Пример #1
def test_input_per_line_numeric():
    entries = parse_input.input_per_line("numeric_per_line_input.txt")
    assert entries[0] == "234234"
    assert entries[1] == "54565677"
    assert entries[2] == "23452345345456"
    assert entries[3] == "23423453454"
    assert entries[4] == "233232"
Пример #2
        number = f'-{matches[0][2]}' if matches[0][1] == "lose" else matches[0][2]
        if matches[0][0] not in seating_dictionary:
            seating_dictionary[matches[0][0]] = {}
        seating_dictionary[matches[0][0]][matches[0][3]] = number
    return seating_dictionary

def create_graph(input_dictionary):
    index_dictionary = {index: key for index, key in enumerate(input_dictionary.keys())}
    matrix = []
    for number in range(len(index_dictionary)):
        temp_internal_list = []
        person = index_dictionary[number]
        for another_number in range(len(index_dictionary)):
            if another_number == number:
    final_zeroes = [0] * (len(index_dictionary) + 1)
    return matrix

if __name__ == "__main__":
    guest_list = parse_input.input_per_line('../input.txt')
    guest_dictionary = create_dictionary(guest_list)
    guest_matrix = create_graph(guest_dictionary)
    final_happiness_level = happy_seating_genetic_algorithm(guest_matrix, 0, len(guest_matrix))
    print(f"The greatest happiness level with the best seating arrangement is {final_happiness_level}")
Пример #3
    dimensions_as_strings = dimensions.split('x')
    return [int(number) for number in dimensions_as_strings]

def determine_areas(dimension):
    """Take a list with numbers and find out the area of the box plus the extra area needed."""
    smallest_side_area = sorted(dimension)[0] * sorted(dimension)[1]
    box_area = 2 * dimension[0] * dimension[1] + 2 * dimension[1] * dimension[
        2] + 2 * dimension[2] * dimension[0]
    return smallest_side_area, box_area

def full_area(two_areas):
    """Take the tuple with the box area and the small area and combine them."""
    return two_areas[0] + two_areas[1]

def add_up_all_boxes(box_dimension_list):
    """Take a list of areas and add them all up."""
    all_areas = [
        for box in box_dimension_list
    return reduce(lambda a, b: a + b, all_areas)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    box_dimensions = parse_input.input_per_line('../input.txt')
Пример #4
from sys import path
path.insert(0, '../../input_parsing')
import parse_input

if __name__ == "__main__":
    assembly = parse_input.input_per_line('../input.txt')
    pointer = 0
    register_a = 1
    register_b = 0
    while pointer < len(assembly):
        current_instruction = assembly[pointer].split()
        if len(current_instruction) == 2:
            if current_instruction[0] == "hlf":
                if current_instruction[1] == "a":
                    register_a = register_a / 2
                    register_b = register_b / 2
                pointer += 1
            elif current_instruction[0] == "tpl":
                if current_instruction[1] == "a":
                    register_a *= 3
                    register_b *= 3
                pointer += 1
            elif current_instruction[0] == "inc":
                if current_instruction[1] == "a":
                    register_a += 1
                    register_b += 1
                pointer += 1
            elif current_instruction[0] == "jmp":
Пример #5
from itertools import combinations, permutations
from math import prod
from statistics import mean
from sys import path
path.insert(0, '../../input_parsing')
import parse_input

if __name__ == "__main__":
    packages = parse_input.input_per_line('../input.txt')
    packages = [int(x) for x in packages]
    # test
    # packages = [1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11]
    weight_per_section = sum(packages) / 3
    package_combinations = [
        element for size in range(1, len(packages))
        for element in combinations(packages, size)
        if sum(element) == weight_per_section
    # print(package_combinations)
    # figure out smallest group 1 size
    santa_leg_room_packages = 100000000000000000
    for combination in package_combinations:
        if len(combination) < santa_leg_room_packages:
            santa_leg_room_packages = len(combination)
    group_1_contenders = [
        combination for combination in package_combinations
        if len(combination) == santa_leg_room_packages
    if len(group_1_contenders) == 1:
Пример #6
    return bag_dict

def find_gold_bag_carriers(bag_key: str) -> int:
    """Take a key for the dictionary of bag rules and figure out
    if it can eventually hold a gold bag.
    Return how many can eventually contain a gold bag.
    shiny_count = 0
    for bag_tuple in bag_dict[bag_key]:
        if bag_tuple[1] == "shiny gold":
            shiny_count = 1
        elif bag_tuple[1] == "no other":
            shiny_count += 0
            shiny_count += find_gold_bag_carriers(bag_tuple[1])
            if shiny_count > 0:
    return shiny_count

if __name__ == "__main__":
    bag_guidelines = parse_input.input_per_line("../input")
    bag_dict = create_bag_dictionary(bag_guidelines)
    gold_bag_carrier_count = sum(
        find_gold_bag_carriers(bag) for bag in bag_dict.keys())
        f"{gold_bag_carrier_count} bags eventually can contain at least one shiny gold bag"
Пример #7
            if "red" in elf_json.values():
                return 0
            elif isinstance(value, int):
                summation += value
            elif isinstance(value, list):
                summation += find_numbers(value)
            elif isinstance(value, dict):
                summation += find_numbers(value)
                # this is a color string
                summation += 0  # this used to be a print statement
    return summation

if __name__ == "__main__":
    json_string = parse_input.input_per_line('../input.txt')
    total = json.loads(json_string[0])
        f"The sum of all numbers in the document (unless it's got a red property) is {find_numbers(total)}"

# 144587 is too high
# 1049 is too low
# 142062 is too high
# 129639 is not the answer
# 138826 is not the answer
# 134100 is not the answer
# 142186 is not the answer
# 24486 is not the answer
# 15364 is not the answer
# 28792 is not the answer
Пример #8
            del potential_aunts_2[key]
        elif values.get('cats') is not None and values.get("cats") <= 7:
            del potential_aunts_2[key]
        elif values.get("samoyeds") not in [2, None]:
            del potential_aunts_2[key]
        elif values.get(
                'pomeranians') is not None and values.get("pomeranians") >= 3:
            del potential_aunts_2[key]
        elif values.get("akitas") not in [0, None]:
            del potential_aunts_2[key]
        elif values.get("vizslas") not in [0, None]:
            del potential_aunts_2[key]
        elif values.get(
                'goldfish') is not None and values.get("goldfish") >= 5:
            del potential_aunts_2[key]
        elif values.get('trees') is not None and values.get("trees") <= 3:
            del potential_aunts_2[key]
        elif values.get("cars") not in [2, None]:
            del potential_aunts_2[key]
        elif values.get("perfumes") not in [1, None]:
            del potential_aunts_2[key]
    return potential_aunts_2

if __name__ == "__main__":
    all_the_aunts = parse_input.input_per_line('../input.txt')
    aunt_sue_dictionary = create_aunt_sue_dictionary(all_the_aunts)
        f"The Aunt Sue who sent the present is {find_the_aunt(aunt_sue_dictionary)}"
Пример #9
def test_input_per_line_alpha():
    entries = parse_input.input_per_line("alpha_per_line_input.txt")
    assert entries[0] == "asdfasdf"
    assert entries[1] == "woeruwoer"
    assert entries[2] == "asdfasdf"
    assert entries[3] == "rufndnd dasdf"
Пример #10
def test_input_per_line_alpha_numeric_symbols():
    entries = parse_input.input_per_line(
    assert entries[0] == "dh#$liu\][asd"
    assert entries[1] == "lkhlh!@#*(&^@$%)<>?/\\"
Пример #11
import re
import sys

sys.path.insert(0, '../../input_parsing')
import parse_input

def rule_one(string_to_eval):
    """Test if a string contains a pair of letters that appear at least twice, but don't overlap."""
    letter_pair = re.compile(r'(\w\w)\w*\1')
    return bool(re.findall(letter_pair, string_to_eval))

def rule_two(string_to_eval):
    """Test if a letter is repeated with exactly one letter between them."""
    regex = re.compile(r'(\w).\1')
    return bool(re.search(regex, string_to_eval))

def naughty_or_nice(string_to_eval):
    """Evaluate a string against all three rules."""
    return rule_one(string_to_eval) and rule_two(string_to_eval)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    naughty_nice_list = parse_input.input_per_line('../input.txt')
    nice_entries = [1 for entry in naughty_nice_list if naughty_or_nice(entry)]
    print(f"There are {sum(nice_entries)}  nice strings in the list.")
Пример #12
    match = re.finditer(string_to_replace, molecule)
    return [
        molecule[0:m.start()] + replace_with_string + molecule[m.end():]
        for m in match

def generate_molecule_tuple(list_of_molecules: list):
    regex = re.compile(r'(\w+) => (\w+)')
    molecule_tuple_list = []
    for item in list_of_molecules:
        molecules = re.findall(regex, item)
        molecule_tuple_list.append((molecules[0][0], molecules[0][1]))
    return molecule_tuple_list

if __name__ == "__main__":
    rudy_medicine_molecules = parse_input.input_per_line('../input.txt')
    molecule_to_change = rudy_medicine_molecules.pop()
    # one more pop for the newline between the list of molecules and the one to change
    molecule_tuples = generate_molecule_tuple(rudy_medicine_molecules)
    distinct_molecules = set()
    for item in molecule_tuples:
        list_of_potential_replacements = generate_replacements(
            item[0], item[1], molecule_to_change)
        for potential_replacement in list_of_potential_replacements:
    print(f"We have {len(distinct_molecules)} distinct molecules.")
Пример #13
            flown_distance += speed * remaining_time
            remaining_time = 0
        if remaining_time >= resting_time:
            remaining_time -= resting_time
            remaining_time = 0
    return flown_distance

def figure_out_reindeer_specs(line):
    regex = re.compile(
        r'(\w+) can fly (\d+) km/s for (\d+) seconds, but then must rest for (\d+) seconds.'
    results = re.findall(regex, line)
    reindeer_name, speed, fly_time, rest_time = results[0][0], results[0][
        1], results[0][2], results[0][3]
    return reindeer_name, int(speed), int(fly_time), int(rest_time)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    reindeer_list = parse_input.input_per_line('../input.txt')
    top_distance = 0
    for reindeer in reindeer_list:
        reindeer_name, speed, fly_time, rest_time = figure_out_reindeer_specs(
        distance_flown = reindeer_distance(speed, fly_time, rest_time, 2503)
        if distance_flown > top_distance:
            top_distance = distance_flown
    print(f"The top-flying reindeer flew {top_distance} km.")
Пример #14

def count_calories(teaspoon_list, ingredient_list):
    return sum(teaspoon_list[x] * int(ingredient_list[x][-1])
               for x in range(len(ingredient_list)))

def brute_force_cookie_score(ingredient_list):
    ingredient_combos = [
        for element in permutations(range(1, 100), len(ingredient_list))
        if sum(element) == 100
    score = 0
    for ingredient_combination in ingredient_combos:
        combo_score = ingredient_score(ingredient_combination, ingredient_list)
        calorie_score = count_calories(ingredient_combination, ingredient_list)
        if combo_score > score and calorie_score == 500:
            score = combo_score
    return score

if __name__ == "__main__":
    cookie_list = parse_input.input_per_line('../input.txt')
    ingredients = parse_ingredients(cookie_list)
    cookie_score = brute_force_cookie_score(ingredients)
    print(f"The cookie score is {cookie_score}")

# 19150560 is too low
Пример #15
            operand_left = find_value_on_line(equation[0])
        if equation[2].isnumeric():
            operand_right = int(equation[2])
            operand_right = find_value_on_line(equation[2])
        operation = equation[1]
        if operation == "AND":
            return operand_left & operand_right
        elif operation == "LSHIFT":
            return operand_left << operand_right
        elif operation == "OR":
            return operand_left | operand_right
        elif operation == "RSHIFT":
            return operand_left >> operand_right
    elif len(equation) == 2:
        return find_value_on_line(equation[1]) ^ 65535
        return find_value_on_line(equation[0])

if __name__ == "__main__":
    print(f"Starting at {datetime.now().strftime('%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S')}")
    bobby_instructions = parse_input.input_per_line('../input.txt')
    all_wires = create_dictionary(bobby_instructions)
    all_wires['b'] = "956"
    wire_a = find_value_on_line('a')
    print(f"The value on wire a is {wire_a}")
    print(f"Ended at {datetime.now().strftime('%d-%b-%Y %H:%M:%S')}")

# the answer is not -7074
# 58462 is too high
Пример #16
    regex = re.compile(r'(\\\\)|(\\["])|(\\x[0-9a-f]{2})')
    regex_backspace = re.compile(r'(\\\\)|(\\["])')
    regex_unicode = re.compile(r'\\x[0-9a-f]{2}')
    regex_matches = re.findall(regex, line)
    backspace_count = 0
    unicode_count = 0
    for match in regex_matches:
        for item in match:
            if re.match(regex_unicode, item):
                unicode_count += 1
            elif re.match(regex_backspace, item):
                backspace_count += 1
    unicode_count *= 3
    subtraction_count += backspace_count + unicode_count
    return line_length - subtraction_count

if __name__ == "__main__":
    santa_list = parse_input.input_per_line('../input.txt')
    answer = sum([
        string_code_length(line) - in_memory_strings(line)
        for line in santa_list
    print(f"The answer is: {answer}")

# 1373 is too high
# 1364 is too high
# 1338 is too low
# 1332 is too low
# 1345 isn't the answer either
Пример #17
            return 1
            return 0
    if not alive and live_neighbors == 3:
        return 1
        return 0

def play_round(grid_size: int, board: dict):
    """Figure out the new state of the board and return that."""
    new_board: dict = {}
    for x in range(grid_size):
        for y in range(grid_size):
            new_board[(x, y)] = new_status((x, y), board)
    # make sure the corner lights are stuck on.
    new_board[(0, 0)] = 1
    new_board[(0, 99)] = 1
    new_board[(99, 0)] = 1
    new_board[(99, 99)] = 1
    return new_board

if __name__ == "__main__":
    day_18_input = parse_input.input_per_line('../input.txt')
    initial_board = initialize_board(day_18_input)
    board = deepcopy(initial_board)
    for number in range(100):
        board = play_round(100, board)
    print(f"There are {sum(board.values())} lights on.")
Пример #18
from sys import path
from itertools import combinations
path.insert(0, '../../input_parsing')
import parse_input

container_sizes = parse_input.input_per_line('../input.txt')
container_sizes = [int(x) for x in container_sizes]
all_ways = [
    element for size in range(1, len(container_sizes))
    for element in combinations(container_sizes, size) if sum(element) == 150
minimum_number_of_containers = 999999999999
for combination in all_ways:
    if len(combination) < minimum_number_of_containers:
        minimum_number_of_containers = len(combination)
all_ways = [
    combination for combination in all_ways
    if len(combination) == minimum_number_of_containers
print(f"The number of combinations for using my containers is {len(all_ways)}")
Пример #19
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '../../input_parsing')
import parse_input

def parse_floor_directions(instructions: str) -> int:
    """Take a series of parenthesis and figure out what floor that leaves Santa at."""
    floor = 0
    for parenthesis in instructions:
        if parenthesis == "(":
            floor += 1
        elif parenthesis == ")":
            floor -= 1
    return floor

if __name__ == "__main__":
    floor_directions = parse_input.input_per_line('../input.txt')
Пример #20
        reindeer_list.append(Reindeer(speed, fly_time, rest_time))
    return reindeer_list

def move_and_assign_points(list_of_reindeer, total_seconds):
    time = 0
    while time < total_seconds + 1:
        for reindeer in list_of_reindeer:
        list_of_reindeer = sorted(list_of_reindeer)
        current_top_distance = list_of_reindeer[-1].total_distance
        for reindeer in list_of_reindeer:
            if reindeer.total_distance == current_top_distance:
                reindeer.points += 1
        time += 1

if __name__ == "__main__":
    reindeer_attributes = parse_input.input_per_line('../input.txt')
    all_reindeer = create_reindeer_list(reindeer_attributes)
    move_and_assign_points(all_reindeer, 2503)
    highest_points = 0
    for reindeer in all_reindeer:
        if reindeer.points > highest_points:
            highest_points = reindeer.points
    print(f"The highest-scoring reindeer got {highest_points} points.")

# 1355 is too high
# 1251 is too low