Пример #1
	def __init__(self, jar, compile, classpath, manifest, options=None, package=None, preserveManifestFormatting=False):
		@param jar: path to jar to create

		@param compile: PathSet (or list)  of things to compile

		@param classpath: PathSet (or list) of things to be on the classpath; 
		destination mapping indicates how they will appear in the manifest

		@param manifest: map of manifest entries, OR a string with the filename to use 
		OR None to disable manifest generation and just produce a normal zip

		@param options: generic target options map

		@param package: PathSet (or list) of other files to include in the jar; 
			destination mapping indicates where they will appear in the jar
		@param preserveManifestFormatting: an advanced option that prevents the jar tool from 
			reformatting the specified manifest file to comply with Java conventions 
			(also prevents manifest merging if jar already exists)

		self.compile = FilteredPathSet(_isJavaFile, PathSet(compile)) if compile else None
		self.classpath = PathSet(classpath)
		self.package = PathSet(package)
		self.manifest = manifest
		BaseTarget.__init__(self, jar, [self.compile,self.classpath,self.package, 
			manifest if isinstance(manifest, basestring) else None])
		self.options = options
		self.preserveManifestFormatting = preserveManifestFormatting
Пример #2
class Javadoc(BaseTarget):
	""" Creates javadoc from a set of input files
	def __init__(self, destdir, source, classpath, options):
		@param destdir: directory to create docs in

		@param source: a set of files to build from

		@param classpath: a list of jars needed for the classpath

		@param options: javadoc.-prefixed options map
		self.sources = PathSet(source)
		self.classpath = PathSet(classpath)
		BaseTarget.__init__(self, destdir, [self.sources, self.classpath])
		self.options = options

	def run(self, context):
		options = context.mergeOptions(self) # get the merged options
		classpath = os.pathsep.join(self.classpath.resolve(context))
		javadoc(self.path, self.sources.resolve(context), classpath, options, 
			outputHandler=ProcessOutputHandler('javadoc', treatStdErrAsErrors=False, options=options))

	def getHashableImplicitInputs(self, context):
		# changes in the manifest text should cause a rebuild
		# for now, don't bother factoring global jar.manifest.defaults option 
		# in here (it'll almost never change anyway)
		return super(Javadoc, self).getHashableImplicitInputs(context) + \
			sorted(['option: %s = "%s"'%(k,v) for (k,v) in context.mergeOptions(self).items() 
				if k and k.startswith('javadoc.')])
Пример #3
	def __init__(self, bin, objects, libs=None, libpaths=None, shared=False, options=None, flags=None, dependencies=None):
		@param bin: the output binary

		@param objects: a (list of) input object

		@param libs: a (list of) libraries linked against (optional) in platform-neutral format. 
		Can include list properties like '${FOO_LIB_NAMES[]}'. 

		@param libpaths: a (list of) additional library search directories (optional)

		@param shared: if true compiles to a shared object (.dll or .so) (optional, defaults to false)

		@param flags: a list of additional linker flags

		@param options: a map of options to the underlying operation specific to this target (optional)

		@param dependencies: a list of additional dependencies (targets or files)
		self.objects = PathSet(objects)
		self.libs = libs or []
		self.libpaths = PathSet(libpaths or [])
		self.options = options
		self.flags = flags or []
		BaseTarget.__init__(self, bin, PathSet(self.objects, (dependencies or [])))
Пример #4
class Link(BaseTarget):
	""" A target that links object files to binaries
	def __init__(self, bin, objects, libs=None, libpaths=None, shared=False, options=None, flags=None, dependencies=None):
		@param bin: the output binary

		@param objects: a (list of) input object

		@param libs: a (list of) libraries linked against (optional) in platform-neutral format. 
		Can include list properties like '${FOO_LIB_NAMES[]}'. 

		@param libpaths: a (list of) additional library search directories (optional)

		@param shared: if true compiles to a shared object (.dll or .so) (optional, defaults to false)

		@param flags: a list of additional linker flags

		@param options: a map of options to the underlying operation specific to this target (optional)

		@param dependencies: a list of additional dependencies (targets or files)
		self.objects = PathSet(objects)
		self.libs = libs or []
		self.libpaths = PathSet(libpaths or [])
		self.options = options
		self.flags = flags or []
		BaseTarget.__init__(self, bin, PathSet(self.objects, (dependencies or [])))
	def run(self, context):
		options = context.mergeOptions(self) # get the merged options

		options['native.compilers'].linker.link(context, output=self.path,
				libs=flatten([map(string.strip, context.expandPropertyValues(x, expandList=True)) for x in self.libs+options['native.libs'] if x]),
				libdirs=flatten(self.libpaths.resolve(context)+[context.expandPropertyValues(x, expandList=True) for x in options['native.libpaths']]))

	def getHashableImplicitInputs(self, context):
		r = super(Link, self).getHashableImplicitInputs(context)
		options = context.mergeOptions(self)
		r.append('libs: '+context.expandPropertyValues(str(self.libs+options['native.libs'])))
		r.append('libpaths: '+context.expandPropertyValues(str(self.libpaths)))
		r.append('native.libpaths: %s'%options['native.libpaths'])
		r.append('shared: %s, flags=%s'%(self.shared, self.flags))
		return r
Пример #5
	def __init__(self, destdir, source, classpath, options):
		@param destdir: directory to create docs in

		@param source: a set of files to build from

		@param classpath: a list of jars needed for the classpath

		@param options: javadoc.-prefixed options map
		self.sources = PathSet(source)
		self.classpath = PathSet(classpath)
		BaseTarget.__init__(self, destdir, [self.sources, self.classpath])
		self.options = options
Пример #6
	def __init__(self, object, source, includes=None, flags=None, options=None, dependencies=None):
		@param object: the object file to generate
		@param source: a (list of) source files
		@param includes: a (list of) include directories
		@param flags: a list of additional compiler flags
		@param dependencies: a list of additional dependencies that need to be built 
		before this target
		self.source = PathSet(source)
		self.includes = PathSet(includes or []) 
		self.flags = flags or []
		self.makedepend = CompilerMakeDependsPathSet(self, self.source, flags=self.flags, includes=self.includes)
		BaseTarget.__init__(self, object, [dependencies or [], self.makedepend])
		self.options = options or {}
Пример #7
class Ar(BaseTarget):
	""" A target that compiles .a files from collections of .o files
	def __init__(self, bin, objects):
		@param bin: the output library

		@param objects: a (list of) input objects

		self.objects = PathSet(objects)
		BaseTarget.__init__(self, bin, self.objects)
	def run(self, context):
		options = context.mergeOptions(self) # get the merged options

		options['native.compilers'].archiver.archive(context, output=self.path,

	def getHashableImplicitInputs(self, context):
		r = super(Ar, self).getHashableImplicitInputs(context)
		r.append('objects: %s'%self.objects)
		return r
Пример #8
class Tarball(BaseTarget):
	""" A target that creates a zip archive from a set of input files.

	def __init__(self, archive, inputs):
		archive: the archive to be created

		inputs: the files (usually pathsets) to be included in the archive.

		self.inputs = PathSet(inputs)
		BaseTarget.__init__(self, archive, self.inputs)

	def run(self, context):
		with tarfile.open(normLongPath(self.path), 'w:gz') as output:
			for (f, o) in self.inputs.resolveWithDestinations(context):
				output.add(normLongPath(f).rstrip('/\\'), o)

	def getHashableImplicitInputs(self, context):
		# TODO: move to BaseTarget
		r = super(Tarball, self).getHashableImplicitInputs(context)
		# include source representation of deps list, so that changes to the list get reflected
		# this way of doing property expansion on the repr is a convenient 
		# shortcut (we want to expand property values to detect changes in 
		# versions etc that should trigger a rebuild, but just not do any 
		# globbing/searches here)
		r.append('src: '+context.expandPropertyValues(('%s'%self.inputs)))
		return r
Пример #9
	def __init__(self, archive, inputs):
		archive: the archive to be created

		inputs: the files (usually pathsets) to be included in the archive.

		self.inputs = PathSet(inputs)
		BaseTarget.__init__(self, archive, self.inputs)
Пример #10
	def __init__(self, bin, objects):
		@param bin: the output library

		@param objects: a (list of) input objects

		self.objects = PathSet(objects)
		BaseTarget.__init__(self, bin, self.objects)
Пример #11
class C(BaseTarget):
	""" A target that compiles a C source file to a .o
	def __init__(self, object, source, includes=None, flags=None, options=None, dependencies=None):
		@param object: the object file to generate
		@param source: a (list of) source files
		@param includes: a (list of) include directories
		@param flags: a list of additional compiler flags
		@param dependencies: a list of additional dependencies that need to be built 
		before this target
		self.source = PathSet(source)
		self.includes = PathSet(includes or []) 
		self.flags = flags or []
		self.makedepend = CompilerMakeDependsPathSet(self, self.source, flags=self.flags, includes=self.includes)
		BaseTarget.__init__(self, object, [dependencies or [], self.makedepend])
		self.options = options or {}
	def run(self, context):
		options = context.mergeOptions(self) # get the merged options

		options['native.compilers'].ccompiler.compile(context, output=self.path,
				flags=flatten((options['native.c.flags'] or options['native.cxx.flags'])+[context.expandPropertyValues(x).split(' ') for x in self.flags]), 
				includes=flatten(self.includes.resolve(context)+[context.expandPropertyValues(x, expandList=True) for x in options['native.include']]))

	def clean(self, context):
		BaseTarget.clean(self, context)

	def getHashableImplicitInputs(self, context):
		r = super(C, self).getHashableImplicitInputs(context)
		# include input to makedepends, since even without running makedepends 
		# we know we're out of date if inputs have changed
		return r
Пример #12
class Zip(BaseTarget):
	""" A target that creates a zip archive from a set of input files.

	def __init__(self, archive, inputs):
		archive: the archive to be created

		inputs: the files (usually pathsets) to be included in the archive.

		self.inputs = PathSet(inputs)
		BaseTarget.__init__(self, archive, self.inputs)

	def run(self, context):
		alreadyDone = set()
		with zipfile.ZipFile(normLongPath(self.path), 'w') as output:
			for (f, o) in self.inputs.resolveWithDestinations(context):
				# if we don't check for duplicate entries we'll end up creating an invalid zip
				if o in alreadyDone:
					dupsrc = ['"%s"'%src for (src, dest) in self.inputs.resolveWithDestinations(context) if dest == o]
					raise BuildException('Duplicate zip entry "%s" from: %s'%(o, ', '.join(dupsrc)))
				# can't compress directory entries! (it messes up Java)
				output.write(normLongPath(f).rstrip('/\\'), o, zipfile.ZIP_STORED if isDirPath(f) else zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) 

	def getHashableImplicitInputs(self, context):
		# TODO: move to BaseTarget
		r = super(Zip, self).getHashableImplicitInputs(context)
		# include source representation of deps list, so that changes to the list get reflected
		# this way of doing property expansion on the repr is a convenient 
		# shortcut (we want to expand property values to detect changes in 
		# versions etc that should trigger a rebuild, but just not do any 
		# globbing/searches here)
		r.append('src: '+context.expandPropertyValues(('%s'%self.inputs)))
		return r
Пример #13
	def __init__(self, imagename, mode, inputs, depimage=None, dockerfile=None, buildArgs=None):
		imagename: the name/tag of the image to build
		self.imagename = imagename
		self.depimage = depimage
		self.mode = mode
		self.dockerfile = dockerfile
		self.buildArgs = buildArgs
		self.stampfile = '${BUILD_WORK_DIR}/targets/docker/.%s' % re.sub(r'[\\/]', '_', imagename)
		self.depstampfile = '${BUILD_WORK_DIR}/targets/docker/.%s' % re.sub(r'[\\/]', '_', depimage) if depimage else None
		self.inputs = PathSet(inputs)
		BaseTarget.__init__(self, self.stampfile, inputs + ([self.depstampfile] if self.depstampfile else []))
Пример #14
class CSharp(BaseTarget):
	""" Compile C# files to an executable or dll
	compile = None
	main = None
	libs = None
	def __init__(self, output, compile, main=None, libs=None, flags=None, dependencies=None, resources=None):
		@param output: the resulting .exe or .dll
		@param compile: the input PathSet, path or list of .cs file(s)
		@param main: The main class to execute if an exe is to be built.
		If this is set then an executable will be created.
		Otherwise this target will build a library.

		@param libs: a list of input libraries (or a PathSet)
		self.compile = FilteredPathSet(_isDotNetFile, PathSet(compile))
		self.main = main
		self.flags = flags or []
		self.libs = PathSet(libs or [])
		self.resources = resources or []
		BaseTarget.__init__(self, output, [self.compile, self.libs, [x for (x, y) in self.resources], dependencies or []])

	def getHashableImplicitInputs(self, context):
		return super(CSharp, self).getHashableImplicitInputs(context) + (['main = %s'%context.expandPropertyValues(('%s'%self.main))] if self.main else [])

	def run(self, context):
		options = context.mergeOptions(self) # get the merged options
		libs = self.libs.resolve(context)
		libnames = map(lambda x:os.path.basename(x), libs)
		libpaths = map(lambda x:os.path.dirname(x), libs)
		flags = [context.expandPropertyValues(x) for x in self.flags]

		args = [options['csharp.compiler'], "-out:"+self.path]
		if libnames: args.extend(["-reference:"+",".join(libnames), "-lib:"+",".join(libpaths)])
		if self.main:
			args.extend(["-target:exe", "-main:"+self.main])
		for (file, id) in self.resources:
			args.append('-resource:%s,%s' % (context.expandPropertyValues(file), context.expandPropertyValues(id)))

		call(args, outputHandler=options['csharp.processoutputhandler']('csc', False, options=options), timeout=options['process.timeout'])
Пример #15
	def __init__(self, target, deps, fn, cleanfn=None):
		@param target: The target file/directory that will be built

		@param deps: The list of dependencies of this target (paths, pathsets or lists)

		@param fn: The functor used to build this target

		@param cleanfn: The functor used to clean this target (optional, defaults to removing 
		the target file/dir)
		BaseTarget.__init__(self, target, deps)
		self.fn = fn
		self.cleanfn = cleanfn
		self.deps = PathSet(deps)
Пример #16
	def __init__(self, output, compile, classpath, options=None):
		@param output: output dir for class files

		@param compile: PathSet (or list)  of things to compile

		@param classpath: PathSet (or list) of things to be on the classpath; 

		@param options: generic target options map for passing options to the 
		underlying operation (optional)
		self.compile = FilteredPathSet(_isJavaFile, PathSet(compile))
		self.classpath = PathSet(classpath)
		BaseTarget.__init__(self, output, [self.compile,self.classpath])
		self.options = options
Пример #17
class Javac(BaseTarget):
	""" Compile java source to a directory (without jarring it)
	compile = None
	classpath = None
	def __init__(self, output, compile, classpath, options=None):
		@param output: output dir for class files

		@param compile: PathSet (or list)  of things to compile

		@param classpath: PathSet (or list) of things to be on the classpath; 

		@param options: generic target options map for passing options to the 
		underlying operation (optional)
		self.compile = FilteredPathSet(_isJavaFile, PathSet(compile))
		self.classpath = PathSet(classpath)
		BaseTarget.__init__(self, output, [self.compile,self.classpath])
		self.options = options

	def run(self, context):
		options = context.mergeOptions(self) # get the merged options

		# make sure outputdir exists

		# create the classpath, sorting within PathSet (for determinism), but retaining original order of 
		# PathSet elements in the list
		classpath = os.pathsep.join(self.classpath.resolve(context)) 

		# compile everything
		javac(self.path, self.compile.resolve(context), classpath, options=options, logbasename=options.get('javac.logs')+'/'+targetNameToUniqueId(self.name), targetname=self.name)

	def getHashableImplicitInputs(self, context):
		# changes in the manifest text should cause a rebuild
		# for now, don't bother factoring global jar.manifest.defaults option 
		# in here (it'll almost never change anyway)
		return super(Javac, self).getHashableImplicitInputs(context) + sorted([
			'option: %s = "%s"'%(k,v) for (k,v) in context.mergeOptions(self).items() 
				if v and (k.startswith('javac.') or k == 'java.home')])
Пример #18
	def __init__(self, output, compile, main=None, libs=None, flags=None, dependencies=None, resources=None):
		@param output: the resulting .exe or .dll
		@param compile: the input PathSet, path or list of .cs file(s)
		@param main: The main class to execute if an exe is to be built.
		If this is set then an executable will be created.
		Otherwise this target will build a library.

		@param libs: a list of input libraries (or a PathSet)
		self.compile = FilteredPathSet(_isDotNetFile, PathSet(compile))
		self.main = main
		self.flags = flags or []
		self.libs = PathSet(libs or [])
		self.resources = resources or []
		BaseTarget.__init__(self, output, [self.compile, self.libs, [x for (x, y) in self.resources], dependencies or []])
Пример #19
	def __init__(self, archivePath, includes=None, excludes=None, destMapper=None):
		@param archivePath: The archive to unpack; either a string or a singleton PathSet

		@param destMapper: A functor that takes a (context, destPath) where destPath 
		is an archive-relative path (guaranteed to contain / not \\), and 
		returns the desired destination relative path string. 
		The functor should have a deterministic and 
		user-friendly __str__ implementation. 

		@param includes: a list of include patterns (if provided excludes all non-matching files)

		@param excludes: a list of exclude patterns (processed after includes)
		self.__path = PathSet(archivePath)
		self.__destMapper = destMapper
		self.__includes = flatten(includes)
		self.__excludes = flatten(excludes)
		self.__location = BuildFileLocation()
		self.__isResolved = False
Пример #20
	def __init__(self, output, jars, keystore, alias=None, storepass=None, manifestDefaults=None):
		@param output: The output directory in which to put the signed jars

		@param jars: The list (or PathSet) of input jars to copy and sign

		@param keystore: The path to the keystore

		@param alias: The alias for the keystore (optional)

		@param storepass: The password for the store file (optional)

		@param manifestDefaults: a dictionary of manifest entries to add to the existing manifest.mf file
		of each jar before signing.  Entries in this dictionary will be ignored if the same entry
		is found in the original manifest.mf file already.
		self.jars = PathSet(jars)
		self.keystore = keystore
		self.alias = alias
		self.storepass = storepass
		self.manifestDefaults = manifestDefaults
		BaseTarget.__init__(self, output, [self.jars, self.keystore])
Пример #21
class Custom(BaseTarget): # deprecated because error handling/logging is poor and it promotes bad practices like not using options (e.g process timeout)
	""" DEPRECATED - use CustomCommand instead, or a dedicated BaseTarget subclass

	A custom target that builds a single file or directory of content by executing 
	an arbitrary python functor.  

	Functor must take:
	(target path, [dependency paths], context)
	Tip: don't forget to ensure the target path's parent dir exists 
	using fileutils.mkdir. 
	@deprecated: Use CustomCommand instead, or a dedicated BaseTarget subclass
	fn = None
	cleanfn = None
	def __init__(self, target, deps, fn, cleanfn=None):
		@param target: The target file/directory that will be built

		@param deps: The list of dependencies of this target (paths, pathsets or lists)

		@param fn: The functor used to build this target

		@param cleanfn: The functor used to clean this target (optional, defaults to removing 
		the target file/dir)
		BaseTarget.__init__(self, target, deps)
		self.fn = fn
		self.cleanfn = cleanfn
		self.deps = PathSet(deps)
	def run(self, context):
		self.fn(self.path, self.deps.resolve(context), context)
	def clean(self, context):
		if self.cleanfn: self.cleanfn(self.path, context)
		BaseTarget.clean(self, context)
Пример #22
class FilteredArchiveContents(object): 
	""" Represents an archive to be passed to the Unpack target, with 
	support for filtering which files are included/excluded, and per-item 
	destination mapping. 
	# do NOT use pathset baseclass, because we need the target to handle it in 
	# a custom way for both per-archived-file mapping and in-archive filtering, 
	# which would be wrecked by the normalization stuff that pathset does; 
	# also the model is a bit different for archive contents, so simplest 
	# just to keep it separate
	def __init__(self, archivePath, includes=None, excludes=None, destMapper=None):
		@param archivePath: The archive to unpack; either a string or a singleton PathSet

		@param destMapper: A functor that takes a (context, destPath) where destPath 
		is an archive-relative path (guaranteed to contain / not \\), and 
		returns the desired destination relative path string. 
		The functor should have a deterministic and 
		user-friendly __str__ implementation. 

		@param includes: a list of include patterns (if provided excludes all non-matching files)

		@param excludes: a list of exclude patterns (processed after includes)
		self.__path = PathSet(archivePath)
		self.__destMapper = destMapper
		self.__includes = flatten(includes)
		self.__excludes = flatten(excludes)
		self.__location = BuildFileLocation()
		self.__isResolved = False
	def getDependency(self):
		""" Return the dependency representing this archive (unexpanded and unresolved string, or PathSet). 
		return self.__path

	def getResolvedPath(self, context):
		""" Return the fully resolved archive path. 
		result = self.__path.resolve(context)
		if len(result) != 1: raise Exception('Invalid PathSet specified for FilteredArchiveContents, must resolve to exactly one archive: %s'%self.__path)
		return result[0]
	def isIncluded(self, context, path):
		""" Decides whether the specified path within the archive should be 
		unpacked, based on the include/exclude filters
		@param path: a relative path within the archive
		if not self.__excludes and not self.__includes: return True
		if not self.__isResolved:
			self.__includes = flatten([context.expandPropertyValues(x, expandList=True) for x in self.__includes])
			self.__excludes = flatten([context.expandPropertyValues(x, expandList=True) for x in self.__excludes])
			self.__isResolved = True
		assert '\\' not in path
			path = path.lstrip('/')
			# first check if it matches an exclude
			if next( (True for e in self.__excludes if antGlobMatch(e, path)), False): return False
			if not self.__includes: # include everything
				return True
				m = next( (i for i in self.__includes if antGlobMatch(i, path)), None)
				if m: 
					return True
					return False
		except Exception, e:
			raise BuildException('FilteredArchiveContents error for %s'%(self), causedBy=True, location=self.__location)
Пример #23
class Jar(BaseTarget):
    """ Create a Jar, first compiling some java, then packing it all up
    compile = None
    classpath = None
    package = None
    manifest = None

    def __init__(self,
		To add additional entries to the manifest's classpath which are needed at runtime 
		but not during compilation, use .option('jar.manifest.classpathAppend', [...])
		@param jar: path to jar to create

		@param compile: PathSet (or list)  of things to compile

		@param classpath: PathSet (or list) of things to be on the classpath; 
		destination mapping indicates how they will appear in the manifest

		@param manifest: map of manifest entries, OR a string with the filename to use 
		OR None to disable manifest generation and just produce a normal zip

		@param options: [DEPRECATED - use .option() instead]

		@param package: PathSet (or list) of other files to include in the jar; 
			destination mapping indicates where they will appear in the jar
		@param preserveManifestFormatting: an advanced option that prevents the jar tool from 
			reformatting the specified manifest file to comply with Java conventions 
			(also prevents manifest merging if jar already exists)

        self.compile = FilteredPathSet(_isJavaFile,
                                       PathSet(compile)) if compile else None

        self.classpath = PathSet(classpath)

        self.package = PathSet(package)
        self.manifest = manifest
        BaseTarget.__init__(self, jar, [
            self.compile, self.classpath, self.package,
            manifest if isinstance(manifest, basestring) else None

        for k, v in (options or {}).items():
            self.option(k, v)
        self.preserveManifestFormatting = preserveManifestFormatting

    def run(self, context):
        options = self.options

        # make sure temp dir exists

        classes = os.path.join(self.workDir,
                               "classes")  # output dir for classes

        # create the classpath, sorting within PathSet (for determinism), but retaining original order of
        # PathSet elements in the list
        classpath = os.pathsep.join(self.classpath.resolve(context))

        # compile everything
        )  # (need this for assembling other files to package later on, even if we don't do any javac)
        if self.compile:
                  logbasename=options.get('javac.logs') + '/' +

        manifest = os.path.join(self.workDir, "MANIFEST.MF")  # manifest file

        if isinstance(self.manifest, basestring):
            manifest = context.getFullPath(self.manifest, self.baseDir)
        elif self.manifest == None:
            manifest = None
        else:  # generate one
            # rewrite property values in the manifest
            manifest_entries = {}
            for i in self.manifest:
                manifest_entries[i] = context.expandPropertyValues(

            # determine classpath for manifest
            classpath_entries = []

            if "Class-path" not in manifest_entries:  # assuming it wasn't hardcoded, set it here
                for src, dest in self.classpath.resolveWithDestinations(
                    # we definitely do want to support use of ".." in destinations here, it can be very useful
                assert isinstance(
                    options['jar.manifest.classpathAppend'], list), options[
                        'jar.manifest.classpathAppend']  # must not be a string
                    options['jar.manifest.classpathAppend'] or [])

                # need to always use / not \ for these to be valid
                classpath_entries = [
                    p.replace(os.path.sep, '/').replace('\\', '/')
                    for p in classpath_entries if p

                if classpath_entries:
                    manifest_entries["Class-path"] = " ".join(
                        classpath_entries)  # include the classpath from here
            if not manifest_entries.get(
            ):  # suppress this element entirely if not needed, otherwise there would be no way to have an empty classpath
                manifest_entries.pop('Class-path', '')

            # create the manifest file
            create_manifest(manifest, manifest_entries, options=options)

        # copy in the additional things to include
        for (src, dest) in self.package.resolveWithDestinations(context):
            if '..' in dest:
                raise Exception(
                    'This target does not permit packaged destination paths to contain ".." relative path expressions'
            mkdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.join(classes, dest)))
            destpath = normLongPath(classes + '/' + dest)
            srcpath = normLongPath(src)

            if os.path.isdir(srcpath):
                with open(srcpath, 'rb') as s:
                    with openForWrite(destpath, 'wb') as d:

        # create the jar
                'jar', treatStdErrAsErrors=False, options=options))

    def getHashableImplicitInputs(self, context):
        # changes in the manifest text should cause a rebuild
        # for now, don't bother factoring global jar.manifest.defaults option
        # in here (it'll almost never change anyway)
        return super(Jar, self).getHashableImplicitInputs(context) + [
         'manifest = '+context.expandPropertyValues(str(self.manifest)),
         'classpath = '+context.expandPropertyValues(str(self.classpath)), # because classpath destinations affect manifest
         ]+(['preserveManifestFormatting = true'] if self.preserveManifestFormatting else [])\
         +sorted(['option: %s = "%s"'%(k,v) for (k,v) in self.options.items()
          if v and (k.startswith('javac.') or k.startswith('jar.') or k == 'java.home')])
Пример #24
class Docker(BaseTarget):
	""" A target that runs commands in docker, using stamp files for up-to-dateness
	BUILD = 1
	def __init__(self, imagename, mode, inputs, depimage=None, dockerfile=None, buildArgs=None):
		imagename: the name/tag of the image to build
		self.imagename = imagename
		self.depimage = depimage
		self.mode = mode
		self.dockerfile = dockerfile
		self.buildArgs = buildArgs
		self.stampfile = '${BUILD_WORK_DIR}/targets/docker/.%s' % re.sub(r'[\\/]', '_', imagename)
		self.depstampfile = '${BUILD_WORK_DIR}/targets/docker/.%s' % re.sub(r'[\\/]', '_', depimage) if depimage else None
		self.inputs = PathSet(inputs)
		BaseTarget.__init__(self, self.stampfile, inputs + ([self.depstampfile] if self.depstampfile else []))

	def clean(self, context):
		BaseTarget.clean(self, context)
		options = context.mergeOptions(self)
		args = [ options['docker.path'] ]
		environs = { 'DOCKER_HOST' : options['docker.host'] } if options['docker.host'] else {}
		args.extend(['rmi', context.expandPropertyValues(self.imagename)])
		call(args, outputHandler=options['docker.processoutputhandler']('docker-rmi', False, options=options), timeout=options['process.timeout'], env=environs)
	def run(self, context):
		options = context.mergeOptions(self)
		args = [ options['docker.path'] ]
		environs = { 'DOCKER_HOST' : options['docker.host'] } if options['docker.host'] else {}
		if self.mode == Docker.BUILD:
			dargs = list(args)
					'build', '--rm=true', '-t', context.expandPropertyValues(self.imagename),
			if self.buildArgs: dargs.extend(["--build-arg=%s" % [context.expandPropertyValues(x) for x in self.buildArgs]])
			if self.dockerfile: dargs.extend(["-f", context.expandPropertyValues(self.dockerfile)])
			inputs = self.inputs.resolve(context)
			if len(inputs) != 1: raise BuildException("Must specify a single input for Docker.BUILD", location = self.location)
			cwd = os.path.dirname(inputs[0])
			call(dargs, outputHandler=options['docker.processoutputhandler']('docker-build', False, options=options), timeout=options['process.timeout'], env=environs, cwd=cwd)
		elif self.mode == Docker.PUSHTAG:
			inputs = self.inputs.resolve(context)
			if len(inputs) != 0: raise BuildException("Must not specify inputs for Docker.PUSHTAG", location = self.location)
			dargs = list(args)
					'tag', context.expandPropertyValues(self.depimage), context.expandPropertyValues(self.imagename),
			call(dargs, outputHandler=options['docker.processoutputhandler']('docker-tag', False, options=options), timeout=options['process.timeout'], env=environs)
			dargs = list(args)
					'push', context.expandPropertyValues(self.imagename),
			call(dargs, outputHandler=options['docker.processoutputhandler']('docker-push', False, options=options), timeout=options['process.timeout'], env=environs)
			raise BuildException('Unknown Docker mode. Must be Docker.BUILD or Docker.PUSHTAG', location = self.location)
		# update the stamp file
		path = normLongPath(self.path)
		with openForWrite(path, 'wb') as f:
Пример #25
class CustomCommand(BaseTarget):
	A custom target that builds a single file or directory of content by running a 
	specified command line process. 

	class __CustomCommandSentinel(object): 
		def __init__(self, name): self.name = name
		def __str__(self): return name
	TARGET = __CustomCommandSentinel('TARGET')
	DEPENDENCIES = __CustomCommandSentinel('DEPENDENCIES')
	def __init__(self, target, command, dependencies, cwd=None, redirectStdOutToTarget=False, env=None, stdout=None, stderr=None):
		The command line MUST not reference any generated paths unless they are 
		explicitly listed in deps. 

		@param target: the file or directory to be built. Will be cleaned, and its parent dir created, 
		before target runs. 
		@param dependencies: an optional list of dependencies; it is essential that ALL dependencies generated by 
		the build process are explicitly listed here
		@param command: a function or a list. 
		If command is a list, items may be:
			- a string (which will be run through expandPropertyValues prior to execution); 
				must not be used for representing arguments that are paths
			- a PathSet (which must resolve to exactly one path - see joinPaths 
				property functor if multiple paths are required)
			- a property functor such as joinPaths (useful for constructing 
				Java classpaths), basename, etc
			- an arbitrary function taking a single context argument
			- CustomCommand.TARGET - a special value that is resolved to the 
			output path of this target
			- CustomCommand.DEPENDENCIES - a special value that is resolved to 
			a list of this target's dependencies
			- [deprecated] a ResolvePath(path) object, indicating a path that should be 
				resolved and resolved at execution time (this is equivalent 
				to using a PathSet, which is probably a better approach). 
		If command is a function, must have 
		signature (resolvedTargetDirPath, resolvedDepsList, context), and 
		return the command line as a list of strings. resolvedDepsList will be an 
		ordered, flattened list of resolved paths from deps. 
		Command lines MUST NOT depend 
		in any way on the current source or output directory, always use 
		a PathSet wrapper around such paths. 
		@param cwd: the working directory to run it from (almost always this should be 
		left blank, meaning use output dir)
		@param env: a dictionary of environment overrides, or a function that 
		returns one given a context. Values in the dictionary will 
		be expanded using the same rules as for the command (see above). 
		Consider using propertyfunctors.joinPaths for environment variables 
		containing a list of paths. 
		@param redirectStdOutToTarget: usually, any stdout is treated as logging 
		and the command is assumed to create the target file itself, but 
		set this to True for commands where the target file contents are 
		generated by the stdout of the command being executed. 
		@param stdout: usually a unique name is auto-generated for .out for this target, but 
		use this if requried to send output to a specific location. 
		@param stderr: usually a unique name is auto-generated for .err for this target, but 
		use this if requried to send output to a specific location. 
		BaseTarget.__init__(self, target, dependencies)
		self.command = command
		self.cwd = cwd
		self.deps = PathSet(dependencies)
		self.redirectStdOutToTarget = redirectStdOutToTarget
		if redirectStdOutToTarget and isDirPath(target): raise BuildException('Cannot set redirectStdOutToTarget and specify a directory for the target name - please specify a file instead: %s'%target)
		self.env = env
		self.stdout, self.stderr = stdout, stderr
		if stdout and redirectStdOutToTarget:
			raise BuildException('Cannot set both redirectStdOutToTarget and stdout')

	def _resolveItem(self, x, context):
		if x == self.DEPENDENCIES: return self.deps.resolve(context)
		if x == self.TARGET: x = self.path
		if isinstance(x, basestring): return context.expandPropertyValues(x)
		if hasattr(x, 'resolveToString'): return x.resolveToString(context) # supports Composables too
		if isinstance(x, BasePathSet): 
			result = x.resolve(context)
			if len(result) != 1:
				raise BuildException('PathSet for custom command must resolve to exactly one path not %d (or use joinPaths): %s'%(len(result), x))
			return result[0]
		if isinstance(x, ResolvePath): return x.resolve(context, self.baseDir)
		raise Exception('Unknown custom command input type %s: %s'%(x.__class__.__name__, x))
	def _resolveCommand(self, context):
		if callable(self.command):
			self.command = self.command(self.path, self.deps.resolve(context), context)
		assert not isinstance(self.command, basestring) # must be a list of strings, not a string
		self.command = flatten([self._resolveItem(x, context) for x in self.command])
		self.command[0] = os.path.normpath(self.command[0])
		return self.command
	def getHashableImplicitInputs(self, context):
		return super(CustomCommand, self).getHashableImplicitInputs(context) + self._resolveCommand(context)

	def run(self, context):
		if self.cwd: self.cwd = context.getFullPath(self.cwd, self.baseDir)
		if isDirPath(self.path):
			cwd = self.cwd or self.path
			cwd = self.cwd or self.workDir
		cmd = self._resolveCommand(context)
		# this location is a lot easier to find than the target's workdir
		logbasename = os.path.normpath(context.getPropertyValue('BUILD_WORK_DIR')+'/CustomCommandOutput/'+os.path.basename(cmd[0])+"."+targetNameToUniqueId(self.name))
		stdoutPath = context.getFullPath(self.path if self.redirectStdOutToTarget else (self.stdout or logbasename+'.out'), defaultDir='${BUILD_WORK_DIR}/CustomCommandOutput/')
		stderrPath = context.getFullPath(self.stderr or logbasename+'.err', defaultDir='${BUILD_WORK_DIR}/CustomCommandOutput/')

		self.log.info('Building %s by executing command line: %s', self.name, ''.join(['\n\t"%s"'%x for x in cmd]))
		if self.cwd: self.log.info('Building %s from working directory: %s', self.name, self.cwd) # only print if overridden
		env = self.env
		if env:
			if callable(env):
				env = env(context)
				env = {k: self._resolveItem(env[k], context) for k in env}
			self.log.info('Environment overrides for %s are: %s', self.name, ''.join(['\n\t"%s=%s"'%(k, env[k]) for k in env]))
			for k in os.environ:
				if k not in env: env[k] = os.getenv(k)
		self.log.info('Output from %s will be written to "%s" and "%s"', self.name, 
		if not os.path.exists(cmd[0]) and not (isWindows() and os.path.exists(cmd[0]+'.exe')):
			raise BuildException('Cannot run command because the executable does not exist: "%s"'%(cmd[0]), location=self.location)
			rc = None
				# maybe send output to a file instead
				with open(stderrPath, 'w') as fe:
					with open(stdoutPath, 'w') as fo:
						process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, 

						options = context.mergeOptions(self) # get the merged options
						rc = _wait_with_timeout(process, '%s(%s)'%(self.name, os.path.basename(cmd[0])), options['process.timeout'], False)
						success = rc == 0
					if os.path.getsize(stderrPath) == 0 and not self.stderr: deleteFile(stderrPath, allowRetry=True)
					if not self.redirectStdOutToTarget and os.path.getsize(stdoutPath) == 0 and not self.stdout: deleteFile(stdoutPath, allowRetry=True)
				except Exception, e:
					# stupid windows, it passes understanding
					self.log.info('Failed to delete empty .out/.err files (ignoring error as its not critical): %s', e)
				#if not os.listdir(self.workDir): deleteDir(self.workDir) # don't leave empty work dirs around
				mainlog = '<command generated no output>'
				logMethod = self.log.info if success else self.log.error
				if not self.redirectStdOutToTarget and os.path.isfile(stdoutPath) and os.path.getsize(stdoutPath) > 0:
					if os.path.getsize(stdoutPath) < 15*1024:
						logMethod('Output from %s stdout is: \n%s', self.name, open(stdoutPath, 'r').read().replace('\n', '\n\t'))
					mainlog = stdoutPath
					if not success: context.publishArtifact('%s stdout'%self, stdoutPath)
				if os.path.isfile(stderrPath) and os.path.getsize(stderrPath) > 0:
					if os.path.getsize(stderrPath) < 15*1024:
						logMethod('Output from %s stderr is: \n%s', self.name, open(stderrPath, 'r').read().replace('\n', '\n\t'))
					mainlog = stderrPath # take precedence over stdout
					if not success: context.publishArtifact('%s stderr'%self, stderrPath)
			if rc != None and rc != 0:
				raise BuildException('%s command failed with error code %s; see output at "%s"'%(os.path.basename(cmd[0]), rc, mainlog), location=self.location)
Пример #26
	def __init__(self, target, command, dependencies, cwd=None, redirectStdOutToTarget=False, env=None, stdout=None, stderr=None):
		The command line MUST not reference any generated paths unless they are 
		explicitly listed in deps. 

		@param target: the file or directory to be built. Will be cleaned, and its parent dir created, 
		before target runs. 
		@param dependencies: an optional list of dependencies; it is essential that ALL dependencies generated by 
		the build process are explicitly listed here
		@param command: a function or a list. 
		If command is a list, items may be:
			- a string (which will be run through expandPropertyValues prior to execution); 
				must not be used for representing arguments that are paths
			- a PathSet (which must resolve to exactly one path - see joinPaths 
				property functor if multiple paths are required)
			- a property functor such as joinPaths (useful for constructing 
				Java classpaths), basename, etc
			- an arbitrary function taking a single context argument
			- CustomCommand.TARGET - a special value that is resolved to the 
			output path of this target
			- CustomCommand.DEPENDENCIES - a special value that is resolved to 
			a list of this target's dependencies
			- [deprecated] a ResolvePath(path) object, indicating a path that should be 
				resolved and resolved at execution time (this is equivalent 
				to using a PathSet, which is probably a better approach). 
		If command is a function, must have 
		signature (resolvedTargetDirPath, resolvedDepsList, context), and 
		return the command line as a list of strings. resolvedDepsList will be an 
		ordered, flattened list of resolved paths from deps. 
		Command lines MUST NOT depend 
		in any way on the current source or output directory, always use 
		a PathSet wrapper around such paths. 
		@param cwd: the working directory to run it from (almost always this should be 
		left blank, meaning use output dir)
		@param env: a dictionary of environment overrides, or a function that 
		returns one given a context. Values in the dictionary will 
		be expanded using the same rules as for the command (see above). 
		Consider using propertyfunctors.joinPaths for environment variables 
		containing a list of paths. 
		@param redirectStdOutToTarget: usually, any stdout is treated as logging 
		and the command is assumed to create the target file itself, but 
		set this to True for commands where the target file contents are 
		generated by the stdout of the command being executed. 
		@param stdout: usually a unique name is auto-generated for .out for this target, but 
		use this if requried to send output to a specific location. 
		@param stderr: usually a unique name is auto-generated for .err for this target, but 
		use this if requried to send output to a specific location. 
		BaseTarget.__init__(self, target, dependencies)
		self.command = command
		self.cwd = cwd
		self.deps = PathSet(dependencies)
		self.redirectStdOutToTarget = redirectStdOutToTarget
		if redirectStdOutToTarget and isDirPath(target): raise BuildException('Cannot set redirectStdOutToTarget and specify a directory for the target name - please specify a file instead: %s'%target)
		self.env = env
		self.stdout, self.stderr = stdout, stderr
		if stdout and redirectStdOutToTarget:
			raise BuildException('Cannot set both redirectStdOutToTarget and stdout')
Пример #27
class Jar(BaseTarget):
	""" Create a Jar, first compiling some java, then packing it all up
	compile = None
	classpath = None
	package = None
	manifest = None
	def __init__(self, jar, compile, classpath, manifest, options=None, package=None, preserveManifestFormatting=False):
		@param jar: path to jar to create

		@param compile: PathSet (or list)  of things to compile

		@param classpath: PathSet (or list) of things to be on the classpath; 
		destination mapping indicates how they will appear in the manifest

		@param manifest: map of manifest entries, OR a string with the filename to use 
		OR None to disable manifest generation and just produce a normal zip

		@param options: generic target options map

		@param package: PathSet (or list) of other files to include in the jar; 
			destination mapping indicates where they will appear in the jar
		@param preserveManifestFormatting: an advanced option that prevents the jar tool from 
			reformatting the specified manifest file to comply with Java conventions 
			(also prevents manifest merging if jar already exists)

		self.compile = FilteredPathSet(_isJavaFile, PathSet(compile)) if compile else None
		self.classpath = PathSet(classpath)
		self.package = PathSet(package)
		self.manifest = manifest
		BaseTarget.__init__(self, jar, [self.compile,self.classpath,self.package, 
			manifest if isinstance(manifest, basestring) else None])
		self.options = options
		self.preserveManifestFormatting = preserveManifestFormatting

	def run(self, context):
		options = context.mergeOptions(self) # get the merged options

		# make sure temp dir exists

		classes = os.path.join(self.workDir, "classes") # output dir for classes
		# create the classpath, sorting within PathSet (for determinism), but retaining original order of 
		# PathSet elements in the list
		classpath = os.pathsep.join(self.classpath.resolve(context)) 

		# compile everything
		mkdir(classes) # (need this for assembling other files to package later on, even if we don't do any javac)
		if self.compile:
			javac(classes, self.compile.resolve(context), classpath, options=options, logbasename=options.get('javac.logs')+'/'+targetNameToUniqueId(self.name), targetname=self.name)

		manifest = os.path.join(self.workDir, "MANIFEST.MF") # manifest file
		if isinstance(self.manifest, basestring):
			manifest = context.getFullPath(self.manifest, self.baseDir)
		elif self.manifest == None:
			manifest = None
		else: # generate one
			# rewrite property values in the manifest
			manifest_entries = {}
			for i in self.manifest:
				manifest_entries[i] = context.expandPropertyValues(self.manifest[i])
			# determine classpath for manifest
			classpath_entries = []
			if "Class-path" not in manifest_entries: # assuming it wasn't hardcoded, set it here
				for src, dest in self.classpath.resolveWithDestinations(context):
				assert isinstance(options['jar.manifest.classpathAppend'], list), options['jar.manifest.classpathAppend'] # must not be a string
				classpath_entries.extend(options['jar.manifest.classpathAppend'] or [])
				# need to always use / not \ for these to be valid
				classpath_entries = [p.replace(os.path.sep, '/').replace('\\', '/') for p in classpath_entries if p]
				if classpath_entries:
					manifest_entries["Class-path"] = " ".join(classpath_entries) # include the classpath from here
			if not manifest_entries.get('Class-path'): # suppress this element entirely if not needed, otherwise there would be no way to have an empty classpath
			# create the manifest file
			create_manifest(manifest, manifest_entries, options=options)

		# copy in the additional things to include
		for (src, dest) in self.package.resolveWithDestinations(context):
			mkdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.join(classes, dest)))
			destpath = normLongPath(classes+'/'+dest)
			srcpath = normLongPath(src)

			if os.path.isdir(srcpath):
				with open(srcpath, 'rb') as s:
					with openForWrite(destpath, 'wb') as d:

		# create the jar
		jar(self.path, manifest, classes, options=options, preserveManifestFormatting=self.preserveManifestFormatting, 
			outputHandler=ProcessOutputHandler('jar', treatStdErrAsErrors=False,options=options))

	def getHashableImplicitInputs(self, context):
		# changes in the manifest text should cause a rebuild
		# for now, don't bother factoring global jar.manifest.defaults option 
		# in here (it'll almost never change anyway)
		return super(Jar, self).getHashableImplicitInputs(context) + [
			'manifest = '+context.expandPropertyValues(str(self.manifest)),
			'classpath = '+context.expandPropertyValues(str(self.classpath)), # because classpath destinations affect manifest
			]+(['preserveManifestFormatting = true'] if self.preserveManifestFormatting else [])\
			+sorted(['option: %s = "%s"'%(k,v) for (k,v) in context.mergeOptions(self).items() 
				if v and (k.startswith('javac.') or k.startswith('jar.') or k == 'java.home')])
Пример #28
class SignJars(BaseTarget):
	""" Copy jars into a target directory and sign them with the supplied keystore, optionally also updating their manifests
	def __init__(self, output, jars, keystore, alias=None, storepass=None, manifestDefaults=None):
		@param output: The output directory in which to put the signed jars

		@param jars: The list (or PathSet) of input jars to copy and sign

		@param keystore: The path to the keystore

		@param alias: The alias for the keystore (optional)

		@param storepass: The password for the store file (optional)

		@param manifestDefaults: a dictionary of manifest entries to add to the existing manifest.mf file
		of each jar before signing.  Entries in this dictionary will be ignored if the same entry
		is found in the original manifest.mf file already.
		self.jars = PathSet(jars)
		self.keystore = keystore
		self.alias = alias
		self.storepass = storepass
		self.manifestDefaults = manifestDefaults
		BaseTarget.__init__(self, output, [self.jars, self.keystore])

	def run(self, context):
		self.keystore = context.expandPropertyValues(self.keystore)
		options = context.mergeOptions(self) # get the merged options

		for src, dest in self.jars.resolveWithDestinations(context):
				with open(src, 'rb') as s:
					with openForWrite(os.path.join(self.path, dest), 'wb') as d:

				shutil.copystat(src, os.path.join(self.path, dest))
				# When we re-jar with the user specified manifest entries, jar will complain
				# about duplicate attributes IF the original MANIFEST.MF already has those entries.
				# This is happening for latest version of SL where Application-Name, Permission etc
				# were already there.
				# The block of code below will first extract the original MANIFEST.MF from the source
				# jar file, read all manifest entry to a list.  When constructing the new manifest entries,
				# make sure the old MANIFEST.MF doesn't have that entry before putting the new manifest entry
				# to the list.  This will avoid the duplicate attribute error.
				if self.manifestDefaults:
					lines = []
					# read each line of MANIFEST.MF of the original jar and put them in lines
					with zipfile.ZipFile(src, 'r') as zf:
						lst = zf.infolist()
						for zi in lst:
							fn = zi.filename
							if fn.lower().endswith('manifest.mf'):
									manifest_txt = zf.read(zi.filename)
								except Exception, e:
									raise BuildException('Failed reading the manifest file %s with exception:%s' % (fn, e))

								# if we have all manifest text, parse and save each line
								if manifest_txt:
									# CR LF | LF | CR  can be there as line feed and hence the code below
									lines = manifest_txt.replace('\r\n', '\n').replace('\r','\n').split('\n')
								# done
					original_entries = collections.OrderedDict()  # to ensure we don't overwrite/duplicate these
					# populate the manifest_entries with original values from original manifest
					for l in lines:
						if ':' in l and not l.startswith(' '): # ignore continuation lines etc because keys are all we care about
							key,value = l.split(':', 1)
							original_entries[key] = value.strip()
					# build up a list of the new manifest entries (will be merged into any existing manifest by jar)
					manifest_entries = collections.OrderedDict()
					for i in self.manifestDefaults:
						# if entry isn't there yet, add to the list
						if i not in original_entries:
							manifest_entries[i] = context.expandPropertyValues(self.manifestDefaults[i])
					# create the manifest file
					# we want to add the manifest entries explicitly specified here but 
					# NOT the 'default' manifest entries we usually add, since these 
					# are likely to have been set already, and we do not want duplicates
					manifest = os.path.join(self.workDir, "MANIFEST.MF") # manifest file

					options['jar.manifest.defaults'] = {}
					create_manifest(manifest, manifest_entries, options)
					# update the EXISTING jar file with the new manifest entries, which will be merged into 
					# existing manifest by the jar tool
					jar(os.path.join(self.path, dest), manifest, None, options, update=True)
				signjar(os.path.join(self.path, dest), self.keystore, options, alias=self.alias, storepass=self.storepass, 
					outputHandler=ProcessOutputHandler('signjars', treatStdErrAsErrors=False, options=options))
			except BuildException, e:
				raise BuildException('Error processing %s: %s'%(os.path.basename(dest), e))