def get_users(full_msg):
    l = []
    data = full_msg.split("\r\n")
    for namegroup in data:
        if "End of /NAMES list" in namegroup or \
            " " + end_names_num in namegroup:
            return l
        namegroup = namegroup.split(" ")
        if names_num in namegroup:
            names = namegroup[5:]
            for name in names:
                name = name.strip(":")
                if name != get_username():
    print "here - i don't think this should occur."
    return l
Пример #2
def get_users(full_msg):
    l = []
    data = full_msg.split("\r\n")
    for namegroup in data:
        if "End of /NAMES list" in namegroup or \
            " " + end_names_num in namegroup:
            return l
        namegroup = namegroup.split(" ")
        if names_num in namegroup:
            names = namegroup[5:]
            for name in names:
                name = name.strip(":")
                if name != get_username():
    print "here - i don't think this should occur."
    return l
def chat_count(chatroom, verbose=False):
    global i
    i = 0
    chan = "#" + chatroom
    nick = get_username()
    PASS = get_password()
    sock = socket.socket()
    sock.connect(("", default_port))
    sock.send("PASS " + PASS + "\r\n")
    sock.send("USER " + nick + " 0 * :" + nick + "\r\n")
    sock.send("NICK " + nick + "\r\n")
    full_msg = ""
    while 1:
       sock.send("JOIN "+chan+"\r\n")
       data = remove_non_ascii(sock.recv(1024))
       if data[0:4] == "PING":
          sock.send(data.replace("PING", "PONG"))
       full_msg += data #if you keep requesting to JOIN the channel, it will continue returning 
                        #more and more names until "End of /NAMES list"
       if verbose:
           print data
       if ":End of /NAMES list" in data: #do we end the search?
           if verbose:
               print "returning (\"End of /NAMES list\") due to:"
               print data
           return count_users(full_msg)
       if ":jtv MODE #" in data:
           if verbose:
               print "returning (FOUND MODE) due to:"
               print data
           return count_users(full_msg)
       if "366 " + nick in data: #status code for ending the stream of names
           if verbose:
               print "returning (366) due to:"
               print data
           return count_users(full_msg)
       if False and "PRIVMSG" in data: #privmsg's only come in after the names list
           if verbose:
               print "returning (PRIVMSG) due to:"
               print data
           return count_users(full_msg)
Пример #4
def chat_count(chatroom, verbose=False):
    global i
    i = 0
    chan = "#" + chatroom
    nick = get_username()
    PASS = get_password()
    sock = socket.socket()
    sock.connect(("", default_port))
    sock.send("PASS " + PASS + "\r\n")
    sock.send("USER " + nick + " 0 * :" + nick + "\r\n")
    sock.send("NICK " + nick + "\r\n")
    full_msg = ""
    while 1:
        sock.send("JOIN " + chan + "\r\n")
        data = removeNonAscii(sock.recv(1024))
        i += 1
        if data[0:4] == "PING":
            sock.send(data.replace("PING", "PONG"))
        full_msg += data  #if you keep requesting to JOIN the channel, it will continue returning
        #more and more names until "End of /NAMES list"
        if verbose:
            print data
        if ":End of /NAMES list" in data:  #do we end the search?
            if verbose:
                print "returning (\"End of /NAMES list\") due to:"
                print data
            return count_users(full_msg)
        if ":jtv MODE #" in data:
            if verbose:
                print "returning (FOUND MODE) due to:"
                print data
            return count_users(full_msg)
        if "366 " + nick in data:  #status code for ending the stream of names
            if verbose:
                print "returning (366) due to:"
                print data
            return count_users(full_msg)
        if False and "PRIVMSG" in data:  #privmsg's only come in after the names list
            if verbose:
                print "returning (PRIVMSG) due to:"
                print data
            return count_users(full_msg)
Пример #5
                author = data.split('',1)[0]
            s = channel + ' :'
            message = s.join(data.split(s)[1:])
            message = filter(lambda x: x in string.printable, message)
            log(author, message)
            if verbose:
                print (author + ' - ' + message).strip()
        except IndexError:
            print 'MALFORMED DATA - ' + data
            print 'MALFORMED DATA - ' + data
            print 'MALFORMED DATA - ' + data

nick = get_username()
PASS = get_password()

def endFunc():
    global done
    return done

print "===============================STARTING CHAT INPUT=============================="
print "Type '!exit', '!quit', or '!q' to stop recording."
start_new_thread(logEvent, ('Log an event (optional): ',))
    stopper = checkTime()
    listen(channel, nick, PASS, interpret, endFunc)
except SystemExit:
    print "o"
Пример #6
            s = channel + ' :'
            message = s.join(data.split(s)[1:])
            message = filter(lambda x: x in string.printable, message)
            log(author, message)
            if verbose:
                print(author + ' - ' + message).strip()
        except IndexError:
            print 'MALFORMED DATA - ' + data
            print 'MALFORMED DATA - ' + data
            print 'MALFORMED DATA - ' + data

nick = get_username()
PASS = get_password()

def endFunc():
    global done
    return done

print "===============================STARTING CHAT INPUT=============================="
print "Type '!exit', '!quit', or '!q' to stop recording."
start_new_thread(logEvent, ('Log an event (optional): ', ))
    stopper = checkTime()
    listen(channel, nick, PASS, interpret, endFunc)