Пример #1
def draw_world(est_pose, particles, world):
    This functions draws robots position in the world."""
    offset = 100;
    world[:] = CWHITE # Clear background to white
    # Find largest weight
    max_weight = 0
    for particle in particles:
        max_weight = max(max_weight, particle.getWeight())

    # Draw particles
    for particle in particles:
        x = int(particle.getX()) + offset
        y = int(particle.getY()) + offset
        colour = jet(particle.getWeight() / max_weight)
        cv2.circle(world, (x,y), 2, colour, 2)
    # Draw landmarks
    lm0 = (landmarks[0][0]+offset, landmarks[0][1]+offset)
    lm1 = (landmarks[1][0]+offset, landmarks[1][1]+offset)
    cv2.circle(world, lm0, 5, CRED, 2)
    cv2.circle(world, lm1, 5, CGREEN, 2)
    # Draw estimated robot pose
    a = (int(est_pose.getX())+offset, int(est_pose.getY())+offset)
    b = (int(est_pose.getX() + 15.0*np.cos(est_pose.getTheta()))+offset, 
                                 int(est_pose.getY() + 15.0*np.sin(est_pose.getTheta()))+offset)
    cv2.circle(world, a, 5, CMAGENTA, 2)
    cv2.line(world, a, b, CMAGENTA, 2)
Пример #2
def draw_world(est_pose, particles, world):
    This functions draws robots position in the world."""

    offset = 100;

    world[:] = CWHITE # Clear background to white

    # Find largest weight
    max_weight = 0
    for particle in particles:
        max_weight = max(max_weight, particle.getWeight())

    # Draw particles
    for particle in particles:
        x = int(particle.getX()) + offset
        y = int(particle.getY()) + offset
        colour = jet(particle.getWeight() / max_weight)
        cv2.circle(world, (x,y), 2, colour, 2)
        b = (int(particle.getX() + 15.0*np.cos(particle.getTheta()))+offset,
                                     int(particle.getY() - 15.0*np.sin(particle.getTheta()))+offset)
        cv2.line(world, (x,y), b, colour, 2)

    # Draw landmarks
    lm0 = (landmarks[0][0]+offset, landmarks[0][1]+offset)
    lm1 = (landmarks[1][0]+offset, landmarks[1][1]+offset)
    cv2.circle(world, lm0, 5, CRED, 2)
    cv2.circle(world, lm1, 5, CGREEN, 2)

    # Draw estimated robot pose
    a = (int(est_pose.getX())+offset, int(est_pose.getY())+offset)
    b = (int(est_pose.getX() + 15.0*np.cos(est_pose.getTheta()))+offset,
                                 int(est_pose.getY() - 15.0*np.sin(est_pose.getTheta()))+offset)
    cv2.circle(world, a, 5, CMAGENTA, 2)
    cv2.line(world, a, b, CMAGENTA, 2)
Пример #3
def draw_world(est_pose, particles, world):
    This functions draws robots position in the world coordinate system."""

    # Fix the origin of the coordinate system
    offsetX = 100
    offsetY = 250

    # Constant needed for transforming from world coordinates to screen coordinates (flip the y-axis)
    ymax = world.shape[0]

    world[:] = CWHITE  # Clear background to white

    # Find largest weight
    max_weight = 0
    for particle in particles:
        max_weight = max(max_weight, particle.getWeight())

    # Draw particles
    for particle in particles:
        x = int(particle.getX() + offsetX)
        y = ymax - (int(particle.getY() + offsetY))
        colour = jet(particle.getWeight() / max_weight)
        cv2.circle(world, (x, y), 2, colour, 2)
        b = (int(particle.getX() + 15.0 * np.cos(particle.getTheta())) +
             offsetX, ymax -
             (int(particle.getY() + 15.0 * np.sin(particle.getTheta())) +
        cv2.line(world, (x, y), b, colour, 2)

    # Draw landmarks
    lm1 = (int(landmarks[0][0]), int(ymax - (landmarks[0][1])))
    lm2 = (int(landmarks[1][0]), int(ymax - (landmarks[1][1])))
    lm3 = (int(landmarks[2][0]), int(ymax - (landmarks[2][1])))
    lm4 = (int(landmarks[3][0]), int(ymax - (landmarks[3][1])))
    cv2.circle(world, lm1, 5, CRED, 2)
    cv2.circle(world, lm2, 5, CGREEN, 2)
    cv2.circle(world, lm3, 5, CGREEN, 2)
    cv2.circle(world, lm4, 5, CRED, 2)

    # Draw estimated robot pose
    a = (int(est_pose.getX()) + offsetX,
         ymax - (int(est_pose.getY()) + offsetY))
    b = (int(est_pose.getX() + 15.0 * np.cos(est_pose.getTheta())) + offsetX,
         ymax -
         (int(est_pose.getY() + 15.0 * np.sin(est_pose.getTheta())) + offsetY))
    cv2.circle(world, a, 5, CMAGENTA, 2)
    cv2.line(world, a, b, CMAGENTA, 2)
 def resample(self):
     weights = map(lambda p: p.getWeight(), self.particles)
     self.particles = pf.ParticleFilter(self.particles, weights)