Пример #1
    def check_neighbors(self, start, end, grid, open_list):
        node = open_list.pop(0)
        node.closed = True

        if node == end:
            return backtrace(end)

        neighbors = self.find_neighbors(grid, node)
        for neighbor in neighbors:
            if neighbor.closed or neighbor.opened:

            neighbor.opened = True
            neighbor.parent = node
Пример #2
    def check_neighbors(self, start, end, grid, open_list):
        node = open_list.pop(0)
        node.closed = True

        if node == end:
            return backtrace(end)

        neighbors = self.find_neighbors(grid, node)
        for neighbor in neighbors:
            if neighbor.closed or neighbor.opened:

            neighbor.opened = True
            neighbor.parent = node
Пример #3
    def check_neighbors(self,
        find next path segment based on given node
        (or return path if we found the end)
        # pop node with minimum 'f' value
        node = heapq.nsmallest(1, open_list)[0]
        node.closed = True

        width = grid.width
        height = grid.height

        # if reached the end position, construct the path and return it
        # (ignored for bi-directional a*, there we look for a neighbor that is
        #  part of the oncoming path)
        if not backtrace_by and node == end:
            return backtrace(end)

        # get neighbors of the current node
        neighbors = self.find_neighbors(grid, node)
        for neighbor in neighbors:
            if neighbor.closed:
                # already visited last minimum f value
            if backtrace_by and neighbor.opened == backtrace_by:
                # found the oncoming path
                if backtrace_by == BY_END:
                    return bi_backtrace(node, neighbor)
                    return bi_backtrace(neighbor, node)

            # check if the neighbor has not been inspected yet, or
            # can be reached with smaller cost from the current node
            self.process_node(neighbor, node, end, open_list, open_value,
                              width, height)

        # the end has not been reached (yet) keep the find_path loop running
        return None
Пример #4
    def check_neighbors(self, start, end, grid, open_list,
            open_value=True, backtrace_by=None):
        find next path segment based on given node
        (or return path if we found the end)
        # pop node with minimum 'f' value
        node = heapq.nsmallest(1, open_list)[0]
        node.closed = True

        # if reached the end position, construct the path and return it
        # (ignored for bi-directional a*, there we look for a neighbor that is
        #  part of the oncoming path)
        if not backtrace_by and node == end:
            return backtrace(end)

        # get neighbors of the current node
        neighbors = self.find_neighbors(grid, node)
        for neighbor in neighbors:
            if neighbor.closed:
                # already visited last minimum f value
            if backtrace_by and neighbor.opened == backtrace_by:
                # found the oncoming path
                if backtrace_by == BY_END:
                    return bi_backtrace(node, neighbor)
                    return bi_backtrace(neighbor, node)

            # check if the neighbor has not been inspected yet, or
            # can be reached with smaller cost from the current node
            self.process_node(neighbor, node, end, open_list, open_value)

        # the end has not been reached (yet) keep the find_path loop running
        return None
    def find_path(self, start, end, grid, max_runs=MAX_RUNS):
        find a path from start to end node on grid using the A* algorithm
        :param start: start node
        :param end: end node
        :param grid: grid that stores all possible steps/tiles as 2D-list
        :param max_runs: max. amount of tries until we abort the search
            (optional, only if we enter huge grids and have time constrains)
            <=0 means there are no constrains and the code might run on any
            large map.
        open_list = []
        start.g = 0
        start.f = 0

        # push the start node into the open list
        heapq.heappush(open_list, start)
        runs = 0

        # while the open list is not empty
        while len(open_list) > 0:
            runs += 1
            if 0 < max_runs <= runs:
                logging.error('A* run into barrier of {} iterations without '
                              'finding the destination'.format(max_runs))

            # pop node with minimum 'f' value
            node = heapq.nsmallest(1, open_list)[0]
            node.closed = True

            # if reached the end position, construct the path and return it
            if node == end:
                return backtrace(end), runs

            # get neighbors of the current node
            neighbors = grid.neighbors(node, self.diagonal_movement)
            for neighbor in neighbors:
                if neighbor.closed:
                    # already visited last minimum f value

                x = neighbor.x
                y = neighbor.y

                # get the distance between current node and the neighbor
                ng = node.g
                if x - node.x == 0 or y - node.y == 0:
                    # direct neighbor - distance is 1
                    ng += 1
                    # not a direct neighbor - diagonal movement
                    ng += SQRT2

                # check if the neighbor has not been inspected yet, or
                # can be reached with smaller cost from the current node
                if not neighbor.opened or ng < neighbor.g:
                    neighbor.g = ng
                    neighbor.h = neighbor.h or self.weight * \
                        self.heuristic(abs(x - end.x), abs(y - end.y))
                    # f is the estimated total cost from start to goal
                    neighbor.f = neighbor.g + neighbor.h
                    neighbor.parent = node

                    if not neighbor.opened:
                        heapq.heappush(open_list, neighbor)
                        neighbor.opened = True
                        # the neighbor can be reached with smaller cost.
                        # Since its f value has been updated, we have to
                        # update its position in the open list
                        heapq.heappush(open_list, neighbor)
        # failed to find path
        return [], runs