Пример #1
def _applications():
    """System, standard, user applications."""
    result = set()

    _apple_apps = _walk_path('/System/Applications')
    _local_apps = _walk_path('/Applications')
    _usr_apps = _walk_path(str(Path().home()))

    _app_dirs = _apple_apps.union(_local_apps).union(_usr_apps)

    for _a in _app_dirs:
        _app = {'path': _a}
        _codesig = requirements(_a)
            _codesig)  # Updates with results from 'requirements()' dict

        _bn = PurePath(_a).name
        _app['name'] = str(_bn.replace(str(PurePath(_bn).suffix), ''))

        if _app.get('is_signed', False):
            _obj = TCCApplication(**_app)

    return result
Пример #2
import os
from pathlib import PurePath
import importlib
from lcog.tests.config import config

print('Processing and running {} jupyter '
      'notebook files: {}...'.format(len(config.TEST_NB_LIST),
for jupyter_nb_path in config.TEST_NB_LIST:
    # TODO: jupyter_nb file name must not have any spaces, if they do process
    #  will fail. Consider adding replace whitespace with underscores to
    #  support spaces in file names
    nb_file_name = PurePath(jupyter_nb_path).parts[-1]
    if nb_file_name not in config.SKIP_NB:
        input_file_name = nb_file_name.replace('.ipynb', '.py')
        input_file = os.path.join(config.PY_OUTPUT_DIR, input_file_name)
        output_file_name = config.remove_magic_lines(input_file=input_file)
        py_file_to_run = output_file_name.replace('.py', '')
        module_name = 'lcog.{}'.format(py_file_to_run)
        print('----- Running file: {} -----'.format(output_file_name))
        importlib.import_module(module_name, package=None)
            '----- Completed running file: {} -----'.format(output_file_name))
print('Completed processing and running jupyter notebook files')
Пример #3
def check_opt_and_dat(opt_file, dat_file, dirs, volume_number,
                      production_prefix, start_bates_number, num_digits):
    print("Checking and comparing OPT file and DAT file for data errors...")

    #read data from opt file into array
    with open(opt_file, "r", encoding="cp1252") as opt_f:
        opt_reader = csv.reader(opt_f, delimiter=",")

        opt_lines = []
        for opt_row in opt_reader:

    # read data from dat file into array
    with open(dat_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as dat_f:
        dat_reader = csv.reader(dat_f, delimiter=f"{chr(20)}")

        dat_lines = []
        for dat_row in dat_reader:

    # make sure both files contain same number of pages
    num_opt_lines = len(opt_lines)
    num_dat_lines = len(dat_lines)

    num_opt_pages = num_opt_lines
    num_dat_pages = int(dat_lines[-1][1][len(production_prefix) +
                                         1:-1]) - int(start_bates_number) + 1

        assert num_opt_pages == num_dat_pages
        print(f"Total page count: {num_opt_pages}")
    except AssertionError:
        print(f"Number of pages in OPT file: {num_opt_pages}")
        print(f"Number of pages in DAT file: {num_dat_pages}")


    dat_counter = 0
    for i, opt_line in enumerate(opt_lines):

        # check image file referenced in row exists
        prod_home, prod_data, prod_img, prod_nat, prod_txt, prod_img001, prod_nat001, prod_txt001, completed_dir = dirs

        # convert prod_home to Path object and set image path string
        # replace separator to match current os
        if os.name == 'posix':
            altsep = "\\"
            altsep = "/"

        prod_home = PurePath(prod_home.replace(altsep, os.sep))
        image_path = PurePath(opt_line[2].replace(altsep, os.sep))

        # assert the file referenced in OPT row exists
            assert os.path.exists(prod_home.joinpath(image_path))
        except AssertionError:
            print(f"File {opt_line[2]} not found in image path.")
            raise AssertionError

        # Y indicator in fourth column of OPT row signals beginning of document
        # on each new document, check whether OPT and DAT agree
        if opt_line[3] == "Y":

            # increment at beginning of loop (rather than end) to skip DAT header
            dat_counter += 1

            # get OPT line info
            opt_total_pages = int(opt_line[6])
            opt_first_page = int(opt_line[0][len(production_prefix) + 1:])
            opt_last_page = opt_first_page + opt_total_pages - 1

            # get DAT line info
            dat_line = dat_lines[dat_counter]
            dat_first_page = int(dat_line[0][len(production_prefix) + 1:-1])
            dat_last_page = int(dat_line[1][len(production_prefix) + 1:-1])

            # assert the OPT and DAT data matches
                assert dat_first_page == opt_first_page
            except AssertionError:
                    f"OPT and DAT file disagree on starting page number for {opt_line[0]}."
                print(f"OPT: {opt_first_page}")
                print(f"DAT: {dat_first_page}")
                raise AssertionError

                assert dat_last_page == opt_last_page
            except AssertionError:
                    f"OPT and DAT file disagree on ending page number for {opt_line[0]}."
                print(f"OPT: {opt_last_page}")
                print(f"DAT: {dat_last_page}")
                raise AssertionError

            # break if we have reached last document in OPT file and document is also last document in DAT file
            if (i + opt_total_pages) == num_opt_pages:
                assert dat_line == dat_lines[-1]
                print("Reached end of OPT and DAT files.")

            # if not the end, check OPT line to ensure it is not a partial document.
            if opt_lines[i + opt_total_pages][3] == "Y":
                    f"Document beginning at line {i+1} of OPT file incomplete."
                raise AssertionError

    return True