def test_long_names(self):
        """ What if we have a really long dv or level-2 subject factor?"""

        result = grfactor("xtmixed weight12345678 week height farm || id: , var")
        assert result['dv'] == 'weight12345678'

        result = grfactor("xtmixed weight12345678 week height farm || pigident12345678: , var")
        assert result['level-2-sub'] == 'pigident12345678'
 def test_1_iv_re(self):
     """ Parse a model with one independent variable and one random
     result = grfactor("xtmixed weight week || id: , var")
     assert result['iv'] == ['week']
     assert result['dv'] == 'weight'
     assert result['level-2-sub'] == 'id'
    def test_spacing2(self):
        result = grfactor("xtmixed weight week ||     id:")  # several spaces between || and id
        assert result['level-2-sub'] == 'id'        

##Fix so that test_level_3 passes because it is correct rather than just ignored. Right now I've commented it out because that Stata code will give a us 3-level model rather than a 2-level. We'll get to that situation soon. 

    #def test_level_3(self):
     #   result = grfactor("xtmixed weight week ||farm: ||id:")  # i've always been a little confused about what this actually tells STATA to do...
     #   assert result['level-2-sub'] == 'farm'
        assert result['level-3-sub'] == 'id'
 def test_spacing(self):
     result = grfactor("xtmixed weight week ||id:")  # no space between || and id
     assert result['level-2-sub'] == 'id'
 def test_fe(self):
     result = grfactor("xtmixed weight week")  # should we allow models with no random effects?
     assert 'level-2-sub' not in result  # one approach to handling this
 def test_multiple_ivs_re(self):
     """ do we pick up multiple iv's"""
     result = grfactor("xtmixed weight week height farm || id: , var")
     assert result['iv'] == 'week height farm'.split()
     assert result['dv'] == 'weight'
     assert result['level-2-sub'] == 'id'