Пример #1
def compute_value_minus(graph, blocks, cur_value):
    value_minused = []
    for i in range(len(blocks)):
        block = blocks[i]
        blocks[i] = (-1, -1)
        path, value = pathery.find_full_path(graph, blocks)
        value_minused.append((cur_value - value, block))
        blocks[i] = block
    return value_minused
Пример #2
def compute_value_minus(graph, blocks, cur_value):
    value_minused = []
    for i in range(len(blocks)):
        block = blocks[i]
        blocks[i] = (-1, -1)
        path, value = pathery.find_full_path(graph, blocks)
        value_minused.append((cur_value - value, block))
        blocks[i] = block
    return value_minused
Пример #3
def compute_value_add(graph, blocks, cur_path, cur_value):
    cur_path_unique = list(set(cur_path))
    value_added = []
    for block in cur_path_unique:
        path, value = pathery.find_full_path(graph, blocks)
        if value is None:
            value_added.append((-1, block))
            value_added.append((value - cur_value, block))
    return value_added
Пример #4
def compute_value_add(graph, blocks, cur_path, cur_value):
    cur_path_unique = list(set(cur_path))
    value_added = []
    for block in cur_path_unique:
        path, value = pathery.find_full_path(graph, blocks)
        if value is None:
            value_added.append((-1, block))
            value_added.append((value - cur_value, block))
    return value_added
Пример #5
def mcmc_solve(board, num_to_place):
    graph = pathery.Graph(board)

    path, value = pathery.find_full_path(graph, [])

    # initially, place all blocks at some random place on the path
    i = random.randint(0, len(path) - 1)
    cur_blocks = [find_nearby_opening(path[i][0], path[i][1], graph, [])
                  ] * num_to_place
    cur_path, cur_value = pathery.find_full_path(graph, cur_blocks)

    memo = {}

    best_blocks = cur_blocks
    best_value = cur_value
    best_path = cur_path
    time_since_improving = 0

    for iter in range(100000):
        if iter % 100 == 0:
            print graph.draw(cur_blocks)
            print cur_value
        if iter % 1000 == 0:
            print "***********************************"
            print "BEST"
            print "***********************************"
            print graph.draw(best_blocks)
            print best_value

        if time_since_improving > 1000:
            # RESET.  Haven't found any improvements in too long
            cur_blocks = [
                find_nearby_opening(path[0][0], path[0][1], graph, [])
            ] * num_to_place
            cur_path, cur_value = pathery.find_full_path(graph, cur_blocks)
            time_since_improving = 0

        new_blocks = [x for x in cur_blocks]

        if ((iter % num_to_place == 0) or (time_since_improving < 10)):
            # Move useless blocks.  Do this rarely, since it's expensive
            value_minus = compute_value_minus(graph, cur_blocks, cur_value)
            # We will try to move them to the most valuable places.
            value_add = compute_value_add(graph, cur_blocks, cur_path,

            take_index = -1
            for i in range(num_to_place):
                if random.random() * value_minus[i][0] < 1:
                    take_index = i

            put_index = -1
            for i in range(len(value_add)):
                if random.random() * value_add[i][0] > 1:
                    put_index = i

            new_block = get_random_opening(graph, cur_path)
            new_blocks[take_index] = value_add[put_index][1]

        elif random.random() < 0.3:
            # Move some number of blocks in a contiguous wall in front of the path somewhere
            num_blocks_to_move = sample_num_blocks_to_move()

            start_index = random.randint(0, num_to_place - num_blocks_to_move)
            new_block = get_random_opening(graph, cur_path)
            new_blocks[start_index] = new_block

            for index in range(start_index + 1,
                               start_index + num_blocks_to_move):
                new_blocks[index] = find_nearby_opening(
                    new_block[0], new_block[1], graph, new_blocks)
            # Perturb a single block
            index = random.randint(0, num_to_place - 1)
            block = new_blocks[index]
            new_blocks[index] = find_nearby_opening(block[0], block[1], graph,

        frozen_new_blocks = frozenset(new_blocks)
        if frozen_new_blocks in memo:
            new_path, new_value = memo[frozen_new_blocks]
            new_path, new_value = pathery.find_full_path(graph, new_blocks)
            memo[frozen_new_blocks] = (new_path, new_value)

        if new_path is None:
            time_since_improving += 1

        if (cur_path is None or (cur_value < new_value)):
            print "TIME", time_since_improving
            time_since_improving = 0
            time_since_improving += 1

        # greedy

        if (best_path is None) or (best_value < new_value):
            best_path = new_path
            best_value = new_value
            best_blocks = new_blocks

        if (cur_path is None) or (cur_value <= new_value):
            cur_path = new_path
            cur_value = new_value
            cur_blocks = new_blocks

        #if (random.random() * (len(best_path) - len(new_path))) < (len(best_path) - len(cur_path) + 1):
        #  cur_path = new_path
        #  cur_blocks = new_blocks

    return best_path, best_blocks
Пример #6
def mcmc_solve(board, num_to_place):
    graph = pathery.Graph(board)

    path, value = pathery.find_full_path(graph, [])

    # initially, place all blocks at some random place on the path
    i = random.randint(0, len(path) - 1)
    cur_blocks = [find_nearby_opening(path[i][0], path[i][1], graph, [])] * num_to_place
    cur_path, cur_value = pathery.find_full_path(graph, cur_blocks)

    memo = {}

    best_blocks = cur_blocks
    best_value = cur_value
    best_path = cur_path
    time_since_improving = 0

    for iter in range(100000):
        if iter % 100 == 0:
            print graph.draw(cur_blocks)
            print cur_value
        if iter % 1000 == 0:
            print "***********************************"
            print "BEST"
            print "***********************************"
            print graph.draw(best_blocks)
            print best_value

        if time_since_improving > 1000:
            # RESET.  Haven't found any improvements in too long
            cur_blocks = [find_nearby_opening(path[0][0], path[0][1], graph, [])] * num_to_place
            cur_path, cur_value = pathery.find_full_path(graph, cur_blocks)
            time_since_improving = 0

        new_blocks = [x for x in cur_blocks]

        if (iter % num_to_place == 0) or (time_since_improving < 10):
            # Move useless blocks.  Do this rarely, since it's expensive
            value_minus = compute_value_minus(graph, cur_blocks, cur_value)
            # We will try to move them to the most valuable places.
            value_add = compute_value_add(graph, cur_blocks, cur_path, cur_value)

            take_index = -1
            for i in range(num_to_place):
                if random.random() * value_minus[i][0] < 1:
                    take_index = i

            put_index = -1
            for i in range(len(value_add)):
                if random.random() * value_add[i][0] > 1:
                    put_index = i

            new_block = get_random_opening(graph, cur_path)
            new_blocks[take_index] = value_add[put_index][1]

        elif random.random() < 0.3:
            # Move some number of blocks in a contiguous wall in front of the path somewhere
            num_blocks_to_move = sample_num_blocks_to_move()

            start_index = random.randint(0, num_to_place - num_blocks_to_move)
            new_block = get_random_opening(graph, cur_path)
            new_blocks[start_index] = new_block

            for index in range(start_index + 1, start_index + num_blocks_to_move):
                new_blocks[index] = find_nearby_opening(new_block[0], new_block[1], graph, new_blocks)
            # Perturb a single block
            index = random.randint(0, num_to_place - 1)
            block = new_blocks[index]
            new_blocks[index] = find_nearby_opening(block[0], block[1], graph, new_blocks)

        frozen_new_blocks = frozenset(new_blocks)
        if frozen_new_blocks in memo:
            new_path, new_value = memo[frozen_new_blocks]
            new_path, new_value = pathery.find_full_path(graph, new_blocks)
            memo[frozen_new_blocks] = (new_path, new_value)

        if new_path is None:
            time_since_improving += 1

        if cur_path is None or (cur_value < new_value):
            print "TIME", time_since_improving
            time_since_improving = 0
            time_since_improving += 1

        # greedy

        if (best_path is None) or (best_value < new_value):
            best_path = new_path
            best_value = new_value
            best_blocks = new_blocks

        if (cur_path is None) or (cur_value <= new_value):
            cur_path = new_path
            cur_value = new_value
            cur_blocks = new_blocks

        # if (random.random() * (len(best_path) - len(new_path))) < (len(best_path) - len(cur_path) + 1):
        #  cur_path = new_path
        #  cur_blocks = new_blocks

    return best_path, best_blocks