Пример #1
def get_age_fraction_vegetmax(vegmax):
    Return a dictionary of fractions of different age classes
        for Bareland,Forest,Grass,Pasture and Crop.

    vegmax: The 65-length PFT should be the second dimension
    if vegmax.ndim == 4:
        frac_F = OrderedDict()

        frac_F['Bareland'] = vegmax[:, 0:1, ...].sum(axis=1)

        frac_F['Forest_Age_1'] = vegmax[:, np.arange(ia2_1, ia9_6, 6),
        frac_F['Forest_Age_2'] = vegmax[:, np.arange(ia2_2, ia9_6, 6),
        frac_F['Forest_Age_3'] = vegmax[:, np.arange(ia2_3, ia9_6, 6),
        frac_F['Forest_Age_4'] = vegmax[:, np.arange(ia2_4, ia9_6, 6),
        frac_F['Forest_Age_5'] = vegmax[:, np.arange(ia2_5, ia9_6, 6),
        frac_F['Forest_Age_6'] = vegmax[:,
                                        np.arange(ia2_6, ia9_6 + 1, 6),

        frac_F['Grassland_Age_1'] = vegmax[:, [ia10_1, ia12_1],
        frac_F['Grassland_Age_2'] = vegmax[:, [ia10_2, ia12_2],

        frac_F['Pasture_Age_1'] = vegmax[:, [ia11_1, ia13_1], ...].sum(axis=1)
        frac_F['Pasture_Age_2'] = vegmax[:, [ia11_2, ia13_2], ...].sum(axis=1)

        frac_F['Crop_Age_1'] = vegmax[:, [ia14_1, ia15_1], ...].sum(axis=1)
        frac_F['Crop_Age_2'] = vegmax[:, [ia14_2, ia15_2], ...].sum(axis=1)

        return frac_F
    elif vegmax.ndim == 3:
        frac_F = get_age_fraction_vegetmax(vegmax[np.newaxis, ...])
        frac_F = pb.Dic_Apply_Func(lambda x: x[0], frac_F)
        return frac_F
        raise ValueError(
            "Input array can only be 3- or 4-dim with PFT as the 2nd one")
Пример #2
def calc_area_from_LCCmatrix(veg5ini,list_LCCmatrix,area):
    Caculate the time series of area from initial vegetation
        array (veg5ini) and a list of LCCmatrix.
    veg5ini: Initial vegetation fraction array, in the sequnce
        of baresoil, forest, grass, pasture, crop.
    list_LCCmatrix: list of LCC matrix, each matrix having 
        12 as the length of first dimension. In the sequence 
            f2g=1-1; f2p=2-1; f2c=3-1; 
            g2f=4-1; g2p=5-1; g2c=6-1; 
            p2f=7-1; p2g=8-1; p2c=9-1; 
            c2f=10-1; c2g=11-1; c2p=12-1
    area: area used to calcuate from the fraction to absolute area

    #Initial arrays of veg fraction
    veget_1500 = veg5ini.copy()
    forest = veget_1500[1]
    grass = veget_1500[2]
    pasture = veget_1500[3]
    crop = veget_1500[4]

    list_forest = []
    list_grass = []
    list_pasture = []
    list_crop = []


    f2g=1-1; f2p=2-1; f2c=3-1; g2f=4-1; g2p=5-1; g2c=6-1; p2f=7-1; p2g=8-1; p2c=9-1; c2f=10-1; c2g=11-1; c2p=12-1

    for ind in range(len(list_LCCmatrix)):
        arr = list_LCCmatrix[ind]

        forest_new = forest - arr[f2g] - arr[f2p] - arr[f2c] + arr[g2f] + arr[p2f] + arr[c2f]
        grass_new = grass - arr[g2f] - arr[g2p] - arr[g2c] + arr[f2g] + arr[p2g] + arr[c2g]
        pasture_new = pasture - arr[p2f] - arr[p2g] - arr[p2c] + arr[f2p] + arr[g2p] + arr[c2p]
        crop_new = crop - arr[c2f] - arr[c2p] - arr[c2g] + arr[f2c] + arr[p2c] + arr[g2c]


        forest = forest_new.copy()
        grass = grass_new.copy()
        pasture = pasture_new.copy()
        crop = crop_new.copy()

    baresoil = np.tile(veget_1500[0],(len(list_crop),1,1))
    series_arr = map(lambda list_arr:np.rollaxis(np.ma.dstack(list_arr),2,0),[list_forest,list_grass,list_pasture,list_crop])

    veg5type = dict(zip(['bareland', 'forest', 'grass', 'pasture', 'crop'],[baresoil] + series_arr))
    dic = pb.Dic_Apply_Func(lambda x:np.ma.sum(x*area,axis=(1,2)),veg5type)
    dft = pa.DataFrame(dic)
    return dft