def GetContentAndType(self, path):
        '''Returns the ContentAndType of the file at |path|.
        base, ext = posixpath.splitext(path)

        # Check for a zip file first, if zip is enabled.
        if self._directory_zipper and ext == '.zip':
            zip_future = self._directory_zipper.Zip(ToDirectory(base))
            return Future(callback=lambda: ContentAndType(
                zip_future.Get(), 'application/zip', None))

        # If there is no file extension, look for a file with one of the default
        # extensions. If one cannot be found, check if the path is a directory.
        # If it is, then check for an index file with one of the default
        # extensions.
        if not ext:
            new_path = self._AddExt(path)
            # Add a trailing / to check if it is a directory and not a file with
            # no extension.
            if new_path is None and self.file_system.Exists(
                new_path = self._AddExt(Join(path, 'index'))
                # If an index file wasn't found in this directly then we're never going
                # to find a file.
                if new_path is None:
                    return FileNotFoundError.RaiseInFuture(
                        '"%s" is a directory' % path)
            if new_path is not None:
                path = new_path

        return self._content_cache.GetFromFile(path)
Пример #2
    def GetContentAndType(self, path):
        '''Returns the ContentAndType of the file at |path|.
        base, ext = posixpath.splitext(path)

        # Check for a zip file first, if zip is enabled.
        if self._directory_zipper and ext == '.zip':
            zip_future = self._directory_zipper.Zip(ToDirectory(base))
            return Future(callback=lambda: ContentAndType(
                zip_future.Get(), 'application/zip', None))

        # If there is no file extension, look for a file with one of the default
        # extensions.
        # Note that it would make sense to guard this on Exists(path), since a file
        # without an extension may actually exist, but it's such an uncommon case
        # it hardly seems worth the potential performance hit.
        if not ext:
            for default_ext in self._default_extensions:
                if self.file_system.Exists(path + default_ext).Get():
                    path += default_ext

        return self._content_cache.GetFromFile(path)
Пример #3
    def StatAsync(self, path):
        '''Stats the directory given, or if a file is given, stats the file's parent
    directory to get info about the file.
        # Always stat the parent directory, since it will have the stat of the child
        # anyway, and this gives us an entire directory's stat info at once.
        dir_path, file_path = posixpath.split(path)
        dir_path = ToDirectory(dir_path)

        def make_stat_info(dir_stat):
            '''Converts a dir stat into the correct resulting StatInfo; if the Stat
      was for a file, the StatInfo should just contain that file.
            if path == dir_path:
                return dir_stat
            # Was a file stat. Extract that file.
            file_version = dir_stat.child_versions.get(file_path)
            if file_version is None:
                raise FileNotFoundError(
                    'No stat found for %s in %s (found %s)' %
                    (path, dir_path, dir_stat.child_versions))
            return StatInfo(file_version)

        dir_stat = self._stat_object_store.Get(dir_path).Get()
        if dir_stat is not None:
            return Future(value=make_stat_info(dir_stat))

        def next(dir_stat):
            assert dir_stat is not None  # should have raised a FileNotFoundError
            # We only ever need to cache the dir stat.
            self._stat_object_store.Set(dir_path, dir_stat)
            return make_stat_info(dir_stat)

        return self._MemoizedStatAsyncFromFileSystem(dir_path).Then(next)
Пример #4
 def _GetFileListingVersionFromCache(self, path):
     path = ToDirectory(path)
     cache_entry = self._Get(self._list_object_store, path).Get()
     if cache_entry is not None:
         return Future(value=cache_entry.version)
     stat_future = self._file_system.StatAsync(path)
     return Future(callback=lambda: stat_future.Get().version)
Пример #5
 def find_index_file():
   '''Tries to find an index file in |path|, if |path| is a directory.
   If not, or if there is no index file, returns None.
   def get_index_if_directory_exists(directory_exists):
     if not directory_exists:
       return None
     return find_file_with_name(Join(path, 'index'))
   return (self.file_system.Exists(ToDirectory(path))
Пример #6
 def GetVersion(self, path):
   '''Returns a Future to the version of the file at |path|.
   base, ext = posixpath.splitext(path)
   if self._directory_zipper and ext == '.zip':
     stat_future = self.file_system.StatAsync(ToDirectory(base))
     stat_future = self._FindFileForPath(path).Then(self.file_system.StatAsync)
   return stat_future.Then(lambda stat: stat.version)
Пример #7
 def GetContentAndType(self, path):
   '''Returns a Future to the ContentAndType of the file at |path|.
   base, ext = posixpath.splitext(path)
   if self._directory_zipper and ext == '.zip':
     return (self._directory_zipper.Zip(ToDirectory(base))
             .Then(lambda zipped: ContentAndType(zipped,
   return self._FindFileForPath(path).Then(self._content_cache.GetFromFile)
Пример #8
 def StatAsync(self, path):
   dir_, filename = posixpath.split(path)
   def stat(content):
     stat_info = _CreateStatInfo(content)
     if stat_info.version is None:
       raise FileSystemError('Failed to find version of dir %s' % dir_)
     if IsDirectory(path):
       return stat_info
     if filename not in stat_info.child_versions:
       raise FileNotFoundError(
           '%s from %s was not in child versions for Stat' % (filename, path))
     return StatInfo(stat_info.child_versions[filename])
   fetch_future = self._FetchAsync(ToDirectory(dir_) + _JSON_FORMAT)
   return self._ResolveFetchContent(path, fetch_future).Then(stat)
Пример #9
  def StatAsync(self, path):
    '''Stats the directory given, or if a file is given, stats the file's parent
    directory to get info about the file.
    # Always stat the parent directory, since it will have the stat of the child
    # anyway, and this gives us an entire directory's stat info at once.
    dir_path, file_path = posixpath.split(path)
    dir_path = ToDirectory(dir_path)

    def make_stat_info(dir_stat):
      '''Converts a dir stat into the correct resulting StatInfo; if the Stat
      was for a file, the StatInfo should just contain that file.
      if path == dir_path:
        return dir_stat
      # Was a file stat. Extract that file.
      file_version = dir_stat.child_versions.get(file_path)
      if file_version is None:
        raise FileNotFoundError('No stat found for %s in %s (found %s)' %
                                (path, dir_path, dir_stat.child_versions))
      return StatInfo(file_version)

    def raise_cache_miss(path):
      raise FileNotFoundError('Got cache miss when trying to stat %s' % path)

    dir_stat = self._stat_cache.Get(dir_path).Get()
    if dir_stat is not None:
      return Future(callback=lambda: make_stat_info(dir_stat))

    if self._fail_on_miss:
      logging.warning('Bailing on stat cache miss for %s on %s' %
                      (dir_path, self.GetIdentity()))
      return Future(callback=lambda: raise_cache_miss(dir_path))

    def next(dir_stat):
      assert dir_stat is not None  # should have raised a FileNotFoundError
      # We only ever need to cache the dir stat.
      self._stat_cache.Set(dir_path, dir_stat)
      return make_stat_info(dir_stat)
    return self._MemoizedStatAsyncFromFileSystem(dir_path).Then(next)
Пример #10
    def Exists(self, path):
        '''Returns a Future to the existence of |path|; True if |path| exists,
    False if not. This method will not throw a FileNotFoundError unlike
    the Read* methods, however it may still throw a FileSystemError.

    There are several ways to implement this method via the interface but this
    method exists to do so in a canonical and most efficient way for caching.
        if path == '':
            # There is always a root directory.
            return Future(value=True)

        parent, base = SplitParent(path)

        def handle(error):
            if isinstance(error, FileNotFoundError):
                return False
            raise error

        return self.ReadSingle(ToDirectory(parent)).Then(
            lambda l: base in l, handle)
Пример #11
    def Exists(self, path):
        '''Returns a Future to the existence of |path|; True if |path| exists,
    False if not. This method will not throw a FileNotFoundError unlike
    the Read* methods, however it may still throw a FileSystemError.

    There are several ways to implement this method via the interface but this
    method exists to do so in a canonical and most efficient way for caching.
        if path == '':
            # There is always a root directory.
            return Future(value=True)

        parent, base = SplitParent(path)
        list_future = self.ReadSingle(ToDirectory(parent))

        def resolve():
                return base in list_future.Get()
            except FileNotFoundError:
                return False

        return Future(callback=resolve)
    def Create(self, bucket):
        '''Creates a CloudStorageFileSystemProvider.

    |bucket| is the name of GCS bucket, eg devtools-docs. It is expected
             that this bucket has Read permission for this app in its ACLs.

    Optional configuration can be set in a local_debug/gcs_debug.conf file:

    If running in Preview mode or in Development mode with use_local_fs set to
    True, buckets and files are looked for inside the local_debug folder instead
    of in the real GCS server.
        if IsTest():
            return EmptyDirFileSystem()

        debug_bucket_prefix = None
        use_local_fs = False
        if os.path.exists(LOCAL_GCS_DEBUG_CONF):
            with open(LOCAL_GCS_DEBUG_CONF, "r") as token_file:
                properties = dict(line.strip().split('=', 1)
                                  for line in token_file)
            use_local_fs = properties.get('use_local_fs', 'False') == 'True'
            debug_bucket_prefix = properties.get('remote_bucket_prefix', None)
            logging.debug('gcs: prefixing all bucket names with %s' %

        if use_local_fs:
            return LocalFileSystem(
                ToDirectory(os.path.join(LOCAL_GCS_DIR, bucket)))

        if debug_bucket_prefix:
            bucket = debug_bucket_prefix + bucket

        return CachingFileSystem(CloudStorageFileSystem(bucket),
 def GetFromFileListing(self, path):
     path = ToDirectory(path)
     return self._GetImpl(
         path, lambda compiled_fs: compiled_fs.GetFromFileListing(path),
         lambda compiled_fs: compiled_fs.GetFileListingVersion(path))
Пример #14
 def GetFileListingVersion(self, path):
     path = ToDirectory(path)
     cache_entry = self._list_object_store.Get(path).Get()
     if cache_entry is not None:
         return cache_entry.version
     return self._file_system.Stat(path).version
Пример #15
  def Create(self, bucket):
    '''Creates a CloudStorageFileSystemProvider.

    |bucket| is the name of GCS bucket, eg devtools-docs. It is expected
             that this bucket has Read permission for this app in its ACLs.

    Optional configuration can be set in a local_debug/gcs_debug.conf file:

    If running in Preview mode or in Development mode with use_local_fs set to
    True, buckets and files are looked inside the local_debug folder instead
    of in the real GCS server. Preview server does not support direct GCS
    access, so it is always forced to use a LocalFileSystem.

    For real GCS access in the Development mode (,
    access_token and remote_bucket_prefix options can be
    used to change the way GCS files are accessed. Both are ignored in a real
    appengine instance.

    "access_token" is always REQUIRED on dev_appengine, otherwise you will
    get 404 (auth) errors. You can get one access_token valid for a few minutes
    by typing:
      gsutil -d ls 2>&1 | grep "Bearer" |
         sed "s/.*Bearer \(.*\).r.nUser-Agent.*/access_token=\1/" )"

    A sample output would be:

    Now add this line to the local_debug/gcs_debug.conf file and restart the
    appengine development server.

    Remember that you will need a new access_token every ten minutes or
    so. If you get 404 errors on log, update it. Access token is not
    used for a deployed appengine app, only if you use

    remote_bucket_prefix is useful if you want to test on your own GCS buckets
    before using the real GCS buckets.

    if not environment.IsReleaseServer() and not environment.IsDevServer():
      bucket_local_path = os.path.join(LOCAL_GCS_DIR, bucket)
      if IsDirectory(bucket_local_path):
        return LocalFileSystem(bucket_local_path)
        return EmptyDirFileSystem()

    debug_access_token = None
    debug_bucket_prefix = None
    use_local_fs = False

    if environment.IsDevServer() and os.path.exists(LOCAL_GCS_DEBUG_CONF):
      with open(LOCAL_GCS_DEBUG_CONF, "r") as token_file:
        properties = dict(line.strip().split('=', 1) for line in token_file)
      use_local_fs = properties.get('use_local_fs', 'False')=='True'
      debug_access_token = properties.get('access_token', None)
      debug_bucket_prefix = properties.get('remote_bucket_prefix', None)

    if environment.IsDevServer() and use_local_fs:
      return LocalFileSystem(ToDirectory(os.path.join(LOCAL_GCS_DIR, bucket)))

    # gcs_file_system has strong dependencies on runtime appengine APIs,
    # so we only import it when we are sure we are not on or tests.
    from gcs_file_system import CloudStorageFileSystem
    return CachingFileSystem(CloudStorageFileSystem(bucket,
        debug_access_token, debug_bucket_prefix),