Пример #1
    def expand(self, order=0, include_path: bool = False) -> List[Path]:
        """Converts the path in subpaths of length oder."""

        paths = []
        for path in self.paths.values():
            expanded = []
            if order == 0:
                for uid in path.as_nodes:

            elif 0 < order < len(path):
                for subpath in window(path.as_edges, size=order):
                    edges = [path.edges[uid] for uid in subpath]
                        Path.from_edges(edges, **path.attributes.to_dict()))

            elif order == len(path) and include_path:

            # add sub path if exist
            if expanded:

        return paths
Пример #2
    def __init__(self,
                 *args: Union[Node, Edge],
                 uid: Optional[str] = None,
                 **kwargs: Any) -> None:

        # initializing the parent classes
        Node.__init__(self, uid, **kwargs)
        Path.__init__(self, *args, uid=uid, **kwargs)
    def __init__(self,
                 *args: Union[Node, Edge],
                 uid: Optional[str] = None,
                 **kwargs: Any) -> None:

        # initializing the parent classes
        Node.__init__(self, uid, **kwargs)
        Path.__init__(self, *args, uid=uid, **kwargs)

        self['label'] = '-'.join([n.uid for n in self.nodes])
Пример #4
    def calculate(self,
                  min_length: int = 0,
                  max_length: int = sys.maxsize,
                  include_path: bool = False) -> None:
        """Helper function to calculate subpaths."""

        if len(self) > 0:
            LOG.warning('Recalculating sub-paths!')
        # get the default max and min path lengths
        _min_length: int = min_length
        _max_length: int = max_length

        # iterrate over all paths
        for path in tqdm(self._paths.values(), desc='sub-path calculation'):

            # number of counted paths
            frequency = path.attributes.get('frequency', 1)

            # if min_length is zero, account also for nodes
            if _min_length <= 0:
                for node in path.nodes:
                    if (node, ) not in self:
                        self._add(Path(node, possible=frequency, frequency=0))
                        self[(node, )]['possible'] += frequency

            # get min and max length
            min_length = max(_min_length, 1)
            max_length = min(len(path) - 1, _max_length)

            # get subpaths
            for i in range(min_length - 1, max_length):
                for j in range(len(path) - i):
                    edges = tuple(path.edges[j:j + i + 1])
                    if edges not in self:
                        self._add(Path(*edges, possible=frequency,
                        # TODO: fix the frequency assignment
                        if self[edges]['possible'] is None:
                            self[edges]['possible'] = 0
                        self[edges]['possible'] += frequency

            # include the path
            if include_path:
                if path not in self and _min_length <= len(
                        path) <= _max_length:
                    path['possible'] = 0

        for path in self:
            self._observed[len(path)][path] += path['frequency'] or 0
            self._possible[len(path)][path] += path['possible'] or 0
            self._counter[path] += path['frequency'] or 0
            self._counter[path] += path['possible'] or 0
Пример #5
def read_pathcollection(filename: str,
                        separator: str = ',',
                        frequency: bool = False,
                        directed: bool = True,
                        maxlines: int = None) -> PathCollection:
    """Read path in edgelist format

    Reads data from a file containing multiple lines of *edges* of the form
    "v,w,frequency,X" (where frequency is optional and X are arbitrary
    additional columns). The default separating character ',' can be changed.

    filename : str
        path to edgelist file
    separator : str
        character separating the nodes
    frequency : bool
        is a frequency given? if ``True`` it is the last element in the
        edge (i.e. ``a,b,2``)
    directed : bool
        are the edges directed or undirected
    maxlines : int
        number of lines to read (useful to test large files).
        None means the entire file is read


    from pathpy.core.path import Path, PathCollection

    nodes: dict = {}
    edges: dict = {}
    paths: dict = {}

    with open(filename, 'r') as csv:
        for n, line in enumerate(csv):
            fields = line.rstrip().split(separator)
            assert len(fields) >= 1, 'Error: empty line: {0}'.format(line)

            if frequency:
                path = tuple(fields[:-1])
                freq = float(fields[-1])
                path = tuple(fields)
                freq = 1.0

            for node in path:
                if node not in nodes:
                    nodes[node] = Node(node)

            if len(path) == 1 and path not in paths:
                paths[path] = Path(nodes[path[0]], frequency=freq)

                edge_list = []
                for u, v in zip(path[:-1], path[1:]):
                    if (u, v) not in edges:
                        edges[(u, v)] = Edge(nodes[u], nodes[v])
                    edge_list.append(edges[(u, v)])

                if path not in paths:
                    paths[path] = Path(*edge_list, frequency=freq)

            if maxlines is not None and n >= maxlines:

    ncoll = NodeCollection()
    for node in nodes.values():

    ecoll = EdgeCollection(nodes=ncoll)
    for edge in edges.values():

    _paths = PathCollection(directed=directed, nodes=ncoll, edges=ecoll)

    for _path in paths.values():

    return _paths
Пример #6
def _bw_hon(self: HigherOrderNetwork, normalized: bool = False) -> Dict:
    """Betweenness Centrality for Networks."""

    from pathpy.core.edge import Edge
    from pathpy.core.path import Path

    LOG.debug('Calculating betweenness (order k = %s) ...', self.order)

    all_paths = shortest_paths.all_shortest_paths(
        self, weight=False, return_distance_matrix=False)

    bw: defaultdict = defaultdict(float)

    lengths: defaultdict = defaultdict(
        lambda: defaultdict(lambda: float('inf')))
    paths: defaultdict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(set))

    for path_1_order_k in all_paths:
        for path_2_order_k in all_paths:
            for path_order_k in all_paths[path_1_order_k][path_2_order_k]:
                nodes = []
                for node in path_order_k:

                path = nodes[0]
                for node in nodes[1:]:

                edges = []
                for _v, _w in zip(path[:-1], path[1:]):
                    edges.append(Edge(_v, _w))

                if edges:
                    path = Path(*edges)
                    s1 = path.start
                    t1 = path.end

                    if len(path) < lengths[s1][t1]:
                        lengths[s1][t1] = len(path)
                        paths[s1][t1] = set()
                    elif len(path) == lengths[s1][t1]:

    for s_order_1 in paths:
        for t_order_1 in paths[s_order_1]:
            for path_order_1 in paths[s_order_1][t_order_1]:
                for node in path_order_1.nodes[1:-1]:
                    if s_order_1 != node != t_order_1:
                        bw[node.uid] += 1.0 / len(paths[s_order_1][t_order_1])

    # assign zero values to nodes not occurring on shortest paths
    for v in self.nodes.nodes.keys():
        bw[v] += 0

    if normalized:
        max_centr = max(bw.values())
        min_centr = min(bw.values())
        for v in bw:
            bw[v] = (bw[v] - min_centr) / (max_centr - min_centr)

    return bw
Пример #7
    def generate(self, order: int = 1) -> HigherOrderNetwork:
        """Generate a null model."""

        # TODO: Add null model for order 1

        if order == 0:
            return HigherOrderNetwork(self.network, order=0)

        if order == 1:
            return HigherOrderNetwork(self.network, order=1)

        # some information for debugging
        log.debug('start generate null model')
        a = datetime.datetime.now()

        # generate all possible paths
        possible_paths = self.possible_paths(order=order)

        # get observed paths
        observed = self.network.subpaths.counter(min_length=order - 1,
                                                 max_length=order - 1)

        # get transition matrix of the underlying network
        transition_matrix = self.network.transition_matrix(

        # get the ordered node uids of the underlying network as a list
        nodes = list(self.network.nodes)

        # generate hon with possible paths
        hon = HigherOrderNetwork(order=order)

        for path in possible_paths:

            # generate "empty" higher order nodes
            v = HigherOrderNode()
            w = HigherOrderNode()

            # add first order edges to the higher oder nodes
            for v_uid, w_uid in zip(path[:-1], path[1:]):

            # generate the expected frequencies of all possible paths
            uid = self.network.separator['path'].join(path[:-1])
            frequency = 0
            if uid in observed:
                frequency = observed[uid] * transition_matrix[

            # add higher order nodes to the hon
            # TODO: use automatically hon separator
            e = Edge(v, w, separator=hon.separator['hon'])
            hon.add_path(Path.from_edges([e], frequency=frequency))
            # hon.add_edge(Edge(v, w, separator=hon.separator['hon']),
            #              frequency=frequency)

        # some information for debugging
        b = datetime.datetime.now()
        log.debug('end generate null model:' +
                  ' {} seconds'.format((b - a).total_seconds()))

        # safe hon in class and order
        hon.network = self.network
        self.hon = hon
        self.order = order

        # return null model
        return hon
Пример #8
    def xsubpaths(self,
                  min_length: int = 0,
                  max_length: int = sys.maxsize,
                  include_path: bool = False) -> Dict[str, Path]:
        """Returns a list of subpaths.


        min_length : int, optional (default = 0)
            Parameter which defines the minimum length of the sub-paths. This
            parameter has to be smaller then the maximum length parameter.

        max_length : int, optional (default = sys.maxsize)
            Parameter which defines the maximum length of the sub-paths. This
            parameter has to be greater then the minimum length parameter. If
            the parameter is also greater then the maximum length of the path,
            the maximum path length is used instead.

        include_path : bool, optional (default = Flase)
            If this option is enabled also the current path is added as a
            sub-path of it self.

        Dict[str, Paths]
            Return a dictionary with the :py:class:`Paht` uids as key and the
            :py:class:`Path` objects as values.

        >>> from pathpy import Path
        >>> p = Path('a','b','c','d','e')
        >>> for k in p.subpaths():
        ...     print(k)

        >>> for k in p.subpaths(min_length = 2, max_length = 2)
        ...     print(k)


        # initializing the subpaths dictionary
        subpaths: dict = PathDict(dict)

        # get the default max and min path lengths
        _min_length: int = min_length
        _max_length: int = max_length

        # TODO: FIX DICT -> LIST
        # if min_length is zero, account also for nodes
        if _min_length <= 0:
            for node in self.as_nodes:
                # generate empty path with one node
                subpaths[node] = Path.from_nodes([self.nodes[node]],

        # find the right path lengths
        min_length = max(_min_length, 1)
        max_length = min(len(self) - 1, _max_length)

        # get subpaths
        for i in range(min_length - 1, max_length):
            for j in range(len(self) - i):
                # get the edge uids
                edges = [
                    self.edges[edge] for edge in self.as_edges[j:j + i + 1]
                # assign a new path based  on the given edges
                    self.as_edges[j:j + i + 1])] = Path(
                        *edges, **self.attributes.to_dict())

        # include the path
        if include_path and _min_length <= len(self) <= _max_length:
            subpaths[self.uid] = self

        # return the dict of subpaths
        return subpaths