Пример #1
    def orthorectify(self, in_file, out_file, DEM, pixelSpacing_x,pixelSpacing_y, proj):
        Method for orthorectification of radarsat2 image

        Orthorectify RADARSAT-2 imagery contained in a PCIPIX file.
        Outputs the Orthorectified results into a newly created PCIPIX file

            in_file         -- Input file
            out_file        -- Output file
            DEM             -- DEM file
            pixelSpacing_x  -- x pixel spacing
            pixelSpacing_x  -- y pixel spacing
            proj            -- data projection

        Return value:
            Error statement if error occurs.

        Limits and constraints:

            logging.info('       Executing: OrthoMosaic.orthorectify')
            mfile       = in_file                   # Input image file name
            dbic        = [1,2]                     # input HH + incidence angle channels
            mmseg       = [3]                       # use the last math segment
            dbiw        = []                        # Use all image
            srcbgd      = "NONE"
            filo        = out_file                  # Uses the default file name
            ftype       = "PIX"                     # Use the PCIDSK format
            foptions    = "BAND"
            outbgd      = [0]
            ulx         = ''                            
            uly         = ''
            lrx         = ''
            lry         = ''
            edgeclip    = [0]                         
            tipostrn    = ""
            mapunits    = proj
            bxpxsz      = str(pixelSpacing_x)
            bypxsz      = str(pixelSpacing_y)
            filedem     = DEM                    
            dbec        = [1]                    
            backelev    = []
            elevref     = ""
            elevunit    = "METER"
            elfactor    = []                        # Specifies the offset only
            proc        = ""
            sampling    = [4]                       # Ortho correction is computed for every pixel
            resample    = "BILIN"              
            ortho2(mfile, dbic, mmseg, dbiw, srcbgd, filo,  ftype,
                   foptions, outbgd, ulx, uly, lrx, lry, edgeclip, tipostrn, mapunits, bxpxsz, bypxsz, filedem, dbec,
                   backelev, elevref, elevunit, elfactor, proc, sampling, resample)
            logging.info('          Successfully completed OrthoMosaic.orthorectify: ortho2')

        except PCIException, e:
            EGS_utility.EGSUtility().error('orthorectify(): {:s}'.format(e))
Пример #2
    def classification(data):
        # Add channel
        pcimod(file=inputfile, pciop='add', pcival=[0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0])

        # Define input parameters
        classesNumber = [8]  # define number of classes
        iterations = [10]  # define number iterations
        moveThresh = [0.01]  # define move threshhold

        print "Running unsupervized k-means classification..."
        print "Creating " + str(classesNumber) + " classes, applying " + str(
            iterations) + " iterations at a move-threshhold of " + str(

        # Run algorithm and create classification report
                  dboc=[chansCount + 1],
            enableDefaultReport('term')  # this will close the report file
        flag1 = time.time()
        print "Classification complete! Time elapsed: " + str(
            flag1 - start) + " seconds"
        print ""
Пример #3
    def raster_his(self, in_file, band, mask, rep_file):
        Logs histogram.

            in_file  -- input file
            band     -- band
            rep_file -- report file
        Return value:
            Logs histogram for input raster image, error statement otherwise.
        from pci.api import datasource as ds
        from pci.pcimod import pcimod
        from pci.exceptions import PCIException
        from pci.his import his
        from pci.nspio import Report, enableDefaultReport
        from osgeo import gdal, ogr, osr
        ##        from gdalconst import *
        import numpy

            logging.info('          Executing: EGSUtility.raster_his')
            logging.info('          Compare product: ' + in_file)
            logging.info('          Band: ' + str(band))
            if os.path.exists(rep_file):
            file = in_file
            dbic = [band]  # 8-bit unsigned
            gmod = 'ON'  # show graphic mode
            cmod = 'OFF'  # no cumulative mode
            pcmo = 'OFF'  # no percentage mode
            nsam = []  # no number of samples
            trim = []  # no trimming
            hisw = []  # no specific histogram window
            mask = [mask]  # process entire image
            imstat_list = []
            imstat = imstat_list
            his(file, dbic, gmod, cmod, pcmo, nsam, trim, hisw, mask, imstat)
            enableDefaultReport('term')  # this will close the report file
            # open results file, output results to log file
            #with open(rep_file) as infile:
            #    for line in infile:
            #        logging.info(line)
            #    infile.close()
            return imstat
        except PCIException, e:
            self.error('raster_his(): {:s}'.format(e))
Пример #4
    def vegcover2bit(self, in_file, out_file, veg_channel=4, size_pixel=10):
        IIA Veg Cover Shapefile to ortho file

            in_file -- Input file
            out_file -- Output file
            veg_channel -- Vegetation land cover (vector)
            size_pixel -- Pixel size

        Return value:
            Newly create vegetation land cover bitmap segment # when successful,
            Error statement otherwise.

        Limits and constraints:

            logging.info('       Executing: VegFloodProcess.vegcover2bit')
            util = EGS_utility.EGSUtility()
            bitmap_ids_before = util.bitmap_list(
            )  # Run bitmap_list to get a list of IDs from before poly2bit
            fili = in_file
            dbvs = [veg_channel]  # polygon layer
            filo = out_file
            dbsd = ""  # use default, "Bitmap polygons gridded from vector"
            pixres = [size_pixel, size_pixel]  # make 10 meter square pixels
            ftype = "PIX"  # output format type
            foptions = ""  # output options
            poly2bit(fili, dbvs, filo, dbsd, pixres, ftype, foptions)
                '          Successfully completed VegFloodProcess.vegcover2bit: poly2bit'

            bitmap_ids_after = util.bitmap_list(
            )  # Run bitmap_list to get a list of IDs from after poly2bit
            bit_seg = list(set(bitmap_ids_after) - set(bitmap_ids_before)
                           )  # Get the difference between the two lists
            return bit_seg[0]

        except PCIException, e:
            EGS_utility.EGSUtility().error('vegcover2bit(): {:s}'.format(e))
Пример #5
def make_pca(merged_input, pca_out, identifier):
    start_time = time.time()
    print "Starting Principal Component Analysis for file %s" % identifier
    pca_rep = os.path.join(pcadir, "PCA_" + identifier + "_report.txt")
            dbic=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
        Report.clear()                                          # Clear report file
        enableDefaultReport(pca_rep)                            # Change output folder location

               pcival=[0, 0, 3])                                # Add 3 16 bit unsigned channels
            dbic=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],               # Use first ten bands
            eign=[1, 2, 3],                                     # Output first three eigenchannels
            dboc=[11, 12, 13],                                  # Output to 3 new channels
            rtype="LONG")                                       # Output extended report format
    except PCIException, e:
        print e
Пример #6
    def threshold_sar(self,
        Threshold high and low

        Apply low threshold for open water areas for Edge preservation filter results
        Apply high threshold for flooded tree areas for Edge preservation filter results
        The input is a PCIPIX file containing a filtered and scaled imagery.
        Bitmaps are added to PCIPIX representing open water and flood vegeatation areas

            PCI's developers are going to try to add a 'last segment created' (lasc) parameter for
            this function in the next release, thereby enabling cleaner and more reliable automation.

            in_file -- Input file
            band -- Input band
            veg_thr -- Minimum threshold for vegetation flooded area
            openwater_thres -- Maximum threshold for open water flooded areas

        Return value:
            Newly create vegetation and open water bitmap segment # when successful,
            Error statement otherwise.

        Limits and constraints:


            logging.info('       Executing: VegFloodProcess.threshold_sar')
            # Find min and max of band
            imstat = EGS_utility.EGSUtility().gdal_stat(in_file, band)
            max_pixel = imstat[1]
            min_pixel = imstat[0] + 1

            # Create and name newly created segment, 'thr' does not rename segments
            dataset = ds.open_dataset(in_file, ds.eAM_WRITE)
            veg_seg = dataset.create_bitmap(
            )  #  Get the number of the newly created bitmap segment
            file = in_file
            dbsl = [veg_seg]
            dbsn = "vegflood"
            dbsd = "Veg Flood seg"
            mas(file, dbsl, dbsn, dbsd)
                '          Successfully completed VegFloodProcess.threshold_sar: mas'

            # Threshold for flood vegetation
            file = in_file
            dbic = [band]
            #dbob    =       []      # create new bitmap
            dbob = [veg_seg]
            tval = [veg_thr, max_pixel]  # threshold range (min,max)
            comp = 'OFF'  # threshold values from 9 to 11
            dbsn = 'vegflood'  # output segment name
            dbsd = 'Veg Flood seg'  # output segment description
            thr(file, dbic, dbob, tval, comp, dbsn, dbsd)
                '          Successfully completed VegFloodProcess.threshold_sar: thr'

            # Create and name newly created segment, 'thr' does not rename segments
            water_seg = dataset.create_bitmap(
            )  #  Get the number of the newly created bitmap segment
            file = in_file
            dbsl = [water_seg]
            dbsn = "openwate"
            dbsd = "Open Water seg"
            mas(file, dbsl, dbsn, dbsd)
                '          Successfully completed VegFloodProcess.threshold_sar: mas'

            # Threshold for open water
            file = in_file
            dbic = [band]
            #dbob    =       []      # create new bitmap
            dbob = [water_seg]
            tval = [min_pixel, openwater_thres]  # threshold range (min,max)
            comp = 'OFF'  # threshold values
            dbsn = 'openwate'  # output segment name
            dbsd = 'Open Water seg'  # output segment description
            thr(file, dbic, dbob, tval, comp, dbsn, dbsd)
                '          Successfully completed VegFloodProcess.threshold_sar: thr'
            return [veg_seg, water_seg]

        except PCIException, e:
            EGS_utility.EGSUtility().error('threshold_sar(): {:s}'.format(e))
    def classification(self, file, alg):
        if (alg == 'kmeans'):
            print("Your selection is K-means Classification")
            print("Your selection is Iso-Cluster Classification")
        report = os.getcwd() + "\\Data\\Result\\Report.txt"
        if os.path.isfile(report):
            print("Deleting old Report")
        with datasource.open_dataset(file) as dataset:
            cc = dataset.chan_count
            print("Available Channels: ")

        if (alg == 'kmeans'):
            file = file
            dbic = list(range(1, cc + 1, 1))  # input channels
            dboc = [cc + 1]  # output channel
            mask = []  # process entire image
            numclus = [5]  # requested number of clusters
            seedfile = ''  #  automatically generate seeds
            maxiter = [20]  # no more than 20 iterations
            movethrs = [0.01]

            print("The file is: " + root.filename)
            ##        enableDefaultReport(prev_report)
            pcimod(file=file, pciop='add', pcival=[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
            print("Applying K-Means Classification")
            kcluster = kclus(file, dbic, dboc, mask, numclus, seedfile,
                             maxiter, movethrs)
            print("K-Means Classification is successful")
            file = file  # input file
            dbic = list(range(1, cc + 1, 1))  # input channels
            dboc = [cc + 1]  # output channel
            mask = []  # process entire image
            numclus = [5]  # requested number of clusters
            maxclus = [7]  # at most 20 clusters
            minclus = [5]  # at least 5 clusters
            seedfile = ''  #  automatically generate seeds
            maxiter = [5]  # no more than 20 iterations
            movethrs = [0.01]
            siggen = "NO"  # no signature generation
            samprm = [5]
            stdv = [10.0]
            lump = [1.0]
            maxpair = [5]  # no more than 5 cluster center pairs
            # clumped in one iteration
            backval = []  # no background value
            nsam = []  # default number of samples

            print("The file is: " + root.filename)
            ##        enableDefaultReport(prev_report)
            pcimod(file=file, pciop='add', pcival=[1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
            print("Applying Iso-cluster Classification")
            isoclus( file, dbic, dboc, mask, numclus, maxclus, minclus, seedfile, maxiter,\
                     movethrs, siggen, samprm, stdv, lump, maxpair, backval, nsam )
            print("Iso-Cluster Classification is successful")

        pcimod(file=file, pciop='add', pcival=[1])
        ##        root.status.set("Running fmo")
        print("Applying MOD filter")
        kfmo = fmo(file=file, dbic=[cc + 1], dboc=[cc + 2])
        print("MOD filter is successfully applied")
        pcimod(file=file, pciop='add', pcival=[1])
        ##        root.status.set("Running sieve")
        print("Applying SIEVE filter")
        ksieve = sieve(file=file, dbic=[cc + 1], dboc=[cc + 3], sthresh=[32])
        print("SIEVE filter is successfully applied")
        ##      Split and insert directory name
        split_file = file.split("/")
        split_file.insert(-1, "Result")
        join_result = "\\".join(split_file)
        ##        Split by .
        dot_result = join_result.split(".")
        ##        print(dot_result)
        ##        print("dot result")
        ##        join .shp at last
        shp_result = dot_result[0] + ".shp"

        current_file_path, ext = os.path.splitext(str(file))
        current_file = current_file_path.split("/")[-1]
        ##        print(current_file)
        ##        print("current file")
        ##      Delete previously generated shapefiles
        prev_files = glob.glob(os.getcwd() + "\\Data\\Result\\" + "*")
        ##        print(prev_files)
        ##        print("previous files")
        for prev_file in prev_files:
            prev_file_name, format = os.path.splitext(
            ##            print(prev_file_name)
            ##            print(" prev file names")
            if (current_file in prev_file_name):
                print("DELETING: " + str(prev_file))
                print("Successfully DELETED: " + str(prev_file))

##        if(os.path.exists("../Data/Result/"+dot_result[0])):
##            print("inside if ......")
##            os.remove(shp_result)
##            print("shp is deleted...")
        print("Exporting to shapefile")
                 dbic=[cc + 3],
        print("Shapefile is successfully created")
Пример #8
from pci.mcd import mcd
from pci.fme import fme
from pci.sieve import sieve
from pci.thr import thr
from pci.api import gobs
from pci.fexport import fexport
from pci.pctwrit import pctwrit
from pci.pctread import pctread
from pci.nspio import Report

# set up logging
logger = logging.getLogger()
logger.info('Icemapr loaded')

# turn off pci output

def icemapr(infile,
    IceMAP-R algorithm for river ice using SAR images with HH polarization

        INFILE : Name of the file for the ortorectified HH radar image
Пример #9
    def merge_filter_export(self, in_file, in_file2, out_file, out_file2, out_file3, hole_size):
        Imports, merges, filters and exports flooded products.

        Import flood products into PCIPIX format, merge products, filters to remove holes / areas.
        Outputs resulting products as compressed geotif and shapefile.

        Merges image value polygons smaller than a user-specified
        threshold with the largest neighboring polygon

            in_file    -- Input file1
            in_file2   -- Input file2
            out_file   -- Working PCIPIX file
            out_file2  -- Resuling output geotif
            hole_size  -- threshold for filter (hectares)

        Return value:
            Error statement if error occurs.


        #import required PCI Geomatica modules
        import pci
        from pci.sieve import *
        from pci.fimport import *
        from pci.fexport import *
        from pci.thmrovr import *
        from pci.mosaic import *
        from pci.thmrmer import *
        from pci.model import *
        from pci.nspio import Report, enableDefaultReport
        from pci.exceptions import PCIException
        from pci.ras2poly import *
        import arcpy
        from osgeo import gdal, ogr, osr
        from gdalconst import GA_Update

            util        =       EGS_utility.EGSUtility()

            #Import first image (flooded vegetation) into PCIPIX file
            logging.info('       Executing: MergeProcess.merge_filter_export')
            fili        =       in_file
            filo        =       out_file
            dbiw        =       []
            poption     =       ""
            dblayout    =       ""           #Defaults to "BAND"
            fimport(fili, filo, dbiw, poption, dblayout)
            logging.info('          Successfully completed MergeProcess.merge_filter_export: fimport')

            #Import second image (open water) into PCIPIX file
            new_chans   =       EGS_utility.EGSUtility().add_8_channel(out_file)
            fili        =       in_file2
            dbic        =       [1]     # use channel 1
            dbvs        =       []      # default, no cutline defined
            dblut       =       []      # default, no lookup table
            filo        =       out_file
            dboc        =       [int(new_chans[0])]     # overwrite channel 1
            blend       =       []      # default, no blending
            backval     =       []      # default, 0
            mosaic( fili, dbic, dbvs, dblut, filo, dboc, blend, backval )
            logging.info('          Successfully completed MergeProcess.merge_filter_export: mosaic')

            # Convert values using MODEL so 255 = 0
            file        =       out_file
            source_model = """if (%2 = 255) then
                                        %2 = 0
            model( file, source=source_model)

            #Merge two image together, possible use thmrovr for one step instead of two
            merge_chan  =       util.add_8_channel(out_file)
            fili        =       out_file    # input file
            filo        =       out_file    # output file will be created
            dbic        =       [1,int(new_chans[0])]   # input thematic raster channels
            dbib        =       []      # no bitmap mask
            dboc        =       [int(merge_chan[0])]
            omethod     =       "UNION"      # default, "UNION"
            thmrovr( fili, filo, dbic, dbib, dboc, omethod )
            logging.info('          Successfully completed MergeProcess.merge_filter_export: thmrovr')

            # Combine values using MODEL so zero = not flooded, 255 = flooded
            file        =       out_file
            source_model = """if (%3 >= 1) then
                                        %3 = 255
            model( file, source=source_model)

            #Determine filter size as pixel number
            filtered_chan   =       util.add_8_channel(out_file)
            pixelwidth      =       util.gdal_geotransform(out_file)[1]
            pixelheight      =      util.gdal_geotransform(out_file)[5]
            logging.info('          pixelwidth: ' + str(pixelwidth))
            logging.info('          pixelheight: ' + str(pixelheight))
            num_pixel       =       int((hole_size * 10000)/abs(pixelwidth *  pixelheight)) # hole_size is in hectares
            logging.info('          Number of pixels for threshold hole size: ' + str(num_pixel))

            #Filter in order to remove holes
            file        =       out_file
            dbic        =       [int(merge_chan[0])]
            dboc        =       [int(filtered_chan[0])]
            sthresh     =       [num_pixel]     # polygon size threshold in
            keepvalu    =       []      # no keep value
            connect     =       []      # default, 4-connection
            sieve( file, dbic, dboc, sthresh, keepvalu, connect )
            logging.info('          Successfully completed MergeProcess.merge_filter_export: sieve')

            #Export resulting product as a geotif
            fili        =       out_file
            filo        =       out_file2
            dbiw        =       []
            dbic        =       [int(filtered_chan[0])]
            dbib        =       []
            dbvs        =       []
            dblut       =       []
            dbpct       =       []
            ftype       =       "tif"
            foptions    =       "LZW"
            fexport( fili, filo, dbiw, dbic, dbib, dbvs, dblut, dbpct, ftype, foptions )
            logging.info('          Successfully completed MergeProcess.merge_filter_export: fexport')

            fili     = out_file         # input raster file
            dbic     = [int(filtered_chan[0])] # using channel 6 from irvine.pix
            filo     = out_file         # output file to be created
            smoothv  = ""               # default, YES vectors are smoothed
            dbsd     = ""               # defaults to "Created from Raster"
            ftype    = ""               # default, PIX
            foptions = ""               # output format options
            ras2poly(fili, dbic, filo, smoothv, dbsd, ftype, foptions)
            logging.info('          Successfully completed MergeProcess.merge_filter_export: ras2poly')

            # Export resulting product as a shapefile
            # PCI creates shapefile with projection 'UTM 18 S E008 ', compared to 'UTM 18 T D122'
            # These projections are the same projection, as E008 is the ellipsoid used by NAD 1983.
            # but opted for arcpy export
            fili        =       out_file
            filo        =       out_file3
            dbiw        =       []
            dbic        =       []
            dbib        =       []
            dbvs        =       [3]
            dblut       =       []
            dbpct       =       []
            ftype       =       "shp"
            foptions    =       ""
            #fexport( fili, filo, dbiw, dbic, dbib, dbvs, dblut, dbpct, ftype, foptions )
            arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(out_file2, out_file3, "NO_SIMPLIFY", "")
            logging.info('          Successfully completed MergeProcess.merge_filter_export: arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion')

        except PCIException, e:
            EGS_utility.EGSUtility().error('merge_filter_export(): {:s}'.format(e))