Пример #1
    def getEigenValueGap(self,
        Returns the eigenvalue gap of the transition matrix.

        @param includeSubPaths: whether or not to include subpath statistics in the 
            calculation of transition probabilities.

        #NOTE to myself: most of the time goes for construction of the 2nd order
        #NOTE            null graph, then for the 2nd order null transition matrix

        Log.add('Calculating eigenvalue gap ... ', Severity.INFO)

        # Build transition matrices
        T = self.getTransitionMatrix(includeSubPaths)

        # Compute the two largest eigenvalues
        # NOTE: ncv sets additional auxiliary eigenvectors that are computed
        # NOTE: in order to be more confident to actually find the one with the largest
        # NOTE: magnitude, see https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/4987
        w2 = _sla.eigs(T,
        evals2_sorted = _np.sort(-_np.absolute(w2))

        Log.add('finished.', Severity.INFO)

        return _np.abs(evals2_sorted[1])
Пример #2
    def fitMarkovModel(self, k=1):
        """ Generates a k-th order Markov model
            for the underlying sequence

        # TODO: Add support for k=0

        assert len(self.sequence) > 0, "Error: Empty sequence"

        # MLE fit of transition probabilities
        self.P[k] = _co.defaultdict(lambda: _co.defaultdict(lambda: 0.0))

        Log.add('Fitting Markov model with order k = ' + str(k))

        # Generate initial memory prefix
        mem = (())
        for s in self.sequence[:k]:
            mem += (s, )

        # count state transitions
        for s in self.sequence[k:]:
            self.P[k][mem][s] += 1.0

            # shift memory by one element
            mem = mem[1:] + (s, )

        # normalize transitions
        for m in self.P[k]:
            S = float(sum(self.P[k][m].values()))
            for s in self.P[k][m]:
                self.P[k][m][s] /= S
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, paths, maxOrder=1):
        Generates a hierarchy of higher-order
        models for the given path statistics,
        up to a given maximum order

        @param paths: the paths instance for which the model should be created
        @param maxOrder: the maximum order of the multi-order model

        ## A dictionary containing the layers of HigherOrderNetworks, where
        ## layers[k] contains the network of order k
        self.layers = {}

        ## the maximum order of this multi-order model
        self.maxOrder = maxOrder

        ## the paths object from which this multi-order model was created
        self.paths = paths

        ## a dictionary of transition matrices for all layers of the model
        self.T = {}

        for k in range(maxOrder + 1):
            Log.add('Generating ' + str(k) + '-th order network layer ...')
            self.layers[k] = HigherOrderNetwork(paths, k, paths.separator,

            # compute transition matrices for all layers. In order to use the maximally
            # available statistics, we always use sub paths in the calculation
            self.T[k] = self.layers[k].getTransitionMatrix(

Пример #4
    def factorial(self, n, log=True):
        Caclulates (or approximates) the (log of the) factorial n!. The function applies Stirling's approximation if n>20.

        @param n: computes factorial of n
        @param log: whether or not to return the (natural) logarithm of the factorial
        f = _np.float64(0)
        n_ = _np.float64(n)
        if n > 20:  # use Stirling's approximation
                f = n_ * _np.log(n_) - n_ + 0.5 * _np.log(
                    2.0 * _np.pi * n_) + 1.0 / (12.0 * n_) - 1 / (360.0 *
            except Warning as w:
                Log.add('Factorial calculation for n = ' + str(n) + ': ' +

            f = _np.log(_np.math.factorial(n))

        if log:
            return f
            return _np.exp(f)
Пример #5
    def ClosenessCentrality(self):
        Calculates the closeness centralities of all nodes.
        If the order of the higher-order network is larger than one 
        centralities calculated based on the higher-order 
        topology will automatically be projected back to first-order 

        dist_first = self.getDistanceMatrixFirstOrder()
        node_centralities = _co.defaultdict(lambda: 0)

            'Calculating closeness centralities (k = ' + str(self.order) +
            ') ...', Severity.INFO)

        # calculate closeness values
        for v1 in dist_first:
            for w1 in dist_first[v1]:
                if v1 != w1 and dist_first[v1][w1] < _np.inf:
                    node_centralities[v1] += 1.0 / dist_first[v1][w1]

        # assign centrality zero to nodes not occurring on higher-order shortest paths
        nodes = self.paths.getNodes()
        for v in nodes:
            node_centralities[v] += 0

        Log.add('finished.', Severity.INFO)

        return node_centralities
Пример #6
    def BetweennessCentrality(self, normalized=False):
        Calculates the betweenness centralities of all nodes.
        If the order of the higher-order network is larger than one 
        centralities calculated based on the higher-order 
        topology will automatically be projected back to first-order 

        @param normalized: If set to True, betweenness centralities of 
            nodes will be scaled by the maximum value (default False)

        shortest_paths = self.getShortestPaths()
        node_centralities = _co.defaultdict(lambda: 0)

        shortest_paths_firstorder = _co.defaultdict(
            lambda: _co.defaultdict(lambda: set()))

            'Calculating betweenness centralities (k = ' + str(self.order) +
            ') ...', Severity.INFO)

        for sk in shortest_paths:
            for dk in shortest_paths:
                s1 = self.HigherOrderNodeToPath(sk)[0]
                d1 = self.HigherOrderNodeToPath(dk)[-1]

                # we consider a path in a k-th order network
                # connecting first-order node s1 to d1
                for pk in shortest_paths[sk][dk]:
                    # convert k-th order path to first-order path and add

        for s1 in shortest_paths_firstorder:
            for d1 in shortest_paths_firstorder[s1]:
                for p1 in shortest_paths_firstorder[s1][d1]:
                    # increase betweenness centrality of all intermediary nodes
                    # on path from s1 to d1
                    for v in p1[1:-1]:
                        if s1 != v != d1:
                            #print('node ' + x + ': ' + str(1.0 / len(shortest_paths[vk][wk])))
                            node_centralities[v] += 1.0 / (
                                len(shortest_paths_firstorder[s1][d1]) +
                                self.order - 1)
                            #    node_centralities[v] += 1.0
        if normalized:
            m = max(node_centralities.values())
            for v in node_centralities:
                node_centralities[v] /= m

        # assign centrality zero to nodes not occurring on higher-order shortest paths
        nodes = self.paths.getNodes()
        for v in nodes:
            node_centralities[v] += 0

        Log.add('finished.', Severity.INFO)

        return node_centralities
Пример #7
    def getDistanceMatrix(self):
        Calculates shortest path distances between all pairs of 
        higher-order nodes using the Floyd-Warshall algorithm.

            'Calculating distance matrix in higher-order network (k = ' +
            str(self.order) + ') ...', Severity.INFO)

        dist = _co.defaultdict(lambda: _co.defaultdict(lambda: _np.inf))

        for v in self.nodes:
            dist[v][v] = 0

        for e in self.edges:
            dist[e[0]][e[1]] = 1

        for v in self.nodes:
            for w in self.nodes:
                for k in self.nodes:
                    if dist[v][w] > dist[v][k] + dist[k][w]:
                        dist[v][w] = dist[v][k] + dist[k][w]

        Log.add('finished.', Severity.INFO)

        return dist
Пример #8
    def getAlgebraicConnectivity(self, lanczosVecs=15, maxiter=20):
        Returns the algebraic connectivity of the higher-order network.    
        @param lanczosVecs: number of Lanczos vectors to be used in the approximate
            calculation of eigenvectors and eigenvalues. This maps to the ncv parameter 
            of scipy's underlying function eigs. 
        @param maxiter: scaling factor for the number of iterations to be used in the 
            approximate calculation of eigenvectors and eigenvalues. The number of iterations 
            passed to scipy's underlying eigs function will be n*maxiter where n is the
            number of rows/columns of the Laplacian matrix.         

        Log.add('Calculating algebraic connectivity ... ', Severity.INFO)

        L = self.getLaplacianMatrix()
        # NOTE: ncv sets additional auxiliary eigenvectors that are computed
        # NOTE: in order to be more confident to find the one with the largest
        # NOTE: magnitude, see https://github.com/scipy/scipy/issues/4987
        w = _sla.eigs(L,
        evals_sorted = _np.sort(_np.absolute(w))

        Log.add('finished.', Severity.INFO)

        return _np.abs(evals_sorted[1])
Пример #9
    def EvCent(self, projection='scaled', includeSubPaths=True):
        Calculates the eigenvector centralities of higher-order nodes. If 
        the order of the HigherOrderNetwork is larger than one, the centralities
        will be projected to the first-order nodes. 

        @param projection: Indicates how the projection from k-th-order nodes (v1, v2, ... , v{k-1})
            shall be performed. For the method 'all', the eigenvector centrality of the higher-order node 
            will be added to *all* first-order nodes on the path corresponding to the higher-order node. For 
            the method 'last', the centrality of the higher-order node will only be assigned to *last* 
            first-order node v{k-1}. For the method 'scaled' (default), the eigenvector centrality of higher-order 
            nodes will be assigned proportionally to first-order nodes, i.e. each of the three nodes in the 
            third-order node (a,b,c) will receive one third of the eigenvector centrality of (a,b,c).
        @param includeSubPaths: whether or not to include subpath statistics in the calculation (default True)
        A = self.getAdjacencyMatrix(includeSubPaths=includeSubPaths,

        # calculate leading eigenvector of A
        w, v = _sla.eigs(A, k=1, which="LM", ncv=13)

        v = v.reshape(v.size, )

        higher_order_evcent = dict(zip(self.nodes, map(_np.abs, v)))

        # project evcent of higher-order nodes to first-order network
        first_order_evcent = _co.defaultdict(lambda: 0.0)

        # sum evcent values based on higher-order nodes
        # and normalize the result
        for v in self.nodes:
            # turns node a-b-c in path tuple (a,b,c)
            p = self.HigherOrderNodeToPath(v)
            if projection == 'all':
                # assign evcent of higher-order node to all first-order nodes
                for x in p:
                    first_order_evcent[x] += higher_order_evcent[v]
            elif projection == 'scaled':
                for x in p:
                    first_order_evcent[x] += higher_order_evcent[v] / float(
            elif projection == 'last':
                # assign evcent of higher-order node to last first-order node
                first_order_evcent[p[-1]] += higher_order_evcent[v]
            elif projection == 'first':
                # assign evcent of higher-order node to last first-order node
                first_order_evcent[p[0]] += higher_order_evcent[v]

        # for scaled, values sum to one anyway
        if projection != 'scaled':
            for v in first_order_evcent:
                first_order_evcent[v] /= sum(first_order_evcent.values())

        Log.add('finished.', Severity.INFO)

        return first_order_evcent

        return v
Пример #10
    def filterEdges(self, edge_filter):
        """Filter time-stamped edges according to a given filter expression. 

        @param edge_filter: an arbitrary filter function of the form filter_func(v, w, time) that 
            returns True for time-stamped edges that shall pass the filter, and False for all edges that 
            shall be filtered out.

        Log.add('Starting filtering ...', Severity.INFO)
        new_t_edges = []

        for (v,w,t) in self.tedges:
            if edge_filter(v,w,t):

        Log.add('finished. Filtered out ' + str(self.ecount() - len(new_t_edges)) + ' time-stamped edges.', Severity.INFO)

        return TemporalNetwork(tedges=new_t_edges)
Пример #11
    def getShortestPaths(self):
        Calculates all shortest paths between all pairs of 
        higher-order nodes using the Floyd-Warshall algorithm.

            'Calculating shortest paths in higher-order network (k = ' +
            str(self.order) + ') ...', Severity.INFO)

        dist = _co.defaultdict(lambda: _co.defaultdict(lambda: _np.inf))
        shortest_paths = _co.defaultdict(
            lambda: _co.defaultdict(lambda: set()))

        for e in self.edges:
            dist[e[0]][e[1]] = 1

        for v in self.nodes:
            for w in self.nodes:
                if v != w:
                    for k in self.nodes:
                        if dist[v][w] > dist[v][k] + dist[k][w]:
                            dist[v][w] = dist[v][k] + dist[k][w]
                            shortest_paths[v][w] = set()
                            for p in list(shortest_paths[v][k]):
                                for q in list(shortest_paths[k][w]):
                                    shortest_paths[v][w].add(p + q[1:])
                        elif dist[v][w] == dist[v][k] + dist[k][w]:
                            for p in list(shortest_paths[v][k]):
                                for q in list(shortest_paths[k][w]):
                                    shortest_paths[v][w].add(p + q[1:])

        for v in self.nodes:
            dist[v][v] = 0
            shortest_paths[v][v].add((v, ))

        Log.add('finished.', Severity.INFO)

        return shortest_paths
Пример #12
    def __init__(self, tedges=None):
        Constructor that generates a temporal network instance. 
        @param tedges: an optional list of (possibly unordered time-stamped) links 
            from which to construct a temporal network instance. For the default value None        
            an empty temporal network will be created.

        ## A list of time-stamped edges of this temporal network
        self.tedges = []

        ## A list of nodes of this temporal network
        self.nodes = []

        ## A dictionary storing all time-stamped links, indexed by time-stamps
        self.time = _co.defaultdict(lambda: list())

        ## A dictionary storing all time-stamped links, indexed by time and target node
        self.targets = _co.defaultdict(lambda: dict())

        ## A dictionary storing all time-stamped links, indexed by time and source node
        self.sources = _co.defaultdict(lambda: dict())

        ## A dictionary storing time stamps at which links (v,*;t) originate from node v
        self.activities = _co.defaultdict(lambda: list())

        ## A dictionary storing sets of time stamps at which links (v,*;t) originate from node v
        ## Note that the insertion into a set is much faster than repeatedly checking whether
        ## an element already exists in a list!
        self.activities_sets = _co.defaultdict(lambda: set())

        ## An ordered list of time-stamps
        self.ordered_times = []

        nodes_seen = _co.defaultdict(lambda: False)

        if tedges is not None:
            Log.add('Building index data structures ...')

            for e in tedges:
                self.targets[e[2]].setdefault(e[1], []).append(e)
                self.sources[e[2]].setdefault(e[0], []).append(e)
                if not nodes_seen[e[0]]:
                    nodes_seen[e[0]] = True
                if not nodes_seen[e[1]]:
                    nodes_seen[e[1]] = True
            self.tedges = tedges
            self.nodes = list(nodes_seen.keys())

            Log.add('Sorting time stamps ...')

            self.ordered_times = sorted(self.time.keys())
            for v in self.nodes:
                self.activities[v] = sorted(self.activities_sets[v])
Пример #13
    def likeliHoodRatioTest(self,
        Performs a likelihood-ratio test between two multi-order models with given maximum orders, where maxOrderNull serves
        as null hypothesis and maxOrder serves as alternative hypothesis. The null hypothesis is rejected if the p-value for
        the observed paths under the null hypothesis is smaller than the given significance threshold.

        Applying this test makes the assumption that we have nested models, i.e. that the null model is contained
        as a special case in the parameter space of the more complex model. If we assume that the path constraint holds,
        this is not true for the test of the first- against the zero-order model (since some sequences of the zero order model
        cannot be generated in the first-order model). However, since the set of possible higher-order transitions is generated
        based on the first-order model, the nestedness property holds for all higher order models.

        @param paths: the path data to be used in the liklihood ratio test
        @param maxOrderNull: maximum order of the multi-order model
                to be used as a null hypothesis
        @param maxOrder: maximum order of the multi-order model to be used as
                alternative hypothesis
        @param assumption: paths or ngrams
        @param significanceThreshold: the threshold for the p-value
                below which to accept the alternative hypothesis
        @returns: a tuple of the format (reject, p) which captures whether or
                not the null hypothesis is rejected in favor of the alternative
                hypothesis, as well as the p-value that led to the decision

        assert maxOrderNull < maxOrder, 'Error: order of null hypothesis must be smaller than order of alternative hypothesis'
        # let L0 be the likelihood for the null model and L1 be the likelihood for the alternative model

        # we first compute a test statistic x = -2 * log (L0/L1) = -2 * (log L0 - log L1)
        x = -2 * (self.getLikelihood(paths, maxOrder=maxOrderNull, log=True) -
                  self.getLikelihood(paths, maxOrder=maxOrder, log=True))

        # we calculate the additional degrees of freedom in the alternative model
        dof_diff = self.getDegreesOfFreedom(
            assumption=assumption) - self.getDegreesOfFreedom(
                maxOrder=maxOrderNull, assumption=assumption)

        Log.add('Likelihood ratio test for K_opt = ' + str(maxOrder) +
                ', x = ' + str(x))
        Log.add('Likelihood ratio test, d_1-d_0 = ' + str(dof_diff))

        # if the p-value is *below* the significance threshold, we reject the null hypothesis
        p = 1 - chi2.cdf(x, dof_diff)

        Log.add('Likelihood ratio test, p = ' + str(p))
        return (p < significanceThreshold), p
Пример #14
    def readFile(filename,
                 timestampformat="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M",
        """ Reads time-stamped links from a file and returns a new instance 
            of the class TemporalNetwork. The file is assumed to have a header 

                source target time 

            where columns can be in arbitrary order and separated by arbitrary characters. 
            Each time-stamped link must occur in a separate line and links are assumed to be
            The time column can be omitted and in this case all links are assumed to occur 
            in consecutive time stamps (that have a distance of one). Time stamps can be simple 
            integers, or strings to be converted to UNIX time stamps via a custom timestamp format. 
            For this, the python function datetime.strptime will be used. 

            @param sep: the character that separates columns 
            @param filename: path of the file to read from
            @param timestampformat: used to convert string timestamps to UNIX timestamps. This parameter is 
                ignored, if the timestamps are digit types (like a simple int).
            @param maxlines: limit reading of file to certain number of lines, default sys.maxsize

        assert (filename != ''), 'Empty filename given'

        # Read header
        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
            tedges = []

            header = f.readline()
            header = header.split(sep)

            # If header columns are included, arbitrary column orders are supported
            time_ix = -1
            source_ix = -1
            mid_ix = -1
            weight_ix = -1
            target_ix = -1
            for i in range(len(header)):
                header[i] = header[i].strip()
                if header[i] == 'node1' or header[i] == 'source':
                    source_ix = i
                elif header[i] == 'node2' or header[i] == 'target':
                    target_ix = i
                elif header[i] == 'time' or header[i] == 'timestamp':
                    time_ix = i

            assert (source_ix >= 0 and target_ix >= 0
                    ), "Detected invalid header columns: %s" % header

            if time_ix < 0:
                    'No time stamps found in data, assuming consecutive links',

            Log.add('Reading time-stamped links ...')

            line = f.readline()
            n = 1
            while line and n <= maxlines:
                fields = line.rstrip().split(sep)
                    if time_ix >= 0:
                        timestamp = fields[time_ix]
                        # if the timestamp is a number, we use this
                        if timestamp.isdigit():
                            t = int(timestamp)
                        else:  # if it is a string, we use the timestamp format to convert it to a UNIX timestamp
                            x = _dt.datetime.strptime(timestamp,
                            t = int(_t.mktime(x.timetuple()))
                        t = n
                    if t >= 0:
                        tedge = (fields[source_ix], fields[target_ix], t)
                            'Ignoring negative timestamp in line ' +
                            str(n + 1) + ': "' + line.strip() + '"',
                except (IndexError, ValueError):
                        'Ignoring malformed data in line ' + str(n + 1) +
                        ': "' + line.strip() + '"', Severity.WARNING)
                line = f.readline()
                n += 1
        # end of with open()

        return TemporalNetwork(tedges=tedges)
Пример #15
    def PageRank(self,
        Calculates the PageRank of higher-order nodes based on a 
        power iteration. If the order of the higher-order network is larger than one,
        the PageRank calculated based on the higher-order
        topology will automatically be projected back to first-order 

        @param projection: Indicates how the projection from k-th-order nodes (v1, v2, ... , v{k-1})
            shall be performed. For the method 'all', the pagerank value of the higher-order node 
            will be added to *all* first-order nodes on the path corresponding to the higher-order node. For 
            the method 'last', the PR value of the higher-order node will only be assigned to *last* 
            first-order node v{k-1}. For the method 'scaled' (default), the PageRank of higher-order 
            nodes will be assigned proportionally to first-order nodes, i.e. each of the three nodes in the 
            third-order node (a,b,c) will receive one third of the PageRank of (a,b,c).
        @param includeSubpaths: whether or not to use subpath statistics in the PageRank calculation

        assert projection == 'all' or projection == 'last' or projection == 'first' or projection == 'scaled', 'Invalid projection method'

            'Calculating PageRank in ' + str(self.order) +
            '-th order network...', Severity.INFO)

        higher_order_PR = _co.defaultdict(lambda: 0)

        n = float(len(self.nodes))

        assert n > 0, "Number of nodes is zero"

        # entries A[s,t] give directed link s -> t
        A = self.getAdjacencyMatrix(includeSubPaths=includeSubPaths,

        # sum of outgoing node degrees
        row_sums = _sp.array(A.sum(axis=1)).flatten()

        row_sums[row_sums != 0] = 1.0 / row_sums[row_sums != 0]
        d = _sp.where(row_sums == 0)[0]

        Q = _sparse.spdiags(row_sums.T, 0, *A.shape, format='csr')
        A = Q * A

        p = _sp.array([1.0 / n] * int(n))
        pr = p

        # Power iteration
        for i in range(maxIterations):
            last = pr
            pr = alpha * (pr * A + sum(pr[d]) * p) + (1 - alpha) * p

            if _sp.absolute(pr - last).sum() < n * convergenceThres:
                higher_order_PR = dict(zip(self.nodes, map(float, pr)))

        if self.order == 1:
            return higher_order_PR

        # project PageRank of higher-order nodes to first-order network
        first_order_PR = _co.defaultdict(lambda: 0.0)

        # sum PageRank values based on higher-order nodes
        # and normalize the result
        for v in self.nodes:
            # turns node a-b-c in path tuple (a,b,c)
            p = self.HigherOrderNodeToPath(v)
            if projection == 'all':
                # assign PR of higher-order node to all first-order nodes
                for x in p:
                    first_order_PR[x] += higher_order_PR[v]
            elif projection == 'scaled':
                for x in p:
                    # each node on e.g. a 4-th-order path a-b-c-d receives one fourth of the
                    # PageRank value, to ensure that the resulting first-order PageRank sums
                    # to one
                    first_order_PR[x] += higher_order_PR[v] / float(len(p))
            elif projection == 'last':
                # assign PR of higher-order node to last first-order node
                first_order_PR[p[-1]] += higher_order_PR[v]
            elif projection == 'first':
                # assign PR of higher-order node to last first-order node
                first_order_PR[p[0]] += higher_order_PR[v]

        # for projection method 'scaled', the values sum to one anyway
        if projection != 'scaled':
            for v in first_order_PR:
                first_order_PR[v] /= sum(first_order_PR.values())

        # assign centrality zero to nodes not occurring in higher-order PR
        nodes = self.paths.getNodes()
        for v in nodes:
            first_order_PR[v] += 0

        Log.add('finished.', Severity.INFO)

        return first_order_PR