def process(sentence): """ Process the sentence, and go to Google """ if is_math(sentence): return sentence.forward("math") sentence.replace_it() engines = { "google": "{}", "bing": "{}", "yahoo": "{}", "duckduckgo": "{}", "baidu": "{}", } engine = paul.get_search_engine().lower() keywords = sentence.keywords(ignore=[engine]) paul.log("KEYWORDS:", keywords) query = "+".join([word.replace(" ", "+") for word, _ in keywords if word not in VERBS + NOUNS]) url = engines[engine].format(query) paul.log("URL: " + url) paul.loading() paul.open_URL(url) return "Here, try this."
def main(): """ The main function """ VERBS.append(paul.get_search_engine().lower()) words = {word: ("discover", "noun") for word in NOUNS} words.update({word: ("discover", "verb") for word in VERBS}) paul.associate(words) paul.register("discover", process)