def main(): manipulatedVariables = OrderedDict() manipulatedVariables['alphaForStateWidening'] = [0.25] manipulatedVariables['attentionType'] = ['idealObserver']#, 'hybrid4'] #manipulatedVariables['attentionType'] = ['hybrid4', 'preAttention'] #manipulatedVariables['attentionType'] = ['preAttention'] #manipulatedVariables['attentionType'] = ['idealObserver', 'preAttention', 'attention4', 'hybrid4'] #manipulatedVariables['attentionType'] = ['preAttentionMem0.65', 'preAttentionMem0.25', 'preAttentionPre0.5', 'preAttentionPre4.5'] manipulatedVariables['CForStateWidening'] = [2] manipulatedVariables['minAttentionDistance'] = [10.0, 40.0]#[10.0, 20.0, 40.0] manipulatedVariables['rangeAttention'] = [10.0] manipulatedVariables['cBase'] = [50] manipulatedVariables['numTrees'] = [1, 2] manipulatedVariables['numSimulationTimes'] = [103] manipulatedVariables['actionRatio'] = [0.02, 0.05] manipulatedVariables['burnTime'] = [0] manipulatedVariables['softId'] = [1, 9] manipulatedVariables['softSubtlety'] = [1, 9] productedValues = it.product(*[[(key, value) for value in values] for key, values in manipulatedVariables.items()]) parametersAllCondtion = [dict(list(specificValueParameter)) for specificValueParameter in productedValues] DIRNAME = os.path.dirname(__file__) trajectoryDirectory = os.path.join(DIRNAME, '..', 'data', 'mcts', 'trajectories') if not os.path.exists(trajectoryDirectory): os.makedirs(trajectoryDirectory) trajectoryExtension = '.pickle' getTrajectorySavePathByCondition = lambda condition: tsl.GetSavePath(trajectoryDirectory, trajectoryExtension, condition) measurementEscapeExtension = '.csv' getCSVSavePathByCondition = lambda condition: tsl.GetSavePath(trajectoryDirectory, measurementEscapeExtension, condition) runOneCondition = RunOneCondition(getTrajectorySavePathByCondition, getCSVSavePathByCondition) #runOneCondition(parametersAllCondtion[0]) numCpuCores = os.cpu_count() numCpuToUse = int(numCpuCores) runPool = mp.Pool(numCpuToUse), parametersAllCondtion) precisionToSubtletyDict={500:0,50:5,11:30,3.3:60,1.83:90,0.92:120,0.31:150,0.001: 180}
def HelixMeasurements(Ref_Coords, Tgt_Coords, Data, parm, output): # Input_Coords = [pdb_name, H_Crds, N_Crds, C_Crds, G_Crds, R_Crds, T_Crds] # x_Coords = [resname, resid, bb_crds, ca_crd, cg_crd, avg_crd, cb_crd] print( '##################################################################\n') # Create helix object for MPI Ref = HelixAxis(Ref_Coords) if parm['MPICPU'][0] == 1: Tmp = [HelixAxis(Tgt) for Tgt in tqdm(Tgt_Coords)] else: if parm['MPICPU'][0] == 0: mpi_cpu = multiprocessing.cpu_count() else: mpi_cpu = parm['MPICPU'][0] mpi = multiprocessing.Pool(mpi_cpu) Tmp = [ x for x in tqdm(mpi.imap(HelixAxis, Tgt_Coords), total=len(Tgt_Coords)) ] mpi.close() mpi.join() # Tgt = [ pdb_id, res_id, axis, cg_nom, cg_vec, sc_vec, # sc_pres, cg_pres, curve, phi, psi, r_median, r_std, # Reg2 ] ## Have to leave None in Reg2 to keep Reg2 to have same number as PDB_Coords ## for DomainDistances(), which needs Reg2 # Tgt_List = [x for x in Tmp if x is not None] Tgt_List = Tmp print('\n ## Helix Axis return: {0}\n'.format(len(Tgt_List))) CollectHelix(Ref, Tgt_List, Data) # Extract the 2nd-order regression data for other use # last item in Tgt_List is the Reference item.. pop RefReg2 = Ref[-1] Reg2 = [Tgt[-1] for Tgt in Tgt_List[:-1]] return RefReg2, Reg2
def run(self, common_params, method_params): self._checkCommonParams(common_params) #self._setCommonParams(common_params) self.method_params = method_params self.common_params = common_params # parallel execution common additional preparation self.num_threads = 2 if('num_threads' in common_params and common_params['num_threads'] is not None): self.num_threads = int(common_params['num_threads']) # method specific execution preparation self.prepare() if self.num_cores != 1: pool_size,self.num_threads=self._optimizeParallel(self.num_jobs,self.num_threads,self.num_cores, self.max_cores) else: pool_size = 1 self.num_threads = 1 # sanity check if self.num_jobs is None: raise ExecutionBaseException("Need to define num_jobs during prepare()") if len(self.task_list) < 1: raise ExecutionBaseException("Need to define task_list during prepare()") pool = mp.Pool(pool_size) self.results =, self.task_list) #pool.close() #pool.join() self.collect() self.writeReport() # clean-ups self.num_jobs = None self.task_list = [] self.common_params = None self.method_params = None return self.returnVal
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--output_csv', required=True, help='File for outputting results') args = parser.parse_args() to_run = { 'aoerc': 'person', 'broadway-jackson-hole': 'car', 'buffalo-meat': 'person', 'buses-cars-archie-europe-rotonde': 'car', 'bytes': 'person', 'coral-reef': 'person', 'coupa': 'person', 'elevator': 'person', 'huang': 'person', 'lady-in-the-corner': 'person', 'live-zicht-binnenhaven': 'car', 'shibuya-halloween': 'car', 'taipei': 'bus', 'town-square-shootout': 'person' } input_csv_base = '/dfs/scratch1/jemmons/labels-truncated/%s.mp4.csv.truncated' runner = '' i = 0 run_args = [] for dir_name in to_run: for filename in glob.iglob('%s/*.csv' % dir_name): OBJECT = to_run[dir_name] truth_csv_name = input_csv_base % dir_name test_csv_name = filename run_args.append((i, OBJECT, dir_name, truth_csv_name, test_csv_name, args.output_csv, runner)) i += 1 pool = multiprocessing.Pool(48) results =, run_args) print results print len(results)
def __enter__(self): if self._mode == 'multiprocessing': import dask.multiprocessing import multiprocess.context as ctx ctx._force_start_method('spawn') processes = self._calc_threads( ) if self._processes is None else self._processes self._pool = mp.Pool(processes=processes) self._options = dask.context.set_options( pool=self._pool, get=dask.multiprocessing.get) "Starting processing with {} processes".format(processes)) elif self._mode == 'synchronous': import dask.local self._options = dask.context.set_options(get=dask.local.get_sync)"Starting synchronous processing") return self
def get_distance_matrix(numpy_array): sc = TimeSeriesScalerMeanVariance() X_s = sc.fit_transform(to_time_series_dataset(numpy_array)) size = len(X_s) idx = [(i, j) for i in range(0, size) for j in range(i + 1, size)] def calc_dtw(my_idx): i, j = my_idx return dtw(X_s[i], X_s[j]) with mp.Pool(mp.cpu_count() - 1) as p: distances =, idx) dm = np.zeros(shape=(size, size)) for (i, j), v in zip(idx, distances): dm[i, j] = v dm[j, i] = v return dm
def _apply_multi_core(self, book: 'Book', data: Union['Dataset', 'Book'], method: Callable) -> 'Book': """Applies 'method' to 'data' using multiple CPU cores. Args: book ('Book'): siMpLify class instance with Chapter instances to parallelize. data (Union['Dataset', 'Book']): an instance containing data to be modified. method (Callable): method to parallelize. Returns: 'Book': with its iterable applied to data. """ with mp.Pool() as pool: pool.starmap(method, arguments) pool.close() return self
def extract_features(images, gts, measure, fns, n_jobs=1, loader=imread): if n_jobs != 1: l = list( map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1], measure, fns, loader), zip(images, gts))) if n_jobs < 0: n_jobs = cpu_count() p = pp.Pool(n_jobs) features = lambda x: feature_extractor(x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3], x[4]), l) p.close() p.join() return features else: features = [] for img, gt in zip(images, gts): ftrs = feature_extractor(img, gt, measure, fns) features.append(ftrs) features = np.stack(features) return features
def run(): """Run trainings with all possible parameter combinations in the configured space. """ process_pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=max_worker_num, maxtasksperchild=1) device_queue = _init_device_queue(max_worker_num) for seed in seeds: for env, state_dim, action_dim in zip(envs, state_dims, action_dims): command = "python --eval_n 10 --data_type1 'base' --data_id1 {} --data_type2 {} --data_id2 {} --seed {} --env {} --state_dim1={} --action_dim1={} --state_dim2={} --action_dim2={}".format( data_id, data_type, data_id, seed, env, state_dim, action_dim, state_dim, action_dim) print(command) process_pool.apply_async(func=_worker, args=[command, device_queue], error_callback=lambda e: logging.error(e)) process_pool.close() process_pool.join()
def _process_plot_tvshowstats(): tvdata_date_dict = plextvdb.get_tvdata_ordered_by_date( self.tvdata_on_plex) years_have = set(map(lambda date: date.year, tvdata_date_dict)) with multiprocessing.Pool( processes=multiprocessing.cpu_count()) as pool: figdictdata = dict( lambda year: (year, plextvdb.create_plot_year_tvdata( tvdata_date_dict, year, shouldPlot=False)), years_have)) myLock.acquire() myStage.value += 1 mytxt = '%d, made plots of tv shows added in %d years in %0.3f seconds.' % ( myStage.value, len(years_have), time.time() - time0) self.emitString.emit(mytxt) myLock.release() shared_list.append(('plotYears', figdictdata))
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--resol', required=True, type=int, help='Output csv directory') args = parser.parse_args() to_run = {'aoerc': 'person', 'broadway-jackson-hole': 'car', 'buffalo-meat': 'person', 'buses-cars-archie-europe-rotonde': 'car', 'bytes': 'person', 'coral-reef': 'person', 'coupa': 'person', 'elevator': 'person', 'huang': 'person', 'lady-in-the-corner': 'person', 'live-zicht-binnenhaven': 'car', 'shibuya-halloween': 'car', 'taipei': 'bus'} input_csv_base = '/dfs/scratch1/fabuzaid/noscope-datasets-completed/csv/%s.mp4.csv' input_vid_base = '/dfs/scratch1/fabuzaid/noscope-datasets-completed/videos/%s.mp4' output_dir = '/dfs/scratch1/ddkang/experiments/metrics_window30_all' runner = '/afs/' run_args = [] RESOL = args.resol for DELAY in [10, 30]: for fname in to_run: OBJECT = to_run[fname] csv_in_name = input_csv_base % fname vid_in_name = input_vid_base % fname run_args.append( (RESOL, DELAY, OBJECT, fname, csv_in_name, vid_in_name, output_dir, runner)) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(5) results =, run_args) print results print len(results)
def remove_unmeasured_nodes(graph, measured): new_g = graph.copy() edge_info_dict = dict() for i, j, data in graph.edges(data=True): edge_info_dict[(i, j)] = data nodes = set(graph.nodes()) include = set(measured) include.intersection_update(nodes) # for i, j in : def find(d): i, j = d paths = [] if nx.has_path(graph, i, j): for p in nx.all_shortest_paths(graph, i, j): path = [] label = [] for n in p: if n in include: path.append(n) else: label.append(n) if len(path) == 2: paths.append((path, '|'.join(l for l in label))) return paths x = mp.Pool(4) paths =, itertools.combinations(include, 2)) to_remove = set() for p in paths: if len(p) != 2: continue for path, label in p: print(path, label) for n in label.split('|'): to_remove.add(n) new_g.add_edge(path[0], path[1], label=label) for n in to_remove: new_g.remove_node(n) return new_g
def main(): to_run = { # video, object, metric, model, reg, delay, resolution, ref-index, num-blocks 'aoerc': ('person', 'mse', 'lr', 'l2', 10, 100, -1, 10), 'broadway-jackson-hole': ('car', 'mse', 'lr', 'l2', 10, 50, 100, 10), 'buffalo-meat': ('person', 'mse', 'lr', 'l2', 10, 100, 100, 10), 'buses-cars-archie-europe-rotonde': ('car', 'mse', 'lr', 'l2', 10, 50, 350, 10), 'bytes': ('person', 'mse', 'lr', 'l2', 30, 50, -1, 10), 'coral-reef': ('person', 'mse', 'lr', 'l2', 10, 100, 500, 10), 'coupa': ('person', 'mse', 'lr', 'l2', 10, 50, 100, 10), 'elevator': ('person', 'mse', 'lr', 'l2', 10, 100, 100, 10), 'huang': ('person', 'mse', 'lr', 'l2', 10, 50, 110, 10), 'lady-in-the-corner': ('person', 'mse', 'lr', 'l2', 10, 100, -1, 10), 'live-zicht-binnenhaven': ('car', 'mse', 'lr', 'l2', 10, 50, 100, 10), 'shibuya-halloween': ('car', 'mse', 'lr', 'l2', 10, 50, 50, 10), 'taipei': ('bus', 'mse', 'lr', 'l2', 10, 50, 50, 10), 'town-square-shootout': ('bus', 'mse', 'lr', 'l2', 10, 50, 50, 10) } input_csv_base = '/dfs/scratch1/fabuzaid/noscope-datasets-completed/csv/%s.mp4.csv' input_vid_base = '/dfs/scratch1/fabuzaid/noscope-datasets-completed/videos/%s.mp4' output_dir = '/dfs/scratch1/fabuzaid/noscope-experiments/blocked_filters-gold-standard-no-mean/' runner = '' run_args = [] for fname in to_run: OBJECT, METRIC, MODEL, REG, DELAY, RESOL, REF_INDEX, NUM_BLOCKS = to_run[fname] csv_in_name = input_csv_base % fname vid_in_name = input_vid_base % fname # no ref-index run_args.append( (RESOL, DELAY, NUM_BLOCKS, REF_INDEX, REG, MODEL, METRIC, OBJECT, fname, csv_in_name, vid_in_name, output_dir + fname, runner) ) # with ref-index pool = multiprocessing.Pool(13) results =, run_args) print results print len(results)
def _make_plots(plots_to_make, plot_func, parallel=False): for i, _ in enumerate(plots_to_make): plots_to_make[i].append('pdf') plots_to_make[i].append(True) if parallel: st2 = time.time() pool = mp.Pool() # lambda a: function(a[0], **a[1]), arguments pool.map_async(lambda a: plot_func(*a), plots_to_make) pool.close() pool.join() end2 = time.time() print("parallel time = {}".format(end2 - st2)) print("Done creating plots for each GO term") else: st1 = time.time() list(map(lambda a: plot_func(*a), plots_to_make)) end1 = time.time() print("sequential time = {}".format(end1 - st1)) plt.close('all')
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--output-dir', required=True) args = parser.parse_args() runner = './' output_dir = args.output_dir if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) run_args = [] numa_queue = get_numa_queue(2) for (model_dir, _, (training_file, test_file)) in TO_RUN: input_dir = os.path.join(MODEL_DIR_BASE, model_dir) base_name = model_dir.replace('/', '-') run_args.append((numa_queue, training_file, test_file, input_dir, base_name, output_dir, runner)) pool = multiprocessing.Pool(NUM_NUMA_NODES * 2), run_args)
def perform_qa(self): outdir = os.path.join(self.out_prefix, Analysis.out_subdir['qa']) f"Starting quality assessment (FastQC), results will be stored here: {outdir}" ) Support.safe_dir_create(outdir) cmd_queue = [] for sample_id in self.samples:"Queuing {sample_id}") r1 = self.samples[sample_id]["r1"] r2 = self.samples[sample_id]["r2"] cmd = f"fastqc -o {outdir} {r1} {r2}" # cmd = f"fastqc -o {outdir} -t {self.threads} {r1} {r2}" # Support.run_command(command_str=cmd) cmd_queue.append(cmd) pool = mp.Pool(processes=self.threads) x: Support.run_command(command_str=x), cmd_queue)"Quality assessed for all samples")"Compiling QA reports") cmd = f"multiqc -o {outdir} {outdir}" Support.run_command(cmd)
def multiprocess_cluster(self, number_of_files, number_of_process): ''' Using multiprocess, test k-means cluster and pickled method into KeyFrame objects and load the pickle data from file. :return: None ''' start_time = time.time() # define a nested function for multiprocessing def cluster_f(file): colors_info = cluster.kmeans_cluster(file, 5) return KeyFrame(colors_info) # get the directory of all files list_of_files = self.getListOfFiles('./testfile') # use 10 file for test test_len = number_of_files # initialize cluster utility cluster = ClusterUtility # using 5 process p = mp.Pool(number_of_process) # multiprocessing # store a list of KeyFrames img =, list_of_files[:test_len]) p.close() p.join() cluster_time = time.time() - start_time # create the pickle obj # if the pickled file exists, remove the file and create a new if os.path.exists('../test_search/pickledFrames'): os.remove('../test_search/pickledFrames') pfile = open('../test_search/pickledFrames', 'ab') dill.dump(img, pfile) pfile.close() pfile = open('../test_search/pickledFrames', 'rb') img_data = dill.load(pfile) test_case = TestCase() pfile.close() test_case.assertEqual(test_len, len(img_data)) return cluster_time
def query( self, observations: Optional[Union[Dict[str, Any], List[Dict[str, Any]]]] = None, parallel: bool = False, num_cores: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Union[Dict[str, Dict[Hashable, float]], List[Dict[str, Dict[ Hashable, float]]], ]: """ Queries the ``BayesianNetwork`` for marginals given one or more observations. Args: observations: one or more observations of states of nodes in the Bayesian Network. parallel: if True, run the query using multiprocessing num_cores: only applicable if parallel=True. The number of cores used during multiprocessing. If num_cores is not provided, number of processors will be autodetected and used Returns: A dictionary or a list of dictionaries of marginal probabilities of the network. Raises: TypeError: if observations is neither None nor a dictionary nor a list """ if observations is not None and not isinstance(observations, (dict, list)): raise TypeError( "Expecting observations to be a dict, list or None") if isinstance(observations, list): if parallel: with multiprocessing.Pool(num_cores) as p: result =, observations) else: result = [self._single_query(obs) for obs in observations] else: # dictionary or None result = self._single_query(observations) return result
def loo_cross_validation(self, batch_size=32, train_rate=0.1, steps=1, epochs_per_step=100000, threads=4): def loo_x_validate(loo_cand): model = SimpleRecurrentModel(**self.model_args) filtered_inputs = [ self.input_data[i] for i in range(len(self.input_data)) if i != loo_cand ] filtered_targets = [ self.target_data[i] for i in range(len(self.target_data)) if i != loo_cand ] processed_inputs, processed_targets = model.assemble_data( filtered_inputs, filtered_targets) training_results = {} for s in range(1, steps + 1): model._raw_train(processed_inputs, processed_targets, batch_size, train_rate, epochs_per_step) training_results[s * epochs_per_step] = model.compute_inference( self.input_data[loo_cand]) return training_results loo_candidates = range(len(self.input_data)) p = mp.Pool(threads) results =, loo_candidates) p.close() processed_results = {} for k in results[0].keys(): processed_results[k] = [r[k] for r in results] self.loo_cross_validation_results = processed_results return self.loo_cross_validation_results
def createPNGPicObjects( cls, pImgClient ): """ :param PlexIMGClient pImgClient: the :py:class:`PlexIMGClient <>` used to access and manipulate (add, delete, rename) images in the main Imgur_ album. :returns: a :py:class:`list` of :py:class:`PNGPicObject <>` representing the images in the main Imgur_ album. :rtype: list """ pngPICObjects = [ ] def _create_object( imgMD5 ): imgName, imgID, imgurlLink, imgDateTime = pImgClient.imghashes[ imgMD5 ] try: newObj = PNGPicObject( { 'initialization' : 'SERVER', 'imgurlLink' : imgurlLink, 'imgName' : imgName, 'imgMD5' : imgMD5, 'imgDateTime' : imgDateTime }, pImgClient ) return newObj except: return None with multiprocessing.Pool( processes = multiprocessing.cpu_count( ) ) as pool: pngPICObjects = list( filter( None, map( _create_object, pImgClient.imghashes ) ) ) return pngPICObjects
def target_creator(masks, n_jobs=1): """ Creates a segmentation target with 3 classes: 0 - one illuminant, 1 - black, 2 - second illuminant. The classes are one hot encoded. :param masks: Input mask to encode where 0 is the second illuminant, 255 is the first illuminant and 128 is black. :return: Encoded mask used for segmentation """ if n_jobs != 1: if n_jobs < 0: n_jobs = cpu_count() p = pp.Pool(n_jobs) nm =, masks) p.close() p.join() return nm else: nm = [] for mask in masks: mask = create_target(mask) nm.append(mask) nm = np.stack(nm) return nm
def read_edge_vol_delay(in_files: Sequence[str]) -> pd.DataFrame: with mp.Pool() as pool: tables = functions_expansion(dynamic_assignment_file_read, lambda tbd: tbd['VolTime'], timevol_table), in_files) sim_itr = [ int(path.basename(fr).split('.')[0].split('_')[-1]) for fr in in_files ] for itr, table in zip(sim_itr, tables): table['ITR'] = itr sim_dem = [ float( path.split(path.split(fr)[0])[-1].replace('Vol', '').replace( 'per', '')) / 100 for fr in in_files ] for dem, table in zip(sim_dem, tables): table['Demand'] = dem return pd.concat(tables)