Пример #1
def main(fileList):
    This script shows how to make plots using the parseparticles module.

    usage: ./test.py particleFile1 [particleFile2 particleFile3 ... ]

    # this returns a dict whose keys are a unique identifier (based on 
    # id and CPU) and values are the actual particle objects
    particlesDict = parseparticles.parseParticleFile(fileList)

    # get just the particle objects
    particles = particlesDict.values()

    print "there are %d unique particles" % len(particles)

    # plots - this is based on the plotting done in the original 
    # parseparticles.py script, which has since become a module for importing

    # global domain extrema
    xmin = 1.e33
    xmax = -1e33
    ymin = 1.e33
    ymax = -1.e33

    # loop over the particle objects and create the particle paths
    for particle in particles:
        coords, time = particle.flatten()

        # find the extrema of the particles over time to make all frames the
        # same size
        xmin = min(xmin,min(coords[0,:]))
        xmax = max(xmax,max(coords[0,:]))
        ymin = min(ymin,min(coords[1,:]))
        ymax = max(ymax,max(coords[1,:]))

        pylab.scatter([coords[0,0]], [coords[1,0]], marker="x")
        pylab.plot(coords[0,:], coords[1,:])



    # make an animation -- note: this assumes that all particles exist at all
    # timesteps

    # grab the total number of timesteps from the first particle's history
    totalSteps = len(particles[0].history)
Пример #2
def main(fileList):
    This script shows how to make plots using the parseparticles module.

    usage: ./test.py particleFile1 [particleFile2 particleFile3 ... ]

    # this returns a dict whose keys are a unique identifier (based on
    # id and CPU) and values are the actual particle objects
    particlesDict = parseparticles.parseParticleFile(fileList)

    # get just the particle objects
    particles = particlesDict.values()

    print "there are %d unique particles" % len(particles)

    # plots - this is based on the plotting done in the original
    # parseparticles.py script, which has since become a module for importing

    # global domain extrema
    xmin = 1.e33
    xmax = -1e33
    ymin = 1.e33
    ymax = -1.e33

    # loop over the particle objects and create the particle paths
    for particle in particles:
        coords, time = particle.flatten()

        # find the extrema of the particles over time to make all frames the
        # same size
        xmin = min(xmin, min(coords[0, :]))
        xmax = max(xmax, max(coords[0, :]))
        ymin = min(ymin, min(coords[1, :]))
        ymax = max(ymax, max(coords[1, :]))

        pylab.scatter([coords[0, 0]], [coords[1, 0]], marker="x")
        pylab.plot(coords[0, :], coords[1, :])



    # make an animation -- note: this assumes that all particles exist at all
    # timesteps

    # grab the total number of timesteps from the first particle's history
    totalSteps = len(particles[0].history)
Пример #3
def main(files):

    # this returns a dict whose keys are a unique identifier (based on
    # id and CPU) and values are the actual particle objects
    particlesDict = parseparticles.parseParticleFile(files)

    # get just the particle objects
    particles = particlesDict.values()

    # print out some info and test the routines
    print "number of unique particles = ", len(particles)

    # make a plot of the particle paths

    n = 0
    while (n < len(particles)):

        # get numpy arrays containing the time and coordinate
        # information for particle 0
        coords, time = particles[n].flatten()

        pylab.scatter([coords[0, 0]], [coords[1, 0]], marker="x")
        pylab.plot(coords[0, :], coords[1, :])

        n += 1


    a = pylab.gca()


    # get the index in the associate data corresponding to Mg24 and density
    # assume that all particles have the same data
    img24 = particles[0].getVarIndex("magnesium-24")
    idens = particles[0].getVarIndex("density")

    # make an animation -- note: this assumes that all particles exist
    # at all timesteps
    nstep = 0
    while (nstep < len(particles[0].history)):


        n = 0
        while (n < len(particles)):

            # plot the position of the current particle (n) at the
            # current step (nstep).  Color it by the abundance of
            # X(Mg24).
            XMg24_min = 1.e-6
            XMg24_max = 1.e-5

                              particles[n].history[nstep].data[img24] /

            n += 1

        # axis labels

        # color bar
        cb = pylab.colorbar(orientation="horizontal")

        pylab.axis([2.e7, 2.2e8, 4.e7, 1.2e8])
        a = pylab.gca()


        f = pylab.gcf()
        f.set_size_inches(8.0, 6.0)

        pylab.savefig("particles_%04d.png" % (nstep))

        nstep += 1
Пример #4
def main(files):

    # this returns a dict whose keys are a unique identifier (based on 
    # id and CPU) and values are the actual particle objects
    particlesDict = parseparticles.parseParticleFile(files)

    # get just the particle objects
    particles = particlesDict.values()

    # print out some info and test the routines
    print "number of unique particles = ", len(particles)

    # output particle instance info (debugging)
    #n = 0
    #while (n < len(particles)):
    #    print n
    #    print particles[n]
    #    print " "
    #    n += 1

    # dump out the data, particle-by-particle
    n = 0
    while (n < len(particles)):

        # get numpy arrays containing the time and coordinate
        # information for particle 0
        coords, time = particles[n].flatten()
        dim = particles[n].dim 

        # output to a flie
        of = open("particle_history.%03d" % (n), 'w')

        # header
        #   first the particle id information
        idstuff = str(particles[n])
        for line in idstuff.split("\n"):
            of.write("# %s\n" % (line))
        #   next the column labels
        if (dim == 1):
            of.write("# %20s %20s\n" % ("time", "x"))            
        elif (dim == 2):
            of.write("# %20s %20s %20s\n" % ("time", "x", "y"))            
        elif (dim == 3):
            of.write("# %20s %20s %20s %20s\n" % ("time", "x", "y", "z"))
        # t, x, [y, [z]] in columns
        i = 0
        while (i < len(particles[n].history)):
            if (dim == 1):
                of.write("  %20.10f %20.10f\n" % 
                         (time[i], coords[0,i]))
            elif (dim == 2):
                of.write("  %20.10f %20.10f %20.10f\n" % 
                         (time[i], coords[0,i], coords[1,i]))
            elif (dim == 3):
                of.write("  %20.10f %20.10f %20.10f %20.10f\n" % 
                         (time[i], coords[0,i], coords[1,i], coords[2,i]))

            i += 1


        n += 1
Пример #5
def main(files):

    # this returns a dict whose keys are a unique identifier (based on
    # id and CPU) and values are the actual particle objects
    particlesDict = parseparticles.parseParticleFile(files)

    # get just the particle objects
    particles = particlesDict.values()

    # print out some info and test the routines
    print "number of unique particles = ", len(particles)

    if (not particles[0].dim == 2):
        print "ERROR: ony 2-d supported\n"

    # maxdx is the maximum distance moved by a particle in a single
    # timestep
    maxdx = numpy.zeros((len(particles)), dtype=numpy.float64)
    maxdx[:] = -1.e33

    # dump out the data, particle-by-particle
    n = 0
    while (n < len(particles)):

        # get numpy arrays containing the time and coordinate
        # information for particle 0
        coords, time = particles[n].flatten()

        i = 1
        while (i < len(particles[n].history)):

            xo = coords[0, i - 1]
            xn = coords[0, i]

            yo = coords[1, i - 1]
            yn = coords[1, i]

            # compute distance -- check for periodic BCs
            if (xo > xmax - dx and xn < xmin + dx):
                # we flowed through right BC
                d = math.sqrt((xn - (xo - xmax))**2 + (yn - yo)**2)

            elif (xo < xmin + dx and xn > xmax - dx):
                # we flowed through the left BC
                d = math.sqrt((xn - (xo + xmax))**2 + (yn - yo)**2)

                # compute the distance
                d = math.sqrt((xn - xo)**2 + (yn - yo)**2)

            # store maximum
            maxdx[n] = max(maxdx[n], d)

            i += 1

        n += 1

    # output to a flie
    of = open("particle_maxdx.out", 'w')
    n = 0
    of.write("# particle,   max{d},     max{d}/dx\n")
    while (n < len(particles)):
        of.write("%d %f %f\n" % (n, maxdx[n], maxdx[n] / dx))
        n += 1

Пример #6
def main(files):

    # this returns a dict whose keys are a unique identifier (based on 
    # id and CPU) and values are the actual particle objects
    particlesDict = parseparticles.parseParticleFile(files)

    # get just the particle objects
    particles = particlesDict.values()

    # print out some info and test the routines
    print "number of unique particles = ", len(particles)

    # output particle instance info (debugging)
    #n = 0
    #while (n < len(particles)):
    #    print n
    #    print particles[n]
    #    print " "
    #    n += 1

    # dump out the data, particle-by-particle
    n = 0
    while (n < len(particles)):

        # get numpy arrays containing the time and coordinate
        # information for particle 0
        coords, time = particles[n].flatten()
        dim = particles[n].dim 

        # output to a flie
        of = open("particle_history.%03d" % (n), 'w')

        # header
        #   first the particle id information
        idstuff = str(particles[n])
        for line in idstuff.split("\n"):
            of.write("# %s\n" % (line))
        #   next the column labels
        if (dim == 1):
            of.write("# %20s %20s\n" % ("time", "x"))            
        elif (dim == 2):
            of.write("# %20s %20s %20s\n" % ("time", "x", "y"))            
        elif (dim == 3):
            of.write("# %20s %20s %20s %20s\n" % ("time", "x", "y", "z"))
        # t, x, [y, [z]] in columns
        i = 0
        while (i < len(particles[n].history)):
            if (dim == 1):
                of.write("  %20.10f %20.10f\n" % 
                         (time[i], coords[0,i]))
            elif (dim == 2):
                of.write("  %20.10f %20.10f %20.10f\n" % 
                         (time[i], coords[0,i], coords[1,i]))
            elif (dim == 3):
                of.write("  %20.10f %20.10f %20.10f %20.10f\n" % 
                         (time[i], coords[0,i], coords[1,i], coords[2,i]))

            i += 1


        n += 1
Пример #7
def main(files):

    # get start time for timing the program
    starttime = tm.time()

    # to allow for an inputs file of variables
    # dict to hold all variables
    variables = {}

    # to run the script in the background set flag to true and use:
    #    nohup plotparticles.py timestamp_* &
    variables['run_in_background'] = True

    # use plotsinglevar_parts.py to plot particles on top of another
    # variable:
    variables['component_plots'] = True

    # 1st and 2nd components to plot using plotsinglevar_parts.py:
    variables['component_one'] = "tfromp"
    variables['component_two'] = ""

    # what kind of movie to make mp4 or avi:
    variables['movie'] = "mp4"

    # save plots as an eps:
    variables['eps'] = False

    # compute turnover time of particles:
    variables['turnover_time'] = False

    # number of grids to use in calculating the turnover time
    variables['num_grids'] = "3"

    # make animations in time
    variables['animation'] = False

    # graph positions
    variables['position_plots'] = False

    # what to graph
    variables['y_vs_x'] = True
    variables['y_vs_t'] = False
    variables['x_vs_t'] = False

    # what fraction of the particles to plot:
    # program will plot frac*(num particles)
    variables['frac'] = "0.1"

    # if not running in background ask whether or not
    #  to read variable values from an inputs file
    if variables['run_in_background']:
        read_input_file = 'n'
        read_input_file = raw_input("\nRead Variables From Input File?:  ")

    if (read_input_file[0] == 'y' or read_input_file[0] == 'Y'):

        filename = raw_input("\n   Input Filename:  ")

        # read variables from input file
        read_from_input_file(variables, filename)

    # maximum value of frac is 1.0
    frac = min(1.0, float(variables['frac']))

    print "\nCounting Particles:"

    # this returns a dict whose keys are a unique identifier (based on
    # id and CPU) and values are the actual particle objects
    particlesDict = parseparticles.parseParticleFile(files)

    # get just the particle objects
    particles = particlesDict.values()

    print "   Unique Particles:", len(particles)
    print "   Only Using:", int(frac * len(particles))

    # output directory for all images
    outputDir = "Images"

    # current directory
    topDir = os.getcwd()

    # create outputDir if it does not exist already
    if (not os.path.isdir(outputDir)):

    # clear plot

    # global domain extrema
    xmin = 1.e33
    xmax = -1e33
    ymin = 1.e33
    ymax = -1.e33

    # Find xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax for all particles and
    # take into account the periodic boundary conditions in x direction
    # this causes lines when the particle jumps from one edge of the
    # domain to the other. loop through the particles and find where
    # the x jumps a significant amount and split the x plots according to
    # these positions.
    x_jump_indices = {}
    n = 0
    while (n < int(frac * len(particles))):

        # get numpy arrays containing the time and coordinate
        # information for particle n
        coords, time = particles[n].flatten()

        # find the extrema of the particles over time to make all frames the
        # same size
        xmin = min(xmin, min(coords[0, :]))
        xmax = max(xmax, max(coords[0, :]))
        ymin = min(ymin, min(coords[1, :]))
        ymax = max(ymax, max(coords[1, :]))

        # reset indices list
        indices = []

        i = 0
        while (i < len(coords[0, :]) - 1):

            if (abs(coords[0, i] - coords[0, i + 1]) >= 1.0e7):

                # holds the index where a jump across the boundary occurs

            i += 1

        # each particle has a list of indices where
        # it crosses the boundary
        x_jump_indices[n] = indices

        n += 1

    # COMPONENT PLOTS: plot particle data on top of another variable or
    # on top of two variables using the plotsinglevar_plots.py routine
    if (variables['component_plots']):

        print "Plotting Particles and Components:"
        print "\n   Plotfiles from ./plt*"

        # IDEA:
        # -loop over all pltfiles and get the time of each plotfile
        # -plot the component data from the pltfile
        # -overplot the particle data from that time

        # list to hold all the pltfile directories
        pltFiles = []

        # find all directories with name plt?????
        for (path, dirs, files) in os.walk(topDir):
            for directory in dirs:
                index = string.find(directory, "plt")
                if not (index < 0):

        # dictionary to hold time of each plot file
        pltFile_times = {}

        # get time for each plot file
        for plotfile in pltFiles:

            time_pltfile = []

            # use fsnapshot routine to find time of plotfile
            plot_file_time = \

            # use a list so it can hold both the time and the index of that time

            pltFile_times[plotfile] = time_pltfile

        # return time and coord data for particle 0
        coords, time = particles[0].flatten()

        # the time from particles[0].flatten() do not exactly match (to
        # machine precision) the times from the fsnapshot fortran routine.
        # use a tolerance to find the index associated to the time
        time_tol = 1.0e-4

        nstep = 0
        while (nstep < len(time[:])):

            # loop over all plotfiles
            for key, value in sorted(pltFile_times.iteritems()):

                # compare the times
                if (abs(time[nstep] - pltFile_times[key][0]) < time_tol):

                    # attach the time index to the dictionary

            nstep += 1

        # component data and particle data will be plotted using
        # plotsinglevar_parts.py (which uses fsnapshot)
        count = 1
        for plotfile, value in sorted(pltFile_times.iteritems()):


            # generate a specific output name for the image
            if (variables['component_two'] != ""):
                outFile = variables['component_one'] + str("_") + \
                          variables['component_two'] + str("_particles_") + \
                outFile = variables['component_one'] + str("_particles_") + \

            if (variables['eps']):
                outFile += ".eps"
                eps_send = 1
                outFile += ".png"
                eps_send = 0

            # plot component data
            # calling sequence: plotfile, comp1, comp2, outfile, log,
            #                   minval, maxval, minval2, maxval2, eps,
            #                   dpi, origin, annotation, particles, time_ind
            plotsinglevar_parts.do_plot(plotfile, variables['component_one'],
                                        outputDir + "/" + outFile, 0, None,
                                        None, None, None, eps_send, 100, 0, "",
                                        particles, pltFile_times[plotfile][1])

            if (count % 5 == 0):
                print "      plotfile: "+str(count)+\
                      " of "+str(len(pltFile_times))

            count += 1

        # Animate the particle positions:
        # output file to contain list of all image files
        list_name = "list.txt"
        if os.path.isfile(list_name):

        if (variables['eps']):
            os.system("ls -v "+outputDir+"/"+\
               variables['component_one']+"*_particles_*.eps > "+list_name)
            os.system("ls -v "+outputDir+"/"+\
               variables['component_one']+"*_particles_*.png > "+list_name)

        # use mencoder to generate an animation from the list
        fps = "15"  # frames per sec

        # mencoder cannot handle eps files
        if not (variables['eps']):

            if (variables['movie'] == "mp4"):

                movie_output3 = "Component-Animation.mp4"

                if os.path.isfile(movie_output3):

                string1 = "mencoder mf://@" + list_name + " -o " + movie_output3
                string2 = " -of lavf -lavfopts format=mp4 -ss 1 -ovc "
                string3 = "x264 -x264encopts "
                string4 = "crf=20.0:nocabac:level_idc=30:"
                string5 = "global_header:threads=2 -fps " + fps

                os.system(string1 + string2 + string3 + string4 + string5)

            elif (variables['movie'] == "avi"):

                movie_output3 = "Component-Animation.avi"

                if os.path.isfile(movie_output3):

                string1 = "mencoder mf://@" + list_name + " -o " + movie_output3
                string2 = " -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=msmpeg4v2:vbitrate=3000"
                string3 = ":vhq -mf type=png -fps " + fps

                os.system(string1 + string2 + string3)

                print "\n---ERROR: unknown movie format---\n"


            print "\n---ERROR: mencoder cannot animate eps images---"
            print "          list of image files: " + list_name + "\n"

    # TURNOVER TIME for all particles
    if (variables['turnover_time']):

        print "Calculate Turnover Time:"
        print "   Only Using: " + str(len(particles))

        # divide domain into how many grids
        num_grids = int(variables['num_grids'])

        # complete cycle up means go from y_bot to y_top
        y_top = float(num_grids - 1) / float(num_grids) * (ymax - ymin) + ymin
        y_bot = (ymax - ymin) / float(num_grids) + ymin

        # dictionaries/lists to hold data
        turnover_up_times = {}  # up data of each particle
        turnover_down_times = {}  # down data of each particle
        counts = {}
        tot_up_count = 0
        tot_down_count = 0
        # put all up data in one list and all down data in one list
        up_data_all_particles = []
        down_data_all_particles = []

        # loop over each particle
        n = 0
        while (n < len(particles)):

            # coordinate and time info for nth particle
            coords, time = particles[n].flatten()

            # reset various counters and lists
            time_in_bot = 0
            time_in_top = 0
            flag_bot = 0
            flag_top = 0
            up_count = 0
            down_count = 0
            count = []
            up_period = []
            down_period = []

            # sometimes len(coords[1,:]) is less
            # than len(particles[0].history)
            if (len(coords[1, :]) == len(particles[0].history)):
                loop_max = len(particles[0].history)
                loop_max = len(coords[1, :])

            # loop over time
            nstep = 0
            while (nstep < loop_max):

                # particle is below y_bot
                if (coords[1, nstep] < y_bot):

                    flag_bot = 1
                    time_in_bot = nstep

                # particle is above y_top
                if (coords[1, nstep] > y_top):

                    flag_top = 1
                    time_in_top = nstep

                # particle has made journey either
                # top --> bottom or bottom --> top
                if ((flag_bot == 1) and (flag_top == 1)):

                    # particle went down
                    if (time_in_top < time_in_bot):
                        down = time[time_in_bot] - time[time_in_top]
                        flag_top = 0
                        down_count += 1
                        tot_down_count += 1

                    # particle went up
                        up = time[time_in_top] - time[time_in_bot]
                        flag_bot = 0
                        up_count += 1
                        tot_up_count += 1

                nstep += 1

            # debugging:
            counts[n] = count

            turnover_up_times[n] = up_period
            turnover_down_times[n] = down_period

            n += 1

        # sanity check/debugging purposes:
#       n=0
#       while n < len(particles):
#           if (len(turnover_up_times[n][:]) != counts[n][0]):
#               print "---ERROR: Up counts differ for particle "+str(n)
#           if (len(turnover_down_times[n][:]) != counts[n][1]):
#               print "---ERROR: Down counts differ for particle "+str(n)
#           n += 1

#  Generate Histograms
        print "Generating Histograms:"

        average_up_time = sum(up_data_all_particles)/ \

        average_down_time = sum(down_data_all_particles)/ \

        turnover_time = average_up_time + average_down_time

        # individual histograms
        # (one histogram per particle)
        n = 0
        while (n < len(particles)):


            pylab.hist([turnover_up_times[n][:], turnover_down_times[n][:]],
                       range=[0, 250],
                       color=['b', 'r'],
                       label=['Up', 'Down'],

            pylab.xlabel('Bins of 5 sec')
            pylab.figtext(0.65, 0.73, 'Number of Grids: ' + str(num_grids))

            pylab.title('Histogram - Up/Down Time for Particle ' + str(n))

            outFile = outputDir + "/hist_part_%04d_grids_" % n + str(num_grids)

            if (variables['eps']):
                outFile += ".eps"
                outFile += ".png"


            n += 1

        # all particles on one histogram
        pylab.hist([up_data_all_particles, down_data_all_particles],
                   range=[0, 250],
                   color=['b', 'r'],
                   label=['Up', 'Down'],

        pylab.xlabel('Bins of 5 sec')
        pylab.figtext(0.65, 0.73, 'Number of Grids: ' + str(num_grids))
            0.6, 0.69,
            "Avg Turnover: " + str(int(1000 * turnover_time) / 1000.) + " sec")

        pylab.title('Histogram - Up/Down Time for All Particles')

        outFile = outputDir + "/histogram_grids_" + str(num_grids)

        if (variables['eps']):
            outFile += ".eps"
            outFile += ".png"


        print "   Histogram Results:"
        print "      Number of Grids: " + str(num_grids)
        print "      Avg Up Time  : " + str(average_up_time) + " sec"
        print "      Avg Down Time: " + str(average_down_time) + " sec"
        print "      Avg Turnover Time: " + str(turnover_time) + " sec"

    # ANIMATION of positions
    # These animations will plot the entire path of a particle each frame.
    #  Every frame, an entire path is added to the picture. The first
    #  frame has one particles path, the second frame has two particle
    #  paths and the last frame has all particle paths.
    if (variables['position_plots']):

        # give value to nstep inorder to call plotting routine
        # it has no other use in this loop
        nstep = 2

        print "Creating Images:"

        # plot x vs. y
        if (variables['y_vs_x']):

            print " plotting y vs x"
            n = 0
            while (n < int(frac * len(particles))):

                # get numpy arrays containing the time and coordinate
                # information for particle 0
                coords, time = particles[n].flatten()

                pylab.scatter([coords[0, 0]], [coords[1, 0]], marker="x")

                # call plotting routine
                plotting(variables, x_jump_indices, n, nstep, time, coords)

                pylab.axis([xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax])

                outFile = "particle_paths_%04d" % n

                if (variables['eps']):
                    outFile += ".eps"
                    outFile += ".png"

                if (os.path.isfile(outputDir + "/" + outFile)):
                    os.remove(outputDir + "/" + outFile)

                pylab.savefig(outputDir + "/" + outFile)

                n += 1

        # plot y vs time
        elif (variables['y_vs_t']):

            print " plotting y vs t"
            n = 0
            while (n < int(frac * len(particles))):

                # get numpy arrays containing the time and coordinate
                # information for particle 0
                coords, time = particles[n].flatten()

                pylab.scatter([time[0]], [coords[1, 0]], marker="x")

                # call plotting routine
                plotting(variables, x_jump_indices, n, nstep, time, coords)

                pylab.axis([min(time[:]), max(time[:]), ymin, ymax])

                outFile = "particle_paths_%04d" % n

                if (variables['eps']):
                    outFile += ".eps"
                    outFile += ".png"

                if (os.path.isfile(outputDir + "/" + outFile)):
                    os.remove(outputDir + "/" + outFile)

                pylab.savefig(outputDir + "/" + outFile)

                n += 1

        # plot x vs time
        elif (variables['x_vs_t']):

            print " plotting x vs t"
            n = 0
            while (n < int(frac * len(particles))):

                # get numpy arrays containing the time and coordinate
                # information for particle 0
                coords, time = particles[n].flatten()

                pylab.scatter([time[0]], [coords[0, 0]], marker="x")

                # call plotting routine
                plotting(variables, x_jump_indices, n, nstep, time, coords)

                pylab.axis([min(time[:]), max(time[:]), xmin, xmax])

                output = "particle_paths_%04d" % n

                if (variables['eps']):
                    output += ".eps"
                    output += ".png"

                if (os.path.isfile(outputDir + "/" + output)):
                    os.remove(outputDir + "/" + output)

                pylab.savefig(outputDir + "/" + output)

                n += 1

        # output a file containing all images
        list_name = "list.txt"
        if os.path.isfile(list_name):

        if (variables['eps']):
            os.system("ls -v " + outputDir + "/particle_paths_*.eps > " +
            os.system("ls -v " + outputDir + "/particle_paths_*.png > " +

        # use mencoder to generate an animation from the list
        fps = "5"  # frames per sec

        # mencoder cannot handle eps files
        if not (variables['eps']):

            if (variables['movie'] == "mp4"):

                movie_output2 = "Position-Animation.mp4"

                if os.path.isfile(movie_output2):

                string1 = "mencoder mf://@" + list_name + " -o " + movie_output2
                string2 = " -of lavf -lavfopts format=mp4 -ss 1 -ovc "
                string3 = "x264 -x264encopts "
                string4 = "crf=20.0:nocabac:level_idc=30:"
                string5 = "global_header:threads=2 -fps " + fps

                os.system(string1 + string2 + string3 + string4 + string5)

            elif (variables['movie'] == "avi"):

                movie_output2 = "Position-Animation.avi"

                if os.path.isfile(movie_output2):

                string1 = "mencoder mf://@" + list_name + " -o " + movie_output2
                string2 = " -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=msmpeg4v2:vbitrate=3000"
                string3 = ":vhq -mf type=png -fps " + fps

                os.system(string1 + string2 + string3)

                print "\n---ERROR: unknown movie format---\n"


            print "\n---ERROR: mencoder cannot animate eps images---"
            print "          list of image files: " + list_name + "\n"

    # ANIMATION in time
    if (variables['animation']):

        print "Creating Animation:"

        if (variables['y_vs_x']):
            print " animating y vs x"

        elif (variables['y_vs_t']):
            print " animating y vs t"

        elif (variables['x_vs_t']):
            print " animating x vs t"

        # make an animation -- note: this assumes that all particles exist
        # at all timesteps
        print "  Total timesteps: " + str(len(particles[0].history))

        nstep = 0
        while (nstep < len(particles[0].history)):


            n = 0
            while (n < int(frac * len(particles))):

                # get numpy arrays containing the time and coordinate
                # information for particle n
                coords, time = particles[n].flatten()

                # label particle position with an "x"

                # call plotting routine
                plotting(variables, x_jump_indices, n, nstep, time, coords)

                n += 1

            # axis labels
            if (variables['y_vs_x']):
                pylab.axis([xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax])

            elif (variables['x_vs_t']):
                pylab.axis([min(time[0:]), max(time[0:]), xmin, xmax])

            elif (variables['y_vs_t']):
                pylab.axis([min(time[0:]), max(time[0:]), ymin, ymax])

            output = "particles_%04d" % nstep

            if (variables['eps']):
                output += ".eps"
                output += ".png"

            if (os.path.isfile(outputDir + "/" + output)):
                os.remove(outputDir + "/" + output)

            # one image per timestep
            pylab.savefig(outputDir + "/" + output)

            # update time:
            if nstep % 500 == 0:
                print "   nstep = " + str(nstep)
            nstep += 100

        if (variables['eps']):
            os.system("ls -v " + outputDir + "/particles_*.eps > " + list_name)
            os.system("ls -v " + outputDir + "/particles_*.png > " + list_name)

        # output a list of particle files
        list_name = "list.txt"
        if os.path.isfile(list_name):

        # use mencoder to generate an animation from the list
        fps = "5"  # frames per sec

        # mencoder cannot handle eps files
        if not (variables['eps']):

            if (variables['movie'] == "mp4"):

                movie_output2 = "Time-Animation.mp4"

                if os.path.isfile(movie_output2):

                string1 = "mencoder mf://@" + list_name + " -o " + movie_output2
                string2 = " -of lavf -lavfopts format=mp4 -ss 1 -ovc "
                string3 = "x264 -x264encopts "
                string4 = "crf=20.0:nocabac:level_idc=30:"
                string5 = "global_header:threads=2 -fps " + fps

                os.system(string1 + string2 + string3 + string4 + string5)

            elif (variables['movie'] == "avi"):

                movie_output2 = "Time-Animation.avi"

                if os.path.isfile(movie_output2):

                string1 = "mencoder mf://@" + list_name + " -o " + movie_output2
                string2 = " -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=msmpeg4v2:vbitrate=3000"
                string3 = ":vhq -mf type=png -fps " + fps

                os.system(string1 + string2 + string3)

                print "\n---ERROR: unknown movie format---\n"


            print "\n---ERROR: mencoder cannot animate eps images---"
            print "          list of image files: " + list_name + "\n"

    # get stop time
    stoptime = tm.time()
    duration = (stoptime - starttime) / 60.0
    duration = int(1000 * duration) / 1000.0

    print "--------------------------------------------"

    if (variables['component_plots']):
        print "\nCreated Animation: " + movie_output3

    if (variables['position_plots']):
        print "\nCreated Animation: " + movie_output2

    if (variables['animation']):
        print "\nCreated Animation: " + movie_output

    print "\nImages are located in: " + outputDir + "/"
    print "\nProgram Duration: " + str(duration) + " min"
    print "\n---Complete---\n"
Пример #8
def main(files):

    # domain information
    xcenter = 0.5
    ycenter = 0.5

    # this returns a dict whose keys are a unique identifier (based on
    # id and CPU) and values are the actual particle objects
    particlesDict = parseparticles.parseParticleFile(files)

    # get just the particle objects
    particles = particlesDict.values()

    # print out some info and test the routines
    print "number of unique particles = ", len(particles)

    # make a plot of the particle paths

    n = 0
    while (n < len(particles)):

        # get numpy arrays containing the time and coordinate
        # information for particle 0
        coords, time = particles[n].flatten()

        pylab.scatter([coords[0, 0]], [coords[1, 0]], marker="x")
        pylab.plot(coords[0, :], coords[1, :])

        n += 1


    pylab.axis([0, 1, 0, 1])

    a = pylab.gca()


    # compute the relative change in the radius of the particle from
    # start to end -- this is the error in the integration.

    # assume that all particles were around for all timesteps
    nstep = len(particles[0].history)

    error = numpy.zeros(len(particles), dtype=numpy.float64)

    n = 0
    while (n < len(particles)):

        # compute the relative change in radius
        r_start = math.sqrt((particles[n].history[0].xyz[0] - xcenter)**2 +
                            (particles[n].history[0].xyz[1] - ycenter)**2)

        r_end = math.sqrt(
            (particles[n].history[nstep - 1].xyz[0] - xcenter)**2 +
            (particles[n].history[nstep - 1].xyz[1] - ycenter)**2)

        error[n] = math.fabs(r_start - r_end) / r_start

        print "particle: (%d, %d), r init = %f, rel error = %g" % \
            (particles[n].pid, particles[n].originCPU, r_start, error[n])

        n += 1

    print " "
    print "maximum error = ", max(error)
    print "L2 norm error = ", math.sqrt(
        numpy.dot(error, error) / len(particles))
Пример #9
def main(files):

    # this returns a dict whose keys are a unique identifier (based on 
    # id and CPU) and values are the actual particle objects
    particlesDict = parseparticles.parseParticleFile(files)

    # get just the particle objects
    particles = particlesDict.values()

    # print out some info and test the routines
    print "number of unique particles = ", len(particles)

    if (not particles[0].dim == 2):
        print "ERROR: ony 2-d supported\n"

    # maxdx is the maximum distance moved by a particle in a single
    # timestep
    maxdx = numpy.zeros((len(particles)), dtype=numpy.float64)
    maxdx[:] = -1.e33

    # dump out the data, particle-by-particle
    n = 0
    while (n < len(particles)):

        # get numpy arrays containing the time and coordinate
        # information for particle 0
        coords, time = particles[n].flatten()

        i = 1
        while (i < len(particles[n].history)):
            xo = coords[0,i-1]
            xn = coords[0,i]

            yo = coords[1,i-1]
            yn = coords[1,i]

            # compute distance -- check for periodic BCs
            if (xo > xmax-dx and xn < xmin+dx):
                # we flowed through right BC
                d = math.sqrt((xn - (xo - xmax))**2 + (yn - yo)**2)
            elif (xo < xmin+dx and xn > xmax-dx):
                # we flowed through the left BC
                d = math.sqrt((xn - (xo + xmax))**2 + (yn - yo)**2)

                # compute the distance
                d = math.sqrt((xn - xo)**2 + (yn - yo)**2)
            # store maximum
            maxdx[n] = max(maxdx[n],d)

            i += 1

        n += 1

    # output to a flie
    of = open("particle_maxdx.out", 'w')
    n = 0
    of.write("# particle,   max{d},     max{d}/dx\n")
    while (n < len(particles)):
        of.write("%d %f %f\n" % (n, maxdx[n], maxdx[n]/dx))
        n += 1
Пример #10
def main(files):

    # domain information
    xcenter = 0.5
    ycenter = 0.5

    # this returns a dict whose keys are a unique identifier (based on 
    # id and CPU) and values are the actual particle objects
    particlesDict = parseparticles.parseParticleFile(files)

    # get just the particle objects
    particles = particlesDict.values()

    # print out some info and test the routines
    print "number of unique particles = ", len(particles)

    # make a plot of the particle paths

    n = 0
    while (n < len(particles)):

        # get numpy arrays containing the time and coordinate
        # information for particle 0
        coords, time = particles[n].flatten()

        pylab.scatter([coords[0,0]], [coords[1,0]], marker="x")
        pylab.plot(coords[0,:], coords[1,:])

        n += 1



    a = pylab.gca()


    # compute the relative change in the radius of the particle from
    # start to end -- this is the error in the integration.

    # assume that all particles were around for all timesteps
    nstep = len(particles[0].history)

    error = numpy.zeros(len(particles), dtype=numpy.float64)
    n = 0
    while (n < len(particles)):

        # compute the relative change in radius
        r_start = math.sqrt( (particles[n].history[0].xyz[0] - xcenter)**2 +
                             (particles[n].history[0].xyz[1] - ycenter)**2)

        r_end = math.sqrt( (particles[n].history[nstep-1].xyz[0] - xcenter)**2 +
                           (particles[n].history[nstep-1].xyz[1] - ycenter)**2)

        error[n] = math.fabs(r_start - r_end)/r_start

        print "particle: (%d, %d), r init = %f, rel error = %g" % \
            (particles[n].pid, particles[n].originCPU, r_start, error[n])
        n += 1

    print " "
    print "maximum error = ", max(error)
    print "L2 norm error = ", math.sqrt(numpy.dot(error,error)/len(particles))
Пример #11
def main(files):

    # this returns a dict whose keys are a unique identifier (based on 
    # id and CPU) and values are the actual particle objects
    particlesDict = parseparticles.parseParticleFile(files)

    # get just the particle objects
    particles = particlesDict.values()

    # print out some info and test the routines
    print "number of unique particles = ", len(particles)

    # make a plot of the particle paths

    n = 0
    while (n < len(particles)):

        # get numpy arrays containing the time and coordinate
        # information for particle 0
        coords, time = particles[n].flatten()

        pylab.scatter([coords[0,0]], [coords[1,0]], marker="x")
        pylab.plot(coords[0,:], coords[1,:])

        n += 1


    a = pylab.gca()


    # get the index in the associate data corresponding to Mg24 and density
    # assume that all particles have the same data
    img24 = particles[0].getVarIndex("magnesium-24")
    idens = particles[0].getVarIndex("density")

    # make an animation -- note: this assumes that all particles exist
    # at all timesteps
    nstep = 0
    while (nstep < len(particles[0].history)):
        n = 0
        while (n < len(particles)):

            # plot the position of the current particle (n) at the
            # current step (nstep).  Color it by the abundance of
            # X(Mg24).
            XMg24_min = 1.e-6
            XMg24_max = 1.e-5

                          [particles[n].history[nstep].xyz[1]] ,
                          marker="o", s=1.0,

            n += 1

        # axis labels

        # color bar
        cb = pylab.colorbar(orientation="horizontal")

        a = pylab.gca()


        f = pylab.gcf()

        pylab.savefig("particles_%04d.png" % (nstep) )

        nstep += 1