Пример #1
def get_pattern_data(search_param):

    twitter = Twitter(language='en')

    for tweet in twitter.search(search_param, cached=True):
        print(plaintext(tweet.text).encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('utf-8'))

    g = Graph()
    for i in range(10):
        for result in twitter.search(search_param, start=i + 1, count=50):
            s = result.text.lower()
            s = plaintext(s)
            s = parsetree(s)
            p = '{NP} (VP) ' + search_param + ' {NP}'
            for m in search(p, s):
                x = m.group(1).string  # NP left
                y = m.group(2).string  # NP right
                if x not in g:
                    if y not in g:
                    g.add_edge(g[x], g[y], stroke=(0, 0, 0, 0.75))  # R,G,B,A

    #if len(g)>0:
    #   g = g.split()[0] # Largest subgraph.

    for n in g.sorted()[:40]:  # Sort by Node.weight.
        n.fill = (0, 0.5, 1, 0.75 * n.weight)

    g.export('data', directed=False, weighted=0.6)
Пример #2
def compare_visualization(product_sku, compare_phrase):
    all_reviews = ReviewInfo.objects.all().filter(sku=product_sku)
    g = Graph()

    count = 0.0
    for e in all_reviews :
        s = e.comment.lower() 
        s = plaintext(s)
        s = parsetree(s)
        #p = '{NP} (VP) faster than {NP}'
        p = '{NP} (VP) ' + compare_phrase + ' {NP}'
        for m in search(p, s):
            x = m.group(1).string # NP left
            y = m.group(2).string # NP right
            if x not in g:
            if y not in g:
            g.add_edge(g[x], g[y], stroke=(0,0,0,0.75)) # R,G,B,A
        count += 1.0
        print count/len(all_reviews), '\r'

    if len(g) > 0: 
        g = g.split()[0] # Largest subgraph.
        for n in g.sorted()[:80]: # Sort by Node.weight.
            n.fill = (0, 0.5, 1, 0.75 * n.weight)

        g.export('static/compare_visualization', directed=True, weighted=2.0)
        return True
        return False
def get_pattern_data(search_param):
   twitter = Twitter(language='en') 
   for tweet in twitter.search(search_param, cached=True):
      print(plaintext(tweet.text).encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('utf-8'))

   g = Graph()
   for i in range(10):
      for result in twitter.search(search_param, start=i+1,count=50):
         s = result.text.lower() 
         s = plaintext(s)
         s = parsetree(s)
         p = '{NP} (VP) ' +search_param+ ' {NP}'
         for m in search(p, s):
            x = m.group(1).string # NP left
            y = m.group(2).string # NP right
            if x not in g:
               if y not in g:
               g.add_edge(g[x], g[y], stroke=(0,0,0,0.75)) # R,G,B,A

   #if len(g)>0:   
   #   g = g.split()[0] # Largest subgraph.

   for n in g.sorted()[:40]: # Sort by Node.weight.
      n.fill = (0, 0.5, 1, 0.75 * n.weight)

   g.export('data', directed=False, weighted=0.6)
Пример #4
# This example demonstrates how a graph visualization can be exported to HTML,
# using the HTML5 <canvas> tag and Javascript.
# All properties (e.g. stroke color) of nodes and edges are ported.

g = Graph()
# Random nodes.
for i in range(50):
    g.add_node(id=str(i + 1), radius=5, stroke=(0, 0, 0, 1), text=(0, 0, 0, 1))
# Random edges.
for i in range(75):
    node1 = choice(g.nodes)
    node2 = choice(g.nodes)
    g.add_edge(node1, node2, length=1.0, weight=random(), stroke=(0, 0, 0, 1))

for node in g.sorted()[:20]:
    # More blue = more important.
    node.fill = (0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 0.8 * node.weight)

# This node's label is different from its id.
# We'll also make it a link, see the href attribute at the bottom.
g["1"].text.string = "home"

# The export() command generates a folder with an index.html,
# that displays the graph using an interactive, force-based spring layout.
# You can drag the nodes around - open index.html in a browser and try it out!
# The layout can be tweaked in many ways:

Пример #5
import os, sys; sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join("..", "..", ".."))

from pattern.graph import Graph, CENTRALITY

# Simple Graph demonstration.

g = Graph()
for n in ("tree", "nest", "bird", "fly", "insect", "ant"):
g.add_edge("tree", "nest")
g.add_edge("nest", "bird")
g.add_edge("bird", "fly")
g.add_edge("fly", "insect")
g.add_edge("insect", "ant")
g.add_edge("ant", "tree")
g.add_edge("ant", "bird")

print g.shortest_path(g.node("tree"), g.node("fly"))
print g.shortest_path(g.node("nest"), g.node("ant"))

# Which nodes get the most traffic?
print g.sorted(order=CENTRALITY)
Пример #6
# Random nodes.
for i in range(50):
    g.add_node(id=str(i + 1),
               stroke=(0, 0, 0, 1),
               text = (0, 0, 0, 1))
# Random edges.
for i in range(75):
    node1 = choice(g.nodes)
    node2 = choice(g.nodes)
    g.add_edge(node1, node2,
               stroke=(0, 0, 0, 1))

for node in g.sorted()[:20]:
    # More blue = more important.
    node.fill = (0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 0.8 * node.weight)


# This node's label is different from its id.
# We'll make it a hyperlink, see the href attribute at the bottom.
# FIXME this fails if the 1 has been pruned
# g[1].text.string = "home"

# The export() command generates a folder with an index.html,
# that displays the graph using an interactive, force-based spring layout.
# You can drag the nodes around - open index.html in a browser and try it out!
# The layout can be tweaked in many ways:
Пример #7
from pattern.web    import Bing, plaintext
from pattern.en     import parsetree
from pattern.search import search
from pattern.graph  import Graph
g = Graph()
for i in range(10):
#    for result in Bing().search('"more important than"', start=i+1,
    for result in Bing().search('"is less important than"', start=i+1,
        s = result.text.lower() 
        s = plaintext(s)
        s = parsetree(s)
        #p = '{NP} (VP) more important than {NP}'
        p = '{NP} (VP) is less important than {NP}'
        for m in search(p, s):
            x = m.group(1).string # NP left
            y = m.group(2).string # NP right
            if x not in g:
            if y not in g:
            g.add_edge(g[x], g[y], stroke=(0,0,0,0.75)) # R,G,B,A
g = g.split()[0] # Largest subgraph.
for n in g.sorted()[:40]: # Sort by Node.weight.
    n.fill = (0, 0.5, 1, 0.75 * n.weight)
g.export('test', directed=True, weighted=0.6)
Пример #8
import os, sys
sys.path.append(os.path.join("..", "..", ".."))

from pattern.graph import Graph, CENTRALITY

# Simple Graph demonstration.

g = Graph()
for n in ("tree", "nest", "bird", "fly", "insect", "ant"):

g.add_edge("tree", "nest")
g.add_edge("nest", "bird")
g.add_edge("bird", "fly")
g.add_edge("fly", "insect")
g.add_edge("insect", "ant")
g.add_edge("ant", "tree")
g.add_edge("ant", "bird")

print g.shortest_path(g.node("tree"), g.node("fly"))
print g.shortest_path(g.node("nest"), g.node("ant"))

# Which nodes get the most traffic?
print g.sorted(order=CENTRALITY)
        p = Pattern.fromstring('NP (VP) more important than NP')
        for m in p.search(s):
            a = m.constituents(p[+0])[-1]  # Left NP.
            b = m.constituents(p[-1])[+0]  # Right NP.
            a = (isinstance(a, Chunk) and a.head or a).string
            b = (isinstance(b, Chunk) and b.head or b).string
            if a and b:
                if a not in g:
                    g.add_node(a, radius=5, stroke=(0, 0, 0, 0.8))
                if b not in g:
                    g.add_node(b, radius=5, stroke=(0, 0, 0, 0.8))
                g.add_edge(g[b], g[a], stroke=(0, 0, 0, 0.6))

g = g.split()[0]  # Largest subgraph.

for n in g.sorted()[:40]:  # Sorted by Node.weight.
    n.fill = (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.7 * n.weight)

import os
os.system('ls -lR test/')

# Example of pattern: http://www.clips.ua.ac.be/pages/pattern

from pattern.web import Bing, plaintext