Пример #1
 def test_strip_element(self):
     # Assert strip <p> elements.
     v = web.strip_element(" <p><p></p>text</p> <b><P></P></b>", "p")
     self.assertEqual(v, "  <b></b>")
     print "pattern.web.strip_element()"
Пример #2
def _plaintext(string):
    Stole this function in slightmy modified form from pattern where it lives as a class method:
    """ Strips HTML tags, whitespace and wiki markup from the HTML source, including:
        metadata, info box, table of contents, annotations, thumbnails, disambiguation link.
        This is called internally from MediaWikiArticle.string.
    s = string
    # Strip meta <table> elements.
    s = strip_element(s, "table", "id=\"toc")             # Table of contents.
    s = strip_element(s, "table", "class=\"infobox")      # Infobox.
    s = strip_element(s, "table", "class=\"navbox")       # Navbox.
    s = strip_element(s, "table", "class=\"mbox")         # Message.
    s = strip_element(s, "table", "class=\"metadata")     # Metadata.
    s = strip_element(s, "table", "class=\".*?wikitable") # Table.
    s = strip_element(s, "table", "class=\"toc")          # Table (usually footer).
    # Strip meta <div> elements.
    s = strip_element(s, "div", "id=\"toc")               # Table of contents.
    s = strip_element(s, "div", "class=\"infobox")        # Infobox.
    s = strip_element(s, "div", "class=\"navbox")         # Navbox.
    s = strip_element(s, "div", "class=\"mbox")           # Message.
    s = strip_element(s, "div", "class=\"metadata")       # Metadata.
    s = strip_element(s, "div", "id=\"annotation")        # Annotations.
    s = strip_element(s, "div", "class=\"dablink")        # Disambiguation message.
    s = strip_element(s, "div", "class=\"magnify")        # Thumbnails.
    s = strip_element(s, "div", "class=\"thumb ")         # Thumbnail captions.
    s = strip_element(s, "div", "class=\"barbox")         # Bar charts.
    s = strip_element(s, "div", "class=\"mw-headline")    # Bar charts.
    s = strip_element(s, "div", "class=\"noprint")        # Hidden from print.
    s = strip_element(s, "sup", "class=\"noprint")
    # Strip absolute elements (don't know their position).
    s = strip_element(s, "div", "style=\"position:absolute")
    # Strip meta <span> elements.
    s = strip_element(s, "span", "class=\"error")
    # Strip math formulas, add [math] placeholder.
    s = re.sub(r"<img class=\"tex\".*?/>", "[math]", s)   # LaTex math images.
    s = plaintext(s)
    # Strip [edit] link (language dependent.)
    s = re.sub(r"\[edit\]\s*", "", s)
    s = re.sub(r"\[bewerken\]\s*", "", s)
    # Insert space before inline references.
    s = s.replace("[", " [").replace("  [", " [")
    # ignore lists?
    #s = " ".join([line.strip() for line in s.split('\n') if not line.strip().startswith('*')])
    return s
Пример #3
 def test_strip_element(self):
     # Assert strip <p> elements.
     v = web.strip_element(" <p><p></p>text</p> <b><P></P></b>", "p")
     self.assertEqual(v, "  <b></b>")
     print "pattern.web.strip_element()"
Пример #4
def _plaintext(string):
    Stole this function in slightmy modified form from pattern where it lives as a class method:
    """ Strips HTML tags, whitespace and wiki markup from the HTML source, including:
        metadata, info box, table of contents, annotations, thumbnails, disambiguation link.
        This is called internally from MediaWikiArticle.string.
    s = string
    # Strip meta <table> elements.
    s = strip_element(s, "table", "id=\"toc")  # Table of contents.
    s = strip_element(s, "table", "class=\"infobox")  # Infobox.
    s = strip_element(s, "table", "class=\"navbox")  # Navbox.
    s = strip_element(s, "table", "class=\"mbox")  # Message.
    s = strip_element(s, "table", "class=\"metadata")  # Metadata.
    s = strip_element(s, "table", "class=\".*?wikitable")  # Table.
    s = strip_element(s, "table", "class=\"toc")  # Table (usually footer).
    # Strip meta <div> elements.
    s = strip_element(s, "div", "id=\"toc")  # Table of contents.
    s = strip_element(s, "div", "class=\"infobox")  # Infobox.
    s = strip_element(s, "div", "class=\"navbox")  # Navbox.
    s = strip_element(s, "div", "class=\"mbox")  # Message.
    s = strip_element(s, "div", "class=\"metadata")  # Metadata.
    s = strip_element(s, "div", "id=\"annotation")  # Annotations.
    s = strip_element(s, "div", "class=\"dablink")  # Disambiguation message.
    s = strip_element(s, "div", "class=\"magnify")  # Thumbnails.
    s = strip_element(s, "div", "class=\"thumb ")  # Thumbnail captions.
    s = strip_element(s, "div", "class=\"barbox")  # Bar charts.
    s = strip_element(s, "div", "class=\"mw-headline")  # Bar charts.
    s = strip_element(s, "div", "class=\"noprint")  # Hidden from print.
    s = strip_element(s, "sup", "class=\"noprint")
    # Strip absolute elements (don't know their position).
    s = strip_element(s, "div", "style=\"position:absolute")
    # Strip meta <span> elements.
    s = strip_element(s, "span", "class=\"error")
    # Strip math formulas, add [math] placeholder.
    s = re.sub(r"<img class=\"tex\".*?/>", "[math]", s)  # LaTex math images.
    s = plaintext(s)
    # Strip [edit] link (language dependent.)
    s = re.sub(r"\[edit\]\s*", "", s)
    s = re.sub(r"\[bewerken\]\s*", "", s)
    # Insert space before inline references.
    s = s.replace("[", " [").replace("  [", " [")
    # ignore lists?
    #s = " ".join([line.strip() for line in s.split('\n') if not line.strip().startswith('*')])
    return s