def create_id_dir(id_dir: Path, group: str, umask: int) -> (int, Path): """In the given directory, create the lowest numbered (positive integer) directory that doesn't already exist. :param id_dir: Path to the directory that contains these 'id' directories :param group: The group owner for this path. :param umask: The umask to apply to this path. :returns: The id and path to the created directory. :raises OSError: on directory creation failure. :raises TimeoutError: If we couldn't get the lock in time. """ lockfile_path = id_dir/'.lockfile' with lockfile.LockFile(lockfile_path, timeout=1): next_fn = id_dir/PKEY_FN next_valid = True if next_fn.exists(): try: with as next_file: next_id = int( next_id_path = make_id_path(id_dir, next_id) if next_id_path.exists(): next_valid = False except (OSError, ValueError): # In either case, on failure, invalidate the next file. next_valid = False else: next_valid = False if not next_valid: # If the next file's id wasn't valid, then find the next available # id directory the hard way. ids = list(os.listdir(str(id_dir))) # Only return the test directories that could be integers. ids = [id_ for id_ in ids if id_.isdigit()] ids = [int(id_) for id_ in ids] ids.sort() # Find the first unused id. next_id = 1 while next_id in ids: next_id += 1 next_id_path = make_id_path(id_dir, next_id) with permissions.PermissionsManager(next_id_path, group, umask), \ permissions.PermissionsManager(next_fn, group, umask): next_id_path.mkdir() with'w') as next_file: next_file.write(str(next_id + 1)) return next_id, next_id_path
def index(id_dir: Path, idx_name: str, transform: Callable[[Path], Dict[str, Any]], complete_key: str = 'complete', refresh_period: int = 1, remove_missing: bool = False, verbose: IO[str] = None, fn_base: int = 10) -> Index: """Load and/or update an index of the given directory for the given transform, and return it. The returned index is a dictionary by id of the transformed data. :param id_dir: The directory to index. :param idx_name: The name of the index. :param transform: A transformation function that produces a json compatible dictionary. :param complete_key: The key in the transformed dictionary that marks a record as complete. If not given, the record is always assumed to be complete. Incomplete records are recompiled every time the index is updated (hopefully they will be complete eventually). :param refresh_period: Only update the index if this much time (in seconds) has passed since the last update. :param remove_missing: Remove items that no longer exist from the index. :param fn_base: The integer base for dir_db. """ idx_path = (id_dir/idx_name).with_suffix('.db') idx = Index({}) idx_db = None # Open and read the index if it exists. Any errors cause the index to # regenerate from scratch. idx_mtime = 0 if idx_path.exists(): try: idx_db = idx_mtime = idx_path.stat().st_mtime idx = Index({int(k): json.loads(idx_db[k]) for k in idx_db.keys()}) except (OSError, PermissionError, json.JSONDecodeError) as err: # In either error case, start from scratch. LOGGER.warning( "Error reading index at '%s'. Regenerating from " "scratch. %s", idx_path.as_posix(), err.args[0]) new_items = {} # If the index hasn't been updated lately (or is empty) do so. # Small updates should happen unnoticeably fast, while full generation # will take a bit. if not idx or time.time() - idx_mtime > refresh_period: seen = [] if verbose: if idx_db is None: output.fprint( "No index file found for '{}'. This may take a while." .format(, file=verbose) last_perc = None progress = 0 files = list(os.scandir(id_dir.as_posix())) for file in files: try: id_ = int(, fn_base) except ValueError: continue seen.append(id_) progress += 1 complete_perc = int(100*progress/len(files)) if verbose and complete_perc != last_perc: output.fprint( "Indexing: {}%".format(complete_perc), end='\r', file=verbose) last_perc = complete_perc # Skip entries that are known and complete. if id_ in idx and idx[id_].get(complete_key, False): continue # Only directories with integer names are db entries. if not file.is_dir(): continue # Update incomplete or unknown entries. try: new = transform(Path(file.path)) except ValueError: continue old = idx.get(id_) if new != old: new_items[id_] = new idx[id_] = new missing = set(idx.keys()) - set(seen) if new_items or missing: try: group = idx_path.parent.stat().st_gid tmp_path = Path(tempfile.mktemp( suffix='.dbtmp', dir=idx_path.parent.as_posix())) if idx_path.exists(): try: shutil.copyfile(idx_path, tmp_path.as_posix()) except OSError: pass # Write our updated index atomically. with permissions.PermissionsManager(tmp_path, group, 0o002): out_db =, 'c') for id_, value in new_items.items(): out_db[str(id_)] = json.dumps(value) for id_ in missing: del out_db[str(id_)] del idx[id_] tmp_path.rename(idx_path) except OSError: pass return idx
def main(): """Setup Pavilion and run a command.""" # Pavilion is compatible with python >= 3.4 if sys.version_info[0] != 3 or sys.version_info[1] < 5: output.fprint("Pavilion requires python 3.5 or higher.", color=output.RED, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(-1) # This has to be done before we initialize plugins parser = arguments.get_parser() # Get the config, and try: pav_cfg = config.find() except Exception as err: output.fprint( "Error getting config, exiting: {}" .format(err), file=sys.stderr, color=output.RED) sys.exit(-1) # Create the basic directories in the working directory and the .pavilion # directory. perm_man = permissions.PermissionsManager(None, pav_cfg['shared_group'], pav_cfg['umask']) for path in [ config.USER_HOME_PAV, config.USER_HOME_PAV/'working_dir', pav_cfg.working_dir/'builds', pav_cfg.working_dir/'series', pav_cfg.working_dir/'test_runs', pav_cfg.working_dir/'users']: try: path = path.expanduser() path.mkdir(exist_ok=True) perm_man.set_perms(path) except OSError as err: output.fprint( "Could not create base directory '{}': {}" .format(path, err), color=output.RED, file=sys.stderr, ) sys.exit(1) # Setup all the loggers for Pavilion if not log_setup.setup_loggers(pav_cfg): sys.exit(1) # Initialize all the plugins try: plugins.initialize_plugins(pav_cfg) except plugins.PluginError as err: output.fprint( "Error initializing plugins: {}" .format(err), color=output.RED, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(-1) # Parse the arguments try: args = parser.parse_args() except Exception: raise if args.command_name is None: parser.print_help() sys.exit(0) pav_cfg.pav_vars = pavilion_variables.PavVars() if not args.profile: run_cmd(pav_cfg, args) else: import cProfile import pstats stats_path = '/tmp/{}_pav_pstats'.format(os.getlogin()) cProfile.runctx('run_cmd(pav_cfg, args)', globals(), locals(), stats_path) stats = pstats.Stats(stats_path) print("Profile Table") stats.strip_dirs().sort_stats(args.profile_sort)\ .print_stats(args.profile_count)