Пример #1
    def __init__(self, spi=0, cs=5, dc=4, rst=8, bl=28):
        self.spi = SPI(spi)
        self.spi.init(baudrate=2000000, polarity=0, phase=0)
        self.cs = Pin(cs)
        self.dc = Pin(dc)
        self.rst = Pin(rst)
        self.bl = Pin(bl, Pin.OUT, value=1)
        self.lcd = pcd8544_fb.PCD8544_FB(self.spi, self.cs, self.dc, self.rst)

        self.buffer = bytearray((pcd8544_fb.HEIGHT // 8) * pcd8544_fb.WIDTH)

        self.framebuf = framebuf.FrameBuffer(self.buffer, pcd8544_fb.WIDTH,
        self.HEIGHT = pcd8544_fb.HEIGHT
        self.WIDTH = pcd8544_fb.WIDTH
Пример #2
# Get network time from ntp.
ntptime.settime()  # This sets the RTC to UTC.

# Get MicroPython UTC epoch time in seconds.
utc_time = utime.time()
# Offset UTC by timezone using 3600 seconds per hour.
local_time = utc_time + 3600 * timezone
# Get local time's datetime tuple.
yy, mo, dd, hh, mm, ss, wkd, yrd = [d for d in utime.localtime(local_time)]

# Set the RTC to local time.  (I don't think the uP docs are exactly right about this.)
RTC().datetime((yy, mo, dd, 0, hh, mm, ss, 0))

# Create a framebuf instance of display using SPI driver.
ssd = pcd8544_fb.PCD8544_FB(spi, cs, dc, rst)

# Create two Writer instances for two fonts.
wri_bcf = Writer(ssd, clock, verbose=False)  # Big Clock font.
wri_bcf.set_clip(True, True, False)  # Clip is on
wri_s = Writer(ssd, small, verbose=False)  # Small font line 2.
wri_s.set_clip(True, True, False)  # Clip is on

# Create blank strings to erase display lines to eol.
bcf_blank_wd = wri_bcf._charlen(' ')  # Width of a big font blank
px_to_eol = bcf_blank_wd  # Create big blanks to clear to eol 1.
bcf_clr_eol = ' '
while px_to_eol < scr_wd:
    bcf_clr_eol += ' '
    px_to_eol += bcf_blank_wd
Пример #3
#Andi Dinata
#01 May 2022

#Nokia 5110 display initiation part
import pcd8544_fb
from machine import Pin, SPI

spi = SPI(1)
spi.init(baudrate=8000000, polarity=0, phase=0)
cs = Pin(2)
dc = Pin(15)
rst = Pin(0)
bl = Pin(16, Pin.OUT, value=0)  # backlight on

display = pcd8544_fb.PCD8544_FB(spi, cs, dc, rst)

#the form library part
from form import *

f1 = Form(display, "Volume", 0, 0, 20, 10, invert=False, fill=True)
f2 = Form(display, "Total ", 0, 11, 20, 10, invert=True, fill=True)
f3 = Form(display, "/liter", 0, 22, 20, 10, invert=False, fill=True)

t1 = Textbox(display, "Pertamax", 0, 34)
