print "fix all error in data files, commit and restart the merge" exit(0) print "check data integrity done" cleanOWB.clean(trunkPath) print "clean owb done" vl = version.getVersionLastMerge(trunkPath) if mergeVersion == 0: vr = version.getVersionCurrentMerge() else: vr = mergeVersion print "get version done" patch.createOWBPatch(trunkPath, vl) print "create owb patch done" patch.createWebkitPatch(trunkPath, vl, vr) print "create webkit patch done" patch.applyWebkitPatch(trunkPath, vr) raw_input('Fix the patches rejected and press return to continue...') modification.getListAdded(trunkPath) print "Add files in CMakeList.txt appropriate" print "if the file is not in WebCore/platform, WebCore/page/gtk, WebCore/svg/graphics and JavaScriptCore/wtf, you can add the file in the good CMakeLists.txt (e.g. WebCore/page/CMakeLists.txt if the file is in WebCore/page)" print "otherwise you have to add the file in BAL/Scripts/data/balInputList.txt" raw_input('press return to continue...') modification.getListDeleted(trunkPath) print "Delete files in CMakeList.txt appropriate" print "if the file is not in WebCore/platform, WebCore/page/gtk, WebCore/svg/graphics and JavaScriptCore/wtf, you can remove the file in the good CMakeLists.txt."
format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(message)s', filename='/tmp/merge.log', filemode='w') if not check.checkDataIntegrity(trunkPath) : print "fix all error in data files, commit and restart the merge" exit(0) cleanOWB.clean(trunkPath) vl = version.getVersionLastMerge(trunkPath) if mergeVersion == 0 : vr = version.getVersionCurrentMerge() else : vr = mergeVersion patch.createOWBPatch(trunkPath, vl) patch.createWebkitPatch(trunkPath, vl, vr) patch.applyWebkitPatch(trunkPath, vr) raw_input('Fix the patches rejected and press return to continue...') modification.getListAdded(trunkPath) print "Add files in CMakeList.txt appropriate" print "if the file is not in WebCore/platform, WebCore/page/gtk, WebCore/svg/graphics and JavaScriptCore/wtf, you can add the file in the good CMakeLists.txt (e.g. WebCore/page/CMakeLists.txt if the file is in WebCore/page)" print "otherwise you have to add the file in BAL/Scripts/data/balInputList.txt" raw_input('press return to continue...') modification.getListDeleted(trunkPath) print "Delete files in CMakeList.txt appropriate" print "if the file is not in WebCore/platform, WebCore/page/gtk, WebCore/svg/graphics and JavaScriptCore/wtf, you can remove the file in the good CMakeLists.txt." print "otherwise you must remove the file in BAL/Scripts/data/balInputList.txt, remove the OWBLN associated and remove the file in Concretizations and skeletons" raw_input('press return to continue...') balification.balify(trunkPath) patch.applyOWBPatch(trunkPath)