Пример #1
    def set_bbox(self, rectprops):
        Draw a bounding box around self.  rectprops are any settable
        properties for a rectangle, eg facecolor='red', alpha=0.5.

          t.set_bbox(dict(facecolor='red', alpha=0.5))

        If rectprops has "boxstyle" key. A FancyBboxPatch
        is initialized with rectprops and will be drawn. The mutation
        scale of the FancyBboxPath is set to the fontsize.

        ACCEPTS: rectangle prop dict

        # The self._bbox_patch object is created only if rectprops has
        # boxstyle key. Otherwise, self._bbox will be set to the
        # rectprops and the bbox will be drawn using bbox_artist
        # function. This is to keep the backward compatibility.

        if rectprops is not None and "boxstyle" in rectprops:
            props = rectprops.copy()
            boxstyle = props.pop("boxstyle")
            bbox_transmuter = props.pop("bbox_transmuter", None)

            self._bbox_patch = FancyBboxPatch((0., 0.),
                                              1., 1.,
            self._bbox = None
            self._bbox_patch = None
            self._bbox = rectprops
Пример #2
class Text(Artist):
    Handle storing and drawing of text in window or data coordinates.
    zorder = 3
    def __str__(self):
        return "Text(%g,%g,%s)"%(self._y,self._y,repr(self._text))

    def __init__(self,
                 x=0, y=0, text='',
                 color=None,          # defaults to rc params
                 fontproperties=None, # defaults to FontProperties()
        Create a :class:`~matplotlib.text.Text` instance at *x*, *y*
        with string *text*.

        Valid kwargs are

        self.cached = maxdict(5)
        self._x, self._y = x, y

        if color is None: color = rcParams['text.color']
        if fontproperties is None: fontproperties=FontProperties()
        elif is_string_like(fontproperties): fontproperties=FontProperties(fontproperties)

        self._verticalalignment = verticalalignment
        self._horizontalalignment = horizontalalignment
        self._multialignment = multialignment
        self._rotation = rotation
        self._fontproperties = fontproperties
        self._bbox = None
        self._bbox_patch = None # a FancyBboxPatch instance
        self._renderer = None
        if linespacing is None:
            linespacing = 1.2   # Maybe use rcParam later.
        self._linespacing = linespacing

    def contains(self,mouseevent):
        """Test whether the mouse event occurred in the patch.

        In the case of text, a hit is true anywhere in the
        axis-aligned bounding-box containing the text.

        Returns True or False.
        if callable(self._contains): return self._contains(self,mouseevent)

        if not self.get_visible() or self._renderer is None:
            return False,{}

        l,b,w,h = self.get_window_extent().bounds

        r = l+w
        t = b+h
        xyverts = (l,b), (l, t), (r, t), (r, b)
        x, y = mouseevent.x, mouseevent.y
        inside = nxutils.pnpoly(x, y, xyverts)

        return inside,{}

    def _get_xy_display(self):
        'get the (possibly unit converted) transformed x, y in display coords'
        x, y = self.get_position()
        return self.get_transform().transform_point((x,y))

    def _get_multialignment(self):
        if self._multialignment is not None: return self._multialignment
        else: return self._horizontalalignment

    def get_rotation(self):
        'return the text angle as float in degrees'
        return get_rotation(self._rotation)  # string_or_number -> number

    def update_from(self, other):
        'Copy properties from other to self'
        Artist.update_from(self, other)
        self._color = other._color
        self._multialignment = other._multialignment
        self._verticalalignment = other._verticalalignment
        self._horizontalalignment = other._horizontalalignment
        self._fontproperties = other._fontproperties.copy()
        self._rotation = other._rotation
        self._picker = other._picker
        self._linespacing = other._linespacing

    def _get_layout(self, renderer):
        key = self.get_prop_tup()
        if key in self.cached: return self.cached[key]

        horizLayout = []

        thisx, thisy  = 0.0, 0.0
        xmin, ymin    = 0.0, 0.0
        width, height = 0.0, 0.0
        lines = self._text.split('\n')

        whs = np.zeros((len(lines), 2))
        horizLayout = np.zeros((len(lines), 4))

        # Find full vertical extent of font,
        # including ascenders and descenders:
        tmp, heightt, bl = renderer.get_text_width_height_descent(
                'lp', self._fontproperties, ismath=False)
        offsety = heightt * self._linespacing

        baseline = None
        for i, line in enumerate(lines):
            clean_line, ismath = self.is_math_text(line)
            w, h, d = renderer.get_text_width_height_descent(
                clean_line, self._fontproperties, ismath=ismath)
            if baseline is None:
                baseline = h - d
            whs[i] = w, h
            horizLayout[i] = thisx, thisy, w, h
            thisy -= offsety
            width = max(width, w)

        ymin = horizLayout[-1][1]
        ymax = horizLayout[0][1] + horizLayout[0][3]
        height = ymax-ymin
        xmax = xmin + width

        # get the rotation matrix
        M = Affine2D().rotate_deg(self.get_rotation())

        offsetLayout = np.zeros((len(lines), 2))
        offsetLayout[:] = horizLayout[:, 0:2]
        # now offset the individual text lines within the box
        if len(lines)>1: # do the multiline aligment
            malign = self._get_multialignment()
            if malign == 'center':
                offsetLayout[:, 0] += width/2.0 - horizLayout[:, 2] / 2.0
            elif malign == 'right':
                offsetLayout[:, 0] += width - horizLayout[:, 2]

        # the corners of the unrotated bounding box
        cornersHoriz = np.array(
            [(xmin, ymin), (xmin, ymax), (xmax, ymax), (xmax, ymin)],
        # now rotate the bbox
        cornersRotated = M.transform(cornersHoriz)

        txs = cornersRotated[:, 0]
        tys = cornersRotated[:, 1]

        # compute the bounds of the rotated box
        xmin, xmax = txs.min(), txs.max()
        ymin, ymax = tys.min(), tys.max()
        width  = xmax - xmin
        height = ymax - ymin

        # Now move the box to the targe position offset the display bbox by alignment
        halign = self._horizontalalignment
        valign = self._verticalalignment

        # compute the text location in display coords and the offsets
        # necessary to align the bbox with that location
        if halign=='center':  offsetx = (xmin + width/2.0)
        elif halign=='right': offsetx = (xmin + width)
        else: offsetx = xmin

        if valign=='center': offsety = (ymin + height/2.0)
        elif valign=='top': offsety  = (ymin + height)
        elif valign=='baseline': offsety = (ymin + height) - baseline
        else: offsety = ymin

        xmin -= offsetx
        ymin -= offsety

        bbox = Bbox.from_bounds(xmin, ymin, width, height)

        # now rotate the positions around the first x,y position
        xys = M.transform(offsetLayout)
        xys -= (offsetx, offsety)

        xs, ys = xys[:, 0], xys[:, 1]

        ret = bbox, zip(lines, whs, xs, ys)
        self.cached[key] = ret
        return ret

    def set_bbox(self, rectprops):
        Draw a bounding box around self.  rectprops are any settable
        properties for a rectangle, eg facecolor='red', alpha=0.5.

          t.set_bbox(dict(facecolor='red', alpha=0.5))

        If rectprops has "boxstyle" key. A FancyBboxPatch
        is initialized with rectprops and will be drawn. The mutation
        scale of the FancyBboxPath is set to the fontsize.

        ACCEPTS: rectangle prop dict

        # The self._bbox_patch object is created only if rectprops has
        # boxstyle key. Otherwise, self._bbox will be set to the
        # rectprops and the bbox will be drawn using bbox_artist
        # function. This is to keep the backward compatibility.

        if rectprops is not None and "boxstyle" in rectprops:
            props = rectprops.copy()
            boxstyle = props.pop("boxstyle")
            bbox_transmuter = props.pop("bbox_transmuter", None)

            self._bbox_patch = FancyBboxPatch((0., 0.),
                                              1., 1.,
            self._bbox = None
            self._bbox_patch = None
            self._bbox = rectprops

    def get_bbox_patch(self):
        Return the bbox Patch object. Returns None if the the
        FancyBboxPatch is not made.
        return self._bbox_patch

    def update_bbox_position_size(self, renderer):
        Update the location and the size of the bbox. This method
        should be used when the position and size of the bbox needs to
        be updated before actually drawing the bbox.

        # For arrow_patch, use textbox as patchA by default.

        if not isinstance(self.arrow_patch, FancyArrowPatch):

        if self._bbox_patch:

            trans = self.get_transform()

            # don't use self.get_position here, which refers to text position
            # in Text, and dash position in TextWithDash:
            posx = float(self.convert_xunits(self._x))
            posy = float(self.convert_yunits(self._y))

            posx, posy = trans.transform_point((posx, posy))

            x_box, y_box, w_box, h_box = _get_textbox(self, renderer)
            self._bbox_patch.set_bounds(0., 0.,
                                        w_box, h_box)
            theta = self.get_rotation()/180.*math.pi
            tr = mtransforms.Affine2D().rotate(theta)
            tr = tr.translate(posx+x_box, posy+y_box)
            fontsize_in_pixel = renderer.points_to_pixels(self.get_size())

            props = self._bbox
            if props is None: props = {}
            props = props.copy() # don't want to alter the pad externally
            pad = props.pop('pad', 4)
            pad = renderer.points_to_pixels(pad)
            bbox = self.get_window_extent(renderer)
            l,b,w,h = bbox.bounds
            r = Rectangle(xy=(l,b),
            r.set_clip_on( False )


    def _draw_bbox(self, renderer, posx, posy):

        """ Update the location and the size of the bbox
        (FancyBoxPatch), and draw

        x_box, y_box, w_box, h_box = _get_textbox(self, renderer)
        self._bbox_patch.set_bounds(0., 0.,
                                    w_box, h_box)
        theta = self.get_rotation()/180.*math.pi
        tr = mtransforms.Affine2D().rotate(theta)
        tr = tr.translate(posx+x_box, posy+y_box)
        fontsize_in_pixel = renderer.points_to_pixels(self.get_size())

    def draw(self, renderer):
        Draws the :class:`Text` object to the given *renderer*.
        if renderer is not None:
            self._renderer = renderer
        if not self.get_visible(): return
        if self._text=='': return

        bbox, info = self._get_layout(renderer)
        trans = self.get_transform()

        # don't use self.get_position here, which refers to text position
        # in Text, and dash position in TextWithDash:
        posx = float(self.convert_xunits(self._x))
        posy = float(self.convert_yunits(self._y))

        posx, posy = trans.transform_point((posx, posy))
        canvasw, canvash = renderer.get_canvas_width_height()

        # draw the FancyBboxPatch
        if self._bbox_patch:
            self._draw_bbox(renderer, posx, posy)

        gc = renderer.new_gc()
        if self.get_clip_on():

        if self._bbox:
            bbox_artist(self, renderer, self._bbox)
        angle = self.get_rotation()

        if rcParams['text.usetex']:
            for line, wh, x, y in info:
                x = x + posx
                y = y + posy
                if renderer.flipy():
                    y = canvash-y
                clean_line, ismath = self.is_math_text(line)

                renderer.draw_tex(gc, x, y, clean_line,
                                  self._fontproperties, angle)

        for line, wh, x, y in info:
            x = x + posx
            y = y + posy
            if renderer.flipy():
                y = canvash-y
            clean_line, ismath = self.is_math_text(line)

            renderer.draw_text(gc, x, y, clean_line,
                               self._fontproperties, angle,

    def get_color(self):
        "Return the color of the text"
        return self._color

    def get_fontproperties(self):
        "Return the :class:`~font_manager.FontProperties` object"
        return self._fontproperties

    def get_font_properties(self):
        'alias for get_fontproperties'
        return self.get_fontproperties

    def get_family(self):
        "Return the list of font families used for font lookup"
        return self._fontproperties.get_family()

    def get_fontfamily(self):
        'alias for get_family'
        return self.get_family()

    def get_name(self):
        "Return the font name as string"
        return self._fontproperties.get_name()

    def get_style(self):
        "Return the font style as string"
        return self._fontproperties.get_style()

    def get_size(self):
        "Return the font size as integer"
        return self._fontproperties.get_size_in_points()

    def get_variant(self):
        "Return the font variant as a string"
        return self._fontproperties.get_variant()

    def get_fontvariant(self):
        'alias for get_variant'
        return self.get_variant()

    def get_weight(self):
        "Get the font weight as string or number"
        return self._fontproperties.get_weight()

    def get_fontname(self):
        'alias for get_name'
        return self.get_name()

    def get_fontstyle(self):
        'alias for get_style'
        return self.get_style()

    def get_fontsize(self):
        'alias for get_size'
        return self.get_size()

    def get_fontweight(self):
        'alias for get_weight'
        return self.get_weight()

    def get_stretch(self):
        'Get the font stretch as a string or number'
        return self._fontproperties.get_stretch()

    def get_fontstretch(self):
        'alias for get_stretch'
        return self.get_stretch()

    def get_ha(self):
        'alias for get_horizontalalignment'
        return self.get_horizontalalignment()

    def get_horizontalalignment(self):
        Return the horizontal alignment as string.  Will be one of
        'left', 'center' or 'right'.
        return self._horizontalalignment

    def get_position(self):
        "Return the position of the text as a tuple (*x*, *y*)"
        x = float(self.convert_xunits(self._x))
        y = float(self.convert_yunits(self._y))
        return x, y

    def get_prop_tup(self):
        Return a hashable tuple of properties.

        Not intended to be human readable, but useful for backends who
        want to cache derived information about text (eg layouts) and
        need to know if the text has changed.
        x, y = self.get_position()
        return (x, y, self._text, self._color,
                self._verticalalignment, self._horizontalalignment,
                hash(self._fontproperties), self._rotation,
                self.figure.dpi, id(self._renderer),

    def get_text(self):
        "Get the text as string"
        return self._text

    def get_va(self):
        'alias for :meth:`getverticalalignment`'
        return self.get_verticalalignment()

    def get_verticalalignment(self):
        Return the vertical alignment as string.  Will be one of
        'top', 'center', 'bottom' or 'baseline'.
        return self._verticalalignment

    def get_window_extent(self, renderer=None, dpi=None):
        Return a :class:`~matplotlib.transforms.Bbox` object bounding
        the text, in display units.

        In addition to being used internally, this is useful for
        specifying clickable regions in a png file on a web page.

        *renderer* defaults to the _renderer attribute of the text
        object.  This is not assigned until the first execution of
        :meth:`draw`, so you must use this kwarg if you want
        to call :meth:`get_window_extent` prior to the first
        :meth:`draw`.  For getting web page regions, it is
        simpler to call the method after saving the figure.

        *dpi* defaults to self.figure.dpi; the renderer dpi is
        irrelevant.  For the web application, if figure.dpi is not
        the value used when saving the figure, then the value that
        was used must be specified as the *dpi* argument.
        #return _unit_box
        if not self.get_visible(): return Bbox.unit()
        if dpi is not None:
            dpi_orig = self.figure.dpi
            self.figure.dpi = dpi
        if self._text == '':
            tx, ty = self._get_xy_display()
            return Bbox.from_bounds(tx,ty,0,0)

        if renderer is not None:
            self._renderer = renderer
        if self._renderer is None:
            raise RuntimeError('Cannot get window extent w/o renderer')

        bbox, info = self._get_layout(self._renderer)
        x, y = self.get_position()
        x, y = self.get_transform().transform_point((x, y))
        bbox = bbox.translated(x, y)
        if dpi is not None:
            self.figure.dpi = dpi_orig
        return bbox

    def set_backgroundcolor(self, color):
        Set the background color of the text by updating the bbox.

        .. seealso::

        ACCEPTS: any matplotlib color
        if self._bbox is None:
            self._bbox = dict(facecolor=color, edgecolor=color)

    def set_color(self, color):
        Set the foreground color of the text

        ACCEPTS: any matplotlib color
        # Make sure it is hashable, or get_prop_tup will fail.
        except TypeError:
            color = tuple(color)
        self._color = color

    def set_ha(self, align):
        'alias for set_horizontalalignment'

    def set_horizontalalignment(self, align):
        Set the horizontal alignment to one of

        ACCEPTS: [ 'center' | 'right' | 'left' ]
        legal = ('center', 'right', 'left')
        if align not in legal:
            raise ValueError('Horizontal alignment must be one of %s' % str(legal))
        self._horizontalalignment = align

    def set_ma(self, align):
        'alias for set_verticalalignment'

    def set_multialignment(self, align):
        Set the alignment for multiple lines layout.  The layout of the
        bounding box of all the lines is determined bu the horizontalalignment
        and verticalalignment properties, but the multiline text within that
        box can be

        ACCEPTS: ['left' | 'right' | 'center