Пример #1
def basis_bsplines(n_functions=5,
    """Define B-splines basis of function.

    Build a basis of :math:`K` functions using B-splines basis on the
    interval defined by ``argvals``.

    n_functions: int, default=5
        Number of considered B-splines.
    argvals: numpy.ndarray, default = None
        The values on which evaluated the B-splines. If ``None``,
        the polynomials are evaluated on the interval :math:`[0, 1]`.
    degree: int, default=3
        Degree of the B-splines. The default gives cubic splines.
    knots: numpy.ndarray, (n_knots,)
        Specify the break points defining the B-splines. If ``knots``
        are provided, the provided value of ``K`` is ignored. And the
        number of basis functions is ``n_knots + degree - 1``.
    norm: boolean, default=True
        Should we normalize the functions?

    values: np.ndarray, shape=(n_functions, len(argvals))
        An array containing the evaluation of `n_functions` functions of
        Wiener basis.

    >>> basis_bsplines(n_functions=5, argvals=np.arange(0, 1, 0.01))

    if argvals is None:
        argvals = np.arange(0, 1, 0.01)
    if isinstance(argvals, list):
        raise ValueError('argvals has to be a numpy array!')

    if knots is not None:
        n_knots = len(knots)
        n_functions = n_knots + degree - 1
        n_knots = n_functions - degree + 1
        knots = np.linspace(argvals[0], argvals[-1], n_knots)

    values = bs(argvals,
    if norm:
        norm2 = np.sqrt(scipy.integrate.simps(values * values, argvals,
        values = values / norm2
    return values.T
Пример #2
def spline(w, x):
    w = np.asarray(w)
    x = np.asarray(x)
    splines = patsy.bs(
    return np.dot(splines, w)
Пример #3
def suggestPSTHKnots(dt, TR, N, bindat, bnsz=50, iknts=2):
    bnsz   binsize used to calculate approximate PSTH
    spkts = _U.fromBinDat(bindat, SpkTs=True)

    h, bs = _N.histogram(spkts, bins=_N.linspace(0, N, (N / bnsz) + 1))

    fs = (h / (TR * bnsz * dt))
    apsth = _N.repeat(fs, bnsz)  #    piecewise boxy approximate PSTH

    apsth *= dt

    ITERS = 1000
    x = _N.linspace(0., N - 1, N, endpoint=False)  # in units of ms.
    r2s = _N.empty(ITERS)
    allKnts = _N.empty((ITERS, iknts))
    allCoeffs = []

    tAvg = 1. / iknts
    tsMin = tAvg * 0.5
    tsMax = tAvg * 1.5

    for it in xrange(ITERS):
        bGood = False
        while not bGood:

                pieces = tsMin + _N.random.rand(iknts + 1) * (tsMax - tsMin)

                knts = _N.empty(iknts + 1)

                knts[0] = pieces[0]
                for i in xrange(1, iknts + 1):
                    knts[i] = knts[i - 1] + pieces[i]
                knts /= knts[-1]
                knts[0:-1] *= N
                #knts  = _N.sort((0.1 + 0.85*_N.random.rand(iknts))*N)
                B = patsy.bs(x, knots=(knts[0:-1]), include_intercept=True)
                iBTB = _N.linalg.inv(_N.dot(B.T, B))
                bGood = True
            except _N.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError, ValueError:
                print "Linalg Error or Value Error in suggestPSTHKnots"

        #a     = _N.dot(iBTB, _N.dot(B.T, _N.log(apsth)))
        a = _N.dot(iBTB, _N.dot(B.T, apsth))
        #ft    = _N.exp(_N.dot(B, a))
        ft = _N.dot(B, a)
        r2s[it] = _N.dot(ft - apsth, ft - apsth)
        allKnts[it, :] = knts[0:-1]
Пример #4
def elastic_regression(f, y, time, B=None, lam=0, df=20, max_itr=20,
                       cores=-1, smooth=False):
    This function identifies a regression model with phase-variablity
    using elastic methods

    :param f: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples
    :param y: numpy array of N responses
    :param time: vector of size M describing the sample points
    :param B: optional matrix describing Basis elements
    :param lam: regularization parameter (default 0)
    :param df: number of degrees of freedom B-spline (default 20)
    :param max_itr: maximum number of iterations (default 20)
    :param cores: number of cores for parallel processing (default all)
    :type f: np.ndarray
    :type time: np.ndarray

    :rtype: tuple of numpy array
    :return alpha: alpha parameter of model
    :return beta: beta(t) of model
    :return fn: aligned functions - numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of M
    functions with N samples
    :return qn: aligned srvfs - similar structure to fn
    :return gamma: calculated warping functions
    :return q: original training SRSFs
    :return B: basis matrix
    :return b: basis coefficients
    :return SSE: sum of squared error

    M = f.shape[0]
    N = f.shape[1]

    if M > 500:
        parallel = True
    elif N > 100:
        parallel = True
        parallel = False

    binsize = np.diff(time)
    binsize = binsize.mean()

    # Create B-Spline Basis if none provided
    if B is None:
        B = bs(time, df=df, degree=4, include_intercept=True)
    Nb = B.shape[1]

    # second derivative for regularization
    Bdiff = np.zeros((M, Nb))
    for ii in range(0, Nb):
        Bdiff[:, ii] = np.gradient(np.gradient(B[:, ii], binsize), binsize)

    q = uf.f_to_srsf(f, time, smooth)

    gamma = np.tile(np.linspace(0, 1, M), (N, 1))
    gamma = gamma.transpose()

    itr = 1
    SSE = np.zeros(max_itr)
    while itr <= max_itr:
        print("Iteration: %d" % itr)
        # align data
        fn = np.zeros((M, N))
        qn = np.zeros((M, N))
        for ii in range(0, N):
            fn[:, ii] = np.interp((time[-1] - time[0]) * gamma[:, ii] +
                                  time[0], time, f[:, ii])
            qn[:, ii] = uf.warp_q_gamma(time, q[:, ii], gamma[:, ii])

        # OLS using basis
        Phi = np.ones((N, Nb+1))
        for ii in range(0, N):
            for jj in range(1, Nb+1):
                Phi[ii, jj] = trapz(qn[:, ii] * B[:, jj-1], time)

        R = np.zeros((Nb+1, Nb+1))
        for ii in range(1, Nb+1):
            for jj in range(1, Nb+1):
                R[ii, jj] = trapz(Bdiff[:, ii-1] * Bdiff[:, jj-1], time)

        xx = dot(Phi.T, Phi)
        inv_xx = inv(xx + lam * R)
        xy = dot(Phi.T, y)
        b = dot(inv_xx, xy)

        alpha = b[0]
        beta = B.dot(b[1:Nb+1])
        beta = beta.reshape(M)

        # compute the SSE
        int_X = np.zeros(N)
        for ii in range(0, N):
            int_X[ii] = trapz(qn[:, ii] * beta, time)

        SSE[itr - 1] = sum((y.reshape(N) - alpha - int_X) ** 2)

        # find gamma
        gamma_new = np.zeros((M, N))
        if parallel:
            out = Parallel(n_jobs=cores)(delayed(regression_warp)(beta,
                                         time, q[:, n], y[n], alpha) for n in range(N))
            gamma_new = np.array(out)
            gamma_new = gamma_new.transpose()
            for ii in range(0, N):
                gamma_new[:, ii] = regression_warp(beta, time, q[:, ii],
                                                   y[ii], alpha)

        if norm(gamma - gamma_new) < 1e-5:
            gamma = gamma_new

        itr += 1

    # Last Step with centering of gam
    gamI = uf.SqrtMeanInverse(gamma_new)
    gamI_dev = np.gradient(gamI, 1 / float(M - 1))
    beta = np.interp((time[-1] - time[0]) * gamI + time[0], time,
                     beta) * np.sqrt(gamI_dev)

    for ii in range(0, N):
        qn[:, ii] = np.interp((time[-1] - time[0]) * gamI + time[0],
                              time, qn[:, ii]) * np.sqrt(gamI_dev)
        fn[:, ii] = np.interp((time[-1] - time[0]) * gamI + time[0],
                              time, fn[:, ii])
        gamma[:, ii] = np.interp((time[-1] - time[0]) * gamI + time[0],
                                 time, gamma_new[:, ii])

    model = collections.namedtuple('model', ['alpha', 'beta', 'fn',
                                   'qn', 'gamma', 'q', 'B', 'b',
                                   'SSE', 'type'])
    out = model(alpha, beta, fn, qn, gamma, q, B, b[1:-1], SSE[0:itr],
    return out
Пример #5
    def initGibbs(self):  ################################ INITGIBBS
        oo = self
        if oo.bpsth:
            oo.B = patsy.bs(_N.linspace(0, (oo.t1 - oo.t0) * oo.dt,
                                        (oo.t1 - oo.t0)),
                            include_intercept=True)  #  spline basis
            if oo.dfPSTH is None:
                oo.dfPSTH = oo.B.shape[1]
            oo.B = oo.B.T  #  My convention for beta
            oo.aS = _N.linalg.solve(
                _N.dot(oo.B, oo.B.T),
                       _N.ones(oo.t1 - oo.t0) * _N.mean(oo.u)))

        # #generate initial values of parameters
        oo._d = _kfardat.KFARGauObsDat(oo.TR, oo.N, oo.k)

        sPR = "cmpref"
        if oo.use_prior == _cd.__FREQ_REF__:
            sPR = "frqref"
        elif oo.use_prior == _cd.__ONOF_REF__:
            sPR = "onfref"
        sAO = "sf" if (oo.ARord == _cd.__SF__) else "nf"

        ts = "[%(1)d-%(2)d]" % {"1": oo.t0, "2": oo.t1}
        baseFN = "rs=%(rs)d" % {"pr": sPR, "rs": oo.restarts}
        setdir = "%(sd)s/AR%(k)d_%(ts)s_%(pr)s_%(ao)s" % {
            "sd": oo.setname,
            "k": oo.k,
            "ts": ts,
            "pr": sPR,
            "ao": sAO

        #  baseFN_inter   baseFN_comps   baseFN_comps


        oo.Bsmpx = _N.zeros((oo.TR, oo.NMC + oo.burn, (oo.N + 1) + 2))
        oo.smp_u = _N.zeros((oo.TR, oo.burn + oo.NMC))
        oo.smp_q2 = _N.zeros((oo.TR, oo.burn + oo.NMC))
        oo.smp_x00 = _N.empty((oo.TR, oo.burn + oo.NMC - 1, oo.k))
        #  store samples of
        oo.allalfas = _N.empty((oo.burn + oo.NMC, oo.k), dtype=_N.complex)
        oo.uts = _N.empty((oo.TR, oo.burn + oo.NMC, oo.R, oo.N + 2))
        oo.wts = _N.empty((oo.TR, oo.burn + oo.NMC, oo.C, oo.N + 3))
        oo.ranks = _N.empty((oo.burn + oo.NMC, oo.C), dtype=_N.int)
        oo.pgs = _N.empty((oo.TR, oo.burn + oo.NMC, oo.N + 1))
        oo.fs = _N.empty((oo.burn + oo.NMC, oo.C))
        oo.amps = _N.empty((oo.burn + oo.NMC, oo.C))
        if oo.bpsth:
            oo.smp_aS = _N.zeros((oo.burn + oo.NMC, oo.dfPSTH))

        radians = buildLims(oo.Cn, oo.freq_lims, nzLimL=1.)
        oo.AR2lims = 2 * _N.cos(radians)

        if (oo.rs < 0):
            oo.smpx = _N.zeros(
                (oo.TR, (oo.N + 1) + 2, oo.k))  #  start at 0 + u
            oo.ws = _N.empty((oo.TR, oo._d.N + 1), dtype=_N.float)

            oo.F_alfa_rep = initF(oo.R, oo.Cs, oo.Cn,
                                  ifs=oo.ifs).tolist()  #  init F_alfa_rep

            print "begin---"
            print ampAngRep(oo.F_alfa_rep)
            print "begin^^^"
            q20 = 1e-3
            oo.q2 = _N.ones(oo.TR) * q20

            oo.F0 = (-1 * _Npp.polyfromroots(oo.F_alfa_rep)[::-1].real)[1:]
            ########  Limit the amplitude to something reasonable
            xE, nul = createDataAR(oo.N, oo.F0, q20, 0.1)
            mlt = _N.std(xE) / 0.5  #  we want amplitude around 0.5
            oo.q2 /= mlt * mlt
            xE, nul = createDataAR(oo.N, oo.F0, oo.q2[0], 0.1)

            if oo.model == "Bernoulli":
            #smpx[0, 2:, 0] = x[0]    ##########  DEBUG

            ####  initialize ws if starting for first time
            if oo.TR == 1:
                oo.ws = oo.ws.reshape(1, oo._d.N + 1)
            for m in xrange(oo._d.TR):
                               oo.smpx[m, 2:, 0] + oo.u[m],
                               num=(oo.N + 1),
                               out=oo.ws[m, :])

        oo.smp_u[:, 0] = oo.u
        oo.smp_q2[:, 0] = oo.q2

        if oo.bpsth:
            oo.u_a = _N.ones(oo.dfPSTH) * _N.mean(oo.u)
Пример #6
        cnt += 1

y = y_orig
M = f.shape[0]
N = f.shape[1]
# Code labels
m = y.max()
Y = np.zeros((N, m), dtype=int)
for ii in range(0, N):
    Y[ii, y[ii]-1] = 1

binsize = np.diff(time)
binsize = binsize.mean()

# Create B-Spline Basis if none provided
B = bs(time, df=20, degree=4, include_intercept=True)
Nb = B.shape[1]

Phi = np.ones((N, Nb+1))
for ii in range(0, N):
    for jj in range(1, Nb+1):
        Phi[ii, jj] = trapz(q[:, ii] * B[:, jj-1], time)

# Find alpha and beta using l_bfgs
b0 = np.zeros(m * (Nb+1))
out = fmin_l_bfgs_b(mlogit_loss, b0, fprime=mlogit_gradient,
                    args=(Phi, Y), pgtol=1e-10, maxiter=200,
                    maxfun=250, factr=1e-30)
b = out[0]
B0 = b.reshape(Nb+1, m)
alpha = B0[0, :]
Пример #7
def findAndSaturateHist(cl, refrT=30, MAXcl=None):
    how high
    ITERS = 1000

    dgr = 2
    ktl = _N.empty(dgr + 1)
    cktl = _N.zeros(dgr + 2)
    xs = _N.linspace(0, 1, refrT)
    scr = _N.empty(ITERS)

    aS = _N.empty((ITERS, dgr + 4))
    kts = _N.empty((ITERS, dgr))

    lcl = _N.log(cl)
    for it in xrange(ITERS):
        bOK = False
        while not bOK:
                ktl = _N.random.rand(dgr + 1)

                for d in xrange(1, dgr + 2):
                    cktl[d] = cktl[d - 1] + ktl[d - 1]
                cktl /= cktl[-1]

                B = patsy.bs(xs, knots=cktl[1:-1], include_intercept=True)

                iBvTBv = _N.linalg.inv(_N.dot(B.T, B))

                a = _N.dot(iBvTBv, _N.dot(B.T, lcl))

                ftd = _N.exp(_N.dot(B, a))
                scr[it] = _N.sum((ftd - cl)**2)

                aS[it] = a
                kts[it] = cktl[1:-1]
                bOK = True
            except _N.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
                print "LinAlgError in findAndSaturateHist part 1"

    bI = _N.where(scr == _N.min(scr))[0][0]

    bestKts = kts[bI]
    bestAs = aS[bI]

    B = patsy.bs(xs, knots=bestKts, include_intercept=True)
    ftdC = _N.exp(_N.dot(B, bestAs))

    if MAXcl is not None:
        #  now compress, and
        MAX = _N.max(ftdC[0:refrT])
        maxInd = _N.where(ftdC == MAX)[0][0]
        ftdC[maxInd:] = _N.linspace(MAX, 1, refrT - maxInd)

        bg1Inds = _N.where(ftdC > 1)[0]

        ftdC[bg1Inds] = (((ftdC[bg1Inds] - 1) / (MAX - 1)) * (MAXcl - 1)) + 1
        lt1Inds = _N.where(ftdC[refrT:] < 1)[0]
        ftdC[refrT + lt1Inds] = 1

    lftdC = _N.log(ftdC)
    for it in xrange(ITERS):
        bOK = False
        while not bOK:
                ktl = _N.random.rand(dgr + 1)

                for d in xrange(1, dgr + 2):
                    cktl[d] = cktl[d - 1] + ktl[d - 1]
                cktl /= cktl[-1]

                B = patsy.bs(xs, knots=cktl[1:-1], include_intercept=True)

                iBvTBv = _N.linalg.inv(_N.dot(B.T, B))

                a = _N.dot(iBvTBv, _N.dot(B.T, lftdC))

                ftd = _N.exp(_N.dot(B, a))
                scr[it] = _N.sum((ftd - ftdC)**2)

                aS[it] = a
                kts[it] = cktl[1:-1]
                bOK = True
            except _N.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
                print "LinAlgError in findAndSaturateHist part 2"

    bI = _N.where(scr == _N.min(scr))[0][0]

    bestKts = kts[bI]
    bestAs = aS[bI]

    return xs, bestKts, bestAs
Пример #8
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import stats
from patsy import bs, dmatrix

x = np.linspace(-0.0001, 1, 1000)
knots = [0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1]

_, axes = plt.subplots(3, 1, figsize=(9, 6), sharex=True, sharey=True)
degrees = [0, 1, 3]
for i, ax in enumerate(axes):
    deg = degrees[i]
    b_splines = bs(x,
    for b_s in b_splines.T:
        ax.plot(x, b_s, "C3", ls="--")
    ax.plot(x, b_splines[:, deg], lw=2)
    ax.plot(knots, np.zeros_like(knots), "ko", markersize=3)
    for i in range(1, deg + 1):
        ax.plot([0, 1], np.array([0, 0]) - (i / 15), "k.", clip_on=False)
    ax.plot(knots[:deg + 2],
            np.zeros_like(knots[:deg + 2]),
Пример #9
    def calc_model(self, B=None, lam=0, df=40, T=200, max_itr=20, cores=-1):
        This function identifies a regression model for open curves
        using elastic methods

        :param B: optional matrix describing Basis elements
        :param lam: regularization parameter (default 0)
        :param df: number of degrees of freedom B-spline (default 20)
        :param T: number of desired samples along curve (default 100)
        :param max_itr: maximum number of iterations (default 20)
        :param cores: number of cores for parallel processing (default all)
        n = self.beta.shape[0]
        N = self.beta.shape[2]
        time = np.linspace(0, 1, T)

        if n > 500:
            parallel = True
        elif T > 100:
            parallel = True
            parallel = False

        binsize = np.diff(time)
        binsize = binsize.mean()

        # Create B-Spline Basis if none provided
        if B is None:
            B = bs(time, df=df, degree=4, include_intercept=True)
        Nb = B.shape[1]

        # second derivative for regularization
        Bdiff = np.zeros((T, Nb))
        for ii in range(0, Nb):
            Bdiff[:, ii] = np.gradient(np.gradient(B[:, ii], binsize), binsize)

        q, beta = preproc_open_curve(self.beta, T)
        self.q = q
        beta0 = beta.copy()
        qn = q.copy()

        gamma = np.tile(np.linspace(0, 1, T), (N, 1))
        gamma = gamma.transpose()
        O_hat = np.tile(np.eye(n), (N, 1, 1)).T

        itr = 1
        self.SSE = np.zeros(max_itr)
        while itr <= max_itr:
            print("Iteration: %d" % itr)
            # align data

            # OLS using basis
            Phi = np.ones((N, n * Nb + 1))
            for ii in range(0, N):
                for jj in range(0, n):
                    for kk in range(1, Nb + 1):
                            jj * Nb + kk] = trapz(qn[jj, :, ii] * B[:, kk - 1],

            R = np.zeros((n * Nb + 1, n * Nb + 1))
            for kk in range(0, n):
                for ii in range(1, Nb + 1):
                    for jj in range(1, Nb + 1):
                        R[kk * Nb + ii, kk * Nb + jj] = trapz(
                            Bdiff[:, ii - 1] * Bdiff[:, jj - 1], time)

            xx = np.dot(Phi.T, Phi)
            inv_xx = inv(xx + lam * R)
            xy = np.dot(Phi.T, self.y)
            b = np.dot(inv_xx, xy)

            alpha = b[0]
            nu = np.zeros((n, T))
            for ii in range(0, n):
                nu[ii, :] = B.dot(b[(ii * Nb + 1):((ii + 1) * Nb + 1)])

            # compute the SSE
            int_X = np.zeros(N)
            for ii in range(0, N):
                int_X[ii] = cf.innerprod_q2(qn[:, :, ii], nu)

            self.SSE[itr - 1] = sum((self.y.reshape(N) - alpha - int_X)**2)

            # find gamma
            gamma_new = np.zeros((T, N))
            if parallel:
                out = Parallel(n_jobs=cores)(
                    delayed(regression_warp)(nu, q[:, :, n], self.y[n], alpha)
                    for n in range(N))
                for ii in range(0, N):
                    gamma_new[:, ii] = out[ii][0]
                    beta1n = cf.group_action_by_gamma_coord(
                        out[ii][1].dot(beta0[:, :, ii]), out[ii][0])
                    beta[:, :, ii] = beta1n
                    O_hat[:, :, ii] = out[ii][1]
                    qn[:, :, ii] = cf.curve_to_q(beta1n)[0]
                for ii in range(0, N):
                    q1 = q[:, :, ii]
                    gammatmp, Otmp = regression_warp(nu, q1, self.y[ii], alpha)
                    gamma_new[:, ii] = gammatmp
                    beta1n = cf.group_action_by_gamma_coord(
                        Otmp.dot(beta0[:, :, ii]), gammatmp)
                    beta[:, :, ii] = beta1n
                    O_hat[:, :, ii] = Otmp
                    qn[:, :, ii] = cf.curve_to_q(beta1n)[0]

            if np.abs(self.SSE[itr - 1] - self.SSE[itr - 2]) < 1e-15:
                gamma = gamma_new

            itr += 1

        tau = np.zeros(N)
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.nu = nu
        self.beta0 = beta0
        self.betan = beta
        self.gamma = gamma
        self.qn = qn
        self.B = B
        self.O = O_hat
        self.b = b[1:-1]
        self.SSE = self.SSE[0:itr]

Пример #10
    def calc_model(self,
        This function identifies a regression model with phase-variability
        using elastic pca

        :param B: optional matrix describing Basis elements
        :param lam: regularization parameter (default 0)
        :param df: number of degrees of freedom B-spline (default 20)
        :param max_itr: maximum number of iterations (default 20)
        :param cores: number of cores for parallel processing (default all)

        M = self.f.shape[0]
        N = self.f.shape[1]
        m = self.y.max()

        if M > 500:
            parallel = True
        elif N > 100:
            parallel = True
            parallel = False

        binsize = np.diff(self.time)
        binsize = binsize.mean()

        # Create B-Spline Basis if none provided
        if B is None:
            B = bs(self.time, df=df, degree=4, include_intercept=True)
        Nb = B.shape[1]

        self.B = B

        self.q = uf.f_to_srsf(self.f, self.time, smooth)

        gamma = np.tile(np.linspace(0, 1, M), (N, 1))
        gamma = gamma.transpose()

        itr = 1
        self.LL = np.zeros(max_itr)
        while itr <= max_itr:
            print("Iteration: %d" % itr)
            # align data
            fn = np.zeros((M, N))
            qn = np.zeros((M, N))
            for ii in range(0, N):
                fn[:, ii] = np.interp(
                    (self.time[-1] - self.time[0]) * gamma[:, ii] +
                    self.time[0], self.time, self.f[:, ii])
                qn[:, ii] = uf.warp_q_gamma(self.time, self.q[:, ii],
                                            gamma[:, ii])

            Phi = np.ones((N, Nb + 1))
            for ii in range(0, N):
                for jj in range(1, Nb + 1):
                    Phi[ii, jj] = trapz(qn[:, ii] * B[:, jj - 1], self.time)

            # Find alpha and beta using l_bfgs
            b0 = np.zeros(m * (Nb + 1))
            out = fmin_l_bfgs_b(mlogit_loss,
                                args=(Phi, self.Y),
            b = out[0]
            B0 = b.reshape(Nb + 1, m)
            alpha = B0[0, :]
            beta = np.zeros((M, m))
            for i in range(0, m):
                beta[:, i] = B.dot(B0[1:Nb + 1, i])

            # compute the logistic loss
            self.LL[itr - 1] = mlogit_loss(b, Phi, self.Y)

            # find gamma
            gamma_new = np.zeros((M, N))
            if parallel:
                out = Parallel(n_jobs=cores)(
                                              self.q[:, n],
                                              self.Y[n, :],
                                              delta=delta) for n in range(N))
                gamma_new = np.array(out)
                gamma_new = gamma_new.transpose()
                for ii in range(0, N):
                    gamma_new[:, ii] = mlogit_warp_grad(alpha,
                                                        self.q[:, ii],
                                                        self.Y[ii, :],

            if norm(gamma - gamma_new) < 1e-5:
                gamma = gamma_new

            itr += 1

        self.qn = qn
        self.fn = fn
        self.gamma = gamma
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.beta = beta
        self.b = b[1:-1]
        self.n_classes = m
        self.LL = self.LL[0:itr]

Пример #11
plt.scatter(x, y)
plt.plot(x, funeg(x))


p = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(x, y, 4))
plt.scatter(x, y)
plt.plot(x, p(x), 'k--')
p = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(x, y, 12))
plt.plot(x, p(x), 'k-')


from patsy import bs
kts = [0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 1]
z = sm.OLS(y, bs(x, knots=kts, include_intercept=True)).fit()
plt.scatter(x, y)
plt.plot(x, z.fittedvalues)

# ## Additive Models

from statsmodels.gam.api import GLMGam, BSplines
xmat = ethanol[['C', 'E']]
bs = BSplines(xmat, df=[4, 4], degree=[3, 3])
gamod = GLMGam.from_formula('NOx ~ C + E', ethanol, smoother=bs).fit()


fig = gamod.plot_partial(0, cpr=True)
Пример #12
    def setParams(self):
        oo = self
        # #generate initial values of parameters
        oo._d = _kfardat.KFARGauObsDat(oo.TR, oo.N, 1)

        #  baseFN_inter   baseFN_comps   baseFN_comps

        oo.smpx        = _N.zeros((oo.TR, oo.N + 1))   #  start at 0 + u
        oo.ws          = _N.empty((oo.TR, oo._d.N+1), dtype=_N.float)

        if oo.q20 is None:
            oo.q20         = 0.00077
        oo.q2          = _N.ones(oo.TR)*oo.q20

        oo.F0          = _N.array([0.9])
        ########  Limit the amplitude to something reasonable
        xE, nul = createDataAR(oo.N, oo.F0, oo.q20, 0.1)
        mlt  = _N.std(xE) / 0.5    #  we want amplitude around 0.5
        oo.q2          /= mlt*mlt
        xE, nul = createDataAR(oo.N, oo.F0, oo.q2[0], 0.1)

        w  =  5
        wf =  gauKer(w)
        gk = _N.empty((oo.TR, oo.N+1))
        fgk= _N.empty((oo.TR, oo.N+1))
        for m in xrange(oo.TR):
            gk[m] =  _N.convolve(oo.y[m], wf, mode="same")
            gk[m] =  gk[m] - _N.mean(gk[m])
            gk[m] /= 5*_N.std(gk[m])
            fgk[m] = bpFilt(15, 100, 1, 135, 500, gk[m])   #  we want
            fgk[m, :] /= 2*_N.std(fgk[m, :])

            if oo.noAR:
                oo.smpx[m, 0] = 0
                oo.smpx[m] = fgk[m]

        oo.s_lrn   = _N.empty((oo.TR, oo.N+1))
        oo.sprb   = _N.empty((oo.TR, oo.N+1))
        oo.lrn_scr1   = _N.empty(oo.N+1)
        oo.lrn_iscr1   = _N.empty(oo.N+1)
        oo.lrn_scr2   = _N.empty(oo.N+1)
        oo.lrn_scr3   = _N.empty(oo.N+1)
        oo.lrn_scld   = _N.empty(oo.N+1)

        if oo.bpsth:
            oo.B = patsy.bs(_N.linspace(0, (oo.t1 - oo.t0)*oo.dt, (oo.t1-oo.t0)), df=oo.dfPSTH, knots=oo.kntsPSTH, include_intercept=True)    #  spline basis

            if oo.dfPSTH is None:
                oo.dfPSTH = oo.B.shape[1] 
            oo.B = oo.B.T    #  My convention for beta

            if oo.aS is None:
                oo.aS = _N.linalg.solve(_N.dot(oo.B, oo.B.T), _N.dot(oo.B, _N.ones(oo.t1 - oo.t0)*0.01))   #  small amplitude psth at first
            oo.u_a            = _N.zeros(oo.dfPSTH)
            oo.B = patsy.bs(_N.linspace(0, (oo.t1 - oo.t0)*oo.dt, (oo.t1-oo.t0)), df=4, include_intercept=True)    #  spline basis

            oo.B = oo.B.T    #  My convention for beta
            oo.aS = _N.zeros(4)

            #oo.u_a            = _N.ones(oo.dfPSTH)*_N.mean(oo.us)
            oo.u_a            = _N.zeros(oo.dfPSTH)
Пример #13
def suggestPSTHKnots(dt, TR, N, bindat, bnsz=10, psth_knts=10, psth_run=False):
    bnsz   binsize used to calculate approximate PSTH
    rszd = False
    if N % bnsz != 0:
        rszd = True
        pcs = _N.ceil(N / bnsz)
        bnsz = int(_N.floor(N / pcs))

    spkts = _U.fromBinDat(bindat, SpkTs=True)

    #  apsth needs to be same size as N.  ie N%bnsz needs to be 0
    h, bs = _N.histogram(spkts, bins=_N.linspace(0, N, (N // bnsz) + 1))

    fs = (h / (TR * bnsz * dt))
    _apsth = _N.repeat(fs, bnsz)  #    piecewise boxy approximate PSTH
    if rszd:
        apsth = _N.zeros(N)
        apsth[0:(N // bnsz) * bnsz] = _apsth
        apsth[(N // bnsz) * bnsz:] = apsth[(N // bnsz) * bnsz - 1]
        apsth = _apsth

    apsth *= dt
    gk = gauKer(5)
    gk /= _N.sum(gk)
    f_apsth = _N.convolve(apsth, gk, mode="same")
    dpsth_pctl = _N.cumsum(_N.abs(_N.diff(f_apsth)))
    dpsth_pctl /= dpsth_pctl[-1]
    dpsth_pctl[0] = 0

    ITERS = 40
    x = _N.linspace(0., N - 1, N, endpoint=False)  # in units of ms.
    r2s = _N.empty(ITERS)
    best_r2s = _N.zeros(5)

    for iknts in range(5, 6):
        allKnts = _N.empty((ITERS, iknts))
        allCoeffs = []

        tAvg = 1. / iknts
        tsMin = tAvg * 0.5
        tsMax = tAvg * 1.5

        for it in range(ITERS):
            knt_inds = _N.zeros(iknts + 1)
            bGood = False
            while not bGood:
                    #pieces  = tsMin + _N.random.rand(iknts+1)*(tsMax-tsMin)
                    rnd_pctls = _N.sort(_N.random.rand(iknts + 1))

                    #pieces  = tsMin + _N.random.rand(iknts+1)*(tsMax-tsMin)
                    for i in range(iknts + 1):
                        iHere = _N.where((rnd_pctls[i] >= dpsth_pctl[0:-1])
                                         & (rnd_pctls[i] < dpsth_pctl[1:]))[0]
                        knt_inds[i] = iHere[0]

                    # knts    = _N.empty(iknts+1)

                    # knts[0] = pieces[0]
                    # for i in range(1, iknts+1):
                    #     knts[i] = knts[i-1] + pieces[i]
                    # knts /= knts[-1]
                    # knts[0:-1] *= N
                    #knts  = _N.sort((0.1 + 0.85*_N.random.rand(iknts))*N)
                    B = patsy.bs(x,
                    iBTB = _N.linalg.inv(_N.dot(B.T, B))
                    bGood = True
                except _N.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError:
                    print("Linalg Error or Value Error in suggestPSTHKnots")
                except ValueError:
                    print("Linalg Error or Value Error in suggestPSTHKnots")

            #a     = _N.dot(iBTB, _N.dot(B.T, _N.log(apsth)))
            a = _N.dot(iBTB, _N.dot(B.T, apsth))
            #ft    = _N.exp(_N.dot(B, a))
            ft = _N.dot(B, a)
            r2s[it] = _N.dot(ft - apsth, ft - apsth)
            allKnts[it, :] = knt_inds[0:-1]

        mnIt = _N.where(r2s == r2s.min())[0][0]
        best_r2s[iknts - 10] = r2s[mnIt]
    knts = allKnts[mnIt]
    cfs = allCoeffs[mnIt]
    B = patsy.bs(x, knots=knts, include_intercept=True)

    if psth_run:
        fig = _plt.figure()
        _plt.plot(_N.dot(B, cfs))

    return knts, apsth, cfs
Пример #14
def make_splines_patsy(x, num_knots, degree=3):
    knot_list = np.quantile(x, q=np.linspace(0, 1, num=num_knots))
    #B  = bs(x, knots=knot_list, degree=degree)  # ncoef = knots + degree + 1
    B = bs(x, df=num_knots, degree=degree)  # uses quantiles
    return B
Пример #15
def elastic_mlogistic(f,
    This function identifies a multinomial logistic regression model with
    phase-variablity using elastic methods

    :param f: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples
    :param y: numpy array of labels {1,2,...,m} for m classes
    :param time: vector of size M describing the sample points
    :param B: optional matrix describing Basis elements
    :param df: number of degrees of freedom B-spline (default 20)
    :param max_itr: maximum number of iterations (default 20)
    :param cores: number of cores for parallel processing (default all)
    :type f: np.ndarray
    :type time: np.ndarray

    :rtype: tuple of numpy array
    :return alpha: alpha parameter of model
    :return beta: beta(t) of model
    :return fn: aligned functions - numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N
    functions with M samples
    :return qn: aligned srvfs - similar structure to fn
    :return gamma: calculated warping functions
    :return q: original training SRSFs
    :return B: basis matrix
    :return b: basis coefficients
    :return Loss: logistic loss

    M = f.shape[0]
    N = f.shape[1]
    # Code labels
    m = y.max()
    Y = np.zeros((N, m), dtype=int)
    for ii in range(0, N):
        Y[ii, y[ii] - 1] = 1

    binsize = np.diff(time)
    binsize = binsize.mean()

    # Create B-Spline Basis if none provided
    if B is None:
        B = bs(time, df=df, degree=4, include_intercept=True)
    Nb = B.shape[1]

    q = uf.f_to_srsf(f, time, smooth)

    gamma = np.tile(np.linspace(0, 1, M), (N, 1))
    gamma = gamma.transpose()

    itr = 1
    LL = np.zeros(max_itr)
    while itr <= max_itr:
        print("Iteration: %d" % itr)
        # align data
        fn = np.zeros((M, N))
        qn = np.zeros((M, N))
        for ii in range(0, N):
            fn[:, ii] = np.interp(
                (time[-1] - time[0]) * gamma[:, ii] + time[0], time, f[:, ii])
            qn[:, ii] = uf.warp_q_gamma(time, q[:, ii], gamma[:, ii])

        Phi = np.ones((N, Nb + 1))
        for ii in range(0, N):
            for jj in range(1, Nb + 1):
                Phi[ii, jj] = trapz(qn[:, ii] * B[:, jj - 1], time)

        # Find alpha and beta using l_bfgs
        b0 = np.zeros(m * (Nb + 1))
        out = fmin_l_bfgs_b(mlogit_loss,
                            args=(Phi, Y),
        b = out[0]
        B0 = b.reshape(Nb + 1, m)
        alpha = B0[0, :]
        beta = np.zeros((M, m))
        for i in range(0, m):
            beta[:, i] = B.dot(B0[1:Nb + 1, i])

        # compute the logistic loss
        LL[itr - 1] = mlogit_loss(b, Phi, Y)

        # find gamma
        gamma_new = np.zeros((M, N))
        if parallel:
            out = Parallel(n_jobs=cores)(delayed(mlogit_warp_grad)(
                alpha, beta, time, q[:, n], Y[n, :], delta=delta)
                                         for n in range(N))
            gamma_new = np.array(out)
            gamma_new = gamma_new.transpose()
            for ii in range(0, N):
                gamma_new[:, ii] = mlogit_warp_grad(alpha,
                                                    q[:, ii],
                                                    Y[ii, :],

        if norm(gamma - gamma_new) < 1e-5:
            gamma = gamma_new

        itr += 1

    # Last Step with centering of gam
    gamma = gamma_new
    # gamI = uf.SqrtMeanInverse(gamma)
    # gamI_dev = np.gradient(gamI, 1 / float(M - 1))
    # beta = np.interp((time[-1] - time[0]) * gamI + time[0], time,
    #                  beta) * np.sqrt(gamI_dev)

    # for ii in range(0, N):
    #     qn[:, ii] = np.interp((time[-1] - time[0]) * gamI + time[0],
    #                           time, qn[:, ii]) * np.sqrt(gamI_dev)
    #     fn[:, ii] = np.interp((time[-1] - time[0]) * gamI + time[0],
    #                           time, fn[:, ii])
    #     gamma[:, ii] = np.interp((time[-1] - time[0]) * gamI + time[0],
    #                              time, gamma[:, ii])

    model = collections.namedtuple('model', [
        'alpha', 'beta', 'fn', 'qn', 'gamma', 'q', 'B', 'b', 'Loss',
        'n_classes', 'type'
    out = model(alpha, beta, fn, qn, gamma, q, B, b[1:-1], LL[0:itr], m,
    return out
Пример #16
def elastic_regression(f,
    This function identifies a regression model with phase-variablity
    using elastic methods

    :param f: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples
    :param y: numpy array of N responses
    :param time: vector of size M describing the sample points
    :param B: optional matrix describing Basis elements
    :param lam: regularization parameter (default 0)
    :param df: number of degrees of freedom B-spline (default 20)
    :param max_itr: maximum number of iterations (default 20)
    :param cores: number of cores for parallel processing (default all)
    :type f: np.ndarray
    :type time: np.ndarray

    :rtype: tuple of numpy array
    :return alpha: alpha parameter of model
    :return beta: beta(t) of model
    :return fn: aligned functions - numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of M
    functions with N samples
    :return qn: aligned srvfs - similar structure to fn
    :return gamma: calculated warping functions
    :return q: original training SRSFs
    :return B: basis matrix
    :return b: basis coefficients
    :return SSE: sum of squared error

    M = f.shape[0]
    N = f.shape[1]

    if M > 500:
        parallel = True
    elif N > 100:
        parallel = True
        parallel = False

    binsize = np.diff(time)
    binsize = binsize.mean()

    # Create B-Spline Basis if none provided
    if B is None:
        B = bs(time, df=df, degree=4, include_intercept=True)
    Nb = B.shape[1]

    # second derivative for regularization
    Bdiff = np.zeros((M, Nb))
    for ii in range(0, Nb):
        Bdiff[:, ii] = np.gradient(np.gradient(B[:, ii], binsize), binsize)

    q = uf.f_to_srsf(f, time, smooth)

    gamma = np.tile(np.linspace(0, 1, M), (N, 1))
    gamma = gamma.transpose()

    itr = 1
    SSE = np.zeros(max_itr)
    while itr <= max_itr:
        print("Iteration: %d" % itr)
        # align data
        fn = np.zeros((M, N))
        qn = np.zeros((M, N))
        for ii in range(0, N):
            fn[:, ii] = np.interp(
                (time[-1] - time[0]) * gamma[:, ii] + time[0], time, f[:, ii])
            qn[:, ii] = uf.warp_q_gamma(time, q[:, ii], gamma[:, ii])

        # OLS using basis
        Phi = np.ones((N, Nb + 1))
        for ii in range(0, N):
            for jj in range(1, Nb + 1):
                Phi[ii, jj] = trapz(qn[:, ii] * B[:, jj - 1], time)

        R = np.zeros((Nb + 1, Nb + 1))
        for ii in range(1, Nb + 1):
            for jj in range(1, Nb + 1):
                R[ii, jj] = trapz(Bdiff[:, ii - 1] * Bdiff[:, jj - 1], time)

        xx = dot(Phi.T, Phi)
        inv_xx = inv(xx + lam * R)
        xy = dot(Phi.T, y)
        b = dot(inv_xx, xy)

        alpha = b[0]
        beta = B.dot(b[1:Nb + 1])
        beta = beta.reshape(M)

        # compute the SSE
        int_X = np.zeros(N)
        for ii in range(0, N):
            int_X[ii] = trapz(qn[:, ii] * beta, time)

        SSE[itr - 1] = sum((y.reshape(N) - alpha - int_X)**2)

        # find gamma
        gamma_new = np.zeros((M, N))
        if parallel:
            out = Parallel(n_jobs=cores)(
                delayed(regression_warp)(beta, time, q[:, n], y[n], alpha)
                for n in range(N))
            gamma_new = np.array(out)
            gamma_new = gamma_new.transpose()
            for ii in range(0, N):
                gamma_new[:, ii] = regression_warp(beta, time, q[:, ii], y[ii],

        if norm(gamma - gamma_new) < 1e-5:
            gamma = gamma_new

        itr += 1

    # Last Step with centering of gam
    gamI = uf.SqrtMeanInverse(gamma_new)
    gamI_dev = np.gradient(gamI, 1 / float(M - 1))
    beta = np.interp(
        (time[-1] - time[0]) * gamI + time[0], time, beta) * np.sqrt(gamI_dev)

    for ii in range(0, N):
        qn[:, ii] = np.interp((time[-1] - time[0]) * gamI + time[0], time,
                              qn[:, ii]) * np.sqrt(gamI_dev)
        fn[:, ii] = np.interp((time[-1] - time[0]) * gamI + time[0], time,
                              fn[:, ii])
        gamma[:, ii] = np.interp((time[-1] - time[0]) * gamI + time[0], time,
                                 gamma_new[:, ii])

    model = collections.namedtuple(
        ['alpha', 'beta', 'fn', 'qn', 'gamma', 'q', 'B', 'b', 'SSE', 'type'])
    out = model(alpha, beta, fn, qn, gamma, q, B, b[1:-1], SSE[0:itr],
    return out
Пример #17
    def calc_model(self,
        This function identifies a regression model with phase-variability
        using elastic pca

        :param B: optional matrix describing Basis elements
        :param lam: regularization parameter (default 0)
        :param df: number of degrees of freedom B-spline (default 20)
        :param max_itr: maximum number of iterations (default 20)
        :param cores: number of cores for parallel processing (default all)

        M = self.f.shape[0]
        N = self.f.shape[1]

        if M > 500:
            parallel = True
        elif N > 100:
            parallel = True
            parallel = False

        binsize = np.diff(self.time)
        binsize = binsize.mean()

        # Create B-Spline Basis if none provided
        if B is None:
            B = bs(self.time, df=df, degree=4, include_intercept=True)
        Nb = B.shape[1]

        self.B = B

        # second derivative for regularization
        Bdiff = np.zeros((M, Nb))
        for ii in range(0, Nb):
            Bdiff[:, ii] = np.gradient(np.gradient(B[:, ii], binsize), binsize)

        self.Bdiff = Bdiff

        self.q = uf.f_to_srsf(self.f, self.time, smooth)

        gamma = np.tile(np.linspace(0, 1, M), (N, 1))
        gamma = gamma.transpose()

        itr = 1
        self.SSE = np.zeros(max_itr)
        while itr <= max_itr:
            print("Iteration: %d" % itr)
            # align data
            fn = np.zeros((M, N))
            qn = np.zeros((M, N))
            for ii in range(0, N):
                fn[:, ii] = np.interp(
                    (self.time[-1] - self.time[0]) * gamma[:, ii] +
                    self.time[0], self.time, self.f[:, ii])
                qn[:, ii] = uf.warp_q_gamma(self.time, self.q[:, ii],
                                            gamma[:, ii])

            # OLS using basis
            Phi = np.ones((N, Nb + 1))
            for ii in range(0, N):
                for jj in range(1, Nb + 1):
                    Phi[ii, jj] = trapz(qn[:, ii] * B[:, jj - 1], self.time)

            R = np.zeros((Nb + 1, Nb + 1))
            for ii in range(1, Nb + 1):
                for jj in range(1, Nb + 1):
                    R[ii, jj] = trapz(Bdiff[:, ii - 1] * Bdiff[:, jj - 1],

            xx = np.dot(Phi.T, Phi)
            inv_xx = inv(xx + lam * R)
            xy = np.dot(Phi.T, self.y)
            b = np.dot(inv_xx, xy)

            alpha = b[0]
            beta = B.dot(b[1:Nb + 1])
            beta = beta.reshape(M)

            # compute the SSE
            int_X = np.zeros(N)
            for ii in range(0, N):
                int_X[ii] = trapz(qn[:, ii] * beta, self.time)

            self.SSE[itr - 1] = sum((self.y.reshape(N) - alpha - int_X)**2)

            # find gamma
            gamma_new = np.zeros((M, N))
            if parallel:
                out = Parallel(n_jobs=cores)(delayed(regression_warp)(
                    beta, self.time, self.q[:, n], self.y[n], alpha)
                                             for n in range(N))
                gamma_new = np.array(out)
                gamma_new = gamma_new.transpose()
                for ii in range(0, N):
                    gamma_new[:, ii] = regression_warp(beta, self.time,
                                                       self.q[:, ii],
                                                       self.y[ii], alpha)

            if norm(gamma - gamma_new) < 1e-5:
                gamma = gamma_new

            itr += 1

        # Last Step with centering of gam
        gamI = uf.SqrtMeanInverse(gamma_new)
        gamI_dev = np.gradient(gamI, 1 / float(M - 1))
        beta = np.interp((self.time[-1] - self.time[0]) * gamI + self.time[0],
                         self.time, beta) * np.sqrt(gamI_dev)

        for ii in range(0, N):
            qn[:, ii] = np.interp(
                (self.time[-1] - self.time[0]) * gamI + self.time[0],
                self.time, qn[:, ii]) * np.sqrt(gamI_dev)
            fn[:, ii] = np.interp(
                (self.time[-1] - self.time[0]) * gamI + self.time[0],
                self.time, fn[:, ii])
            gamma[:, ii] = np.interp(
                (self.time[-1] - self.time[0]) * gamI + self.time[0],
                self.time, gamma_new[:, ii])

        self.qn = qn
        self.fn = fn
        self.gamma = gamma
        self.alpha = alpha
        self.beta = beta
        self.b = b[1:-1]
        self.SSE = self.SSE[0:itr]

Пример #18
def elastic_mlogistic(f, y, time, B=None, df=20, max_itr=20, cores=-1,
                      delta=.01, parallel=True, smooth=False):
    This function identifies a multinomial logistic regression model with
    phase-variablity using elastic methods

    :param f: numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N functions with M samples
    :param y: numpy array of labels {1,2,...,m} for m classes
    :param time: vector of size M describing the sample points
    :param B: optional matrix describing Basis elements
    :param df: number of degrees of freedom B-spline (default 20)
    :param max_itr: maximum number of iterations (default 20)
    :param cores: number of cores for parallel processing (default all)
    :type f: np.ndarray
    :type time: np.ndarray

    :rtype: tuple of numpy array
    :return alpha: alpha parameter of model
    :return beta: beta(t) of model
    :return fn: aligned functions - numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of N
    functions with M samples
    :return qn: aligned srvfs - similar structure to fn
    :return gamma: calculated warping functions
    :return q: original training SRSFs
    :return B: basis matrix
    :return b: basis coefficients
    :return Loss: logistic loss

    M = f.shape[0]
    N = f.shape[1]
    # Code labels
    m = y.max()
    Y = np.zeros((N, m), dtype=int)
    for ii in range(0, N):
        Y[ii, y[ii]-1] = 1

    binsize = np.diff(time)
    binsize = binsize.mean()

    # Create B-Spline Basis if none provided
    if B is None:
        B = bs(time, df=df, degree=4, include_intercept=True)
    Nb = B.shape[1]

    q = uf.f_to_srsf(f, time, smooth)

    gamma = np.tile(np.linspace(0, 1, M), (N, 1))
    gamma = gamma.transpose()

    itr = 1
    LL = np.zeros(max_itr)
    while itr <= max_itr:
        print("Iteration: %d" % itr)
        # align data
        fn = np.zeros((M, N))
        qn = np.zeros((M, N))
        for ii in range(0, N):
            fn[:, ii] = np.interp((time[-1] - time[0]) * gamma[:, ii] +
                                  time[0], time, f[:, ii])
            qn[:, ii] = uf.warp_q_gamma(time, q[:, ii], gamma[:, ii])

        Phi = np.ones((N, Nb+1))
        for ii in range(0, N):
            for jj in range(1, Nb+1):
                Phi[ii, jj] = trapz(qn[:, ii] * B[:, jj-1], time)

        # Find alpha and beta using l_bfgs
        b0 = np.zeros(m * (Nb+1))
        out = fmin_l_bfgs_b(mlogit_loss, b0, fprime=mlogit_gradient,
                            args=(Phi, Y), pgtol=1e-10, maxiter=200,
                            maxfun=250, factr=1e-30)
        b = out[0]
        B0 = b.reshape(Nb+1, m)
        alpha = B0[0, :]
        beta = np.zeros((M, m))
        for i in range(0, m):
            beta[:, i] = B.dot(B0[1:Nb+1, i])

        # compute the logistic loss
        LL[itr - 1] = mlogit_loss(b, Phi, Y)

        # find gamma
        gamma_new = np.zeros((M, N))
        if parallel:
            out = Parallel(n_jobs=cores)(delayed(mlogit_warp_grad)(alpha, beta,
                                         time, q[:, n], Y[n, :], delta=delta) for n in range(N))
            gamma_new = np.array(out)
            gamma_new = gamma_new.transpose()
            for ii in range(0, N):
                gamma_new[:, ii] = mlogit_warp_grad(alpha, beta, time,
                                                    q[:, ii], Y[ii, :], delta=delta)

        if norm(gamma - gamma_new) < 1e-5:
            gamma = gamma_new

        itr += 1

    # Last Step with centering of gam
    gamma = gamma_new
    # gamI = uf.SqrtMeanInverse(gamma)
    # gamI_dev = np.gradient(gamI, 1 / float(M - 1))
    # beta = np.interp((time[-1] - time[0]) * gamI + time[0], time,
    #                  beta) * np.sqrt(gamI_dev)

    # for ii in range(0, N):
    #     qn[:, ii] = np.interp((time[-1] - time[0]) * gamI + time[0],
    #                           time, qn[:, ii]) * np.sqrt(gamI_dev)
    #     fn[:, ii] = np.interp((time[-1] - time[0]) * gamI + time[0],
    #                           time, fn[:, ii])
    #     gamma[:, ii] = np.interp((time[-1] - time[0]) * gamI + time[0],
    #                              time, gamma[:, ii])

    model = collections.namedtuple('model', ['alpha', 'beta', 'fn',
                                   'qn', 'gamma', 'q', 'B', 'b',
                                   'Loss', 'n_classes', 'type'])
    out = model(alpha, beta, fn, qn, gamma, q, B, b[1:-1], LL[0:itr],
                m, 'mlogistic')
    return out
Пример #19
def oc_elastic_regression(beta, y, B=None, df=40, T=200, max_itr=20, cores=-1):
    This function identifies a regression model for open curves
    using elastic methods

    :param beta: numpy ndarray of shape (n, M, N) describing N curves
    in R^M
    :param y: numpy array of N responses
    :param B: optional matrix describing Basis elements
    :param df: number of degrees of freedom B-spline (default 20)
    :param T: number of desired samples along curve (default 100)
    :param max_itr: maximum number of iterations (default 20)
    :param cores: number of cores for parallel processing (default all)
    :type beta: np.ndarray

    :rtype: tuple of numpy array
    :return alpha: alpha parameter of model
    :return beta: beta(t) of model
    :return fn: aligned functions - numpy ndarray of shape (M,N) of M
    functions with N samples
    :return qn: aligned srvfs - similar structure to fn
    :return gamma: calculated warping functions
    :return q: original training SRSFs
    :return B: basis matrix
    :return b: basis coefficients
    :return SSE: sum of squared error

    n = beta.shape[0]
    N = beta.shape[2]
    time = np.linspace(0, 1, T)

    if n > 500:
        parallel = True
    elif T > 100:
        parallel = True
        parallel = False

    # Create B-Spline Basis if none provided
    if B is None:
        B = bs(time, df=df, degree=4, include_intercept=True)
    Nb = B.shape[1]

    q, beta = preproc_open_curve(beta, T)
    beta0 = beta.copy()
    qn = q.copy()

    gamma = np.tile(np.linspace(0, 1, T), (N, 1))
    gamma = gamma.transpose()
    O_hat = np.tile(np.eye(n), (N, 1, 1)).T

    itr = 1
    SSE = np.zeros(max_itr)
    while itr <= max_itr:
        print("Iteration: %d" % itr)
        # align data

        # OLS using basis
        Phi = np.ones((N, n * Nb + 1))
        for ii in range(0, N):
            for jj in range(0, n):
                for kk in range(1, Nb + 1):
                    Phi[ii, jj * Nb + kk] = trapz(qn[jj, :, ii] * B[:, kk - 1], time)

        xx = dot(Phi.T, Phi)
        inv_xx = inv(xx)
        xy = dot(Phi.T, y)
        b = dot(inv_xx, xy)

        alpha = b[0]
        nu = np.zeros((n, T))
        for ii in range(0, n):
            nu[ii, :] = B.dot(b[(ii * Nb + 1):((ii + 1) * Nb + 1)])

        # compute the SSE
        int_X = np.zeros(N)
        for ii in range(0, N):
            int_X[ii] = cf.innerprod_q2(qn[:, :, ii], nu)

        SSE[itr - 1] = sum((y.reshape(N) - alpha - int_X) ** 2)

        # find gamma
        gamma_new = np.zeros((T, N))
        if parallel:
            out = Parallel(n_jobs=cores)(delayed(regression_warp)(nu, beta0[:, :, n], y[n], alpha) for n in range(N))
            for ii in range(0, N):
                gamma_new[:, ii] = out[ii][0]
                beta1n = cf.group_action_by_gamma_coord(out[ii][1].dot(beta0[:, :, ii]), out[ii][0])
                beta[:, :, ii] = beta1n
                O_hat[:, :, ii] = out[ii][1]
                qn[:, :, ii] = cf.curve_to_q(beta[:, :, ii])
            for ii in range(0, N):
                beta1 = beta0[:, :, ii]
                gammatmp, Otmp, tau = regression_warp(nu, beta1, y[ii], alpha)
                gamma_new[:, ii] = gammatmp
                beta1n = cf.group_action_by_gamma_coord(Otmp.dot(beta0[:, :, ii]), gammatmp)
                beta[:, :, ii] = beta1n
                O_hat[:, :, ii] = Otmp
                qn[:, :, ii] = cf.curve_to_q(beta[:, :, ii])

        if np.abs(SSE[itr - 1] - SSE[itr - 2]) < 1e-15:
            gamma = gamma_new

        itr += 1

    tau = np.zeros(N)

    model = collections.namedtuple('model', ['alpha', 'nu', 'betan' 'q', 'gamma',
                                             'O', 'tau', 'B', 'b', 'SSE', 'type'])
    out = model(alpha, nu, beta, q, gamma, O_hat, tau, B, b[1:-1], SSE[0:itr], 'oclinear')
    return out
Пример #20
    def calc_model(self,
        This function identifies a multinomial logistic regression model with
        phase-variability using elastic methods for open curves

        :param B: optional matrix describing Basis elements
        :param df: number of degrees of freedom B-spline (default 20)
        :param T: number of desired samples along curve (default 100)
        :param max_itr: maximum number of iterations (default 20)
        :param cores: number of cores for parallel processing (default all)

        n = self.beta.shape[0]
        N = self.beta.shape[2]
        time = np.linspace(0, 1, T)
        m = self.y.max()

        if n > 500:
            parallel = True
        elif T > 100:
            parallel = True
            parallel = True

        # Create B-Spline Basis if none provided
        if B is None:
            B = bs(time, df=df, degree=4, include_intercept=True)
        Nb = B.shape[1]

        q, beta = preproc_open_curve(self.beta, T)
        qn = q.copy()
        beta0 = beta.copy()

        gamma = np.tile(np.linspace(0, 1, T), (N, 1))
        gamma = gamma.transpose()
        O_hat = np.tile(np.eye(n), (N, 1, 1)).T

        itr = 1
        LL = np.zeros(max_itr + 1)
        while itr <= max_itr:
            print("Iteration: %d" % itr)

            Phi = np.ones((N, n * Nb + 1))
            for ii in range(0, N):
                for jj in range(0, n):
                    for kk in range(1, Nb + 1):
                            jj * Nb + kk] = trapz(qn[jj, :, ii] * B[:, kk - 1],

            # Find alpha and beta using l_bfgs
            b0 = np.zeros(m * (n * Nb + 1))
            out = fmin_l_bfgs_b(mlogit_loss,
                                args=(Phi, self.Y),
            b = out[0]
            B0 = b.reshape(n * Nb + 1, m)
            alpha = B0[0, :]
            nu = np.zeros((n, T, m))
            for i in range(0, m):
                for j in range(0, n):
                    nu[j, :, i] = B.dot(B0[(j * Nb + 1):((j + 1) * Nb + 1), i])

            # compute the logistic loss
            LL[itr] = mlogit_loss(b, Phi, self.Y)

            # find gamma
            gamma_new = np.zeros((T, N))
            if parallel:
                out = Parallel(n_jobs=cores)(
                                              q[:, :, n],
                                              self.Y[n, :],
                                              deltag=deltag) for n in range(N))
                for ii in range(0, N):
                    gamma_new[:, ii] = out[ii][0]
                    beta1n = cf.group_action_by_gamma_coord(
                        out[ii][1].dot(beta0[:, :, ii]), out[ii][0])
                    beta[:, :, ii] = beta1n
                    O_hat[:, :, ii] = out[ii][1]
                    qn[:, :, ii] = cf.curve_to_q(beta[:, :, ii])[0]
                for ii in range(0, N):
                    gammatmp, Otmp = mlogit_warp_grad(alpha,
                                                      q[:, :, ii],
                                                      self.Y[ii, :],
                    gamma_new[:, ii] = gammatmp
                    beta1n = cf.group_action_by_gamma_coord(
                        Otmp.dot(beta0[:, :, ii]), gammatmp)
                    beta[:, :, ii] = beta1n
                    O_hat[:, :, ii] = Otmp
                    qn[:, :, ii] = cf.curve_to_q(beta[:, :, ii])[0]

            if norm(gamma - gamma_new) < 1e-5:
                gamma = gamma_new.copy()

            itr += 1

        self.alpha = alpha
        self.nu = nu
        self.beta0 = beta0
        self.betan = beta
        self.q = q
        self.qn = qn
        self.gamma = gamma_new
        self.O = O_hat
        self.B = B
        self.b = b[1:-1]
        self.Loss = LL[1:itr]
        self.n_classes = m

Пример #21
    def setParams(self, psth_run=False, psth_knts=10):
        oo = self
        # #generate initial values of parameters
        #oo._d = _kfardat.KFARGauObsDat(oo.TR, oo.N, oo.k)

        oo.Ns = _N.ones(oo.TR, dtype=_N.int) * oo.N
        oo.ks = _N.ones(oo.TR, dtype=_N.int) * oo.k

        oo.F = _N.zeros((oo.k, oo.k))
        _N.fill_diagonal(oo.F[1:, 0:oo.k - 1], 1)
        oo.F[0] = _N.random.randn(oo.k) / _N.arange(1, oo.k + 1)**2
        oo.F[0, 0] = 0.8
        oo.Fs = _N.zeros((oo.TR, oo.k, oo.k))
        for tr in range(oo.TR):
            oo.Fs[tr] = oo.F
        oo.Ik = _N.identity(oo.k)
        oo.IkN = _N.tile(oo.Ik, (oo.N + 1, 1, 1))

        #  need TR
        #  pr_x[:, 0]  empty, not used
        #oo.p_x   = _N.empty((oo.TR, oo.N+1, oo.k, 1))
        oo.p_x = _N.empty((oo.TR, oo.N + 1, oo.k))
        oo.p_x[:, 0, 0] = 0
        oo.p_V = _N.empty((oo.TR, oo.N + 1, oo.k, oo.k))
        oo.p_Vi = _N.empty((oo.TR, oo.N + 1, oo.k, oo.k))
        #oo.f_x   = _N.empty((oo.TR, oo.N+1, oo.k, 1))
        oo.f_x = _N.empty((oo.TR, oo.N + 1, oo.k))
        oo.f_V = _N.empty((oo.TR, oo.N + 1, oo.k, oo.k))
        #oo.s_x   = _N.empty((oo.TR, oo.N+1, oo.k, 1))
        oo.s_x = _N.empty((oo.TR, oo.N + 1, oo.k))
        oo.s_V = _N.empty((oo.TR, oo.N + 1, oo.k, oo.k))

        _N.fill_diagonal(oo.F[1:, 0:oo.k - 1], 1)
        oo.G = _N.zeros((oo.k, 1))
        oo.G[0, 0] = 1
        oo.Q = _N.empty(oo.TR)

        #  baseFN_inter   baseFN_comps   baseFN_comps

        radians = buildLims(0, oo.freq_lims, nzLimL=1., Fs=(1 / oo.dt))
        oo.AR2lims = 2 * _N.cos(radians)

        oo.smpx = _N.zeros((oo.TR, (oo.N + 1) + 2, oo.k))  #  start at 0 + u
        oo.ws = _N.empty((oo.TR, oo.N + 1), dtype=_N.float)

        #############   ADDED THIS FOR DEBUG
        #oo.F_alfa_rep = _N.array([-0.4       +0.j,          0.96999828+0.00182841j,  0.96999828-0.00182841j, 0.51000064+0.02405102j,  0.51000064-0.02405102j,  0.64524011+0.04059507j, 0.64524011-0.04059507j]).tolist()
        if oo.F_alfa_rep is None:
            oo.F_alfa_rep = initF(oo.R, oo.Cs + oo.Cn,
                                  0).tolist()  #  init F_alfa_rep

        if oo.q20 is None:
            oo.q20 = 0.00077
        oo.q2 = _N.ones(oo.TR) * oo.q20

        oo.F0 = (-1 * _Npp.polyfromroots(oo.F_alfa_rep)[::-1].real)[1:]
        oo.Fs = _N.zeros((oo.TR, oo.k, oo.k))

        oo.F[0] = oo.F0
        _N.fill_diagonal(oo.F[1:, 0:oo.k - 1], 1)

        for tr in range(oo.TR):
            oo.Fs[tr] = oo.F

        ########  Limit the amplitude to something reasonable
        xE, nul = createDataAR(oo.N, oo.F0, oo.q20, 0.1)
        mlt = _N.std(xE) / 0.5  #  we want amplitude around 0.5
        oo.q2 /= mlt * mlt
        xE, nul = createDataAR(oo.N, oo.F0, oo.q2[0], 0.1)

        w = 5
        wf = gauKer(w)
        gk = _N.empty((oo.TR, oo.N + 1))
        fgk = _N.empty((oo.TR, oo.N + 1))
        for m in range(oo.TR):
            gk[m] = _N.convolve(oo.y[m], wf, mode="same")
            gk[m] = gk[m] - _N.mean(gk[m])
            gk[m] /= 5 * _N.std(gk[m])
            fgk[m] = bpFilt(15, 100, 1, 135, 500, gk[m])  #  we want
            fgk[m, :] /= 3 * _N.std(fgk[m, :])

            if oo.noAR:
                oo.smpx[m, 2:, 0] = 0
                oo.smpx[m, 2:, 0] = fgk[m, :]

            for n in range(2 + oo.k - 1, oo.N + 1 + 2):  # CREATE square smpx
                oo.smpx[m, n, 1:] = oo.smpx[m, n - oo.k + 1:n, 0][::-1]
            for n in range(2 + oo.k - 2, -1, -1):  # CREATE square smpx
                oo.smpx[m, n, 0:oo.k - 1] = oo.smpx[m, n + 1, 1:oo.k]
                oo.smpx[m, n, oo.k - 1] = _N.dot(oo.F0,
                                                 oo.smpx[m, n:n + oo.k,
                                                         oo.k - 2])  # no noise

        if oo.bpsth:
            psthKnts, apsth, aWeights = _spknts.suggestPSTHKnots(
                oo.N + 1,

            _N.savetxt("apsth.txt", apsth, fmt="%.4f")
            _N.savetxt("psthKnts.txt", psthKnts, fmt="%.4f")

            apprx_ps = _N.array(_N.abs(aWeights))
            oo.u_a = -_N.log(1 / apprx_ps - 1)

            #  For oo.u_a, use the values we get from aWeights

            oo.B = patsy.bs(_N.linspace(0, (oo.t1 - oo.t0) * oo.dt,
                                        (oo.t1 - oo.t0)),
                            knots=(psthKnts * oo.dt),
                            include_intercept=True)  #  spline basis

            oo.B = oo.B.T  #  My convention for beta
            oo.aS = _N.array(oo.u_a)
            # fig = _plt.figure(figsize=(4, 7))
            # fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1)
            # _plt.plot(apsth)
            # fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2)
            # _plt.plot(_N.dot(oo.B.T, aWeights))
            oo.B = patsy.bs(_N.linspace(0, (oo.t1 - oo.t0) * oo.dt,
                                        (oo.t1 - oo.t0)),
                            include_intercept=True)  #  spline basis

            oo.B = oo.B.T  #  My convention for beta
            oo.aS = _N.zeros(4)
Пример #22
                bGood = True
            except _N.linalg.linalg.LinAlgError, ValueError:
                print "Linalg Error or Value Error in suggestPSTHKnots"

        #a     = _N.dot(iBTB, _N.dot(B.T, _N.log(apsth)))
        a = _N.dot(iBTB, _N.dot(B.T, apsth))
        #ft    = _N.exp(_N.dot(B, a))
        ft = _N.dot(B, a)
        r2s[it] = _N.dot(ft - apsth, ft - apsth)
        allKnts[it, :] = knts[0:-1]

    mnIt = _N.where(r2s == r2s.min())[0][0]
    knts = allKnts[mnIt]
    cfs = allCoeffs[mnIt]
    B = patsy.bs(x, knots=knts, include_intercept=True)
    #fig = _plt.figure()
    #_plt.plot(_N.dot(B, cfs))

    return knts, apsth, cfs

def display(N,
Пример #23
    def calc_model(self,
        This function identifies a regression model with phase-variability
        using elastic pca

        :param link: string of link function ('linear', 'quadratic', 'cubic')
        :param B: optional matrix describing Basis elements
        :param lam: regularization parameter (default 0)
        :param df: number of degrees of freedom B-spline (default 20)
        :param max_itr: maximum number of iterations (default 20)
        :param smooth_data: smooth data using box filter (default = F)
        :param sparam: number of times to apply box filter (default = 25)
        :param parallel: run in parallel (default = F)
        if smooth_data:
            self.f = fs.smooth_data(self.f, sparam)

        print("Link: %s" % link)
        print("Lambda: %5.1f" % lam)

        self.lam = lam
        self.link = link

        # Create B-Spline Basis if none provided
        if B is None:
            B = bs(self.time, df=df, degree=4, include_intercept=True)
        Nb = B.shape[1]
        self.B = B

        n = self.f.shape[1]

        b0 = rand(Nb + 1)
        out = minimize(MyLogLikelihoodFn,
                       args=(self.y, self.B, self.time, self.f, parallel),

        a = out.x

        if self.link == 'linear':
            h1, c_hat, cost = Amplitude_Index(self.f, self.time, self.B,
                                              self.y, max_itr, a, 1, parallel)
            yhat1 = c_hat[0] + MapC_to_y(n, c_hat[1:], self.B, self.time,
                                         self.f, parallel)
            yhat = np.polyval(h1, yhat1)
        elif self.link == 'quadratic':
            h1, c_hat, cost = Amplitude_Index(self.f, self.time, self.B,
                                              self.y, max_itr, a, 2, parallel)
            yhat1 = c_hat[0] + MapC_to_y(n, c_hat[1:], self.B, self.time,
                                         self.f, parallel)
            yhat = np.polyval(h1, yhat1)
        elif self.link == 'cubic':
            h1, c_hat, cost = Amplitude_Index(self.f, self.time, self.B,
                                              self.y, max_itr, a, 3, parallel)
            yhat1 = c_hat[0] + MapC_to_y(n, c_hat[1:], self.B, self.time,
                                         self.f, parallel)
            yhat = np.polyval(h1, yhat1)
            raise Exception('Invalid Link')

        tmp = (self.y - yhat)**2
        self.SSE = tmp.sum()
        self.h = h1
        self.alpha = c_hat[0]
        self.b = c_hat[1:]

Пример #24
def oc_elastic_logistic(beta, y, B=None, df=60, T=100, max_itr=40, cores=-1,
                        deltaO=.1, deltag=.05, method=1):
    This function identifies a logistic regression model with
    phase-variablity using elastic methods for open curves

    :param beta: numpy ndarray of shape (n, M, N) describing N curves
    in R^M
    :param y: numpy array of N responses
    :param B: optional matrix describing Basis elements
    :param df: number of degrees of freedom B-spline (default 20)
    :param T: number of desired samples along curve (default 100)
    :param max_itr: maximum number of iterations (default 20)
    :param cores: number of cores for parallel processing (default all)
    :type beta: np.ndarray

    :rtype: tuple of numpy array
    :return alpha: alpha parameter of model
    :return nu: nu(t) of model
    :return betan: aligned curves - numpy ndarray of shape (n,T,N)
    :return O: calulated rotation matrices
    :return gamma: calculated warping functions
    :return B: basis matrix
    :return b: basis coefficients
    :return Loss: logistic loss

    n = beta.shape[0]
    N = beta.shape[2]
    time = np.linspace(0, 1, T)

    if n > 500:
        parallel = True
    elif T > 100:
        parallel = True
        parallel = True

    # Create B-Spline Basis if none provided
    if B is None:
        B = bs(time, df=df, degree=4, include_intercept=True)
    Nb = B.shape[1]

    q, beta = preproc_open_curve(beta, T)
    beta0 = beta.copy()
    qn = q.copy()

    gamma = np.tile(np.linspace(0, 1, T), (N, 1))
    gamma = gamma.transpose()
    O_hat = np.tile(np.eye(n), (N, 1, 1)).T

    itr = 1
    LL = np.zeros(max_itr + 1)
    while itr <= max_itr:
        print("Iteration: %d" % itr)

        Phi = np.ones((N, n * Nb + 1))
        for ii in range(0, N):
            for jj in range(0, n):
                for kk in range(1, Nb + 1):
                    Phi[ii, jj * Nb + kk] = trapz(qn[jj, :, ii] * B[:, kk - 1], time)

        # Find alpha and beta using l_bfgs
        b0 = np.zeros(n * Nb + 1)
        out = fmin_l_bfgs_b(logit_loss, b0, fprime=logit_gradient,
                            args=(Phi, y), pgtol=1e-10, maxiter=200,
                            maxfun=250, factr=1e-30)
        b = out[0]
        b = b/norm(b)
        # alpha_norm = b1[0]
        alpha = b[0]
        nu = np.zeros((n, T))
        for ii in range(0, n):
            nu[ii, :] = B.dot(b[(ii * Nb + 1):((ii + 1) * Nb + 1)])

        # compute the logistic loss
        LL[itr] = logit_loss(b, Phi, y)

        # find gamma
        gamma_new = np.zeros((T, N))
        if parallel:
            out = Parallel(n_jobs=cores)(delayed(logistic_warp)(alpha, nu, q[:, :, ii], y[ii], deltaO=deltaO, deltag=deltag, method=method) for ii in range(N))
            for ii in range(0, N):
                gamma_new[:, ii] = out[ii][0]
                beta1n = cf.group_action_by_gamma_coord(out[ii][1].dot(beta0[:, :, ii]), out[ii][0])
                beta[:, :, ii] = beta1n
                O_hat[:, :, ii] = out[ii][1]
                if np.isinf(beta1n).any() or np.isnan(beta1n).any():
                qn[:, :, ii] = cf.curve_to_q(beta[:, :, ii])
            for ii in range(0, N):
                q1 = q[:, :, ii]
                gammatmp, Otmp, tautmp = logistic_warp(alpha, nu, q1, y[ii],deltaO=deltaO, deltag=deltag, method=method)
                gamma_new[:, ii] = gammatmp
                beta1n = cf.group_action_by_gamma_coord(Otmp.dot(beta0[:, :, ii]), gammatmp)
                beta[:, :, ii] = beta1n
                O_hat[:, :, ii] = Otmp
                qn[:, :, ii] = cf.curve_to_q(beta[:, :, ii])

        if norm(gamma - gamma_new) < 1e-5:
            gamma = gamma_new.copy()

        itr += 1

    tau = np.zeros(N)

    model = collections.namedtuple('model', ['alpha', 'nu', 'betan', 'q',
                                             'gamma', 'O', 'tau', 'B', 'b', 'Loss',
    out = model(alpha, nu, beta, q, gamma_new, O_hat, tau, B, b[1:-1],
                LL[1:itr], 'oclogistic')
    return out
Пример #25
def display(N,
    N        length of trial, also time in ms
    nhaz     normalized hazzard function.  calculated under assumption of stationarity of psth
    apsth    approximate stepwise psth
    lambda2  ground truth   lambda2 term
    psth     ground truth   lambda1 term
    global v, c

    x = _N.linspace(0., N - 1, N, endpoint=False)  # in units of ms.

    theknts = [histknts, psthknts]
    for f in xrange(1, 3):
        knts = theknts[f - 1]

        if f == 1:
            fig, ax = _plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 4))
            B = patsy.bs(x[0:len(nhaz)], knots=knts, include_intercept=True)
            Bc = B[:, v:]
            Bv = B[:, 0:v]
            ac = _N.zeros(c)
            iBvTBv = _N.linalg.inv(_N.dot(Bv.T, Bv))

            av = _N.dot(iBvTBv, _N.dot(Bv.T, _N.log(nhaz) - _N.dot(Bc, ac)))

            a = _N.array(av.tolist() + ac.tolist())
            _plt.plot(x[0:len(nhaz)], nhaz, color="grey", lw=2)  #  empirical
            ymax = -1
            if lambda2 is not None:
                _plt.plot(lambda2, color="red", lw=2)  #  ground truth
                ymax = max(lambda2)
            _plt.ylim(0, max(ymax, max(nhaz[0:tscl])) * 1.1)
            _plt.xlim(0, 3 * tscl)
            splFt = _N.exp(_N.dot(B, a))
            _plt.savefig(setFN("hist.eps", dir=dir))
            _plt.xlim(0, tscl)
            _plt.savefig(setFN("histZ.eps", dir=dir))
            fig = _plt.figure()
            B = patsy.bs(x, knots=knts, include_intercept=True)
            iBTB = _N.linalg.inv(_N.dot(B.T, B))
            a = _N.dot(iBTB, _N.dot(B.T, _N.log(apsth)))
            _plt.plot(x, apsth, color="grey", lw=2)  #  empirical
            if psth is not None:
                fHz = ((_N.exp(psth) * dt) / (1 + dt * _N.exp(psth))) / dt
                _plt.plot(fHz, color="red", lw=2)  #  ground truth

            splFt = _N.exp(_N.dot(B, a))
            _plt.savefig(setFN("psth.eps", dir=dir))
Пример #26
def oc_elastic_mlogistic(beta, y, B=None, df=20, T=100, max_itr=30, cores=-1,
                         deltaO=.003, deltag=.003):
    This function identifies a multinomial logistic regression model with
    phase-variability using elastic methods for open curves

    :param beta: numpy ndarray of shape (n, M, N) describing N curves
    in R^M
    :param y: numpy array of labels {1,2,...,m} for m classes
    :param B: optional matrix describing Basis elements
    :param df: number of degrees of freedom B-spline (default 20)
    :param T: number of desired samples along curve (default 100)
    :param max_itr: maximum number of iterations (default 20)
    :param cores: number of cores for parallel processing (default all)
    :type beta: np.ndarray

    :rtype: tuple of numpy array
    :return alpha: alpha parameter of model
    :return nu: nu(t) of model
    :return betan: aligned curves - numpy ndarray of shape (n,T,N)
    :return O: calculated rotation matrices
    :return gamma: calculated warping functions
    :return B: basis matrix
    :return b: basis coefficients
    :return Loss: logistic loss

    n = beta.shape[0]
    N = beta.shape[2]
    time = np.linspace(0, 1, T)

    if n > 500:
        parallel = True
    elif T > 100:
        parallel = True
        parallel = True

    # Code labels
    m = y.max()
    Y = np.zeros((N, m), dtype=int)
    for ii in range(0, N):
        Y[ii, y[ii] - 1] = 1

    # Create B-Spline Basis if none provided
    if B is None:
        B = bs(time, df=df, degree=4, include_intercept=True)
    Nb = B.shape[1]

    q, beta = preproc_open_curve(beta, T)
    qn = q.copy()
    beta0 = beta.copy()

    gamma = np.tile(np.linspace(0, 1, T), (N, 1))
    gamma = gamma.transpose()
    O_hat = np.tile(np.eye(n), (N, 1, 1)).T

    itr = 1
    LL = np.zeros(max_itr+1)
    while itr <= max_itr:
        print("Iteration: %d" % itr)

        Phi = np.ones((N, n * Nb + 1))
        for ii in range(0, N):
            for jj in range(0, n):
                for kk in range(1, Nb + 1):
                    Phi[ii, jj * Nb + kk] = trapz(qn[jj, :, ii] * B[:, kk - 1], time)

        # Find alpha and beta using l_bfgs
        b0 = np.zeros(m * (n * Nb + 1))
        out = fmin_l_bfgs_b(mlogit_loss, b0, fprime=mlogit_gradient,
                            args=(Phi, Y), pgtol=1e-10, maxiter=200,
                            maxfun=250, factr=1e-30)
        b = out[0]
        B0 = b.reshape(n * Nb + 1, m)
        alpha = B0[0, :]
        nu = np.zeros((n, T, m))
        for i in range(0, m):
            for j in range(0, n):
                nu[j, :, i] = B.dot(B0[(j * Nb + 1):((j + 1) * Nb + 1), i])

        # compute the logistic loss
        LL[itr] = mlogit_loss(b, Phi, Y)

        # find gamma
        gamma_new = np.zeros((T, N))
        if parallel:
            out = Parallel(n_jobs=cores)(delayed(mlogit_warp_grad)(alpha, nu, q[:, :, n], Y[n, :], deltaO=deltaO, deltag=deltag) for n in range(N))
            for ii in range(0, N):
                gamma_new[:, ii] = out[ii][0]
                beta1n = cf.group_action_by_gamma_coord(out[ii][1].dot(beta0[:, :, ii]), out[ii][0])
                beta[:, :, ii] = beta1n
                O_hat[:, :, ii] = out[ii][1]
                qn[:, :, ii] = cf.curve_to_q(beta[:, :, ii])
            for ii in range(0, N):
                gammatmp, Otmp = mlogit_warp_grad(alpha, nu, q[:, :, ii], Y[ii, :], deltaO=deltaO, deltag=deltag)
                gamma_new[:, ii] = gammatmp
                beta1n = cf.group_action_by_gamma_coord(Otmp.dot(beta0[:, :, ii]), gammatmp)
                beta[:, :, ii] = beta1n
                O_hat[:, :, ii] = Otmp
                qn[:, :, ii] = cf.curve_to_q(beta[:, :, ii])

        if norm(gamma - gamma_new) < 1e-5:
            gamma = gamma_new.copy()

        itr += 1

    model = collections.namedtuple('model', ['alpha', 'nu', 'betan', 'q',
                                             'gamma', 'O', 'B', 'b',
                                             'Loss', 'n_classes', 'type'])
    out = model(alpha, nu, beta, q, gamma_new, O_hat, B, b[1:-1], LL[1:itr],
                m, 'ocmlogistic')
    return out
Пример #27
    def loadDat(self,
                n_interior_knots=8):  #################  loadDat
        oo = self
        hist_timescale = hist_timescale_ms * 0.001
        bGetFP = False

        x_st_cnts = _N.loadtxt(datfilename)
        #y_ch      = 2   #  spike channel
        y_ch = 0  #  spike channel
        #p = _re.compile("^\d{6}")   # starts like "exptDate-....."
        #m = p.match(oo.setname)

        #dch = 4    #  # of data columns per trial
        dch = 1

        bRealDat, dch = False, 1

        TR = x_st_cnts.shape[1] // dch  #  number of trials will get filtered

        print("TR    %d" % TR)
        #  If I only want to use a small portion of the data
        oo.N = x_st_cnts.shape[0] - 1
        if oo.t1 == None:
            oo.t1 = oo.N + 1
        #  meaning of N changes here
        N = oo.t1 - 1 - oo.t0

        #x   = x_st_cnts[oo.t0:oo.t1, ::dch].T
        y = x_st_cnts[oo.t0:oo.t1, y_ch::dch].T
        # if bRealDat:
        #     fx  = x_st_cnts[oo.t0:oo.t1, flt_ch::dch].T
        #     px  = x_st_cnts[oo.t0:oo.t1, ph_ch::dch].T

        ####  Now keep only trials that have spikes
        kpTrl = range(TR)
        if trials is None:
            trials = range(oo.TR)
        oo.useTrials = []
        for utrl in trials:
                ki = kpTrl.index(utrl)
                if _N.sum(y[utrl, :]) > 1:  #  must see at least 2 spikes
            except ValueError:
                print("a trial requested to use will be removed %d" % utrl)

        ######  oo.y are for trials that have at least 1 spike
        #y     = _N.array(y[oo.useTrials], dtype=_N.int)
        y = _N.array(y, dtype=_N.int)

        if oo.downsamp:
            evry, dsdat = downsamplespkdat(y, 0.005, max_evry=3)
            evry = 1
            dsdat = y
            print("NO downsamp")
        oo.evry = evry
        oo.dt *= oo.evry
        oo.fSigMax = 0.5 / oo.dt
        print("fSigMax   %.3f" % oo.fSigMax)
        oo.freq_lims = [[0.000001, oo.fSigMax]] * oo.C

        print("oo.dt   %.3f" % oo.dt)

        print("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   evry    %d" % evry)

        oo.y = _N.array(dsdat[oo.useTrials], dtype=_N.int)

        prb_spk_in_bin = _N.sum(oo.y) / (oo.y.shape[0] * oo.y.shape[1])
        oo.u_u = -_N.log(1 / prb_spk_in_bin - 1)

        num_dat_pts = oo.y.shape[0] * oo.y.shape[1]
        if (oo.a_q2 is None) or (oo.B_q2 is None):
            #  we set a prior here
            #oo.a_q2 = num_dat_pts // 10
            oo.a_q2 = (num_dat_pts // 10) * multiply_shape_hyperparam
            #md = B / (a+1)   B = md
            oo.B_q2 = (1e-4 * (oo.a_q2 + 1) * evry) * multiply_scale_hyperparam
            print("setting prior for innovation %(a)d  %(B).3e" % {
                "a": oo.a_q2,
                "B": oo.B_q2

        #oo.x     = _N.array(x[oo.useTrials])
        # if bRealDat:
        #     oo.fx    = _N.array(fx[oo.useTrials])
        #     oo.px    = _N.array(px[oo.useTrials])

        #  remove trials where data has no information
        rmTrl = []

        oo.kp = oo.y - 0.5
        oo.rn = 1

        oo.TR = len(oo.useTrials)
        oo.N = N
        oo.t1 = oo.t0 + dsdat.shape[1]
        oo.N = oo.t1 - 1 - oo.t0

        #oo.Bsmpx        = _N.zeros((iters//oo.BsmpxSkp, oo.TR, (oo.N+1) + 2))
        oo.smpx = _N.zeros((oo.TR, (oo.N + 1) + 2, oo.k))  #  start at 0 + u
        oo.ws = _N.empty((oo.TR, oo.N + 1), dtype=_N.float)
        oo.lrn = _N.empty((oo.TR, oo.N + 1))

        if oo.us is None:
            oo.us = _N.zeros(oo.TR)

        tot_isi = 0
        nisi = 0

        isis = ISIs(oo.y)

        #  cnts will always be 0 in frist bin
        sisis = _N.sort(isis)
        Lisi = len(sisis)

        ###  look at the isi distribution

        #  cnts will always be 0 in frist bin
        maxisi = max(isis)
        minisi = min(isis)  #  >= 1

        cnts, bins = _N.histogram(
            bins=_N.linspace(0.5, maxisi + 0.5, maxisi +
                             1))  #  cnts[0]   are number of ISIs of size 1

        smallisi = int(sisis[int(Lisi * 0.1)])
        #  hist_timescale in ms
        asymptote = smallisi + int(hist_timescale / oo.dt)  #  100 ms

        hist_interior_knots = _N.empty(n_interior_knots)
        lin01 = _N.linspace(0, 1, n_interior_knots, endpoint=True)
        sqr01 = lin01**2
        hist_interior_knots[0:8] = smallisi + sqr01 * (asymptote - smallisi)

        crats = _N.zeros(maxisi - 1)
        for n in range(0, maxisi - 2):
            crats[n + 1] = crats[n] + cnts[n]
        crats /= crats[-1]

        ####  generate spike before time=0.  PSTH estimation
        if oo.t0_is_t_since_1st_spk is None:
            oo.t0_is_t_since_1st_spk = _N.empty(oo.TR, dtype=_N.int)
            rands = _N.random.rand(oo.TR)
            for tr in range(oo.TR):
                spkts = _N.where(oo.y[tr] == 1)[0]

                if len(spkts) > 0:
                    t0 = spkts[0]
                    t0 = t0 if t0 < len(crats) else len(crats) - 1
                    r0 = crats[t0]  # say 0.3
                    adjRnd = (1 - r0) * rands[tr]
                    isi = _N.where(
                        crats >= adjRnd)[0][0]  # isi in units of bin sz

                    oo.t0_is_t_since_1st_spk[tr] = isi
            print("using saved t0_is_t_since_1st_spk")

        oo.loghist = loadL2(runDir, fn=oo.histFN)
        oo.dohist = True if oo.loghist is None else False

        oo.knownSig = loadKnown(runDir, trials=oo.useTrials, fn=oo.knownSigFN)
        if oo.knownSig is None:
            oo.knownSig = _N.zeros((oo.TR, oo.N + 1))
            oo.knownSig *= oo.xknownSig

        ###  override knot locations

        upto = oo.N + 1 if int(maxisi * 1.3) > oo.N + 1 else int(maxisi * 1.3)
        print("upto   %d" % upto)
        print("oo.N   %d" % oo.N)
        print("maxisi %d" % maxisi)

        oo.Hbf = patsy.bs(_N.linspace(0, upto, upto + 1, endpoint=False),
                          include_intercept=True)  #  spline basisp

        max_locs = _N.empty(oo.Hbf.shape[1])
        for i in range(oo.Hbf.shape[1]):
            max_locs[i] = _N.where(oo.Hbf[:, i] == _N.max(oo.Hbf[:, i]))[0]
        #  find the knot that's closest to   hist_interior_knots[4] (90th %tile)
        dist_from_90th = _N.abs(max_locs - asymptote)
        oo.iHistKnotBeginFixed = _N.where(
            dist_from_90th == _N.min(dist_from_90th))[0][0]
        oo.histknots = oo.Hbf.shape[1]