Пример #1
def down_to_unions_subtractions_intersections(n):
    '''This funcion locates things like σ i==2 (c ᑌ d), where the union
    can be a subtraction and an intersection and replaces them with
    σ i==2 (c) ᑌ σ i==2(d).
    changes = 0
    if n.name == SELECTION and n.child.name in _o:

        left = parser.node()
        left.prop = n.prop
        left.name = n.name
        left.child = n.child.left
        left.kind = parser.UNARY
        right = parser.node()
        right.prop = n.prop
        right.name = n.name
        right.child = n.child.right
        right.kind = parser.UNARY

        n.name = n.child.name
        n.left = left
        n.right = right
        n.child = None
        n.prop = None
        n.kind = parser.BINARY
        changes += 1

    return changes + recoursive_scan(down_to_unions_subtractions_intersections, n)
Пример #2
def down_to_unions_subtractions_intersections(n):
    '''This funcion locates things like σ i==2 (c ᑌ d), where the union
    can be a subtraction and an intersection and replaces them with
    σ i==2 (c) ᑌ σ i==2(d).   
    changes = 0
    if n.name == SELECTION and n.child.name in _o:

        left = parser.node()
        left.prop = n.prop
        left.name = n.name
        left.child = n.child.left
        left.kind = parser.UNARY
        right = parser.node()
        right.prop = n.prop
        right.name = n.name
        right.child = n.child.right
        right.kind = parser.UNARY

        n.name = n.child.name
        n.left = left
        n.right = right
        n.child = None
        n.prop = None
        n.kind = parser.BINARY
        changes += 1

    return changes + recoursive_scan(down_to_unions_subtractions_intersections,
Пример #3
def select_union_intersect_subtract(n):
    '''This function locates things like σ i(a) ᑌ σ q(a)
    and replaces them with σ (i OR q) (a)
    Removing a O(n²) operation like the union'''
    changes = 0
    if n.name in (UNION, INTERSECTION, DIFFERENCE) and n.left.name == SELECTION and n.right.name == SELECTION and n.left.child == n.right.child:
        cahnges = 1

        d = {UNION: 'or', INTERSECTION: 'and', DIFFERENCE: 'and not'}
        op = d[n.name]

        newnode = parser.node()

        if n.left.prop.startswith('(') or n.right.prop.startswith('('):
            t_str = '('
            if n.left.prop.startswith('('):
                t_str += '(%s)'
                t_str += '%s'
            t_str += ' %s '
            if n.right.prop.startswith('('):
                t_str += '(%s)'
                t_str += '%s'
            t_str += ')'

            newnode.prop = t_str % (n.left.prop, op, n.right.prop)
            newnode.prop = '%s %s %s' % (n.left.prop, op, n.right.prop)
        newnode.name = SELECTION
        newnode.child = n.left.child
        newnode.kind = parser.UNARY
        replace_node(n, newnode)

    return changes + recoursive_scan(select_union_intersect_subtract, n)
Пример #4
def select_union_intersect_subtract(n):
    '''This function locates things like σ i(a) ᑌ σ q(a)
    and replaces them with σ (i OR q) (a)
    Removing a O(n²) operation like the union'''
    changes = 0
    if n.name in (
    ) and n.left.name == SELECTION and n.right.name == SELECTION and n.left.child == n.right.child:
        cahnges = 1

        d = {UNION: 'or', INTERSECTION: 'and', DIFFERENCE: 'and not'}
        op = d[n.name]

        newnode = parser.node()

        newnode.prop = '((%s) %s (%s))' % (n.left.prop, op, n.right.prop)
        newnode.name = SELECTION
        newnode.child = n.left.child
        newnode.kind = parser.UNARY
        replace_node(n, newnode)

    return changes + recoursive_scan(select_union_intersect_subtract, n)
Пример #5
def swap_union_renames(n):
    '''This function locates things like 
    ρ a➡b(R) ᑌ ρ a➡b(Q)
    and replaces them with
    ρ a➡b(R ᑌ Q).
    Does the same with subtraction and intersection'''
    changes = 0

                  ) and n.left.name == n.right.name and n.left.name == RENAME:
        l_vars = {}
        for i in n.left.prop.split(','):
            q = i.split(ARROW)
            l_vars[q[0].strip()] = q[1].strip()

        r_vars = {}
        for i in n.right.prop.split(','):
            q = i.split(ARROW)
            r_vars[q[0].strip()] = q[1].strip()

        if r_vars == l_vars:
            changes = 1

            #Copying self, but child will be child of renames
            q = parser.node()
            q.name = n.name
            q.kind = parser.BINARY
            q.left = n.left.child
            q.right = n.right.child

            n.name = RENAME
            n.kind = parser.UNARY
            n.child = q
            n.prop = n.left.prop
            n.left = n.right = None

    return changes + recoursive_scan(swap_union_renames, n)
Пример #6
def swap_union_renames(n):
    '''This function locates things like
    ρ a➡b(R) ᑌ ρ a➡b(Q)
    and replaces them with
    ρ a➡b(R ᑌ Q).
    Does the same with subtraction and intersection'''
    changes = 0

    if n.name in (DIFFERENCE, UNION, INTERSECTION) and n.left.name == n.right.name and n.left.name == RENAME:
        l_vars = {}
        for i in n.left.prop.split(','):
            q = i.split(ARROW)
            l_vars[q[0].strip()] = q[1].strip()

        r_vars = {}
        for i in n.right.prop.split(','):
            q = i.split(ARROW)
            r_vars[q[0].strip()] = q[1].strip()

        if r_vars == l_vars:
            changes = 1

            # Copying self, but child will be child of renames
            q = parser.node()
            q.name = n.name
            q.kind = parser.BINARY
            q.left = n.left.child
            q.right = n.right.child

            n.name = RENAME
            n.kind = parser.UNARY
            n.child = q
            n.prop = n.left.prop
            n.left = n.right = None

    return changes + recoursive_scan(swap_union_renames, n)
Пример #7
def selection_and_product(n, rels):
    '''This function locates things like σ k (R*Q) and converts them into
    σ l (σ j (R) * σ i (Q)). Where j contains only attributes belonging to R,
    i contains attributes belonging to Q and l contains attributes belonging to both'''
    changes = 0

    if n.name == SELECTION and n.child.name in (PRODUCT, JOIN, JOIN_LEFT, JOIN_RIGHT, JOIN_FULL):
        l_attr = n.child.left.result_format(rels)
        r_attr = n.child.right.result_format(rels)

        tokens = tokenize_select(n.prop)
        groups = []
        temp = []

        for i in tokens:
            if i == 'and' and i.level == 0:
                temp = []
        if len(temp) != 0:
            temp = []

        left = []
        right = []
        both = []

        for i in groups:
            l_fields = False  # has fields in left?
            r_fields = False  # has fields in left?

            for j in set(i).difference(sel_op):
                j = j.split('.')[0]
                if j in l_attr:  # Field in left
                    l_fields = True
                if j in r_attr:  # Field in right
                    r_fields = True

            if l_fields and r_fields:  # Fields in both
            elif l_fields:
            elif r_fields:
            else:  # Unknown.. adding in both

        # Preparing left selection
        if len(left) > 0:
            changes = 1
            l_node = parser.node()
            l_node.name = SELECTION
            l_node.kind = parser.UNARY
            l_node.child = n.child.left
            l_node.prop = ''
            n.child.left = l_node
            while len(left) > 0:
                c = left.pop(0)
                for i in c:
                    l_node.prop += i + ' '
                if len(left) > 0:
                    l_node.prop += ' and '
            if '(' in l_node.prop:
                l_node.prop = '(%s)' % l_node.prop

        # Preparing right selection
        if len(right) > 0:
            changes = 1
            r_node = parser.node()
            r_node.name = SELECTION
            r_node.prop = ''
            r_node.kind = parser.UNARY
            r_node.child = n.child.right
            n.child.right = r_node
            while len(right) > 0:
                c = right.pop(0)
                for i in c:
                    r_node.prop += i + ' '
                if len(right) > 0:
                    r_node.prop += ' and '
            if '(' in r_node.prop:
                r_node.prop = '(%s)' % r_node.prop
        # Changing main selection
        n.prop = ''
        if len(both) != 0:
            while len(both) > 0:
                c = both.pop(0)
                for i in c:
                    n.prop += i + ' '
                if len(both) > 0:
                    n.prop += ' and '
            if '(' in n.prop:
                n.prop = '(%s)' % n.prop
        else:  # No need for general select
            replace_node(n, n.child)

    return changes + recoursive_scan(selection_and_product, n, rels)
Пример #8
def selection_and_product(n, rels):
    '''This function locates things like σ k (R*Q) and converts them into
    σ l (σ j (R) * σ i (Q)). Where j contains only attributes belonging to R,
    i contains attributes belonging to Q and l contains attributes belonging to both'''
    changes = 0

    if n.name == SELECTION and n.child.name in (PRODUCT, JOIN, JOIN_LEFT,
                                                JOIN_RIGHT, JOIN_FULL):
        l_attr = n.child.left.result_format(rels)
        r_attr = n.child.right.result_format(rels)

        tokens = tokenize_select(n.prop)
        groups = []
        temp = []

        for i in tokens:
            if i == 'and' and i.level == 0:
                temp = []
        if len(temp) != 0:
            temp = []

        left = []
        right = []
        both = []

        for i in groups:
            l_fields = False  #has fields in left?
            r_fields = False  #has fields in left?

            for j in set(i).difference(sel_op):
                j = j.split('.')[0]
                if j in l_attr:  #Field in left
                    l_fields = True
                if j in r_attr:  #Field in right
                    r_fields = True

            if l_fields and r_fields:  #Fields in both
            elif l_fields:
            elif r_fields:
            else:  #Unknown.. adding in both

        #Preparing left selection
        if len(left) > 0:
            changes = 1
            l_node = parser.node()
            l_node.name = SELECTION
            l_node.kind = parser.UNARY
            l_node.child = n.child.left
            l_node.prop = ''
            n.child.left = l_node
            while len(left) > 0:
                c = left.pop(0)
                for i in c:
                    l_node.prop += i + ' '
                if len(left) > 0:
                    l_node.prop += ' and '
            if '(' in l_node.prop:
                l_node.prop = '(%s)' % l_node.prop

        #Preparing right selection
        if len(right) > 0:
            changes = 1
            r_node = parser.node()
            r_node.name = SELECTION
            r_node.prop = ''
            r_node.kind = parser.UNARY
            r_node.child = n.child.right
            n.child.right = r_node
            while len(right) > 0:
                c = right.pop(0)
                for i in c:
                    r_node.prop += i + ' '
                if len(right) > 0:
                    r_node.prop += ' and '
            if '(' in r_node.prop:
                r_node.prop = '(%s)' % r_node.prop
        #Changing main selection
        n.prop = ''
        if len(both) != 0:
            while len(both) > 0:
                c = both.pop(0)
                for i in c:
                    n.prop += i + ' '
                if len(both) > 0:
                    n.prop += ' and '
            if '(' in n.prop:
                n.prop = '(%s)' % n.prop
        else:  #No need for general select
            replace_node(n, n.child)

    return changes + recoursive_scan(selection_and_product, n, rels)