def create(**kwargs): """Create a subclass of PaymentSystemService based on input params.""" current_app.logger.debug('<create') user: UserContext = kwargs['user'] total_fees: int = kwargs.get('fees', None) payment_method = kwargs.get('payment_method', 'CC') account_info = kwargs.get('account_info', None) _instance: PaymentSystemService = None current_app.logger.debug('payment_method: {}'.format(payment_method)) if not payment_method: raise BusinessException(Error.INVALID_CORP_OR_FILING_TYPE) if total_fees == 0: _instance = InternalPayService() elif Role.STAFF.value in user.roles: if account_info is not None and account_info.get( 'bcolAccountNumber') is not None: _instance = BcolService() else: _instance = InternalPayService() else: if payment_method == 'CC': _instance = PaybcService() elif payment_method == 'DRAWDOWN': _instance = BcolService() if not _instance: raise BusinessException(Error.INVALID_CORP_OR_FILING_TYPE) return _instance
def test_service_methods(app): """Test service methods.""" with app.app_context(): bcol_service = BcolService() assert bcol_service.create_account(None, None) is None assert bcol_service.create_invoice(None, None, None) is None assert bcol_service.get_payment_system_url(None, None) is None assert bcol_service.get_payment_system_code() == 'BCOL' assert bcol_service.update_invoice(None, None) is None assert bcol_service.cancel_invoice(None, None) is None assert bcol_service.get_receipt(None, None, None) is None
def create_from_payment_method(payment_method: str): """Create the payment system implementation from payment method.""" _instance: PaymentSystemService = None if payment_method == PaymentMethod.DIRECT_PAY.value: _instance = DirectPayService() elif payment_method == PaymentMethod.CC.value: _instance = PaybcService() elif payment_method == PaymentMethod.DRAWDOWN.value: _instance = BcolService() elif payment_method == PaymentMethod.INTERNAL.value: _instance = InternalPayService() elif payment_method == PaymentMethod.ONLINE_BANKING.value: _instance = OnlineBankingService() elif payment_method == PaymentMethod.PAD.value: _instance = PadService() elif payment_method == PaymentMethod.EFT.value: _instance = EftService() elif payment_method == PaymentMethod.WIRE.value: _instance = WireService() elif payment_method == PaymentMethod.EJV.value: _instance = EjvPayService() if not _instance: raise BusinessException(Error.INVALID_CORP_OR_FILING_TYPE) return _instance
def create(**kwargs): """Create a subclass of PaymentSystemService based on input params.""" current_app.logger.debug('<create') user: UserContext = kwargs['user'] total_fees: int = kwargs.get('fees', None) payment_method = kwargs.get('payment_method', 'CC') corp_type = kwargs.get('corp_type', None) _instance: PaymentSystemService = None current_app.logger.debug('payment_method: {}, corp_type : {}'.format( payment_method, corp_type)) if not payment_method and not corp_type: raise BusinessException(Error.PAY003) if total_fees == 0 or (Role.STAFF.value in user.roles): _instance = InternalPayService() else: if payment_method == 'CC': _instance = PaybcService() elif payment_method == 'PREMIUM': _instance = BcolService() if not _instance: raise BusinessException(Error.PAY003) return _instance
def create(**kwargs): """Create a subclass of PaymentSystemService based on input params.""" current_app.logger.debug('<create') user: UserContext = kwargs['user'] total_fees: int = kwargs.get('fees', None) payment_account: PaymentAccount = kwargs.get('payment_account', None) payment_method = kwargs.get( 'payment_method', PaymentMethod.DIRECT_PAY.value if current_app.config.get('DIRECT_PAY_ENABLED') else PaymentMethod.CC.value) account_info = kwargs.get('account_info', None) has_bcol_account_number = account_info is not None and account_info.get( 'bcolAccountNumber') is not None _instance: PaymentSystemService = None current_app.logger.debug('payment_method: {}'.format(payment_method)) if not payment_method: raise BusinessException(Error.INVALID_CORP_OR_FILING_TYPE) if total_fees == 0: _instance = InternalPayService() elif Role.STAFF.value in user.roles: if has_bcol_account_number: _instance = BcolService() else: _instance = InternalPayService() else: # System accounts can create BCOL payments similar to staff by providing as payload if has_bcol_account_number and Role.SYSTEM.value in user.roles: _instance = BcolService() else: _instance = PaymentSystemFactory.create_from_payment_method( payment_method) if not _instance: raise BusinessException(Error.INVALID_CORP_OR_FILING_TYPE) PaymentSystemFactory._validate_and_throw_error(_instance, payment_account) return _instance
def create_from_system_code(payment_system: str): """Create the payment system implementation from the payment system code.""" _instance: PaymentSystemService = None if payment_system == PaymentSystem.PAYBC.value: _instance = PaybcService() elif payment_system == PaymentSystem.BCOL.value: _instance = BcolService() elif payment_system == PaymentSystem.INTERNAL.value: _instance = InternalPayService() if not _instance: raise BusinessException(Error.PAY003) return _instance
def create_from_system_code(payment_system: str, payment_method: str): """Create the payment system implementation from the payment system code and payment method.""" _instance: PaymentSystemService = None if payment_system == PaymentSystem.PAYBC.value: if payment_method == PaymentMethod.DIRECT_PAY.value: _instance = DirectPayService() else: _instance = PaybcService() elif payment_system == PaymentSystem.BCOL.value: _instance = BcolService() elif payment_system == PaymentSystem.INTERNAL.value: _instance = InternalPayService() if not _instance: raise BusinessException(Error.INVALID_CORP_OR_FILING_TYPE) return _instance
# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Tests to assure the BCOL service layer. Test-Suite to ensure that the BCOL Service layer is working as expected. """ from pay_api.models.fee_schedule import FeeSchedule from import BcolService from tests.utilities.base_test import ( factory_invoice, factory_invoice_reference, factory_payment, factory_payment_account, factory_payment_line_item) bcol_service = BcolService() def test_create_account(session): """Test create_account.""" account = bcol_service.create_account(None, None) assert account is not None def test_get_payment_system_url(session): """Test get_payment_system_url.""" url = bcol_service.get_payment_system_url(None, None, None) assert url is None def test_get_payment_system_code(session):
# limitations under the License. """Resource for Invoice related endpoints.""" from http import HTTPStatus from flask_restplus import Namespace, Resource from pay_api.exceptions import BusinessException from import BcolService from pay_api.utils.trace import tracing as _tracing from pay_api.utils.util import cors_preflight API = Namespace('bcol profile', description='Payment System - BCOL Profiles') BCOL_SERVICE = BcolService() @cors_preflight(['GET', 'OPTIONS']) @API.route('', methods=['GET', 'OPTIONS']) class BcolProfile(Resource): """Endpoint resource to manage BCOL Accounts.""" @staticmethod @API.response(200, 'OK') @_tracing.trace() def get(account_id: str, user_id: str): """Return the account details.""" try: response, status = BCOL_SERVICE.query_profile(account_id, user_id), HTTPStatus.OK except BusinessException as exception: