def test_generate_password(self): ''' method that returns a list of all accounts saved ''' self.twitter = Credentials('Twitter', 'maryjoe', '') self.twitter.password = Credentials.generate_password(8) self.assertEqual(len(Credentials.generate_password(8)), 8)
def test_save_multiple_credentials(self): ''' test_save_many_credentials test case to test if we can save multiple credentials at a time ''' self.new_credential.save_credentials() test_credential = Credentials('Gmail','*****@*****.**','seekme') test_credential.save_credentials() self.assertEqual(len(Credentials.credentials_list),2)
def test_delete_credential(self): ''' Test to remove credential from the credentials list ''' self.new_application.append_application() test_credential = Credentials("Twitter","bird") #new credential test_credential.append_application() self.new_application.delete_credential() #method to delete credential object self.assertEqual(len(Credentials.credentials_list),1)
def test_save_multiple_cred(self): ''' test_save_multiple_cred to check if we can save multiple cred objects to our cred_list ''' self.new_cred.save_cred() test_cred = Credentials('Twitter', 'Mary', 'Aragon') test_cred.save_cred() self.assertEqual(len(Credentials.cred_list), 2)
def test_delete_cred(self): ''' test_delete_cred to test if we can remove a cred from our cred list ''' self.new_cred.save_cred() test_cred = Credentials('Facebook', 'Pope', 'Clement') test_cred.save_cred() self.new_cred.delete_cred() self.assertEqual(len(Credentials.cred_list), 1)
def test_find_cred_by_accountName(self): ''' test to check if we can find a cred by accountName and display information ''' self.new_cred.save_cred() test_cred = Credentials('Medium', 'Ferdinand', 'Isabella') test_cred.save_cred() found_cred = Credentials.find_by_name('Medium') self.assertEqual(found_cred.acc, test_cred.acc)
def test_find_contact_by_name(self): ''' Test to check if we can find a credential by the credential name. ''' self.new_application.append_application() test_credential = Credentials("Instagram", "gram343") #new credential test_credential.append_application() found_credential = Credentials.find_credential("Instagram") self.assertEqual(found_credential.application_name, test_credential.application_name)
def test_cred_exists(self): ''' test to check if we can return a Boolean if we cannot find the cred. ''' self.new_cred.save_cred() test_cred = Credentials('Medium', 'Ferdinand', 'Isabella') test_cred.save_cred() cred_exists = Credentials.cred_exists('Medium') self.assertTrue(cred_exists)
def test_find_credentials(self): ''' test_find_credentials test case to test if we can find credentials and display the information ''' self.new_credential.save_credentials() test_credential = Credentials('Gmail','*****@*****.**','seekme') test_credential.save_credentials() found_credentials = Credentials.find_credentials('Gmail') self.assertEqual(found_credentials.platform,test_credential.platform)
def test_delete_credentials(self): ''' test_delete_credentials test case to test if we can remove a credential ''' self.new_credential.save_credentials() test_credential = Credentials('Gmail','*****@*****.**','seekme') test_credential.save_credentials() self.new_credential.delete_credentials() self.assertEqual(len(Credentials.credentials_list),1)
def test_credential_exists(self): ''' test_credential_exists test case to test if credentials exists to get True and false otherwise ''' self.new_credential.save_credentials() test_credential = Credentials('Gmail','*****@*****.**','seekme') test_credential.save_credentials() found_credential_exists = Credentials.credential_exists('Gmail') self.assertTrue(found_credential_exists)
def test_display_all_accounts(self): ''' method that returns a list of all accounts saved ''' self.assertEqual(Credentials.display_accounts(), Credentials.accounts_list)
def test_init2(self): ''' test case to test if the object is initialized properly ''' self.new_account = Credentials("Twitter", "darknight", "unlock") self.assertEqual(self.new_account.account_name, "Twitter") self.assertEqual(self.new_account.user_name, "darknight") self.assertEqual(self.new_account.key, "unlock")
def test_copy_password(self): ''' test to check if we can return a copy of the saved password. ''' self.new_cred.save_cred() test_cred = Credentials('Medium', 'Ferdinand', 'Isabella') test_cred.save_cred() Credentials.copy_credential_psw('Medium') self.assertEqual(pyperclip.paste(), 'Isabella') pyperclip.paste()
class TestUser(unittest.TestCase): ''' Test class that defines test cases for the user class behaviours Args: TestCase class that helps in creating new test cases. ''' def setUp(self): ''' Set up method that runs before each taste case, creating the results we expect. ''' self.new_account = User("David","boot") self.new_application = Credentials("Facebook", "word") def test_initialization(self): ''' Test initialization case to test if object is initialized properly ''' self.assertEqual(self.new_account.username,"David") self.assertEqual(self.new_account.password,"boot") self.assertEqual(self.new_application.application_name,"Facebook") self.assertEqual(self.new_application.application_password,"word") def test_display_credentials(self): ''' Method that returns a list of the credentials saved. ''' self.assertEqual(Credentials.display_applications(), Credentials.credentials_list) def test_delete_credential(self): ''' Test to remove credential from the credentials list ''' self.new_application.append_application() test_credential = Credentials("Twitter","bird") #new credential test_credential.append_application() self.new_application.delete_credential() #method to delete credential object self.assertEqual(len(Credentials.credentials_list),1) def test_find_contact_by_name(self): ''' Test to check if we can find a credential by the credential name. ''' self.new_application.append_application() test_credential = Credentials("Instagram", "gram343") #new credential test_credential.append_application() found_credential = Credentials.find_credential("Instagram") self.assertEqual(found_credential.application_name, test_credential.application_name)
def new_Password(): ''' new_password method to generate a new password ''' auto_password = Credentials.new_password() return auto_password
class TestCredentials(unittest.TestCase): ''' Test class that defines test cases for the credentials class behaviours. ''' def setUp(self): ''' Set up method to run before each test cases. ''' self.new_cred = Credentials('Instagram', 'Junius', 'Brutus') # create credentials object def tearDown(self): ''' tearDown method that does clean up after each test case has run. ''' Credentials.cred_list = [] def test_init(self): ''' test_init test case to test if the object is initialized properly ''' self.assertEqual(self.new_cred.acc, 'Instagram') self.assertEqual(self.new_cred.userName, 'Junius') self.assertEqual(self.new_cred.credPsw, 'Brutus') def test_save_cred(self): ''' test_save_cred test case to test if the cred object is saved into the cred list ''' self.new_cred.save_cred() # saving the new cred self.assertEqual(len(Credentials.cred_list), 1) def test_save_multiple_cred(self): ''' test_save_multiple_cred to check if we can save multiple cred objects to our cred_list ''' self.new_cred.save_cred() test_cred = Credentials('Twitter', 'Mary', 'Aragon') test_cred.save_cred() self.assertEqual(len(Credentials.cred_list), 2) def test_delete_cred(self): ''' test_delete_cred to test if we can remove a cred from our cred list ''' self.new_cred.save_cred() test_cred = Credentials('Facebook', 'Pope', 'Clement') test_cred.save_cred() self.new_cred.delete_cred() self.assertEqual(len(Credentials.cred_list), 1) def test_find_cred_by_accountName(self): ''' test to check if we can find a cred by accountName and display information ''' self.new_cred.save_cred() test_cred = Credentials('Medium', 'Ferdinand', 'Isabella') test_cred.save_cred() found_cred = Credentials.find_by_name('Medium') self.assertEqual(found_cred.acc, test_cred.acc) def test_cred_exists(self): ''' test to check if we can return a Boolean if we cannot find the cred. ''' self.new_cred.save_cred() test_cred = Credentials('Medium', 'Ferdinand', 'Isabella') test_cred.save_cred() cred_exists = Credentials.cred_exists('Medium') self.assertTrue(cred_exists) def test_copy_password(self): ''' test to check if we can return a copy of the saved password. ''' self.new_cred.save_cred() test_cred = Credentials('Medium', 'Ferdinand', 'Isabella') test_cred.save_cred() Credentials.copy_credential_psw('Medium') self.assertEqual(pyperclip.paste(), 'Isabella') pyperclip.paste()
def test_display_credentials(self): ''' Method that returns a list of the credentials saved. ''' self.assertEqual(Credentials.display_applications(), Credentials.credentials_list)
def check_credentials(platform): """ check_credentials method to check if credentials already existed inside that platform and return true or false """ return Credentials.credential_exists(platform)
def display_accounts(): ''' Function that returns all the saved accounts ''' return Credentials.display_accounts()
def find_acc(name): ''' Function that finds an account and returns the account ''' return Credentials.find_by_name(name)
def main(): print("Welcome to your Password_Locker. Proceed to create your account") print("New User") print("-" * 10) print("Username ....") username = input() print("Password ....") password = input() id = len(User.user_list) + 1 save_user(create_user(id, username, password)) print('\n') while True: print(f"Welcome {username}. To continue please log in") print("Password ....") pass_word = input() # login_user(username,pass_word) if login_user(username, pass_word): print( "Use these short codes : ca - create a new account, da - display accounts, fa -find an account, cc -copy the password, ex -exit the cred list " ) short_code = input().lower() if short_code == 'ca': print("New Account") print("-" * 10) print("Account name ....") acc_name = input() print("User Name ....") userName = input() print("Enter preffered password length ....") pswLength = int(input()) password = Credentials.generate_password(pswLength) save_acc(create_account(acc_name, userName, password)) print('\n') print( f"New Account for {acc_name} with the username: {userName} has been created successfully" ) print('\n') elif short_code == 'da': if display_accounts(): print("Here is a list of all your accounts") print('\n') for account in display_accounts(): print( f"{account.acc} {account.userName} .....{account.credPsw}" ) print('\n') else: print('\n') print("You dont seem to have any accounts saved yet") print('\n') elif short_code == 'fa': print("Enter the account name you want to search for") search_name = input() if check_existing_acc(search_name): search_account = find_acc(search_name) print(f" Account Name:{search_account.acc}") print('-' * 20) print(f"Username.......{search_account.userName}") print(f"Account Password.......{search_account.credPsw}") else: print("That Account does not exist") elif short_code == 'cc': print("Enter the account name you want to copy the password") copy_psw = input() if check_existing_acc(copy_psw): password_copy = copy_password(copy_psw) print(f"Password for {copy_psw} has been copied") print('-' * 20) else: print("That Account does not exist") elif short_code == 'ex': print('You are now exiting the app ...........') else: print("I really didn't get that. Please use the short codes") else: print('Username and password do not match.Please try again ')
def setUp(self): ''' Set up method to run before each test cases. ''' self.new_cred = Credentials('Instagram', 'Junius', 'Brutus') # create credentials object
def copy_credentials(platform): """ copy_credentials class to be able to copy credentials to the clipboard """ return Credentials.copy_credentials(platform)
def create_account(account, userName, password): ''' Function to create a new account ''' new_acc = Credentials(account, userName, password) return new_acc
def create_credential(platform, email, password): """ create_credential method to create new credentials """ new_credential = Credentials(platform, email, password) return new_credential
def check_existing_acc(name): ''' Function that check if an acc exists with that name and return a Boolean ''' return Credentials.cred_exists(name)
def display_credentials(): """ display_credentials method to display user's credentials. """ return Credentials.display_credentials()
def copy_password(name): ''' Function that copies a specific account's password ''' return Credentials.copy_credential_psw(name)
def find_credential(platform): """ find_credential method to find credentials by the platform name and return the credentials that belong to that platform """ return Credentials.find_credentials(platform)