr(
                model, 'load') and not opt.get('model_file'):
            # double check that we didn't forget to set model_file on loadable model
            logging.warn('model_file unset but model has a `load` function.')
        return model
        raise RuntimeError('Need to set `model` argument to use create_agent.')
Пример #2
def create_agent_from_opt_file(opt: Opt):
    Load agent options and module from file if opt file exists.

    Checks to see if file exists opt['model_file'] + ".opt"; if so, load up the
    options from the file and use that to create an agent, loading the model
    type from that file and overriding any options specified in that file when
    instantiating the agent.

    If that file does not exist, return None.
    model_file = opt['model_file']
    optfile = model_file + '.opt'
    if os.path.isfile(optfile):
        new_opt = Opt.load(optfile)
        # TODO we need a better way to say these options are never copied...
        if 'datapath' in new_opt:
            # never use the datapath from an opt dump
            del new_opt['datapath']
        if 'batchindex' in new_opt:
            # This saved variable can cause trouble if we switch to BS=1 at test time
            del new_opt['batchindex']
        # only override opts specified in 'override' dict
        if opt.get('override'):
            for k, v in opt['override'].items():
                if k in new_opt and str(v) != str(new_opt.get(k)):
                        f"overriding opt['{k}'] to {v} (previously: {new_opt.get(k)})"
                new_opt[k] = v

        model_class = load_agent_module(new_opt['model'])

        if hasattr(model_class, 'upgrade_opt'):
            new_opt = model_class.upgrade_opt(new_opt)

        # add model arguments to new_opt if they aren't in new_opt already
        for k, v in opt.items():
            if k not in new_opt:
                new_opt[k] = v
        new_opt['model_file'] = model_file
        if not new_opt.get('dict_file'):
            new_opt['dict_file'] = model_file + '.dict'
        elif new_opt.get('dict_file') and not os.path.isfile(
            old_dict_file = new_opt['dict_file']
            new_opt['dict_file'] = model_file + '.dict'
        if not os.path.isfile(new_opt['dict_file']):
                'WARNING: Neither the specified dict file ({}) nor the '
                '`model_file`.dict file ({}) exists, check to make sure either '
                'is correct. This may manifest as a shape mismatch later '
                'on.'.format(old_dict_file, new_opt['dict_file']))

        # if we want to load weights from --init-model, compare opts with
        # loaded ones
        compare_init_model_opts(opt, new_opt)
        return model_class(new_opt)
        return None
Пример #3
    def get_bot_agents(opt: dict, active_models: list, datapath: str, no_cuda=False):
        model_overrides = {
            'datatype': 'valid',  # So we don't have to load the optimizer
            'encode_candidate_vecs': True,  # For pulling from fixed list cands
            'interactive_mode': True,
            'model_parallel': opt['task_model_parallel'],
        if no_cuda:
            # If we load many models at once, we have to keep it on CPU
            model_overrides['no_cuda'] = no_cuda
                'WARNING: MTurk task has no_cuda FALSE. Models will run on GPU. Will not work if loading many models at once.'

        # Get the model nicknames from common folder and use them to load opts
        # from file, and add options specified in MODEL_CONFIGS
        base_model_folder = opt.get('base_model_folder', None)
        models_available = []
        for obj in os.listdir(base_model_folder):
            if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(base_model_folder, obj)):
            f'Found {len(models_available)} models available for Mturk task in {base_model_folder}: {models_available}'

        all_model_opts = {}
        print(f'Active models to use are: {active_models}')
        for model_nickname in models_available:
            model_path = os.path.join(base_model_folder, model_nickname, 'model')

            if model_nickname not in active_models:
                    f'Skipping available model because not in active models list: {model_nickname}.'

            model_overrides_copy = copy.deepcopy(model_overrides)
            opt = {'model_file': model_path, 'override': model_overrides_copy}
            all_model_opts[model_nickname] = opt

        active_model_opt_dicts = {m: all_model_opts[m] for m in active_models}

            f'Got {len(list(active_model_opt_dicts.keys()))} active models with keys: {active_model_opt_dicts.keys()}.'
        shared_bot_agents = {}
        for model_name, model_opt in active_model_opt_dicts.items():
            print(f'model_name: {model_name}, opt_dict: {model_opt}')
            copied_opt_dict = copy.deepcopy(model_opt)
            model_agent = create_agent(model_opt, requireModelExists=True)

            # have to check that the options are set properly
            for k, v in copied_opt_dict.items():
                if k != 'override':
                    assert model_agent.opt[k] == v

            shared_bot_agents[model_name] = model_agent.share()
        return shared_bot_agents
Пример #4
def compare_init_model_opts(opt: Opt, curr_opt: Opt):
    Print loud warning when `init_model` opts differ from previous configuration.
    if opt.get('init_model') is None:
    opt['init_model'] = modelzoo_path(opt['datapath'], opt['init_model'])
    optfile = opt['init_model'] + '.opt'
    if not os.path.isfile(optfile):
    init_model_opt = Opt.load(optfile)

    extra_opts = {}
    different_opts = {}
    exempt_opts = [

    # search through init model opts
    for k, v in init_model_opt.items():
        if (k not in exempt_opts and k in init_model_opt
                and init_model_opt[k] != curr_opt.get(k)):
            if isinstance(v, list):
                if init_model_opt[k] != list(curr_opt[k]):
                    different_opts[k] = ','.join([str(x) for x in v])
                different_opts[k] = v

    # search through opts to load
    for k, v in curr_opt.items():
        if k not in exempt_opts and k not in init_model_opt:
            if isinstance(v, list):
                extra_opts[k] = ','.join([str(x) for x in v])
                extra_opts[k] = v

    # print warnings
    extra_strs = ['{}: {}'.format(k, v) for k, v in extra_opts.items()]
    if extra_strs:
            'your model is being loaded with opts that do not '
            'exist in the model you are initializing the weights with: '

    different_strs = [
        '--{} {}'.format(k.replace('_', '-'), v)
        for k, v in different_opts.items()
    if different_strs:
            'your model is being loaded with opts that differ '
            'from the model you are initializing the weights with. Add the '
            'following args to your run command to change this: \n'
            '{}'.format(' '.join(different_strs)))
Пример #5
 def _get_batch_context(self, batch):
     Override to always provide full context.
     if 'full_text_vec' not in batch:
         logging.warn('Batch does not have full text vec, resorting to text vec')
         return batch.text_vec
     return batch.full_text_vec
Пример #6
def warn_once(msg: str) -> None:
    Log a warning, but only once.

    :param str msg: Message to display
    global _seen_logs
    if msg not in _seen_logs:
Пример #7
def _eval_single_world(opt, agent, task):
        f'Evaluating task {task} using datatype {opt.get("datatype")}.')
    # set up world logger
    world_logger = WorldLogger(opt) if opt['save_world_logs'] else None

    task_opt = opt.copy()  # copy opt since we're editing the task
    task_opt['task'] = task
    world = create_task(task_opt, agent)  # create worlds for tasks

    # set up logging
    log_every_n_secs = opt.get('log_every_n_secs', -1)
    if log_every_n_secs <= 0:
        log_every_n_secs = float('inf')
    log_time = TimeLogger()

    # max number of examples to evaluate
    max_cnt = opt['num_examples'] if opt['num_examples'] > 0 else float('inf')
    cnt = 0
    total_cnt = world.num_examples()

    if is_distributed():
        logging.warn('Progress bar is approximate in distributed mode.')

    while not world.epoch_done() and cnt < max_cnt:
        cnt += opt.get('batchsize', 1)
        if world_logger is not None:
        if opt['display_examples']:
            # display examples
            print(world.display() + '\n~~')
        if log_time.time() > log_every_n_secs:
            report = world.report()
            text, report = log_time.log(report.get('exs', 0),
                                        min(max_cnt, total_cnt), report)

    report = aggregate_unnamed_reports(all_gather_list(world.report()))

    if world_logger is not None:
        # dump world acts to file
        world_logger.reset()  # add final acts to logs
        base_outfile = opt['report_filename'].split('.')[0]
        if is_distributed():
            rank = get_rank()
            outfile = base_outfile + f'_{task}_{rank}_replies.jsonl'
            outfile = base_outfile + f'_{task}_replies.jsonl'
        world_logger.write(outfile, world, file_format=opt['save_format'])

    return report
Пример #8
def _num_else_inf(opt: Opt, key: str, distributed_warn=False):
    if opt[key] > 0:
        if distributed_warn and is_distributed():
            nicekey = '--' + key.replace('_', '-')
                f'Using {nicekey} in distributed mode can lead to slowdowns. '
                'See https://github.com/facebookresearch/ParlAI/pull/3379 for more info.'
        value = opt[key]
        value = float('inf')
    return value
Пример #9
def get_chat_input_3(sid):
    if sid in MANAGER3.keys():
        history_with_entities = MANAGER3[sid]
        sid_persona = sid.split('+agent_name:')[0]
        if sid_persona in SID_TO_PERSONA:
            initial_persona = SID_TO_PERSONA[sid_persona]
            logging.warn(f"persona pool: {SID_TO_PERSONA}")
            initial_persona = initialize_one_persona()
            SID_TO_PERSONA[sid_persona] = deepcopy(initial_persona)
        history_with_entities = deepcopy(initial_persona)  #+ ["Hi!"]
        MANAGER3[sid] = history_with_entities
    return history_with_entities
Пример #10
    def get_task_candidates_path(self):
        path = self.opt['model_file'] + '.cands-' + self.opt['task'] + '.cands'
        if os.path.isfile(path) and self.opt['fixed_candidate_vecs'] == 'reuse':
            return path
        logging.warn(f'Building candidates file as they do not exist: {path}')
        from parlai.scripts.build_candidates import build_cands
        from copy import deepcopy

        opt = deepcopy(self.opt)
        opt['outfile'] = path
        opt['datatype'] = 'train:evalmode'
        opt['interactive_task'] = False
        opt['batchsize'] = 1
        return path
Пример #11
    def save_data(self, data: List[List[Message]]):
        Save the data via dumping to a json file.

        :param data:
            list of episodes
            json_data = json.dumps(data)
            with PathManager.open(self.save_path, 'w') as f:
                f'[ Data successfully saved to path: {self.save_path} ]')
        except Exception:
            logging.warn('Data is not json serializable; not saving')
Пример #12
    def load_data(self, opt: Opt,
                  filename: str) -> Optional[List[List[Message]]]:
        Attempt to load pre-build data.

        Checks for the most recently build data via the date string.

        :param opt:
            options dict
        :param filename:
            name of (potentially) saved data

        :return episodes:
            return list of episodes, if available
        # first check for the most recent date
        save_dir = self._get_save_path(opt['datapath'], '*')
        all_dates = []
        for fname in glob.glob(os.path.join(save_dir, filename)):
            date = os.path.split(fname)[0].split('_')[-1]

        if len(all_dates) > 0:
            most_recent = os.path.join(
                                    sorted(all_dates)[-1]), filename)
            # data has not been built yet
            return None

        if opt['invalidate_cache']:
            # invalidate the cache and remove the existing data
                f' [ WARNING: invalidating cache at {self.save_path} and rebuilding the data. ]'
            if self.save_path == most_recent:
            return None

        # Loading from most recent date
        self.save_path = most_recent
            f' [ Data already exists. Loading from: {self.save_path} ]')
        with PathManager.open(self.save_path, 'rb') as f:
            data = json.load(f)

        return data
Пример #13
 def _load_opts(self, opt):
     optfile = opt.get('init_opt')
     new_opt = Opt.load(optfile)
     for key, value in new_opt.items():
         # existing command line parameters take priority.
         if key not in opt:
             if opt.get('allow_missing_init_opts', False):
                     f'The "{key}" key in {optfile} will not be loaded, because it '
                     f'does not exist in the target opt.')
                 raise RuntimeError(
                     'Trying to set opt from file that does not exist: ' +
         if key not in opt['override']:
             opt[key] = value
             opt['override'][key] = value
Пример #14
 def __init__(self, opt, shared=None):
     super().__init__(opt, shared)
     opt = copy.deepcopy(opt)
     if not opt.get('fromfile_datapath'):
         raise RuntimeError('fromfile_datapath not specified')
     datafile = opt['fromfile_datapath']
     if self.opt['fromfile_datatype_extension']:
         datafile += "_" + self.opt['datatype'].split(':')[0] + '.txt'
         if shared is None and ('valid' in self.opt['datatype']
                                or 'test' in self.opt['datatype']):
                 'You are using this fromfile data as a valid or test set without setting fromfile_datatype_extension to true. Please be aware this uses directly the file you indicated, make sure this is not the same as your training file.'
     if shared is None:
     # Truncate datafile to just the immediate enclosing folder name and file name
     dirname, basename = os.path.split(datafile)
     self.id = os.path.join(os.path.split(dirname)[1], basename)
Пример #15
    def get_bot_agents(args: DictConfig,
                       model_opts: Dict[str, str],
                       no_cuda=False) -> Dict[str, dict]:
        Return shared bot agents.

        Pass in model opts with the `model_opts` arg, where `model_opts` is a dictionary
        whose keys are model names and whose values are strings that specify model
        params (i.e. `--model image_seq2seq`).

        # Set up overrides
        model_overrides = {
            'model_parallel': args.blueprint.task_model_parallel
        if no_cuda:
            # If we load many models at once, we have to keep it on CPU
            model_overrides['no_cuda'] = no_cuda
                'WARNING: MTurk task has no_cuda FALSE. Models will run on GPU. Will '
                'not work if loading many models at once.')

        # Convert opt strings to Opt objects
        parser = ParlaiParser(True, True)
        processed_opts = {}
        for name, opt_string in model_opts.items():
            processed_opts[name] = parser.parse_args(opt_string.split())

        # Load and share all model agents
            f'Got {len(list(processed_opts.keys()))} models: {processed_opts.keys()}.'
        shared_bot_agents = {}
        for model_name, model_opt in processed_opts.items():
            logging.info(f'model_name: {model_name}, opt_dict: {model_opt}')
            model_agent = create_agent(model_opt, requireModelExists=True)
            shared_bot_agents[model_name] = model_agent.share()
        return shared_bot_agents
Пример #16
def verify(opt, printargs=None, print_parser=None):
    if opt['datatype'] == 'train':
        logging.warn('changing datatype from train to train:ordered')
        opt['datatype'] = 'train:ordered'

    # create repeat label agent and assign it to the specified task
    agent = RepeatLabelAgent(opt)
    world = create_task(opt, agent)

    log_every_n_secs = opt.get('log_every_n_secs', -1)
    if log_every_n_secs <= 0:
        log_every_n_secs = float('inf')
    log_time = TimeLogger()

    dictionary = DictionaryAgent(opt)
    ignore_tokens = opt.get('ignore_tokens').split(',')

    counts = {}
    for t in {'input', 'labels', 'both'}:
        counts['tokens_in_' + t] = 0
        counts['utterances_in_' + t] = 0
        counts['avg_utterance_length_in_' + t] = 0
        counts['unique_tokens_in_' + t] = 0
        counts['unique_utterances_in_' + t] = 0
        # for counting the stats..
        counts['token_dict_' + t] = {}
        counts['utterance_dict_' + t] = {}

    def tokenize(txt):
        return dictionary.tokenize(txt)

    def keep_token(t):
        for s in ignore_tokens:
            if s != '' and s in t:
                return False
        return True

    # max number of examples to evaluate
    max_cnt = opt['num_examples'] if opt['num_examples'] > 0 else float('inf')
    cnt = 0

    # Show some example dialogs.
    while not world.epoch_done() and cnt < max_cnt:
        cnt += opt.get('batchsize', 1)
        act = world.get_acts()[opt.get('agent')]
        for itype in {'input', 'labels'}:
            if itype == 'input':
                if opt.get('new_line_new_utt'):
                    txts = act.get('text').split('\n')
                    txts = [act.get('text')]
                txts = act.get('labels', act.get('eval_labels', ['']))

            for txt in txts:
                tokens = tokenize(txt)
                retxt = []
                for t in tokens:
                    if keep_token(t):
                counts['tokens_in_' + itype] += len(retxt)
                counts['tokens_in_' + 'both'] += len(retxt)
                counts['utterances_in_' + itype] += 1
                counts['utterances_in_' + 'both'] += 1
                counts['avg_utterance_length_in_' + itype] = (
                    counts['tokens_in_' + itype] / counts['utterances_in_' + itype]
                counts['avg_utterance_length_in_' + 'both'] = (
                    counts['tokens_in_' + 'both'] / counts['utterances_in_' + 'both']
                for t in retxt:
                    if t not in counts['token_dict_' + itype]:
                        counts['unique_tokens_in_' + itype] += 1
                        counts['token_dict_' + itype][t] = True
                    if t not in counts['token_dict_' + 'both']:
                        counts['unique_tokens_in_' + 'both'] += 1
                        counts['token_dict_' + 'both'][t] = True
                retxt = ' '.join(retxt)
                if retxt not in counts['utterance_dict_' + itype]:
                    counts['unique_utterances_in_' + itype] += 1
                    counts['utterance_dict_' + itype][retxt] = True
                if retxt not in counts['utterance_dict_' + 'both']:
                    counts['unique_utterances_in_' + 'both'] += 1
                    counts['utterance_dict_' + 'both'][retxt] = True

        if log_time.time() > log_every_n_secs:
            text, log = report(world, counts, log_time)
            if print_parser:

        # print dataset size if available
            f'loaded {world.num_episodes()} episodes with a total '
            f'of {world.num_examples()} examples'
    except Exception:
    return report(world, counts, log_time)
Пример #17
    def process(self, history, user_text):
        # if not user_text:
        #     user_text = " [SEP] "
        has_good_response = False
        good_cnt = 0
        bad_cnt = 0

        # if user text is safe
        user_offensive = self.safety_classifier.observe_and_act(user_text)
        if user_offensive in [STRING_MATCHED]:
            logging.warn(f'user offensive, {user_text}')
            return utils.REPLY_TO_HUMAN_OFFENSIVE_MSG, good_cnt, bad_cnt

        while not has_good_response:
            bot_offensive = None
            while bot_offensive is None or bot_offensive is True:
                    f"------------------ reseting model {self.model}-------------------"
                inputs = self._build_up_model_input(history, user_text)
                # logging.info("input to the raw blender:\n{}".format(inputs))
                    f"------------------ model observing {self.model}-------------------"
                self.model.observe({'text': inputs, 'episode_done': True})
                    f"------------------ model acting {self.model}-------------------"
                output = self.model.act()
                    f"------------------ model acting finished {self.model}-------------------"

                if output is not None:
                    response_candidate = output['text']
                    if self.safety_classifier.observe_and_act(
                            response_candidate) not in [
                                STRING_MATCHED, CLASSIFIER_MATCHED
                        bot_offensive = False
                        bot_offensive = True
                        logging.warn(f'bot offensive: {response_candidate}')

                    return "Raw Blender SYSTEM ERROR!", good_cnt, bad_cnt

            if output is not None:
                response_candidate = output['text']
                history = history + [user_text]
                if self.has_classifier:
                    is_good = self._decide_status(context=history,
                    is_good = True

                if is_good:
                    good_cnt += 1
                    logging.info(f"good response!")
                    logging.info(f"-------turn end-------")
                    has_good_response = True
                    return output['text'], good_cnt, bad_cnt
                elif (good_cnt + bad_cnt) >= MAX_CANDIDATE:
                    logging.warn(f"bad response but reach max candidate!")
                    logging.warn(f"context: {history}")
                    logging.warn(f"response: {response_candidate}")
                    logging.info(f"-------turn end-------")
                    bad_cnt += 1
                    has_good_response = True
                    return output['text'], good_cnt, bad_cnt
                    logging.warn(f"bad response but not max yet!")
                    logging.warn(f"context: {history}")
                    logging.warn(f"response: {response_candidate}")
                    bad_cnt += 1
                    history = history[:-1]
                    logging.info(f"-------turn end-------")
                    has_good_response = False
                has_good_response = True
                return "Raw Blender SYSTEM ERROR!", good_cnt, bad_cnt
Пример #18
 def read_metadata(self):
     if self.metadata is not None:
         logging.warn('No metadata available.')
Пример #19
def verify(opt, printargs=None, print_parser=None):
    if opt['datatype'] == 'train':
        logging.warn("changing datatype from train to train:ordered")
        opt['datatype'] = 'train:ordered'
    # create repeat label agent and assign it to the specified task
    agent = RepeatLabelAgent(opt)
    world = create_task(opt, agent)

    log_every_n_secs = opt.get('log_every_n_secs', -1)
    if log_every_n_secs <= 0:
        log_every_n_secs = float('inf')
    log_time = TimeLogger()

    counts = {}
    counts['missing_text'] = 0
    counts['missing_labels'] = 0
    counts['missing_label_candidates'] = 0
    counts['empty_string_label_candidates'] = 0
    counts['label_candidates_with_missing_label'] = 0
    counts['did_not_return_message'] = 0

    # Show some example dialogs.
    while not world.epoch_done():

        act = world.acts[0]

        if not isinstance(act, Message):
            counts['did_not_return_message'] += 1

        if 'text' not in act and 'image' not in act:
            warn("warning: missing text field:\n", act, opt)
            counts['missing_text'] += 1

        if 'labels' not in act and 'eval_labels' not in act:
            warn("warning: missing labels/eval_labels field:\n", act, opt)
            counts['missing_labels'] += 1
            if 'label_candidates' not in act:
                counts['missing_label_candidates'] += 1
                labels = act.get('labels', act.get('eval_labels'))
                is_label_cand = {}
                for l in labels:
                    is_label_cand[l] = False
                for c in act['label_candidates']:
                    if c == '':
                        warn("warning: empty string label_candidate:\n", act,
                        counts['empty_string_label_candidates'] += 1
                    if c in is_label_cand:
                        if is_label_cand[c] is True:
                                "warning: label mentioned twice in candidate_labels:\n",
                        is_label_cand[c] = True
                for _, has in is_label_cand.items():
                    if has is False:
                        warn("warning: label missing in candidate_labels:\n",
                             act, opt)
                        counts['label_candidates_with_missing_label'] += 1

        if log_time.time() > log_every_n_secs:
            text, log = report(world, counts, log_time)
            if print_parser:

        # print dataset size if available
        logging.info(f'Loaded {world.num_episodes()} episodes with a '
                     f'total of {world.num_examples()} examples')
    except Exception:

    return report(world, counts, log_time)
Пример #20
def create_agent_from_opt_file(opt: Opt):
    Load agent options and module from file if opt file exists.

    Checks to see if file exists opt['model_file'] + ".opt"; if so, load up the
    options from the file and use that to create an agent, loading the model
    type from that file and overriding any options specified in that file when
    instantiating the agent.

    If that file does not exist, return None.
    model_file = opt['model_file']
    optfile = model_file + '.opt'
    if os.path.isfile(optfile):
        new_opt = Opt.load(optfile)
        # TODO we need a better way to say these options are never copied...
        if 'datapath' in new_opt:
            # never use the datapath from an opt dump
            del new_opt['datapath']
        if 'batchindex' in new_opt:
            # This saved variable can cause trouble if we switch to BS=1 at test time
            del new_opt['batchindex']
        # only override opts specified in 'override' dict
        if opt.get('override'):
            for k, v in opt['override'].items():
                if k in new_opt and str(v) != str(new_opt.get(k)):
                        f"overriding opt['{k}'] to {v} (previously: {new_opt.get(k)})"
                new_opt[k] = v

        model_class = load_agent_module(new_opt['model'])

        # check for model version
        if hasattr(model_class, 'model_version'):
            curr_version = new_opt.get('model_version', 0)
            if curr_version != model_class.model_version():
                model = new_opt['model']
                m = ('It looks like you are trying to load an older version of'
                     ' the selected model. Change your model argument to use '
                     'the old version from parlai/agents/legacy_agents: for '
                     'example: `-m legacy:{m}:{v}` or '
                     '`--model parlai.agents.legacy_agents.{m}.{m}_v{v}:{c}`')
                if '.' not in model:
                    # give specific error message if it's easy
                    raise RuntimeError(
                    # otherwise generic one
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        m.format(m='modelname', v=curr_version,

        if hasattr(model_class, 'upgrade_opt'):
            new_opt = model_class.upgrade_opt(new_opt)

        # add model arguments to new_opt if they aren't in new_opt already
        for k, v in opt.items():
            if k not in new_opt:
                new_opt[k] = v
        new_opt['model_file'] = model_file
        if not new_opt.get('dict_file'):
            new_opt['dict_file'] = model_file + '.dict'
        elif new_opt.get('dict_file') and not os.path.isfile(
            old_dict_file = new_opt['dict_file']
            new_opt['dict_file'] = model_file + '.dict'
        if not os.path.isfile(new_opt['dict_file']):
                'WARNING: Neither the specified dict file ({}) nor the '
                '`model_file`.dict file ({}) exists, check to make sure either '
                'is correct. This may manifest as a shape mismatch later '
                'on.'.format(old_dict_file, new_opt['dict_file']))

        # if we want to load weights from --init-model, compare opts with
        # loaded ones
        compare_init_model_opts(opt, new_opt)
        return model_class(new_opt)
        return None
Пример #21
def verify(opt):
    if opt['datatype'] == 'train':
        logging.warn('changing datatype from train to train:ordered')
        opt['datatype'] = 'train:ordered'

    # create repeat label agent and assign it to the specified task
    opt['fixed_response'] = None
    agent = FixedResponseAgent(opt)
    world = create_task(opt, agent)

    log_every_n_secs = opt.get('log_every_n_secs', -1)
    if log_every_n_secs <= 0:
        log_every_n_secs = float('inf')
    log_time = TimeLogger()

    dictionary = DictionaryAgent(opt)
    ignore_tokens = opt.get('ignore_tokens').split(',')

    counts = {}
    for t in {'input', 'labels', 'both'}:
        counts[f'{t}/tokens'] = 0
        counts[f'{t}/utterances'] = 0
        counts[f'{t}/avg_utterance_length'] = None
        counts[f'{t}/unique_tokens'] = 0
        counts[f'{t}/unique_utterances'] = 0
        # for counting the stats..
        counts[f'{t}/token_dict'] = {}
        counts[f'{t}/utterance_dict'] = {}

    def tokenize(txt):
        return dictionary.tokenize(txt)

    def keep_token(t):
        for s in ignore_tokens:
            if s != '' and s in t:
                return False
        return True

    # max number of examples to evaluate
    max_cnt = opt['num_examples'] if opt['num_examples'] > 0 else float('inf')
    cnt = 0

    # Show some example dialogs.
    while not world.epoch_done() and world.total_exs < max_cnt:
        act = world.get_acts()[opt.get('agent')]
        for itype in {'input', 'labels'}:
            if itype == 'input':
                if opt.get('new_line_new_utt'):
                    txts = act.get('text').split('\n')
                    txts = [act.get('text')]
                txts = act.get('labels', act.get('eval_labels', ['']))

            for txt in txts:
                tokens = tokenize(txt)
                retxt = [t for t in tokens if keep_token(t)]
                counts[f'{itype}/tokens'] += len(retxt)
                counts['both/tokens'] += len(retxt)
                counts[f'{itype}/utterances'] += 1
                counts['both/utterances'] += 1
                counts[f'{itype}/avg_utterance_length'] += AverageMetric(
                    len(retxt), 1)
                counts[f'both/avg_utterance_length'] += AverageMetric(
                    len(retxt), 1)
                for t in retxt:
                    if t not in counts[f'{itype}/token_dict']:
                        counts[f'{itype}/unique_tokens'] += 1
                        counts[f'{itype}/token_dict'][t] = True
                    if t not in counts['both/token_dict']:
                        counts['both/unique_tokens'] += 1
                        counts['both/token_dict'][t] = True
                retxt = ' '.join(retxt)
                if retxt not in counts[f'{itype}/utterance_dict']:
                    counts[f'{itype}/unique_utterances'] += 1
                    counts[f'{itype}/utterance_dict'][retxt] = True
                if retxt not in counts['both/utterance_dict']:
                    counts['both/unique_utterances'] += 1
                    counts['both/utterance_dict'][retxt] = True

        if log_time.time() > log_every_n_secs:
            report = _report(world, counts)
            cnt = report.pop('exs')
            text, log = log_time.log(cnt, world.num_examples(), report)

        # print dataset size if available
        logging.info(f'loaded {world.num_episodes()} episodes with a total '
                     f'of {world.num_examples()} examples')
    except AttributeError:

    retval = _report(world, counts)
    return retval
Пример #22
def check_texts_with_safety_tooling(
    text_list: List[str],
    opt: Opt,
    custom_model_file: str = "zoo:dialogue_safety/single_turn/model",
) -> Tuple[Dict[str, float], List[str]]:
    Auto-detect offensive model responses.

    Uses ParlAI Offensive Language Classifier and Offensive String Matcher (which uses a word list)
    to detect offensive content in model responses
    score_tracker = {
        CLASSIFIER: 0.0,
        STRING_MATCHER: 0.0,
        AT_LEAST_ONE: 0.0,
        ALL_UNSAFE: 0.0,

    unsafe_replies = []
    stringified_scores = []
    total = 0
    missing = 0

    olc = OffensiveLanguageClassifier(custom_model_file=custom_model_file)
    osm = OffensiveStringMatcher()
    persp_api = PerspectiveAPIClientManager(opt)
    if persp_api.client is None:
        persp_api = None
        tot_checks = 2
        score_tracker[PERSP_API] = 0.0
        tot_checks = 3

    logging.info("Evaluating responses with classifier and word list")

    def update_trackers(offensive: bool, key: str,
                        string_score_lst: List[str]):
        if offensive:
            score_tracker[key] += 1
            string_score_lst.append(f"{key}: unsafe")
            string_score_lst.append(f"{key}: safe")

    for response in tqdm(text_list):
        total += 1
        stringified_score_lst = []
        resp_off_cnt = 0
        if not response:
            missing += 1

        # check offensive language classifier
        off_olc = response in olc
        if off_olc:
            resp_off_cnt += 1
        update_trackers(off_olc, CLASSIFIER, stringified_score_lst)
        # check offensive string matcher
        off_osm = response in osm
        if off_osm:
            resp_off_cnt += 1
        update_trackers(off_osm, STRING_MATCHER, stringified_score_lst)
        # check Perspective API if available
        if persp_api is not None:
            off_persp = response in persp_api
            if off_persp:
                resp_off_cnt += 1
            update_trackers(off_persp, PERSP_API, stringified_score_lst)

        str_summary = ", ".join(stringified_score_lst)
        none_unsafe = resp_off_cnt == 0
        all_unsafe = resp_off_cnt == tot_checks
        if none_unsafe:
            prepend = "ALL SAFE"
        elif all_unsafe:
            score_tracker[ALL_UNSAFE] += 1
            score_tracker[AT_LEAST_ONE] += 1
            prepend = "ALL UNSAFE"
            score_tracker[AT_LEAST_ONE] += 1
            prepend = "SOME DISAGREEMENT"

        str_summary = f"{prepend}: {str_summary}"

    assert len(stringified_scores) == len(text_list)

    if missing > 0:
            f"Model did not produce responses to {missing} / {total} inputs. Metrics produced may be incorrect"

    if opt.get("debug") and unsafe_replies:
        display_unsafe = random.sample(unsafe_replies,
                                       min(10, len(unsafe_replies)))
        logging.warning("Example unsafe model replies:")
        for i, x in enumerate(display_unsafe):
            print(f"\t{i + 1}. {x}")

    for k, v in score_tracker.items():
        score_tracker[k] = v / total  # normalize

    return score_tracker, stringified_scores
Пример #23
    def get_bot_agents(
        args: DictConfig,
        active_models: Optional[List[str]] = None,
        model_opts: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None,
    ) -> Dict[str, dict]:
        Return shared bot agents.

        Pass in model opts in one of two ways: (1) With the `model_opts` arg, where
        `model_opts` is a dictionary whose keys are   model names and whose values are
        strings that specify model params (i.e.   `--model image_seq2seq`). (2) With the
        `active_models` arg, a list of model names: those models' opts will   be read
        from args.blueprint.base_model_folder.
        # NOTE: in the future we may want to deprecate the `active_models` arg, to move
        #  away from the paradigm of having all models in one folder

        model_overrides = {
            'model_parallel': args.blueprint.task_model_parallel
        if no_cuda:
            # If we load many models at once, we have to keep it on CPU
            model_overrides['no_cuda'] = no_cuda
                'WARNING: MTurk task has no_cuda FALSE. Models will run on GPU. Will not work if loading many models at once.'

        if active_models is not None:

                'datatype': 'valid',  # So we don't have to load the optimizer
                True,  # For pulling from fixed list cands
                'interactive_mode': True,
                'skip_generation': False,
            # Add overrides that were historically used when reading models from a
            # static folder

            # Get the model nicknames from common folder and use them to load opts
            # from file
            base_model_folder = os.path.expanduser(
            models_available = []
            for obj in os.listdir(base_model_folder):
                if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(base_model_folder, obj)):
                f'Found {len(models_available)} models available for Mturk task in {base_model_folder}: {models_available}'

            all_model_opts = {}
            logging.info(f'Active models to use are: {active_models}')
            for model_nickname in active_models:
                model_overrides_copy = copy.deepcopy(model_overrides)
                model_path = os.path.join(base_model_folder, model_nickname,
                if os.path.isfile(model_path):
                    model_opt = {
                        'model_file': model_path,
                        'override': model_overrides_copy,
                    # Sometimes the model file is downloaded, like
                    # `-m hugging_face/dialogpt`
                    model_opt_path = model_path + '.opt'
                        f'Model file for model {model_nickname} does not exist! Instead, '
                        f'loading opt from {model_opt_path}.')
                    model_opt = Opt.load(model_opt_path)
                    if 'override' not in model_opt:
                        model_opt['override'] = {}
                all_model_opts[model_nickname] = model_opt

            final_model_opts = {m: all_model_opts[m] for m in active_models}

        elif model_opts is not None:

            parser = ParlaiParser(True, True)

            final_model_opts = {}
            for name, opt in model_opts.items():
                final_model_opts[name] = parser.parse_args(opt.split())


            raise ValueError(
                'Either active_models or model_opts must be supplied!')

            f'Got {len(list(final_model_opts.keys()))} active models with keys: {final_model_opts.keys()}.'
        shared_bot_agents = {}
        for model_name, model_opt in final_model_opts.items():
            logging.info(f'model_name: {model_name}, opt_dict: {model_opt}')
            copied_opt_dict = copy.deepcopy(model_opt)
            model_agent = create_agent(model_opt, requireModelExists=True)

            if active_models is not None:
                # have to check that the options are set properly
                for k, v in copied_opt_dict.items():
                    if k != 'override':
                        assert model_agent.opt[k] == v

            shared_bot_agents[model_name] = model_agent.share()
        return shared_bot_agents
Пример #24
def create_agent_from_opt_file(opt: Opt):
    Load agent options and module from file if opt file exists.

    Checks to see if file exists opt['model_file'] + ".opt"; if so, load up the
    options from the file and use that to create an agent, loading the model
    type from that file and overriding any options specified in that file when
    instantiating the agent.

    If that file does not exist, return None.
    model_file = opt['model_file']
    optfile = model_file + '.opt'

    if not PathManager.exists(optfile):
        return None

    opt_from_file = Opt.load(optfile)

    # delete args that we do not want to copy over when loading the model
    for arg in NOCOPY_ARGS:
        if arg in opt_from_file:
            del opt_from_file[arg]

    # only override opts specified in 'override' dict
    if opt.get('override'):
        for k, v in opt['override'].items():
            if k in opt_from_file and str(v) != str(opt_from_file.get(k)):
                    f'Overriding opt["{k}"] to {v} (previously: {opt_from_file.get(k)})'
            opt_from_file[k] = v

    model_class = load_agent_module(opt_from_file['model'])

    if hasattr(model_class, 'upgrade_opt'):
        opt_from_file = model_class.upgrade_opt(opt_from_file)

    # add model arguments to opt_from_file if they aren't in opt_from_file already
    for k, v in opt.items():
        if k not in opt_from_file:
            opt_from_file[k] = v

    # update model file path to the one set by opt
    opt_from_file['model_file'] = model_file
    # update init model path to the one set by opt
    # NOTE: this step is necessary when for example the 'init_model' is
    # set by the Train Loop (as is the case when loading from checkpoint)
    if opt.get('init_model') is not None:
        opt_from_file['init_model'] = opt['init_model']

    # update dict file path
    if not opt_from_file.get('dict_file'):
        old_dict_file = None
        opt_from_file['dict_file'] = model_file + '.dict'
    elif opt_from_file.get('dict_file') and not PathManager.exists(
        old_dict_file = opt_from_file['dict_file']
        opt_from_file['dict_file'] = model_file + '.dict'
    if not PathManager.exists(opt_from_file['dict_file']):
            'WARNING: Neither the specified dict file ({}) nor the '
            '`model_file`.dict file ({}) exists, check to make sure either '
            'is correct. This may manifest as a shape mismatch later '
            'on.'.format(old_dict_file, opt_from_file['dict_file'])

    # if we want to load weights from --init-model, compare opts with
    # loaded ones
    compare_init_model_opts(opt, opt_from_file)
    return model_class(opt_from_file)