def from_structure(cls, struct, copy=False): """ Instantiates a CharmmPsfFile from an input Structure instance. This method makes sure all atom types have uppercase-only names Parameters ---------- struct : :class:`parmed.structure.Structure` The input structure to convert to a CharmmPsfFile instance copy : bool, optional If True, a copy of all items are made. Otherwise, the resulting CharmmPsfFile is a shallow copy Returns ------- psf : :class:`CharmmPsfFile` CHARMM PSF file Raises ------ ValueError if the functional form is not recognized or cannot be implemented through the PSF and parameter/stream files Notes ----- If copy is False, the original object may have its atom type names changed if any of them have lower-case letters """ if (struct.rb_torsions or struct.trigonal_angles or struct.out_of_plane_bends or struct.pi_torsions or struct.stretch_bends or struct.torsion_torsions or struct.chiral_frames or struct.multipole_frames or struct.nrexcl != 3): raise ValueError('Unsupported functional form for CHARMM PSF') if copy: struct = _copy(struct) psf = cls() psf.atoms = struct.atoms psf.residues = struct.residues psf.bonds = struct.bonds psf.angles = struct.angles psf.urey_bradleys = struct.urey_bradleys psf.dihedrals = struct.dihedrals psf.impropers = struct.impropers psf.acceptors = struct.acceptors psf.donors = struct.donors psf.groups = struct.groups psf.cmaps = struct.cmaps psf.bond_types = struct.bond_types psf.angle_types = struct.angle_types psf.urey_bradley_types = struct.urey_bradley_types psf.dihedral_types = struct.dihedral_types psf.improper_types = struct.improper_types psf.cmap_types = struct.cmap_types # Make all atom type names upper-case def typeconv(name): if name.upper() == name: return name.replace('*', 'STR') # Lowercase letters present -- decorate the type name with LTU -- # Lower To Upper return ('%sLTU' % name.upper()).replace('*', 'STR') for atom in psf.atoms: atom.type = typeconv(atom.type) if atom.atom_type is not UnassignedAtomType: = typeconv( # If no groups are defined, make each residue its own group if not psf.groups: for residue in psf.residues: chg = sum(a.charge for a in residue) if chg < 1e-4: psf.groups.append(Group(residue[0], 1, 0)) else: psf.groups.append(Group(residue[0], 2, 0)) psf.groups.nst2 = 0 return psf
def create_random_structure(parametrized, novalence=False): """ Create a random Structure with random attributes Parameters ---------- parametrized : bool If True, add at least two of all kinds of parameters to the generated random structure. If False, just fill in the atoms and residues and some random valence terms, but no "types" novalence : bool, optional If True, no valence terms will be added. Default is False. This is set to False if parametrized is True """ from parmed.topologyobjects import ( Atom, Bond, AtomType, BondType, AngleType, DihedralType, ImproperType, CmapType, OutOfPlaneBendType, StretchBendType, TorsionTorsionType, AmoebaNonbondedExceptionType, Angle, UreyBradley, Dihedral, Improper, Cmap, TrigonalAngle, OutOfPlaneBend, StretchBend, PiTorsion, TorsionTorsion, AcceptorDonor, Group, ChiralFrame, MultipoleFrame, NonbondedException, RBTorsionType) from parmed import structure from copy import copy if parametrized: novalence = False # Generate random atom and parameter types atom_types = [ AtomType(''.join(random.sample(uppercase, 3)), i, random.random() * 16 + 1, random.randint(1, 8)) for i in range(random.randint(8, 20)) ] bond_types = [ BondType(random.random() * 2, random.random() * 100) for i in range(random.randint(10, 20)) ] angle_types = [ AngleType(random.random() * 50, random.random() * 120) for i in range(random.randint(10, 20)) ] dihed_types = [ DihedralType(random.random() * 10, random.randint(1, 6), random.choice([0, 180])) for i in range(random.randint(10, 20)) ] rb_types = [RBTorsionType(*[random.random() * 10 for i in range(6)])] imp_types = [ ImproperType(random.random() * 100, random.choice([0, 180])) for i in range(random.randint(10, 20)) ] cmap_types = [ CmapType(24, [random.random() * 5 for i in range(24 * 24)]) for i in range(random.randint(5, 10)) ] oop_types = [ OutOfPlaneBendType(random.random() * 100) for i in range(random.randint(10, 20)) ] strbnd_types = [ StretchBendType(random.random() * 10, random.random() * 10, random.random() * 2, random.random() * 2, random.random() * 120) for i in range(random.randint(10, 20)) ] ang1, ang2 = list(range(-180, 180, 36)), list(range(-180, 180, 18)) tortor_types = [ TorsionTorsionType((10, 20), ang1[:], ang2[:], [random.random() * 10 for j in range(200)]) for i in range(random.randint(5, 10)) ] for typ in atom_types: typ.set_lj_params(random.random() * 2, random.random() * 2) struct = structure.Structure() # Add atoms in residues for res in range(random.randint(20, 30)): resname = ''.join(random.sample(uppercase, 3)) resid = res + 1 for i in range(random.randint(10, 25)): name = ''.join(random.sample(uppercase, 4)) if parametrized: typ = random.choice(atom_types) type = str(typ) mass = typ.mass atomic_number = typ.atomic_number else: type = ''.join(random.sample(uppercase, 3)) mass = random.random() * 16 + 1 atomic_number = random.randint(1, 8) charge = random.random() * 2 - 1 solvent_radius = random.random() * 2 screen = random.random() * 2 atom = Atom(atomic_number=atomic_number, type=type, charge=charge, mass=mass, solvent_radius=solvent_radius, screen=screen, name=name) if parametrized: atom.atom_type = typ struct.add_atom(atom, resname, resid) if novalence: return struct # Possibly add parameter type lists if parametrized: struct.bond_types.extend([copy(x) for x in bond_types]) struct.bond_types.claim() struct.angle_types.extend([copy(x) for x in angle_types]) struct.angle_types.claim() struct.dihedral_types.extend([copy(x) for x in dihed_types]) struct.dihedral_types.claim() struct.rb_torsion_types.extend([copy(x) for x in rb_types]) struct.rb_torsion_types.claim() struct.urey_bradley_types.extend([copy(x) for x in bond_types]) struct.urey_bradley_types.claim() struct.improper_types.extend([copy(x) for x in imp_types]) struct.improper_types.claim() struct.cmap_types.extend([copy(x) for x in cmap_types]) struct.cmap_types.claim() struct.trigonal_angle_types.extend([copy(x) for x in angle_types]) struct.trigonal_angle_types.claim() struct.out_of_plane_bend_types.extend([copy(x) for x in oop_types]) struct.out_of_plane_bend_types.claim() struct.pi_torsion_types.extend([copy(x) for x in dihed_types]) struct.pi_torsion_types.claim() struct.stretch_bend_types.extend([copy(x) for x in strbnd_types]) struct.stretch_bend_types.claim() struct.torsion_torsion_types.extend([copy(x) for x in tortor_types]) struct.torsion_torsion_types.claim() struct.adjust_types.extend([ AmoebaNonbondedExceptionType(0.5, 0.5, 0.6, 0.6, 0.7) for i in range(random.randint(10, 20)) ]) struct.adjust_types.claim() # Add valence terms with optional for i in range(random.randint(40, 50)): struct.bonds.append(Bond(*random.sample(struct.atoms, 2))) if parametrized: struct.bonds[-1].type = random.choice(struct.bond_types) for i in range(random.randint(35, 45)): struct.angles.append(Angle(*random.sample(struct.atoms, 3))) if parametrized: struct.angles[-1].type = random.choice(struct.angle_types) for i in range(random.randint(35, 45)): struct.urey_bradleys.append( UreyBradley(*random.sample(struct.atoms, 2))) if parametrized: struct.urey_bradleys[-1].type = random.choice( struct.urey_bradley_types) for i in range(random.randint(30, 40)): struct.dihedrals.append( Dihedral(*random.sample(struct.atoms, 4), improper=random.choice([True, False]))) if parametrized: struct.dihedrals[-1].type = random.choice(struct.dihedral_types) for i in range(random.randint(30, 40)): struct.rb_torsions.append(Dihedral(*random.sample(struct.atoms, 4))) if parametrized: struct.rb_torsions[-1].type = random.choice( struct.rb_torsion_types) for i in range(random.randint(10, 20)): struct.impropers.append(Improper(*random.sample(struct.atoms, 4))) if parametrized: struct.impropers[-1].type = random.choice(struct.improper_types) for i in range(random.randint(25, 35)): struct.cmaps.append(Cmap(*random.sample(struct.atoms, 5))) if parametrized: struct.cmaps[-1].type = random.choice(struct.cmap_types) for i in range(random.randint(30, 40)): struct.trigonal_angles.append( TrigonalAngle(*random.sample(struct.atoms, 4))) if parametrized: struct.trigonal_angles[-1].type = random.choice( struct.trigonal_angle_types) for i in range(random.randint(30, 40)): struct.out_of_plane_bends.append( OutOfPlaneBend(*random.sample(struct.atoms, 4))) if parametrized: struct.out_of_plane_bends[-1].type = random.choice( struct.out_of_plane_bend_types) for i in range(random.randint(30, 40)): struct.stretch_bends.append( StretchBend(*random.sample(struct.atoms, 3))) if parametrized: struct.stretch_bends[-1].type = random.choice( struct.stretch_bend_types) for i in range(random.randint(20, 30)): struct.pi_torsions.append(PiTorsion(*random.sample(struct.atoms, 6))) if parametrized: struct.pi_torsions[-1].type = random.choice( struct.pi_torsion_types) for i in range(random.randint(10, 20)): struct.torsion_torsions.append( TorsionTorsion(*random.sample(struct.atoms, 5))) if parametrized: struct.torsion_torsions[-1].type = random.choice( struct.torsion_torsion_types) # Now use some lesser-used features for i in range(random.randint(5, 10)): struct.acceptors.append(AcceptorDonor(*random.sample(struct.atoms, 2))) struct.donors.append(AcceptorDonor(*random.sample(struct.atoms, 2))) struct.groups.append(Group(random.choice(struct.atoms), 2, 0)) struct.chiral_frames.append( ChiralFrame(*random.sample(struct.atoms, 2), chirality=random.choice([-1, 1]))) struct.multipole_frames.append( MultipoleFrame(random.choice(struct.atoms), 0, 1, 2, 3)) for i in range(random.randint(20, 30)): struct.adjusts.append( NonbondedException(*random.sample(struct.atoms, 2))) if parametrized: struct.adjusts[-1].type = random.choice(struct.adjust_types) struct.prune_empty_terms() struct.unchange() struct.update_dihedral_exclusions() return struct
def __init__(self, psf_name=None): """ Opens and parses a PSF file, then instantiates a CharmmPsfFile instance from the data. """ global _resre Structure.__init__(self) # Bail out if we don't have a filename if psf_name is None: return conv = CharmmPsfFile._convert # Open the PSF and read the first line. It must start with "PSF" with closing(genopen(psf_name, 'r')) as psf: = psf_name line = psf.readline() if not line.startswith('PSF'): raise CharmmError('Unrecognized PSF file. First line is %s' % line.strip()) # Store the flags psf_flags = line.split()[1:] # Now get all of the sections and store them in a dict psf.readline() # Now get all of the sections psfsections = _ZeroDict() while True: try: sec, ptr, data = CharmmPsfFile._parse_psf_section(psf) except _FileEOF: break psfsections[sec] = (ptr, data) # store the title self.title = psfsections['NTITLE'][1] # Next is the number of atoms natom = conv(psfsections['NATOM'][0], int, 'natom') # Parse all of the atoms for i in range(natom): words = psfsections['NATOM'][1][i].split() atid = int(words[0]) if atid != i + 1: raise CharmmError('Nonsequential atoms detected!') segid = words[1] rematch = _resre.match(words[2]) if not rematch: raise CharmmError('Could not interpret residue number %s' % # pragma: no cover words[2]) resid, inscode = rematch.groups() resid = conv(resid, int, 'residue number') resname = words[3] name = words[4] attype = words[5] # Try to convert the atom type to an integer a la CHARMM try: attype = int(attype) except ValueError: pass charge = conv(words[6], float, 'partial charge') mass = conv(words[7], float, 'atomic mass') props = words[8:] atom = Atom(name=name, type=attype, charge=charge, mass=mass) atom.props = props self.add_atom(atom, resname, resid, chain=segid, inscode=inscode, segid=segid) # Now get the number of bonds nbond = conv(psfsections['NBOND'][0], int, 'number of bonds') if len(psfsections['NBOND'][1]) != nbond * 2: raise CharmmError( 'Got %d indexes for %d bonds' % # pragma: no cover (len(psfsections['NBOND'][1]), nbond)) it = iter(psfsections['NBOND'][1]) for i, j in zip(it, it): self.bonds.append(Bond(self.atoms[i - 1], self.atoms[j - 1])) # Now get the number of angles and the angle list ntheta = conv(psfsections['NTHETA'][0], int, 'number of angles') if len(psfsections['NTHETA'][1]) != ntheta * 3: raise CharmmError( 'Got %d indexes for %d angles' % # pragma: no cover (len(psfsections['NTHETA'][1]), ntheta)) it = iter(psfsections['NTHETA'][1]) for i, j, k in zip(it, it, it): self.angles.append( Angle(self.atoms[i - 1], self.atoms[j - 1], self.atoms[k - 1])) self.angles[-1].funct = 5 # urey-bradley # Now get the number of torsions and the torsion list nphi = conv(psfsections['NPHI'][0], int, 'number of torsions') if len(psfsections['NPHI'][1]) != nphi * 4: raise CharmmError( 'Got %d indexes for %d torsions' % # pragma: no cover (len(psfsections['NPHI']), nphi)) it = iter(psfsections['NPHI'][1]) for i, j, k, l in zip(it, it, it, it): self.dihedrals.append( Dihedral(self.atoms[i - 1], self.atoms[j - 1], self.atoms[k - 1], self.atoms[l - 1])) self.dihedrals.split = False # Now get the number of improper torsions nimphi = conv(psfsections['NIMPHI'][0], int, 'number of impropers') if len(psfsections['NIMPHI'][1]) != nimphi * 4: raise CharmmError( 'Got %d indexes for %d impropers' % # pragma: no cover (len(psfsections['NIMPHI'][1]), nimphi)) it = iter(psfsections['NIMPHI'][1]) for i, j, k, l in zip(it, it, it, it): self.impropers.append( Improper(self.atoms[i - 1], self.atoms[j - 1], self.atoms[k - 1], self.atoms[l - 1])) # Now handle the donors (what is this used for??) ndon = conv(psfsections['NDON'][0], int, 'number of donors') if len(psfsections['NDON'][1]) != ndon * 2: raise CharmmError( 'Got %d indexes for %d donors' % # pragma: no cover (len(psfsections['NDON'][1]), ndon)) it = iter(psfsections['NDON'][1]) for i, j in zip(it, it): self.donors.append( AcceptorDonor(self.atoms[i - 1], self.atoms[j - 1])) # Now handle the acceptors (what is this used for??) nacc = conv(psfsections['NACC'][0], int, 'number of acceptors') if len(psfsections['NACC'][1]) != nacc * 2: raise CharmmError( 'Got %d indexes for %d acceptors' % # pragma: no cover (len(psfsections['NACC'][1]), nacc)) it = iter(psfsections['NACC'][1]) for i, j in zip(it, it): self.acceptors.append( AcceptorDonor(self.atoms[i - 1], self.atoms[j - 1])) # Now get the group sections try: ngrp, nst2 = psfsections['NGRP NST2'][0] except ValueError: # pragma: no cover raise CharmmError( 'Could not unpack GROUP pointers') # pragma: no cover tmp = psfsections['NGRP NST2'][1] self.groups.nst2 = nst2 # Now handle the groups if len(psfsections['NGRP NST2'][1]) != ngrp * 3: raise CharmmError( 'Got %d indexes for %d groups' % # pragma: no cover (len(tmp), ngrp)) it = iter(psfsections['NGRP NST2'][1]) for i, j, k in zip(it, it, it): self.groups.append(Group(self.atoms[i], j, k)) # Assign all of the atoms to molecules recursively tmp = psfsections['MOLNT'][1] set_molecules(self.atoms) molecule_list = [a.marked for a in self.atoms] if len(tmp) == len(self.atoms): if molecule_list != tmp: warnings.warn( 'Detected PSF molecule section that is WRONG. ' 'Resetting molecularity.', CharmmWarning) # We have a CHARMM PSF file; now do NUMLP/NUMLPH sections numlp, numlph = psfsections['NUMLP NUMLPH'][0] if numlp != 0 or numlph != 0: raise NotImplementedError( 'Cannot currently handle PSFs with ' 'lone pairs defined in the NUMLP/' 'NUMLPH section.') # Now do the CMAPs ncrterm = conv(psfsections['NCRTERM'][0], int, 'Number of cross-terms') if len(psfsections['NCRTERM'][1]) != ncrterm * 8: raise CharmmError('Got %d CMAP indexes for %d cmap terms' % # pragma: no cover (len(psfsections['NCRTERM']), ncrterm)) it = iter(psfsections['NCRTERM'][1]) for i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p in zip(it, it, it, it, it, it, it, it): self.cmaps.append( Cmap.extended(self.atoms[i - 1], self.atoms[j - 1], self.atoms[k - 1], self.atoms[l - 1], self.atoms[m - 1], self.atoms[n - 1], self.atoms[o - 1], self.atoms[p - 1])) self.unchange() self.flags = psf_flags