def run_simulator(pywindow, robots, paths_, costs_, colors, buttons): # display robot movement along paths paths, costs = eliminate_collision_paths(paths_, costs_, robots) # erase active bots that don't have coll_free path del paths_, costs_ for i in range(len(paths)): display_path(paths[i], pywindow, colors[robots[i]]) time.sleep(.2) positions = get_new_path_list(robots, paths, costs) # get discrete values with same time_step for all bots for i in range(len(positions[0])): # for number of time_steps for j in range(len(robots)): # for each robot x = positions[j][i].x y = positions[j][i].y if i > 0: # if not first point x_prev = positions[j][i - 1].x # "erase" previous point y_prev = positions[j][i - 1].y, Colors.white, (int(x_prev), int(y_prev)), Settings.robo_size, 0), colors[robots[j]], (int(x), int(y)), Settings.robo_size, 0) # display new point pygame.display.flip() time.sleep(Settings.simulation_speed) print 'Done 2D simulation' call_gazebo = wait_for_gazebo_call(buttons) if call_gazebo is True: label_button(pywindow, buttons[1], 1, 'Running 3D', Colors.dark_green, Colors.white) pygame.display.flip() print 'Running file that does not connect to Gazebo. Find the one that does. :)' print 'Running file that does not connect to Gazebo. Find the one that does. :)' print 'Running file that does not connect to Gazebo. Find the one that does. :)' print 'Running file that does not connect to Gazebo. Find the one that does. :)' print 'Running file that does not connect to Gazebo. Find the one that does. :)' print 'Running file that does not connect to Gazebo. Find the one that does. :)' print 'Running file that does not connect to Gazebo. Find the one that does. :)' print 'Running file that does not connect to Gazebo. Find the one that does. :)' # call gazebo return
def better_response( pi_, goalpts, vertex, path_prev_i, pywindow, costs_i, i, color_): # minimize cost while avoiding collisions with paths in pi_ if vertex is not None: if vertex.at_goal_set: # only obtain new paths if new pt is at goal #print 'new vertex at goal set, calling path_gen from better_response procedure' path_list_vertex, cost_list_vertex = path_generation2(vertex) collision_free_paths = [] costs = [] for j in range(len(goalpts)): for k in range(len(goalpts[j].paths)): #print 'goal path:', goalpts[j].paths[k] #print 'pi 0:', pi_[0] #print 'pi 1:', pi_[1] if collision_free_path(goalpts[j].paths[k], pi_, i) == 1: #print 'path is collision free' collision_free_paths.append(goalpts[j].paths[k]) costs.append(goalpts[j].costs[k]) if len(collision_free_paths) == 0: print 'paths exist but no collision free paths for robot', i return [], 9999999 optimal_path = list(path_prev_i) optimal_cost = costs_i optimal_path, optimal_cost, changed = find_optimal_path( collision_free_paths, costs, optimal_path, optimal_cost, i) if changed: display_path(path_prev_i, pywindow, display_path(optimal_path, pywindow, color_) return optimal_path, optimal_cost # feasible paths here is list of paths for one robot
def better_response(pi_, goalpts, vertex, path_prev_i, pywindow, costs_i, i, color_, new_paths, goal, root, time_to_path): if vertex is not None: if vertex.at_goal_set and vertex.tree_num == 1: # only obtain new paths if new pt is at goal path_list_vertex, cost_list_vertex = path_generation2( vertex, root) # updates vertex objects to contain path/cost list elif new_paths is True: path_list_vertex, cost_list_vertex = path_generation2( goal, root) # if new path has formed between trees, collision_free_paths = [] costs = [] for j in range(len(goalpts) + 1): if j == len(goalpts): #print 'number of paths from exact goal point', len(goal.paths) for k in range(len(goal.paths)): if collision_free_path(goal.paths[k], pi_, i) == 1: collision_free_paths.append(goal.paths[k]) costs.append(goal.costs[k]) else: for k in range(len(goalpts[j].paths)): if collision_free_path(goalpts[j].paths[k], pi_, i) == 1: collision_free_paths.append(goalpts[j].paths[k]) costs.append(goalpts[j].costs[k]) if len(collision_free_paths) == 0: print 'paths exist but no inter-robot-collision-free paths for robot', i, 'yet' return [], Settings.collision_cost optimal_path = list(path_prev_i) optimal_cost = costs_i optimal_path, optimal_cost, changed = find_optimal_path( collision_free_paths, costs, optimal_path, optimal_cost, i) if path_prev_i == [] and len(optimal_path) > 0: time_to_path[i] = time.time() if changed: #print 'path_prev:' #for k in range(len(path_prev_i)): #print path_prev_i[k].x, path_prev_i[k].y #print 'path now:' #for k in range(len(optimal_path)): #print optimal_path[k].x, optimal_path[k].y display_path(path_prev_i, pywindow, Colors.white) display_path(optimal_path, pywindow, color_) return optimal_path, optimal_cost # feasible paths here is list of paths for one robot
def main(): pywindow, obstacles, axis = init_pywindow( 'i-Nash Trajectory Final 4' ) # set up pygame window, dimensions and obstacles start, goal_set, num_robots, robo_colors = user_prompt( pywindow) # prompt for num bots, start, end positions all_bots, active_bots, inactive_bots, paths, costs, paths_prev, goal_pts, path_num = init_arrays( num_robots) k = 1 k_ = 75000 while k < k_: # main loop new_vertices = [ None ] * num_robots # get list of new vertices each k iteration for i in all_bots: # for all robots vertex_rand = sample_free( paths[i], goal_set[i]) # get random Vertex in pywindow vertex_new = extend_graph(vertex_rand, start[i], obstacles, goal_set[i], pywindow, robo_colors[i], k, axis) goal_pts, new_vertices = update_pt_lists(vertex_new, goal_pts, new_vertices, i) for i in inactive_bots: if new_vertices[i] is not None: if new_vertices[ i].at_goal_set: # if previously inactive bot is now active update_active( active_bots, inactive_bots, i) # then update the inactive and active lists print 'robot', i, 'became active' for i in active_bots: paths_prev[i] = list( paths[i]) # save previous path list before updating list for q in range(len( active_bots)): # use q for easier j < i and j2 > i calculation perform_better_response(q, active_bots, paths_prev, paths, costs, pywindow, new_vertices, goal_pts, robo_colors) #time.sleep(.05) if vertex_new is not None: k = k + 1 print 'main loop exited' repeat = False for i in range(num_robots): # for all bots for j in range(len(goal_pts[i])): # for all goal pts for that bot for P in range(len( goal_pts[i][j].paths)): # for all points for that goal pt string = [] string.append(goal_pts[i][j].costs[P]) for F in range(len(goal_pts[i][j].paths[P])): string.append(floor(goal_pts[i][j].paths[P][F].x)) string.append(floor(goal_pts[i][j].paths[P][F].y)) #print 'vertex.paths for all vertices in path', P, ':', goal_pts[i][j].paths[P][F].paths for F2 in range(len(goal_pts[i][j].paths[P])): if goal_pts[i][j].paths[P][F] == goal_pts[i][j].paths[ P][F2]: repeat = True #print 'robot', i, ', goalpt', j, ',path', P, 'cost', string display_path(goal_pts[i][j].paths[P], pywindow, Colors.dark_green) # display #print 'repeat is ', repeat return