Пример #1
   def castProfileAtPolyline(self,whatVARS,whatTIME,whatPOINTS):

      # ~~> Extract data
      # what['vars']: list of pairs variables:support2d delimited by ';'
      vars = subsetVariablesSLF(whatVARS,self.VARNAMES)
      # what['time']: list of frames or (times,) delimited by ';'
      t = parseArrayFrame(whatTIME,len(self.tags['cores']))
      # what['extract']: could be list delimited by ';', of:
      #    + points (x;y),
      #    + 2D points (x;y) bundled within (x;y)#n or (x;y)@d#n, delimited by ';'
      #      where n is a plan number and d is depth from that plane (or the surface by default)
      xyo = []; zpo = []
      for xyi,zpi in parseArrayPoint(whatPOINTS,self.NPLAN):
         if type(xyi) == type(()): xyo.append(xyi)
         else: xyo.append( (self.MESHX[xyi],self.MESHY[xyi]) )
         for p in zpi:                         # /!\ common deinition of plans
            if p not in zpo: zpo.append(p)     # /!\ only allowing plans for now
      xys,support2d = sliceMesh(xyo,self.IKLE2,self.MESHX,self.MESHY,self.tree)
      # - support2d[i][0] is either the douplets of nodes for each edges crossing with the polyline
      # - support2d[i][1] is the plan or depth definition
      support3d = [ (s2d,zpo) for s2d in support2d ]  # common vertical definition to all points
      data = getValuePolylineSLF(self.file,self.tags,t,support3d,self.NVAR,self.NPOIN3,self.NPLAN,vars)
      # Distance d-axis
      distot = 0.0
      d = [ distot ]
      for xy in range(len(xys)-1):
         distot += np.sqrt( np.power(xys[xy+1][0]-xys[xy][0],2) + np.power(xys[xy+1][1]-xys[xy][1],2) )
      # ~~> Draw/Dump data
      return ('Distance (m)',d),[('v-section',vars[1],self.tags['times'][t],zpo,data)]
Пример #2
   def castHistoryAtPoints(self,whatVARS,whatTIME,whatPOINTS):

      # ~~> Extract data
      # whatVARS: list of pairs variables:support delimited by ';' (/!\ support is ignored)
      vars = subsetVariablesSLF(whatVARS,self.VARNAMES)
      # whatTIME: list of frames or (times,) delimited by ';'
      t = parseArrayFrame(whatTIME,len(self.tags['cores']))
      # whatPOINTS: could be list delimited by ';', of:
      #    + points (x;y),
      #    + 2D points (x;y) bundled within (x;y)#n or (x;y)@d#n, delimited by ';'
      #      where n is a plan number and d is depth from that plane (or the surface by default)
      support2d = []; zps = []
      pAP = parseArrayPoint(whatPOINTS,self.NPLAN)
      for xyi,zpi in pAP:
         if type(xyi) == type(()): support2d.append( xysLocateMesh(xyi,self.IKLE2,self.MESHX,self.MESHY,self.tree,self.neighbours) )
         else: support2d.append( xyi )
         zps.append( zpi )
      support3d = zip(support2d,zps)
      # - support2d[i][0] is either the node or the triplet of nodes for each element including (x,y)
      # - support2d[i][1] is the plan or depth definition
      data = getValueHistorySLF(self.file,self.tags,t,support3d,self.NVAR,self.NPOIN3,self.NPLAN,vars)

      # ~~> Draw/Dump data
      return ('Time (s)',self.tags['times'][t]), \
         [('',[n.replace(' ','_').replace(',',';') for n in vars[1]],[(str(n[0])+':'+str(m)).replace(' ','').replace(',',';') for n in pAP for m in n[1]],data)]
Пример #3
def whatVarsSLF(instr,vnames):
# instr ~ what['vars']: list of pairs "variable:support" delimited by ';'
# vnames ~ slf.VARNAMES: list of variables names from the SELAFIN file
   vars = []; vtypes = []
   for var in instr.split(';'):
      v,vtype = var.split(':')
      vars.append( v ); vtypes.append( vtype )
   return subsetVariablesSLF(';'.join(vars),vnames),vtypes
Пример #4
   def draw(self,type,what,fig):
      if 'sortie' in type.lower():
         # ~~> Load data
         sortie = getFileContent(what['file'])
         # ~~> Extract data
         data = getValueHistorySortie(sortie,what['vars'])
         # ~~> Deco
         # ~~> Draw data

      elif 'SELAFIN' in type.upper():
         # ~~> Load data
         slf = SELAFIN(what['file'])

         if what['type'] == 'history':
            # ~~> Extract data
            vars = subsetVariablesSLF(what["vars"],slf.VARNAMES)
            support = xyLocateMeshSLF(what["extract"],slf.NELEM3,slf.IKLE,slf.MESHX,slf.MESHY)
            data = getValueHistorySLF(slf.file,slf.tags,what['time'],support,slf.TITLE,slf.NVAR,slf.NPOIN3,vars)
            # ~~> Deco
            if what.has_key('roi'):
               if what['roi'] != []: deco['roi'] = what['roi']
            # ~~> Draw data
         elif what['type'] == 'v-section':
            # ~~> Extract data
            vars = subsetVariablesSLF(what["vars"],slf.VARNAMES)
            support = crossLocateMeshSLF(what["extract"],slf.NELEM3,slf.IKLE,slf.MESHX,slf.MESHY)
            data = getValuePolylineSLF(slf.file,slf.tags,what['time'],support,slf.TITLE,slf.NVAR,slf.NPOIN3,vars)
            # ~~> Deco
            deco['roi'] = [ [np.min(slf.MESHX),np.min(slf.MESHY)], [np.max(slf.MESHX),np.max(slf.MESHY)] ]
            if what.has_key('roi'):
               if what['roi'] != []: deco['roi'] = what['roi']
            # ~~> Draw data

         else: print '... do not know how to draw this type: ' + what['type']

         print '... do not know how to draw this format: ' + type
Пример #5
   def castValues(self,whatVARS,whatTIME):

      ftype,fsize = self.file['float']
      # /!\ For the moment, only one frame at a time
      ts = whatTimeSLF(whatTIME,self.tags['cores'])
      # whatVARS: list of pairs variables:support2d delimited by ';'
      varsIndexes,varsName = subsetVariablesSLF(whatVARS,self.VARNAMES)
      if fsize == 4: VARSORS = np.zeros((len(ts),len(varsIndexes),self.NPOIN3),dtype=np.float32)
      else: VARSORS = np.zeros((len(ts),len(varsIndexes),self.NPOIN3),dtype=np.float64)
      for it in range(len(ts)): VARSORS[it] = self.getVariablesAt( ts[it],varsIndexes )
      return VARSORS
Пример #6
   def castVMeshAtPolyline_Plane(self,whatTIME,whatPOINTS):

      # whatPOINTS: could be list delimited by ';', of:
      #    + points (x;y),
      #    + 2D points (x;y) bundled within (x;y)#n or (x;y)@d#n, delimited by ';'
      #      where n is a plan number and d is depth from that plane (or the surface by default)
      xyo = []; zpo = []
      for xyi,zpi in parseArrayPoint(whatPOINTS,self.NPLAN):
         if xyi == []:
            print '... I could not find anything to extract in "',what["extract"].strip(),'" as support for the cross section.'
         if type(xyi) == type(()): xyo.append(xyi)
         else: xyo.append( (self.MESHX[xyi],self.MESHY[xyi]) )
         for p in zpi:                         # /!\ common deinition of plans
            if p not in zpo: zpo.append(p)     # /!\ only allowing plans for now

      # ~~> Extract horizontal cross MESHX
      xys,support2d = sliceMesh(xyo,self.IKLE2,self.MESHX,self.MESHY,self.tree)
      support3d = []
      for s2d in support2d: support3d.append( (s2d,zpo) )   # common vertical definition to all points

      # Distance d-axis
      distot = 0.0
      d = [ distot ]
      for xy in range(len(xys)-1):
         distot += np.sqrt( np.power(xys[xy+1][0]-xys[xy][0],2) + np.power(xys[xy+1][1]-xys[xy][1],2) )

      newx = []
      newy = []
      for xy in range(len(xys)):

      MESHX = np.repeat(newx,len(zpo))
      MESHY = np.repeat(newy,len(zpo))

      # ~~>  Extract MESHZ for more than one time frame
      varz = subsetVariablesSLF('z',self.VARNAMES)
      t = whatTimeSLF(whatTIME,self.tags['cores'])
      MESHZ = np.ravel( getValuePolylineSLF(self.file,self.tags,t,support3d,self.NVAR,self.NPOIN3,self.NPLAN,varz)[0][0].T )

      # ~~>  Connect with IKLE, keeping quads
      IKLE = []
      for j in range(len(d)-1):
         for i in range(len(zpo)-1):
            IKLE.append([ i+j*len(zpo),i+(j+1)*len(zpo),i+1+(j+1)*len(zpo),i+1+j*len(zpo) ])
      IKLE = np.array(IKLE)

      return IKLE,MESHX,MESHY,MESHZ, support3d
Пример #7
   def getSplitFromNodeValues(self,var):

      # ~~> Filter for 'PROCESSORS' as input to the getVariablesAt method
      i,vn = subsetVariablesSLF(var,self.slf.VARNAMES)
      if i == []:
         print '... Could not find ',var,', you may need another split method'
      # ~~> NSPLIT is the interger value of the variable PROCESSORS (time frame 0)
      NSPLIT = np.array( self.slf.getVariablesAt( 0,i )[0], dtype=np.int)

      # ~~> NPARTS is the number of parts /!\ does not check continuity vs. missing parts
      NPARTS = max(*NSPLIT) + 1   # User numbering NSPLIT starts from 0

      KSPLIT = np.minimum(*(NSPLIT[self.slf.IKLE].T))

Пример #8
    def getSplitFromNodeValues(self, var):

        # ~~> Filter for 'PROCESSORS' as input to the getVariablesAt method
        i, vn = subsetVariablesSLF(var, self.slf.VARNAMES)
        if i == []:
            print "... Could not find ", var, ", you may need another split method"
        # ~~> NSPLIT is the interger value of the variable PROCESSORS (time frame 0)
        NSPLIT = np.array(self.slf.getVariablesAt(0, i)[0], dtype=np.int)

        # ~~> NPARTS is the number of parts /!\ does not check continuity vs. missing parts
        NPARTS = max(*NSPLIT) + 1  # User numbering NSPLIT starts from 0

        KSPLIT = np.minimum(*(NSPLIT[self.slf.IKLE].T))

        return NPARTS, NSPLIT, KSPLIT
Пример #9
   def castHValueAtLevels(self,whatVARS,whatTIME,whatPOINTS):

      t = whatTimeSLF(whatTIME,self.tags['cores'])
      # whatVARS: list of pairs variables:support2d delimited by ';'
      vars = subsetVariablesSLF(whatVARS,self.VARNAMES)
      # whatPOINTS: could be list delimited by ';', of:
      #    + points (x;y),
      #    + 2D points (x;y) bundled within (x;y)#n or (x;y)@d#n, delimited by ';'
      #      where n is a plan number and d is depth from that plane (or the surface by default)
      xyo = []; zpo = []
      for xyi,zpi in parseArrayPoint(whatPOINTS,self.NPLAN):
         if xyi == [] or type(xyi) == type(()): xyo.append(xyi)
         else: xyo.append( (self.MESHX[xyi],self.MESHY[xyi]) )
         for p in zpi:                         # /!\ common deinition of plans
            if p not in zpo: zpo.append(p)     # /!\ only allowing plans for now
      if len(zpo) != 1: print '... the vertical definition should only have one plan in this case. It is: ',whatPOINTS,'. I will assume you wish to plot the higher plane.'
      # could be more than one variables including v, but only one time frame t and one plan
      data = getValuePolyplanSLF(self.file,self.tags,t,zpo,self.NVAR,self.NPOIN3,self.NPLAN,vars)
      VARSORS = []
      for ivar in range(len(data)): VARSORS.append( data[ivar][0][0] ) # TODO: give me more time

      return VARSORS
Пример #10
   def castVMeshAtLevels(self,whatTIME,whatPOINTS):

      t = whatTimeSLF(whatTIME,self.tags['cores'])
      zpo = self.castHMeshAtLevels(whatPOINTS)[3]
      # whatVARS: is set here for Z
      vars = []
      for vname in self.VARNAMES:
         if 'ELEVATION' in vname: vars = subsetVariablesSLF('ELEVATION',self.VARNAMES)
         if 'COTE Z' in vname: vars = subsetVariablesSLF('COTE Z',self.VARNAMES)
         if 'WATER DEPTH' in vname: vars = subsetVariablesSLF('WATER DEPTH',self.VARNAMES)
         if 'HAUTEUR D\'EAU' in vname: vars = subsetVariablesSLF('HAUTEUR D\'EAU',self.VARNAMES)
         if 'FREE SURFACE' in vname: vars = subsetVariablesSLF('FREE SURFACE',self.VARNAMES)
         if 'SURFACE LIBRE' in vname: vars = subsetVariablesSLF('SURFACE LIBRE',self.VARNAMES)
      if vars == []:
         print '... Could not find [\'ELEVATION\'] or [\'COTE Z\'] in ',self.VARNAMES
         print '   +> Your file may not be a 3D file (?)'
      return self.IKLE3,self.MESHX,self.MESHY,getValuePolyplanSLF(self.file,self.tags,t,zpo,self.NVAR,self.NPOIN3,self.NPLAN,vars)[0][0]
Пример #11
    if not path.exists(cliFile):
        print '... the provided geoFile does not seem to exist: ' + geoFile + '\n\n'

    # Read the new CLI file to get boundary node numbers
    print '   +> getting hold of the CONLIM file and of its liquid boundaries'
    cli = CONLIM(cliFile)
    # Keeping only open boundary nodes
    BOR = np.extract(cli.BOR['lih'] != 2, cli.BOR['n'])

    # Find corresponding (x,y) in corresponding new mesh
    print '   +> getting hold of the GEO file and of its bathymetry'
    geo = SELAFIN(geoFile)
    xys = np.vstack((geo.MESHX[BOR - 1], geo.MESHY[BOR - 1])).T
    bat = geo.getVariablesAt(0,
                             subsetVariablesSLF("BOTTOM: ",

    # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    # ~~~~ slf existing res ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    slfFile = options.args[2]
    if not path.exists(cliFile):
        print '... the provided slfFile does not seem to exist: ' + slfFile + '\n\n'
    slf = SELAFIN(slfFile)

    print '   +> support extraction'
    # Extract triangles and weigths in 2D
    support2d = []
    ibar = 0
Пример #12
    print '   +> writing header'
    # Write header

    # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    # ~~~~ writes ATM core ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    print '   +> setting variables'
    # TIME and DATE extraction
    atmDATES = slf.DATETIME
    atmTIMES = slf.tags['times']
    atm.tags['times'] = slf.tags['times']
    # VARIABLE extraction
    vars = subsetVariablesSLF(

    # Read / Write data, one time step at a time to support large files
    pbar = ProgressBar(maxval=len(slf.tags['times'])).start()
    for t in range(len(slf.tags['times'])):

        data = getValueHistorySLF(slf.file, slf.tags, [t], support3d, slf.NVAR,
                                  slf.NPOIN3, slf.NPLAN, vars)
        # special cases ?
                               (atm.NVAR, atm.NPOIN2, atm.NPLAN)), (0, 2, 1)),
Пример #13
    #####                    Importing data                               ######

    # Cross section from Selafin file
    slf = SELAFIN("sis_sandpit.slf")
    variable = 'bottom:line'
    coordinates = '(50.0;0.5)(130.0;0.5)'
    timef = [20]
    vars = subsetVariablesSLF(variable,slf.VARNAMES)
    xyo = []; zpo = [] 
    for xyi,zpi in parseArrayPoint(coordinates,slf.NPLAN):
       if type(xyi) == type(()): xyo.append(xyi)
       else: xyo.append( (slf.MESHX[xyi],slf.MESHY[xyi]) )
       for p in zpi:                         
           if p not in zpo: zpo.append(p)
    xys,support2d = sliceMesh(xyo,slf.IKLE2,slf.MESHX,slf.MESHY,slf.tree)
    support3d = []
    for s2d in support2d: support3d.append( (s2d,zpo) )   
    data = getValuePolylineSLF(slf.file,slf.tags,timef,support3d,slf.NVAR,slf.NPOIN3,slf.NPLAN,vars)
    # Distance d-axis
    distot = 0.0
    d = [ distot ]
    for xy in range(len(xys)-1):
        distot += np.sqrt( np.power(xys[xy+1][0]-xys[xy][0],2) + np.power(xys[xy+1][1]-xys[xy][1],2) )